Print packets are an efficient way of exporting form information into a .pdf. There are multiple places in your site where you can turn a form or multiple forms in batch into a .pdf. The data contained in a print packet can be specified for each user role although limitations do exist. To see what the print packets look like for different user roles in your site, you may proxy in as another user with the correct role and download the print packet. The fonts that are supported in print packets are Arial, Calibri, Cambria, MSGothic, and Symbol.
- Applicant Name
- Organization Name
- Process Name (Universe/Opportunity Name for the Universal Application feature)
- Project Name
- Date Generated
- Additional characters or text
Download Print Packets as an Administrator
Administrators can access print packets either individually or in batch.
Download Individual Print Packets
- When viewing a completed form, click the Application Packet button to download a .pdf of that form.
- By default, the downloaded .pdf will have applicant and organization information on the first page in Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) only, form questions and responses on the middle pages, and any file attachments from the form at the end.
- Click Question List to download a .pdf with the questions from the form. This will not include any answers or applicant information.
- From any workload page, click the .pdf icon to download the individual print packet for that form in that request.
- Example: On the Application Submitted workload page, the .pdf icon will download the application packet.
- Example: On the Application Submitted workload page, the .pdf icon will download the application packet.
- From the Evaluation Summary page, click Print Evaluation Summary to download a .pdf of the evaluation responses for that request.
- From the Process Manager, when editing or previewing a form, click Question List to download a .pdf with the questions from that form.
- From the Organization Summary page in GLM only, click Print Organization Packet to download a .pdf containing information about that organization.
Batch Download Print Packets
Print packets for forms that are completed by applicants can be batch downloaded from the applicable workload pages. This means that the batch print packet option is only available on the Qualification, LOI, Application, and Follow Up workload pages.
- From the Dashboard, click the workload page that contains the request.
- Check the box next to each request for which print packets will be downloaded.
- Click Batch Actions, and then click one of the options listed.
- There are several options for batch downloading print packets. The print packet that downloads will be specific to the workload page you are on.
- Example: From the Application Complete workload page, the application packet will be downloaded.
- Click PDF Print Packets to download a single .pdf with the information from all selected requests, separated by a page break.
- Click Zip Print Packets to download a zipped folder with individual .pdf's for each selected request.
- Click PDF Evaluator Packets to download a single .pdf with the information from all selected requests, separated by a page break.
- For each request, this will only include information that is visible to evaluators; it will not include questions marked with applicant or administrator visibility.
- The Evaluator Packet options are designed for an administrator to download print packets to provide to evaluators.
- Click Zip Evaluator Packets to download a zipped folder with individual .pdf's for each selected request that only includes information that is visible to evaluators.
- There are several options for batch downloading print packets. The print packet that downloads will be specific to the workload page you are on.
Download Print Packets as an Applicant
Applicants can access the question list packet and any form packet on which they have worked.
- When previewing, viewing, or editing a form, an applicant can click Question List to download a .pdf of all questions on that form.
- When previewing, viewing, or editing a form that has been assigned to them, an applicant can click the Application Packet button to download the print packet for that form.
- By default, this print packet will include their information, the organization information in GLM only, the form questions and their answers, and any file attachments.
Download Print Packets as an Evaluator
For the evaluation process, evaluators can download print packets for the evaluation form and the forms that the applicant filled out.
- From the evaluation, click the Evaluation Packet button to download a .pdf of the evaluation form.
- By default, this contains the applicant and organization information in GLM only, evaluation form questions and responses, and any files uploaded to the evaluation form.
- By default, this contains the applicant and organization information in GLM only, evaluation form questions and responses, and any files uploaded to the evaluation form.
- From the evaluation, click the Application Packet button to download a .pdf of the form completed by the applicant.
- From the Evaluation Dashboard, click the .pdf icon next to a request to download the evaluation packet for that specific request.