Validating your data after it has been moved to a new system is a vital part of the migration process. The following is provided as guidance on the areas to review as part of your data assessment for FIMS data validation for CommunitySuite.
To start the migration validation process, log in to your Migration site in CommunitySuite. It is recommended to use the Legacy ID Search in the left-side menu on the Home page to search for your FIMS ID number for a specific record to compare side-by-side with the corresponding CommunitySuite record.
This article is for informational purposes only. As you work through each section, update your progress on your Data Validation Checklist in Smartsheet.
Validate that the Chart of Accounts from your current system migrated to CommunitySuite correctly.
- Navigate to the Home page and click Accounts.
- Click List All in the left-side menu to view all open and closed accounts.
- Review the Chart of Accounts to confirm that the accounts have the correct account type (assets are assets, etc.), account number, and account name.
- Focus on the main types of assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses. Assigning sub-types will be covered in training.
- All of the accounts in your chart of accounts will come over as "Other...(Assets, Liabilities, etc)." CommunitySuite cannot differentiate between a bank account and an investment account. Changing the organization of accounts will be covered later in training.
- The migration pulls from the master or base layer of the FIMS account record which may cause the account names in CommunitySuite to be inconsistent with the account names in FIMS. The information that is migrated captures the account name from when it was originally set up, and does not capture any of the name changes that have occurred since.
Accounts Video
- Navigate to the Home page and click Funds.
- Click List All in the left-side menu to view all open and closed funds.
- Click Export All CSV in the left-side menu to export the data into an Excel spreadsheet.
If desired, apply filters to the spreadsheet or utilize a pivot table to help with a faster assessment and validation of the data.
- Confirm that the following information migrated correctly:
- Admin Fees are assigned to the correct fund.
- Distribution Types are assigned to the correct funds.
- Fund Group/Subgroup/Division/Segment assignments are correct.
- Parent/Child Relationship of funds are correct.
- Validate that the total column on the Fund Balance report matches your total fund balances in your legacy system. Likely, only the total column will be correct. Principal and Spendable Balance adjustments will be done after go live.
- Review that all of your open and closed funds have migrated correctly.
- Click System Data on the Home page, and then click System Stats in the left-side menu to check the total number of funds in your site.
- Click System Data on the Home page, and then click System Stats in the left-side menu to check the total number of funds in your site.
Applicable Load Items
The following information may contain items that do not require validation. For example, if you do not use the scholarship module in FIMS, you may skip those steps.Fund Beneficiaries
- Navigate to the Home page and click Reports.
- Click the ID for the Fund Beneficiary Validation Report.
- Review the report for accuracy.
- Navigate to the Home page and click Scholarships.
- Click Scholarships in the left-side menu.
- Review this list to confirm that all of the scholarships have migrated into the system and are associated with the correct fund.
Admin Fees
- Navigate to the Funds page and click Fund Fee Types in the left-side menu.
- Click each fee type ID listed to confirm the associated funds.
Distribution Types
- Navigate to the Funds page and click Distribution Types in the left-side menu.
- Click each distribution type ID listed to confirm the associated funds.
This shows the spending policy added to each fund. The code name is migrated over. You will build the calculation during and after training.
Fund Summaries
The following information is not applicable for users with the lite CommunitySuite license. Fund summary information pulls from FIMS Yearbook on Funds.- Navigate to the Home page and click Reports.
- Click the ID for the Funds Summary Report.
- Ensure these summaries are appropriate to be viewed in the Giving Hub.
- These can be edited during your implementation in your live site to prepare for launching the Giving Hub.
Funds Video
General Ledger
Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position)
- Navigate to the Home page and click Financials.
- Click Balance Sheet in the left-side menu.
- Enter a Static Date, and then click Show Date.
- Use the most recent closed period of data you have provided.
- Use the most recent closed period of data you have provided.
- Review the displayed report for accuracy.
- Click Add Filter in the left-side menu to narrow down the results as needed. This will allow you to get numbers specific to your filter criteria.
- Confirm that all the totals are correct.
- Run the same balance sheet for two more periods and confirm the data is correct.
- It is recommended to check the end of period/year numbers.
- Click Add Filter in the left-side menu.
- Click Fund Group in the Add Financial Filter section.
- Enter the applicable filter criteria, and then click Apply Report Filter.
- Check the same periods as above.
