Evaluation forms are used to record evaluators' assessments of requests at the application or LOI stages. A request can be assigned to multiple evaluators, so the evaluation form could be completed by multiple individuals related to one request.
Scoring questions are frequently added to evaluation forms as the system uses these questions to automatically calculate an evaluation score. Scoring questions do not have to be added, and other question types can be utilized on these forms as well.
Configure an Evaluation Stage contains instructions on enabling an evaluation stage in a process, setting up evaluators, and selecting various evaluation options.
Frequently Added Evaluation Questions
Specific evaluation form questions depend upon your organization's needs for assessing each request's fit for funding. These might be determined in collaboration with the individuals who will serve as evaluators. Some frequently added evaluation questions are listed below, categorized by either the grants or scholarships context.
Example Assessment Questions for Grant Evaluation Forms
Are the project goals in alignment with our Organization's mission and goals? (Scoring, e.g 1-5)
- Does the program/project fall into one of our Organization's focus areas? (Yes/No or Scoring)
Is the timeline feasible for this project? (Scoring, e.g 1-5)
- Does the project serve the desired/required geographic region?
Would you recommend funding for this Organization/Project? (Yes/No)
Recommended Funding Amount? (Currency)
- Will an investment in this organization have a meaningful impact?
Does the application clearly explain what funding is needed and how funding will be used? (Scoring, e.g 1-5 or Yes/No)
Does this application require further conversation? (Yes/No)
- Additional comments. (Text area)
Example Assessment Questions for Scholarship Evaluation Forms
- Academic alignment with the intent of the scholarship.
- Academic achievement and honors.
- Athletic achievement and honors.
- Student's essay effectively responded to the prompt.
- Additional comments.