The information provided in this article can be used as a template for providing instructions to your fund advisors about how to log in and interact within their fund advisor portals. Copy the content into your own document and customize it as desired. Adding screenshots may be helpful.
Fund advisors have access to the tabs outlined below according to how you have configured settings for them, so it is possible they will not see all tabs. Omit tab information that is not turned on for your fund advisors.
Sample Communication Text
Fund Advisor Portal Information for Fund Advisors
As a Fund Advisor, you have an online Fund Advisor Portal where you can access information about the funds you manage. The Community Foundation will send you a login name and a link to access your Fund Advisor Portal via email. Click the link, and you will be prompted to create your own password to the Fund Advisor Portal site. Once your password is created, navigate to the Login page, enter your credentials, and log in.
If you serve as an advisor for multiple funds, you will see the Choose Fund menu once you have successfully signed in to your Fund Advisor Portal. Select the fund with which you wish to interact.
- If you are a Fund Advisor for one fund, you will be directed to the home page of that fund.
Once you are on a fund's home page, you can select the tabs at the top of the page to review informational areas that are available to you as the Fund Advisor. Below is a summary of information for each tab.
- Home - This tab shows a summary of the fund's Current Balance plus the spendable balance, if applicable. Total contributions, grants, and scholarships are listed as well as fund advisors.
- Choose Fund - This tab is visible if you are a fund advisor to other funds.
- Contributions - This tab shows all contributions or donations to the fund.
- Click on a contributor's name to bring up their contribution history.
- Pledges - This tab shows the fund advisor's current and past pledges made to the fund.
- Grants - This tab shows the grant history of the fund.
- Files related to the grant may be located in the grant detail.
- Grant Request - This tab is a form that allows the fund advisor to make a Grant Request to a nonprofit, a grantee, or a fund.
- A list of grant requests to be paid out along with their current status is available.
- Grants in the Request status can be canceled from this screen.
- Grant Requests can be created.
- Previous grantees and funds that you have given to can be selected from the drop-down lists.
- You can create a new nonprofit or grantee manually by entering the name, address, zip code, and phone number. These are required to move the request to the Community Foundation for approval.
- You can Search for other Grantees by using the Search box. Enter keywords and then click the Search button. The system will search GuideStar for organizations containing the keywords you used. The more keywords used, the better the search results will be.
- GuideStar is an information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies.
- Once the grantee information has been added, click the Submit button to complete the request.
- A list of grant requests to be paid out along with their current status is available.
- Grant Catalog - This tab links to the online Grant Catalog. The catalog is a crowdfunding tool that you may search for funding opportunities and projects to give to from your fund.
- Scholarships - This tab shows a list of scholarships associated to the fund.
- Statements - This tab allows you to view and download all current and historic fund statements.
- If you choose to print statements, the system will generate a pdf that you can save or print.
- Files - This tab allows you to view and download any files uploaded to the fund record.
- Donate - This tab takes you to the Giving Hub where you can give to funds or buy tickets to events.
- Receipts - This tab allows you to generate tax receipts for donations made to any fund.
- Vouchers - This tab shows a list of vouchers paid by the fund.
- Invoices - This tab shows a list of invoices associated to the fund.
- Financials - This tab allows you to generate a Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities based on customized or default system dates.
- Investments - This tab lists the Fund Investment Strategy and Investment Report. The date of the report can be customized.
- Split Interest - This tab shows charitable gift annuities and trust management information.
- Logout - Use this tab to close your current login session on the fund advisor portal.
Want to change your profile information (includes login, address, email, phone)?
Click the Profile link in the upper right area of your fund advisor portal. You can click the Edit button to edit your login, address, email, phone, and add a note about the changes you are making. Additionally, you can change your fund advisor portal password and enable two factor authentication when logging in. Click the Save button to keep the changes.
Locked Out of Your Fund Advisor Portal?
If you are locked out of your account, click Forgot Password on the login page. Enter your username and click the Reset Password button. If an account with the provided username is found, instructions to reset your password will be sent to the email address for that account. If you’re still having trouble, please contact your Foundation. Usernames are case sensitive in CommunitySuite.
Your community foundation can alert you every time a donation is made or a grant is paid out from your fund. These alerts can be utilized or cancelled at any point; but the alerts are not retroactive, so you will not be notified of past grants or donations.
- If you wish to be notified of each donation and/or grant requested and paid, contact your Community Foundation.