Income Statement (Statement of Activities)
- Navigate to the Financials page and click Income Statement in the left-side menu.
- Enter a Static Start Date and Static End Date, and then click Show Date.
- Use the most recent closed period of data you have provided.
- Use the most recent closed period of data you have provided.
- Review the displayed report for accuracy.
- Click Add Filter in the left-side menu to narrow down the results as needed. This will allow you to get numbers specific to your filter criteria.
- Confirm that all the totals are correct.
- Run the same income statement for two more periods and confirm the data is correct.
- It is recommended to check the end of period/year numbers.
- Click Add Filter in the left-side menu.
- Click Fund Group in the Add Financial Filter section.
- Enter the applicable filter criteria, and then click Apply Report Filter.
- Check the same periods as above.
- Do not be concerned about subtotals for each fund at this point. Instead, pay attention to assets, liabilities, equity, and overall totals.
Fund Balance Report
- Navigate to the Financials page and click Fund Balance in the left-side menu.
- Enter a Static Date, and then click Show Date.
- Use the most recent closed period of data you have provided.
- Use the most recent closed period of data you have provided.
- Validate that the total fund balance for each fund is correct.
- If you have sub-fund relationships, click Show/Ex SubFund in the left-side menu.
- If you have sub-fund relationships, click Show/Ex SubFund in the left-side menu.
- To view a fund's details, click the fund name, and then click Balance Sheet in the left-side menu.
- This will allow you to view the balance of a single fund for the selected period.
- This will allow you to view the balance of a single fund for the selected period.
- Repeat step 4 for your five largest or most active funds.
- Check the same funds for two more periods.
General Ledger Video
Search Profiles by Name
- Navigate to the Home page and click Profiles.
- Enter an organization name or a last name of a profile in the Search Profile field, and then click the profile name from the drop-down list.
- Some profiles may have additional information following their name in the results, encased in brackets. These indicate there are transaction histories associated with this profile.
- Some profiles may have additional information following their name in the results, encased in brackets. These indicate there are transaction histories associated with this profile.
Search Profiles with a Legacy ID Number
- Navigate to the Home page and click Legacy ID Search in the left-side menu.
- Enter an ID number from your legacy system in the Search Legacy IDs field.
- You may also search grant, donation, and scholarship ID numbers.
- You may also search grant, donation, and scholarship ID numbers.
Legacy ID Search Video
List Profiles with a Filter Report
- Navigate to the Profiles page and click List in the left-side menu.
- Click Filter.
- Apply filters as desired to view specific profiles.
Browse Profiles
Browsing profiles is the best way to get an overall view of profiles in CommunitySuite.- Navigate to the Profiles page and click Browse in the left-side menu.
- The following columns will be viewable:
- Individual profiles
- Households
- Organization profiles
- The following columns will be viewable:
- Press Ctrl + F on your keyboard to search for specific profiles on this page.
Validation Actions
Validate that the profiles from your current system migrated to CommunitySuite correctly.- Validate that profile names look correct.
- If you are entering two first names or prefixes on Profile 1 to capture a couple together, this will negatively affect working with your data in CommunitySuite. It is recommended to alter this in FIMS so that Profile 1 has only one prefix and one first name.
Deceased - Search up to five deceased profiles and confirm they are marked accordingly.
Only profiles in FIMS that have a deceased date entered on the biographical area of the donor tab will migrate marked as deceased. Profiles that are marked inactive in FIMS will migrate in with a deceased/inactive flag on them. If you are marking profiles deceased in any other way, such as adding "DECEASED" after their name, sort name, or some other field on the profile, these will not be marked deceased with the migration.
If you overwrite Profile 1 with the surviving spouse and delete Profile 2 partner off of the record, no profile will be created for the deceased spouse. Only Profile 1 person will migrate. If you have created a note about the deceased spouse, the note will migrate on the profile 1 person.
If you are also marking living people inactive, but are no longer involved or have no current address, these profiles will migrate as inactive/deceased. Add this topic to your Migration Question/Issue Tracker Smartsheet to discuss how to work with deceased/inactive profiles with the migration and post go live cleanup work.
Do Not Mail - Search up to five profiles that should be marked as Do Not Mail and confirm they are marked accordingly. Only profiles that have the Allow Mail checkbox unchecked in FIMS will be marked as Do Not Mail in CommunitySuite.
