If you utilize the integration between Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM)/Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) and CommunitySuite, the Conditional Installment field is available and will sync between CommunitySuite and your GLM/SLM site. A conditional installment indicates that the award recipient must meet requirements or take an action in order to receive the installment.
Add the Conditional Installment Field
- Click Tools on the upper navigation bar, and then click Process Manager.
- Click the process name.
- Click Decisions.
- Click Installment.
- Click the pencil icon for the installment form to which you want to add this field.
- Click Standard.
- Click Installment Conditional.
- Enter the applicable Add Installment Conditional information, and then click Save Question.
The conditional installment field will be added to the form as a radio button question with the options of Yes and No.
Use the Conditional Installment Field
When approving requests in GLM/SLM before syncing them to CommunitySuite, the conditional installment field can be filled out as the requests are approved. The field can also be filled out in CommunitySuite.
Once a request is synced between the sites, changes to this field can only be made directly in CommunitySuite.