To send one denial email per applicant in Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM), it is recommended that you first deny the requests individually. Send only one denial email to an applicant if all of their requests are denied so they do not receive multiple emails. If an applicant received one scholarship and was denied for other scholarships, you can uncheck the applicant from the denial email list.
- After all of decisions for requests have been entered, click the All Open Approvals workload page from the Dashboard.
- To export a list of all the scholarship recipients, check the box next to All.
- Click Batch Actions, and then click Quick Export.
- The quick export will contain the names of all scholarship recipients.
- The quick export will contain the names of all scholarship recipients.
- Click Search in the upper navigation bar, and then click Requests & Decisions.
- Check the box for the Denied status, and then click Search.
- Check the box at the top of the list to select all denied requests on the page.
- Uncheck each box next to the name of each scholarship recipient from Step 3.
- Use the find feature by holding Ctrl+F on the keyboard, and then type the name of the scholarship recipient to locate those requests.
- It is important to uncheck all requests that show up for each scholarship recipient so they are not added to the denial email list.
- For example, if an applicant applied for ten scholarships and received one, their nine denied requests will need to be unchecked from the search result.
- Click Batch Actions, and then click Email Applicants.
- Select the email template, make any applicable edits, and then click Send Email.
- This will only send one email per user. Click Preview to view each email that will be sent.
- This will only send one email per user. Click Preview to view each email that will be sent.