If you are not using the Allow Mail checkbox in FIMS but are tracking who should not receive any mail to any address in another way, like with an Affiliation Code or an Address Type, you will not see those profiles appear in CommunitySuite marked as Do Not Mail.
Profile Types – FIMS Affiliation Codes
The Profile Types page includes several tables with data that migrated from your legacy system including Profile Types, Profile Fund Categories, Address Types, and Gender.Profile types are tags to segment profiles into lists, these get built from data in your legacy system. There are default profile types that are built into CommunitySuite and do not have any profiles tagged to them. These are profile type ID numbers 1000-1013, you can disregard these in your validation.
- Navigate to the Profiles page and click Profile Types in the left-side menu.
- Click the profile type ID that you use most often or need for reporting.
- Click List Profiles in the left-side menu.
- FIMS Affiliation Codes will migrate in on the Profile 1 person only. Ensure the list appears accurate compared to how profiles are marked in your current system.
- If you use Sub-Affiliation Codes, they will appear in CommunitySuite in alphabetical order, and will not be listed under the main Affiliation Code folder anymore.
- After checking this list, navigate back to the Profile Types page, and then check the following:
- Address Types - Confirm the list of address types aligns with address types from FIMS. These will include address types applied to alternate addresses as well.
- Genders - Coding of gender does not migrate from FIMS. No validation is needed, however, if this is an important data point you use for reporting, note this in the Question/Issue Tracker Smartsheet.
Profiles Video
Profile Types Videos
Profile Fund Categories – FIMS Fund Rep Type/Fund Associations
Profile Fund Categories display relationships between funds and profiles, in particular, those who will receive fund statements or have access to the portal. The Rep Type description will appear in this list rather than the actual Rep Type coding.- Navigate to the Profiles page and click Profile Types in the left-side menu.
- Click the profile fund category ID.
- Click List Profiles in the left-side menu.
- This is a list of profiles that have the corresponding fund association.
- Click Filter.
- Click Deceased in the Add Profiles Filter section.
- Check the boxes next to Yes and No, and then click Apply List Filter.
Fund Categories Video
Profile Links – FIMS Relationships
Profile links are personal links between two individual profiles, whereas org roles are relationships between an individual and an organization profile.Org Roles are a CommunitySuite only area with default org roles that will be covered in training. Nothing migrates here that is in need of being validated.
- Navigate to the Profiles page and click Org Roles/Profile Links in the left-side menu.
- Confirm the list of relationship labels/categories are accurate.
Review Specific Profiles
Search up to five of your most active profiles, those with the most relationships, and your largest donors. This may include profiles that are looked at frequently, complicated profiles with several relationships, or profiles with important information on them that have to be correct in the migration, and then perform the following.Salutation and Mailing Labels
- Review salutation and mailing labels for these profiles, including profiles that have a Profile 1 and Profile 2 setup in FIMS.
Only the Profile 1 person from FIMS will have salutation and labels populated from FIMS Default Salutation and Mailing Label fields, or if Joint or Alternate Name Labels are selected. The household and spouse profiles are newly created with the migration so they will be blank at first. These will be configured as part of your implementation. If you are also using other salutation fields, these do not migrate standard. Add this to your Question/Issue Tracker Smartsheet to be discussed during the discovery phase.
Contact Information
- Confirm that all contact information is present (addresses, emails, phone numbers, etc.) including alternate addresses, emails, and phone numbers.
- If there is only one address on the profile in FIMS, that address will be marked primary in CommunitySuite. This includes if there is not an address on the Profile 1 tab, but there is an address on the Alternate Addresses tab.
- Where there is more than one address or email recorded on the Alternate Addresses tab in FIMS, the address/email listed on the Profile 1 tab will be marked primary.
- If there are incomplete addresses in FIMS the address will not migrate into CommunitySuite. In FIMS, the address must have a complete address line 1 and city and state and zip code. If you see a profile with no or missing addresses on it, check in FIMS to see if any of these data are missing.
- If there are no phone numbers marked primary in CommunitySuite, you will need to assign the primary phone number using a bulk update tool post go live.
Profile Types – FIMS Affiliation Codes
- Confirm appropriate Profile Types are displaying on the profile.
- These will migrate in on the Profile 1 person only.
- These will migrate in on the Profile 1 person only.
Profile Fund Categories – FIMS Fund Rep Type / Fund Associations
- Confirm appropriate Profile Fund Categories (Fund Rep Type Code) are displaying on the profile.
