This article contains descriptions, important distinctions, and recommendations related to the email merge fields in Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) and Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM). Email merge fields can be used to build an email template.
Merge Field Categories
- Date - Field that adds the current date to the email.
The URL email merge fields pull in the URLs to various parts of GLM/SLM and allow them to be linked in the email. It is recommended to click the link icon to the right of each URL merge field; this eliminates the long URL string that would otherwise be placed in the email if the link icon is not used.
Apply - Field that takes applicants to the logon page, then to the Apply page.
- It is recommended to use this merge field with caution. If an applicant has already started a draft and they are directed to the apply page, they could potentially start a second draft rather than editing their existing draft.
Logon - Field that takes users to the logon page.
- If an applicant has applied for a grant or scholarship before, it will take them to the Dashboard. If they have not applied before, it will take them to the Apply page.
- Reset Password - Field that takes users to the page where they can reset their password.
Third Party - Field that takes third party responders to their third party dashboard where they can complete the request.
- This feature is available with the Advanced license.
The Funder email merge fields pull in the information of the organization that owns the GLM/SLM site. This differs from the Organization merge fields because it does not pull information from the applicant organizations within the GLM/SLM site. Funder merge fields are often used in email signatures and emails thanking applicants for replying to communication.
- Name - Field that adds the name of the organization that owns the GLM/SLM site.
- Website - Field that adds the website of the organization that owns the GLM/SLM site.
Administrators do not have access to edit the fields that these merge field pulls from and will need to reach out to Support if they need to be updated.
The Sender email merge fields pull in the information of the user sending the email. This information can be updated from the user's profile.
- Prefix - Field that adds the prefix of the user sending the email.
- First Name - Field that adds the first name of the user sending the email.
- Last Name - Field that adds the last name of the user sending the email.
- Full Name - Field that adds the full name of the user sending the email.
- Business Title -Field that adds the business title of the user sending the email.
- Email - Field that adds the email of the user sending the email.
- Phone Number - Field that adds the phone number of the user sending the email.
- Prefix - Field that adds the prefix of the recipient of the email.
- First Name - Field that adds the first name of the recipient of the email.
- Last Name - Field that adds the last name of the recipient of the email.
- Full Name - Field that adds the full name of the recipient of the email.
- Business Title - Field that adds the business title of the recipient of the email.
- Email - Field that adds the email of the recipient of the email.
The Applicant email merge fields pull in information from whoever the request is assigned in the system. Applicant merge fields will not work in emails for evaluations and follow ups if the evaluations and follow ups are not assigned to the applicant.
- Prefix - Field that adds the prefix of the applicant.
- First Name - Field that adds the first name of the applicant.
- Last Name - Field that adds the last name of the applicant.
- Full Name - Field that adds the full name of the applicant.
- Business Title - Field that adds the business title of the applicant.
- Email - Field that adds the email of the applicant.
- Address 1 - Field that adds address 1 of the applicant.
- Address 2 - Field that adds address 2 of the applicant.
- City - Field that adds the city of the applicant.
- State - Field that adds the state of the applicant.
- Zip Code - Field that adds the zip code of the applicant.
- Country - Field that adds the country of the applicant.
Organization (GLM)
The Organization email merge fields pull in information from the applicant's organization. Organization merge fields will not be available if the email is not associated with a request, user, or organization. The primary contact merge fields refer to the person who is marked on the organization as the primary contact. The executive director is usually listed as the primary contact during registration, but this can be changed at any point.
- Name -Field that adds the name of the organization.
- Tax Id - Field that adds the tax id of the organization.
- Web Site - Field that adds the website of the organization.
- Address 1 - Field that adds address 1 of the organization.
- Address 2 - Field that adds address 2 of the organization.
- City - Field that adds the city of the organization.
- State - Field that adds the state of the organization.
- Zip Code - Field that adds the zip code of the organization.
- Country - Field that adds the country of the organization.
- Primary Contact Prefix - Field that adds the prefix of the primary contact of the organization.
- Primary Contact First Name - Field that adds the first name of the primary contact of the organization.
- Primary Contact Last Name - Field that adds the last name of the primary contact of the organization.
- Primary Contact Title - Field that adds the title of the primary contact of the organization.
- Primary Contact Email - Field that adds the email of the primary contact of the organization.
The Process email merge fields pull in information from the process to which any requests associated with the email were submitted.
Universe Name - Field that adds the universe name.
- This merge field is only available in SLM.
Opportunity Name - Field that adds the opportunity name.
- This merge field is only available in SLM.
- Name - Field that adds the process name.
External Type - Field that adds the external type of the process.
- The external type will always populate as None or CommunitySuite depending on if the site is integrated and the process is a CommunitySuite process. The external type cannot be edited once the process is created.
- Start Date - Field that adds the start date of the process.
- End Date - Field that adds the end date of the process.
Access Code - Field that adds the access code of the process.
- Only processes with restricted visibility will have an access code.
The Request email merge fields pull in information from the request associated with the email.
Project Name Label - Field that adds the label of the project name field.
- This is included for reference in case the label for the project name field is changed to something else. If the label is left as Project Name, this merge field will populate as Project Name.
- Project Name - Field that adds what the applicant entered into the project name field.
- Status - Field that adds the request status.
Decision Comments - Field that adds the decision comment from the approval or denial forms.
- When building an email or email template, keep in mind that this is usually a bigger text question.
- Amount Awarded - Field that adds the amount awarded to the request.
- Decision Date - Field that adds the date the request was approved or denied.
- Closed Date - Field that adds the date the request was closed.
The Submission email merge fields pull in information from the specific form used in the applicable request status. For example, if the request is in the Application Complete status, the merge fields will pull information about the application form.
Form Name - Field that adds the form name.
- It is recommended to review the form name and the sentence where it is used to make sure that the sentence reads correctly.
- Form Type - Field that adds the form type.
- Stage - Field that adds the stage that the submitted form is in.
Initial Submit Date - Field that adds the initial submission date.
- If the request was reverted and the form was submitted again, the initial submit date will remain the same.
- If the form is still in draft status, this merge field will not populate.
Status - Field that adds the submission status of the form.
- Submitted, Draft, and Complete, etc.
- Due Date - Field that adds the due date for the submission of the form.
Installment email merge fields pull information about installments for a request. The available installment email merge fields will only populate when batch emailing from the Payment Tracking page. These fields will not populate when batch emailing from the User Summary page, a workload page, or the Request Summary page.
- Amount - Field that adds the amount awarded by the installment.
- Due Date - Field that adds the due date for the installment.
- Conditions - Field that adds any conditions added to the installment.
Additional Information
- Date Merge Fields and Terms
- Use merge fields like due date, current date, or terms like the end of this quarter, end of year, etc. This prevents dates from having to be updated at the start of a new cycle.
- URLs
- Include URLs in emails anytime an email asks the applicant to come back and do something in the system.
- Gray Fields
- If a field is grayed out, it means it is either being used elsewhere or it is only available when sending an email.
- Merge Fields in the Subject Line
- Leverage email merge fields in the subject line of the email. This can be used to provide a quick snapshot of what the email entails, rather than just saying an organization submitted a form.
- For example, you might have the following as the subject: {{Organization.Name}}, {{Submission.InitialSubmitDate}}, {{Submission.FormName}}, for {{Request.ProjectName}}.
- Leverage email merge fields in the subject line of the email. This can be used to provide a quick snapshot of what the email entails, rather than just saying an organization submitted a form.