Different types of questions can be added to a form in Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) and Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM). These question types allow for multiple methods of gathering information from applicants and other users in the system.
Text Questions
Text questions allow users to type their response to a question directly in the form. There are two types of text questions, Text Box and Text Area. Text Box questions typically capture short responses while Text Area questions can be used to capture longer responses. All questions on a form must have the Visibility and Required Type options set when creating the question.
Special Format Questions
Special format questions require users to enter a response in a specific format so that responses are consistent across all users.
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Regular Expression (Regex)
Regular Expression (Regex) questions allow administrators to build a question with restrictions on the responses. Two key components when building a Regex question are the Validation Expression and the Validation Error Message.
List Questions
List questions allow users to select from a predetermined list of options created by an administrator. There are different types of list questions; depending on the type, the user can choose one or multiple options.
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File Upload Questions
File upload questions allow users to upload files into a form. Files can be uploaded on their own or paired with a text response.
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System Questions
System questions typically appear on a form by default depending on what type of form is being used.
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