GrantHub is divided into 3 different organizational levels to help track the activities needed for your grant writing success.
A funder is an entity that grants money. Foundation X may have multiple opportunities (grants) for your organization to apply to. Each grant is an opportunity for you to receive funding. Within each one of these opportunities, you have a series of tasks that help you submit the grant and follow-up after receiving awards. Some examples of tasks are: Submit LOI, Preparation of Application, Submit Application, Preparation of Follow Up, Submit Follow Up, Send Thank You Card, etc.
Here is a nested visual for organization:
Foundation X = Funder
Opportunity ABC 2015 = Grant Name + Year
Task 1 = Submit LOI
Task 2 = Prepare Application
Task 3 = Submit Application
Opportunity XYZ 2015 = Grant Name + Year
Task 1 = Prepare Application
Task 2 = Submit Application