- These will migrate in on the Profile 1 person only.
- These will migrate in on the Profile 1 person only.
Donor History
- Click Donor to view the profile's donor level designation. From here, you can view past gift history.
Profile Notes – FIMS Notepad and Contacts
- Search for five profiles that will have several notes recorded on them in FIMS. Confirm that the notes are in the Notes tab for each profile.
Profile notes come from Notepad (A-Z) and Contacts in FIMS. The note will specify which notepad it came from with text preceding the body of the note. For example, FIMS Notepad, and then the note text follows. Contacts migrated in as notes will have a Note Type associated with them, these migrate from Contact Types. Notes will migrate in chronological order, most recent to oldest. Notepad notes will migrate with the date of the migration, and contain all text from that respective notepad in one note.
Household profiles are new profiles created with the migration. If there is a Profile 1 and a Profile 2 person in FIMS, you will see a new household profile and a new spouse profile for the Profile 2 person.
- Confirm spousal relationships have migrated into CommunitySuite as a household if you are migrating to the household structure.
- This may include couples that are highly active donors, fundholders, or one party in the couple is a board member.
- Notice that all coding (fund associations, affiliation codes, relationships, etc.) will migrate with the Profile 1 person.
- Click the Profile 1 person's name from the Relationships tab on the household profile.
- Some coding and notes can be copied or moved to the appropriate spouse or household. Add this as a question to the Question/Issue Tracker Smartsheet if you wish to discuss further.
Household Trifecta Video
Organization profiles in CommunitySuite can be private businesses, nonprofit/grantees, or accounts payable vendors.- Search for some of each type of organization profile with a long history with your foundation.
- Review addresses and contacts linked with the organization.
- If the organization is a grantee, click Grantee to view the organization's grantee level of their profile. From here, you can view past grants history.
- If the organization is an accounts payable vendor, click Vendor to view the organization's vendor level of their profile. From here you can view past voucher history.
Duplicate Profiles
- Navigate to the Profiles page and click Duplicates in the left-side menu.
- The following columns will be viewable:
- Duplicate Names
- Duplicate Emails
- Duplicate Phones.
- You may not have data in all three columns. Each column is its own list and there is no relationship across the rows of each item. The name does not correspond to the email or phone on the same row.
- The following columns will be viewable:
- Click any name in the Duplicate Names column to view the potential duplicate.
- The system will display two or more profiles with the same name.
- You will see duplicates for people and organizations with multiple profiles in FIMS, which is to be expected. Cleanup in CommunitySuite is the recommended action. The validation should be focused on anything very unexpected. For example, having thirty profiles where you would only expect two or three.
- If you are not seeing duplicates that you think you should, you may have profiles in FIMS for the same person, but their name is spelled differently for each profile. These may not appear in the duplicates area unless there is also a match on an email address or a phone number.
- You can cross reference these profiles in FIMS using the Legacy Code number on the profile. This is the FIMS ID code.
- The system will display two or more profiles with the same name.
- Make a plan for duplicates clean-up work to do post go live. This is up to you when you wish to start this.
- Decide internally how you need to prioritize merging profiles. For example, profiles that need to receive statements or access the donor portal and/or organizational profiles that are grantees/vendors.
Duplicate Profiles Video
Historical Grants
- Navigate to the Home page and click Reports.
- Click Default Reports in the left-side menu.
- Click Grants (non scholarship).
- The system pays scholarships through the mechanism of a grant. Grants will be reported as Grants (non scholarship).
- The system pays scholarships through the mechanism of a grant. Grants will be reported as Grants (non scholarship).
- Select a date range using one of the following methods:
- Enter a custom Start Date and End Date, and then click Change.
- Click a Common Range.
- View the report and the total grants to check for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have run the report for three periods and checked for accuracy.
- Navigate back to the Default Reports page and click Grants by Fund to run a report that will narrow the results down further.
- These reports will include scholarships.
- These reports will include scholarships.
- Select a date range using one of the following methods:
- Enter a custom Start Date and End Date, and then click Change.
- Click a Common Range.
- View the report to check for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you have run the report for three periods and checked for accuracy.
- Compare a grant from your previous system and verify payment schedule, grantee, and amount.
- If you are using grant types, check ten large grants to verify grant type.
- Grant types are program area codes to track grants in areas of impact. For example, grant types may include health and human services, education, or youth development.
