- Navigate to the vendor profile.
- Click AP Clearing Voucher in the left-side menu.
- The AP Clearing Voucher page looks almost identical to the Create Voucher page except that the AP Clearing Voucher page has Yes next to the AP Clearing Voucher field as shown below.
- Enter the applicable Create Voucher information.
- Address - This will default to the address that was designated as Pay in the profile. If there is not a Pay address noted in the profile, then it will default to the primary address.
- Voucher Date - Date that will be associated to the voucher.
- Allocation Table - Select an allocation table to automatically allocate the expense amounts according to the allocation table.
- Allocation Amount - Amount to be dispersed based on the allocation table selected.
- Fund - Fund from which the voucher will be paid.
- Reference Number - Enter a reference number. The reference number is usually located on the invoice. If this is left blank, a unique ID number will be assigned to the voucher.
- Attachment - Attach a copy of an invoice or related documentation.
- Due Date - Date the voucher is due.
Reduce Spendable - Check the box to pay the voucher from the associated fund's spendable balance. This is only required for funds that are actively tracking spendable.
- Enter the applicable Items information, and then click Save.