When initially inserting your information into the Opportunity details tab, you only have the availability to enter one proposal deadline. We suggest that you enter the date that the grant application needs to be delivered to the organization.
To record due dates for items such as letters of inquiries (LOI), site visits, follow-up reports, sending thank you notes, reminder emails, status check up, etc. we recommend you use the Tasks tab after you have saved your information in the Details tab.
The Tasks tab allows you to insert these fields:
- Task Name
- Description
- Task Owner
- Task Deadline
- Task Status
- Available Documents (this area shows you all the documents that have already been uploaded and associated with this opportunity. They could be attached to other tasks, or attached to the opportunity directly.)
Upload Document area on the right: Here you can upload documents related to the specific task. For example, if the task is to work out your program budget, you might upload a budget template or previous budget version to use as a starting point for the task. Once the task is complete, we suggest you upload the final version and remove any unneeded documents.