- If you are using service area, check ten large grants to verify service areas or geographic segmentation.
- Service area is a geographical coding. This is likely applicable if you code grants by in-region or out of region, by county, or other geographic tag.
- If you are missing notes on grants or grantees from FIMS, add this as a request on the Question/Issue Tracker Smartsheet.
Historical Grants Video
Historical Vouchers
- Navigate to the Home page and click Reports.
- Click Default Reports in the left-side menu.
- Click Vouchers.
- Select a date range using one of the following methods:
- Enter a custom Start Date and End Date, and then click Change.
- Click a Common Range.
- View the report and the total vouchers to check for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have run the report for three periods and checked for accuracy.
Historical Scholarships
- Navigate to the Home page and click Reports.
- Click Default Reports in the left-side menu.
- Click Scholarships.
- Select a date range using one of the following methods:
- Enter a custom Start Date and End Date, and then click Change.
- Click a Common Range.
- View the report and the total scholarships to check for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have run the report for three periods and checked for accuracy.
- Navigate back to the Default Reports page and click Scholarships by Fund to run a report that will narrow down the results further.
- Select a date range using one of the following methods:
- Enter a custom Start Date and End Date, and then click Change.
- Click a Common Range.
- View the report to check for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you have run the report for three periods and checked for accuracy.
- Select one student and perform the following.
- Review scholarship history and compare to your current system for any missing historical scholarships.
- Review student notes for any missing notes or types.
- Review ten large scholarships to verify the Amount, Date, and Recipient fields.
Historical Scholarships Video
Historical Donations
- Navigate to the Home page and click Reports.
- Click Default Reports in the left-side menu.
- Click Donations.
- Select a date range using one of the following methods:
- Enter a custom Start Date and End Date, and then click Change.
- Click a Common Range.
- View the report and the total donations to check for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have run the report for three periods and checked for accuracy.
- Navigate back to the Default Reports page and click Donations by Fund to run a report that will narrow down the results further.
- Select a date range using one of the following methods:
- Enter a custom Start Date and End Date, and then click Change.
- Click a Common Range.
- View the report to check for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you have run the report for three periods and checked for accuracy.
- If you are importing donation types, navigate to the Home page and click Donations.
- Click Donation Types in the left-side menu.
- Confirm the names of your donation types are correct.
- You will set default post accounts later.
- If you are missing notes on gifts from FIMS (donor comment or donation acknowledgement), add this as a request on the Question/Issue Tracker Smartsheet.
- Donation descriptions migrate from FIMS Gift Comment. Confirm if these donation descriptions should be viewable by fund advisors in the fund advisor portal.
- Disregard if you have the lite CommunitySuite license with no donor portal.
- If these donation descriptions should be kept as internal notes, put a request in the Question/Issue Tracker Smartsheet to have this moved to a different field on the gift.
Historical Donations Video
Pledges Receivable
- Navigate to the Home page and click Pledges/Promises.
- Click List Pledges in the left-side menu.
- If you have any pledges receivable at the time your data was migrated into CommunitySuite, click the Open bucket and review all open pledges to ensure that the proper pledges migrated with the open status.
- Click a pledge ID and review the payment schedule to ensure accuracy.
- Repeat step 4 for as many pledges as necessary to confirm that the data migrated correctly.
Non-Gift Processing
- Navigate to the Home page and click Donors.
- Search for one of your donors with non-gift amounts in the Search Donors field, and then click the profile name from the drop-down list.
- Click Customer.
- Review invoices for the non-gift amount for any missing historical information.
- Navigate to the Home page and click Campaigns.
- Click List in the left-side menu.
- Click the ID of any purpose or source codes that are commonly used for reporting.
- Click Donations in the left-side menu to view a gift report for this specific purpose or source code list.
- Click any donation ID to view the donation record.
- Related campaign names will appear in the Campaign field on the gift record and in the Custom Message field for historical gifts with a purpose/source code.
- Review the list of profiles included in the campaign and gifts included in the donation report.
- Navigate to the Home page and click Opportunities.
- Click the All bucket.
- Review recent promises and compare how the data appears in CommunitySuite.
- Review notes on opportunities.
- This information migrates from Promises comments in FIMS.
Task and Note Types
- Navigate to the Opportunities page and click List Types in the left-side menu.
- Review the Task/Note Types list. This list migrates from Contact Types in FIMS.