GrantHub has an integration with Candid GuideStar where we automatically populate your Answer Library with information from your GuideStar profile. This is done automatically after you save your organization's Tax ID in your GrantHub account.
Since we want to accurately reflect the information in your current Candid GuideStar profile – we do not allow you to modify those answers in GrantHub; this includes deleting and archiving. Visit Guidestar to learn about updating your profile.
If you make any modifications to your GuideStar profile, the new information will sync with GrantHub and the changes will be reflected. Clicking Refresh GuideStar Answers in the answer library will overwrite the GuideStar answers in GrantHub with the information in your current GuideStar profile, but they will never overwrite answers you already put into GrantHub.
If you’d like to see just the answers you personally put into your Answer Library, simply change the Filter in the upper left to view ‘View My Answers’.