The content in this article might not match the current state of the product. NonprofitCore will sunset on 12/31/2024. If you have not already transitioned to GrantHub Pro or GrantHub, reach out to Support to discuss converting to one of these Foundant nonprofit solutions.
Prior to migrating your accounting data into NonprofitCore, you'll need to clean and organize your data for import. To help make the import process smooth, there are some standard fields that need to be included.
To import your accounting data, you will need to have four separate Excel files. These four files are Chart of Accounts, Programs/Services, Trial Balance Report for Beginning Balances, and Journal Entries. You will need one additional Excel file to validate transactions. Detailed information on validation can be found in Validation Steps for Accounting Migration.
Below is a list of necessary fields with descriptions for each of the accounting imports. There are also screenshots that show example data for each field within each import file.
File 1: Chart of Accounts
The fields listed below are required for your accounts import.
- Account Number - This can include numbers and letters, but it must be unique.
- Account Name - The name given to the account.
- Type - Some examples include checking, cash & equivalents, accounts receivable, and fixed assets.
- Category - Assets, Liabilities, Net Assets, Revenue, or Expenses.
Bank Account - TRUE or FALSE. True indicates the account accepts deposits and can cut checks.
- Value in field should be FALSE for all non-asset accounts.
File 2: Programs/Services
The field listed below is required for your programs/services import.
Program Name - Also known as service name or class.
- For example Program Services, General & Management, or Fund Development.
The field listed below is optional for your programs/services import.
- Program Description
File 3: Balance Sheet Report
Regardless of whether you import historical data, you will need beginning balances for all your balance sheet accounts at the start of the chosen period.
For example, if you import historical data from 01/01/2021 (the start of your fiscal year) - present you will need a list of all journal entry transactions within this period and a trial balance report from 12/31/20 to set beginning balances for each balance sheet account. If you choose to import historical data from a date that is not the start of your fiscal year (e.g. 04/01/2021) then you will need a list of all journal entry transactions within this period and a trial balance report from 03/31/2021 to set beginning balances for all accounts.
File 4: Journal Entries
The fields listed below are required for your journal entries import.
Record ID - How the system identifies multi-line transactions as being part of the same entry, and to validate balanced transactions.
- Commas are not allowed in formatting.
- There may be more than one row with the same Record ID. If that is the case, the dates and descriptions must match the Record ID with which they are associated.
- Date - Must match the record ID and description.
- Description - Must match the record ID and date.
Account Number - Must match an account from the chart of accounts import.
- The Account Number can be different on transactions with the same Record ID.
The fields listed below are optional for your journal entries import.
Service Name - Must match a program from the program import above.
- Examples include Programs/Class/Service, General & Management, or Fund Development.
- Opportunity - If any entries are associated with an opportunity, that opportunity will display here.
One of the fields listed below is required for your journal entries import.
- Debit - Must balance with the credits within the same record.
- Credit - Must balance with the debits within the same record.
File 5: Revenue
The fields listed below are required for your revenue import.
- Record ID - How the system identifies the revenue record.
- Date - The date of the incoming revenue.
- Account Number - This is a credit account.
Service Name - The type of service the program is providing.
- Examples include Programs/Class/Service, General & Management, or Fund Development.
- Amount - The amount of the revenue received from the profile.
Category - Category to which the revenue is assigned.
- Can include Donation, In-Kind Donation, Program Fees, Grant, Event, and Dues.
- Profile GUID - Unique identifier containing a long series of letters and numbers.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Organization
The fields listed below are optional for your revenue import.
- Description
- Debit Account Number
- Opportunity Name - If any entries are associated with an opportunity, that opportunity will display here.
Payment Method - Method of payment used.
- Can include Check, Credit Card, Cash, EFT/ACH, or Other.
- Payment Method Details
- With Restrictions - True/False. Restrictions on where the donation(s) should be applied.
Historical - True/False
- If True, the revenue entry will not impact general ledger.
- Receivable - True/False
- Honoree Name - Individual being honored.
Honoree Message - Message for the honoree.
- Limited to 255 characters per message.
- Notifyee ID
- Notifyee First Name
- Notifyee Last Name
- Notifyee Email
- Notifyee Organization
- Notify By Email - True/False
- Notify By Physical Mail - True/False
- Soft Credit Profile ID
- Soft Credit First Name
- Soft Credit Last Name
- Soft Credit Email