Revenue refers to funds generated by your organization that can be added and categorized from predetermined categories. Revenue categories include Donation, In-Kind Donation, Program Fees, Grant, Event, Dues, and Other.
Revenue related to a grant opportunity can also be added directly from the opportunity.
Add Revenue
- Navigate to Financials and click Revenue on the navigation bar.
- Click Add Revenue.
- Complete the applicable Add Revenue information, and then click Save. In-system asterisks indicate required fields.
- If the profile associated with the new revenue has an outstanding receivable balance, a Remittance box will appear.
- If the revenue is not remittance, click Skip & Add New Revenue.
- If the revenue is remittance, refer to Revenue Remittance for instructions.
Receivable - Check the box to indicate that the revenue is receivable.
- Add a Receivable Revenue Entry contains details.
- Category - Revenue Categories contains details on each available category.
With Restrictions - Check the box to indicate that the revenue is restricted.
- Restrictions are typically set by the donor when they indicate a specific intent for their donation.
- Debit Account - If revenue is categorized as in-kind donation or program fees, a debit account must be selected.
Opportunity - Assign revenue to a specific grant opportunity from the Opportunity drop-down menu.
This is an important field to complete if applicable. Doing so allows the revenue to be tracked in relation to the grant opportunity for reporting and budgeting purposes.
- Nondeductible - Check the box if revenue should not be reported as tax deductible.
Add Honoree - Check the box if revenue categorized as donation or in-kind donation was made in honor of someone.
- If this box is checked, additional information about the honoree will need to be entered.
Add Soft Credit - Check the box if an additional profile should be credited for the recognition of the revenue.
- If this box is checked, use the Soft Credit drop-down menu to select a profile.
- To record an additional revenue line item, click Add and then complete the line item fields.
- The sum of the line items must equal the overall revenue amount.
- A description can be added specific to each revenue line item.
- If the profile associated with the new revenue has an outstanding receivable balance, a Remittance box will appear.
Add Revenue from a Grant Opportunity
Revenue for a grant opportunity can be added and accessed directly from the grant opportunity page.
- Navigate to Grants and click Opportunities on the navigation bar.
- Click the name of the opportunity.
- Click Add on the Revenue Summary card.
- Complete the applicable Add Revenue information, and then click Save.
- Details on completing this information are available in the Add Revenue section above.
- Details on completing this information are available in the Add Revenue section above.
The system automatically returns to the grant opportunity. Once the revenue is posted, it will appear on the Revenue Summary card.
Click the label of revenue on the Revenue Summary card to view it.
- Click the arrow next to revenue to expand the details, or click Expand All to expand details for all revenue.
When viewing revenue, the options to edit or delete the revenue are also available.
- If auto post is not enabled, the option to delete the revenue is only available if it is unposted.
Edit Revenue
Revenue that has been posted cannot be edited. In order to edit revenue, it must be unposted first.
- Navigate to Financials and click Revenue on the navigation bar.
- Click the pencil icon next to the revenue to be edited.
- Update the applicable Edit Revenue information, and then click Save.
Copy Revenue
- Navigate to Financials and click Revenue on the navigation bar.
- Click the copy icon next to the revenue.
- Revenue categorized as remittance cannot be copied.
- Revenue categorized as remittance cannot be copied.
- Enter the applicable information, and then click Save.
- The new revenue will be unposted and undeposited, even if the original revenue was posted.
- All fields in the copy of the revenue can be edited.
Delete Revenue
- Navigate to Financials and click Revenue on the navigation bar.
- Click the trash can icon next to the revenue.
- Posted revenue cannot be deleted.
- Posted revenue cannot be deleted.
- Click Delete to confirm the action.
View Revenue
- Navigate to Financials and click Revenue on the navigation bar.
- Click the eye icon next to the revenue.
- Unposted revenue cannot be viewed.
- Unposted revenue cannot be viewed.
Post and Unpost Revenue
Posting revenue allows it to display when viewing the related profile and grant opportunity, if applicable. This action indicates that no further modifications are needed on the revenue.
Post Revenue
Once revenue has been posted, it cannot be edited or deleted.
- Navigate to Financials and click Revenue on the navigation bar.
- Click Post next to the revenue.
- When revenue is posted, a journal entry is created.
- When revenue is posted, a journal entry is created.
- To post multiple revenue entries, check the box next to each revenue, and then click Post Entries.
- (The number of revenue entries selected will be shown within the Post Entries button.)
- Up to 250 revenue entries can be posted at once.
- When revenue that has already been posted is selected, the Post Entries button will be grayed out.
- To post multiple revenue entries, check the box next to each revenue, and then click Post Entries.
Posted revenue will have the Unpost button displayed in the Actions column.
Unpost Revenue
Once revenue is unposted, it can be edited or deleted.
- Navigate to Financials and click Revenue on the navigation bar.
- Click Unpost next to the revenue.
- When revenue is unposted, the journal entry will be deleted.
- When revenue is unposted, the journal entry will be deleted.
Unposted revenue will have the Post button displayed within the Actions column.