When an applicant registers for a new account in your Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) or Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) site, they will first need to fill out the information on the registration pages. For GLM sites, this includes the Organization registration page and the User registration page. For SLM sites, it includes only the User registration page.
Organization Registration Page
The default Organization registration page is shown below as well as a list of fields for reference. Asterisks indicate required fields.
- Organization Name
- EIN / Tax ID
- Web Site
- Telephone Number
- Organization Email
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Country
User Registration Page
The default User registration page is shown below as well as a list of fields for reference. Asterisks indicate required fields.
- Prefix (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mx, etc.)
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Suffix (Sr, Jr, III, etc.)
- Business Title
- Email / Username
- Email / Username Confirmation
- Telephone Number
- Mobile Number
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Country
In a GLM site, the user is next asked if they are the executive officer for their organization.
- If they select Yes, they will have another opportunity to complete any optional User registration page fields they previously left blank.
- If they select No, they will be asked to enter the contact information for their organization's executive officer. The fields are the same as those on the first User registration page.
Modify the Registration Pages
There are several modifications that Foundant can make to a site's registration pages. Discussing these changes with the Client Success Team is recommended as there can be implications in reporting and other areas of the system by making changes to these pages. The Client Success Team can then assist with making the changes.
User Custom Fields and Organization Custom Fields can be added to these pages, allowing additional information to be collected at registration.
- Custom fields cannot be added to the executive officer section in GLM sites.
- Question labels can be modified.
- Modifying labels to repurpose fields is not recommended, as this has implications in reporting.
- Instructions can be added to questions.
- Questions can be made optional or required, and questions can be hidden from a registration page.
- Questions that must remain required include:
- Organization Name (GLM sites)
- Applicant First Name
- Applicant Last Name
- Email / Username
- Questions that must remain required include:
- Page headers and instructions can be added.
- Validation expressions can be added to questions, restricting responses to a specific format.
- The executive officer section can be hidden in GLM sites.
- A duplicate tax ID message can be added, alerting the applicant if the tax ID for their organization already exists in the site.