If you would like assistance bulk loading funders and grant details into GrantHub, you can download the templates at the bottom of this article. Once you complete them, send the filled out templates to support@foundant.com and they can assist you in uploading your information to your GrantHub environment.
We also recommend that you enter a few Funder and Grant Opportunities yourself so you get a feel for how quickly you can edit, update or enter new information into GrantHub.
Below is a list of fields that GrantHub collects. The required fields are marked in Bold RED.
Funder Information:
- Funder Name (you can do a lookup of the name and GrantHub can copy any available contact information from GuideStar’s database for the remaining fields)
- Description
- Areas of Interest
- Funder Categories
- Funder Type (Corporation, Foundation, Government, Other)
- Website
- Custom Link
- Funder Link
- Funder Phone
- Street 1
- Street 2
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Created Date
Grant/Funding Opportunity Fields:
- Funder Name
- Opportunity Name (typically a combo of funder name + program + year)
- Description
- Funding Type
- Status (Pick one: Research, Planned, In-Progress, LOI-Draft, LOI-Submitted, Application-Draft, Application-Submitted Awarded, Awarded-Closed, Denied, Withdrawn, Abandoned)
- Award ID
- Proposal Deadline
- Decision Date
- Owner Email (this would be who at your organization is responsible for this application)
- Amount Requested
- Amount Awarded
- Is Rolling Deadline
- Award Term Start Date
- Award Term End Date
- Application Type Note
- Categories
- Created Date
All of the date fields would be date format, all of the Amount fields would be numerical value. All other fields would be text fields.
GrantHub also helps track LOI deadlines, Reporting Due Dates and other tasks/deadlines through use of Tasks. You typically set up tasks under the Opportunity they are related to, but you can also set up general Funder tasks.
If you have any questions please contact support at 877-297-0043.