This feature is available with the Standard license and above. Contact Support to enable this feature in your site. Contact the Client Success Team with any questions about your license.
Administrators can edit the columns that are visible at the top of the workload pages, the Your Evaluations tab, and the Payment Tracking page. Up to two additional columns can be added on these pages. When using custom columns with a Standard license, these columns will be visible to all users with access to the applicable pages.
- Navigate to a workload page, the Your Evaluations tab, or the Payment Tracking page.
- To reach a workload page, click the name of the status on the dashboard.
- To reach the Your Evaluations tab, click the tab from the dashboard.
- To reach the Payment Tracking page, click Tools on the upper navigation bar, and then click Payment Tracking.
- Click the grid icon.
- Make the applicable changes to columns on the page.
- To remove a column from this page, click the X icon.
- Some default columns cannot be removed.
- Some default columns cannot be removed.
- To rename a column on this page, edit the text in the Name box.
- Some default columns may provide the option to link the data in that column to another applicable page. To not link the data in that column, uncheck the box.
- For example, Project Name links to the Request Summary.
- For example, Project Name links to the Request Summary.
- The tabs on the left side of the pop-up show other columns available to be added to this page. The first tab shows a drop-down menu for each form in the site related to this page. To add a column from a form, check the box for the applicable field.
- That field will automatically be selected on any other forms in this list that it appears on, as long as the field codes are synced. The codes are synced if a form or process was copied to create the forms where this field appears.
- A multi-select question type cannot be pulled into custom columns.
- If the data in a column is in a numeric format, an aggregate function can be applied to that column. Click the Aggregate drop-down menu and select a function such as Sum or Average.
- The available options for functions will depend upon the type of numeric data.
- The aggregate data will appear at the bottom of the column on this page.
- To remove a column from this page, click the X icon.
- Click Save Columns.
The Submission Modified On field signifies the last time any user, applicant or administrator, entered or edited a response in a field on any form in a process. It does not reflect if an administrator reverts a status or moves a request through workload stages.