A recurring voucher can be used for a voucher that needs to be paid on a regular schedule. Recurring vouchers allow for payments with a designated amount and frequency without manually creating a separate voucher each time.
Add a Recurring Voucher
- Navigate to the Funds page.
- Enter the fund name in the Search Funds field and select the fund from the drop-down list.
- Alternatively, click List Open in the left-side menu to view a list of all funds. Click the ID of the fund for which the recurring voucher will be added.
- Alternatively, click List Open in the left-side menu to view a list of all funds. Click the ID of the fund for which the recurring voucher will be added.
- Click the Relationships tab.
- Click Add Recurring Voucher in the left-side menu.
- Enter the applicable Create Recurring Voucher information.
- Vendor - The vendor that will be associated with the recurring voucher.
- Fund - The fund that will be associated with the recurring voucher.
- Start Date - This defines the starting date when the first voucher will be due.
Max Recurrence - This limits the amount of times a recurring voucher will be charged.
- If left blank the recurrence is not limited.
- Voucher Interval - This determines the interval between each recurring voucher with the following options: Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, and Annually.
Reduce Spendable - If checked, the voucher will be paid from the associated fund's spendable balance.
- This is only required for funds that are actively tracking spendable.
Description - Use to add additional information.
- Enter the applicable Items information, and then click Create.
- All fields in a payment line are required.
- Additional lines will be added as information is entered.
- Remove a line item by clicking [delete] before saving the voucher.
Expense Account - The account being charged.
- Consistent with the normal voucher creation, select any account when creating a recurring voucher.
- Qty - If left blank, the quantity will default to 1.
Unit Cost - The cost per unit.
- Negative line items are allowed.
- Negative line items are allowed.
- All fields in a payment line are required.
The recurring voucher will be available in the Open bucket on the Recurring Vouchers page. Due vouchers will show the Next Date in red, and the Create Vouchers menu will be available in the left-side menu.
Create a Voucher From a Recurring Voucher
Vouchers can be created individually or in batch.
- Navigate to the Vouchers page and click Recurring in the left-side menu.
Create a Single Voucher
- Click the ID of the recurring voucher.
- Click Create Vouchers in the left-side menu.
The voucher will be created and listed below the Recurring Voucher section.
Create Vouchers in Batch
- Click Create Vouchers in the left-side menu.
There are two options available for using All Funds or Specific Funds.
All Funds
- Click All Funds.
- The All Funds option shows an unfiltered list of funds with pending recurring vouchers.
- The All Funds option shows an unfiltered list of funds with pending recurring vouchers.
- Check the boxes next to the vouchers to be created, and then click Create Vouchers.
- Click [All] to select all vouchers.
- Remove any selections by clicking [None].
- Click [Yes] to confirm.
Specific Funds
- Click Specific Funds.
- The Specific Funds option can filter pending recurring vouchers by Fund Groups, Fund Subgroups, and Fund Divisions.
- The Specific Funds option can filter pending recurring vouchers by Fund Groups, Fund Subgroups, and Fund Divisions.
- Check the box next to each Fund Group, Fund Subgroup, or Fund Division to be created, and then click Next.
- Click [All] to select all vouchers.
- Remove any selections by clicking [None].
- Check the boxes next to the vouchers to be created, and then click Create Vouchers.
- Click [Yes] to confirm.
Create, Post, and Pay a Single Voucher provides additional details on the standard voucher procedure. When all vouchers on a recurring voucher are posted and the recurring voucher reaches the set max recurrence, the recurring voucher will move into the Recurring Vouchers Closed bucket.
Edit a Recurring Voucher
Open recurring vouchers can be edited.
- Navigate to the Vouchers page and click Recurring in the left-side menu.
- Click the ID of the voucher.
- Click Edit in the left-side menu.
- Make any necessary changes, and then click Update.
Delete a Recurring Voucher
Open recurring vouchers can be deleted. All vouchers created from a recurring voucher entry will remain unaffected.
- Navigate to the Vouchers page and click Recurring in the left-side menu.
- Click the ID of the voucher.
- Click Delete in the left-side menu.
- Click [Yes] to confirm.