Building a data set allows you to select the information you want to include in reporting or to export out of the system. All sites will have five default reporting data sets listed in the Reporting Data Sets tab. These sets cannot be edited or deleted, but they can be copied and used as building blocks for other data sets. If you do not want to use the predefined data sets, you can build a new data set.
Build a Data Set Video
- Click Reporting on the upper navigation bar, and then click Reports & Data Sets.
- Click Add Data Set.
- Enter the applicable Data Set Create information, and then click Create Data Set.
- Required fields are denoted by an asterisk.
- Required fields are denoted by an asterisk.
- Check the box for any processes, request statuses, submission statuses, and form types that will be included in the data set.
- For SLM sites, opportunities can be individually selected by their respective check boxes.
- By default, the Request Statuses, Submission Statuses, and Form Types sections are all collapsed. Click the bar of the section to open.
- By default, all form types are pre-selected. It is recommended to leave them as is.
- In GLM sites, the submission status pre-filter is helpful when reporting on follow up forms in a specific status. Submission Status Pre-Filter for Data Sets provides more information.
- For SLM sites, opportunities can be individually selected by their respective check boxes.
- Click Save Filters.
- Select the data fields to include in the data set.
- When selecting a file upload question type or a text and file upload question type as a field in a data set, the file attachment does not pull into the report, only the name of the file will.
- All selected fields will appear in the Selected Fields box.
- The Contacts tab will include contact, organization, and an organization's primary contact information. In a Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) site, this tab will only include the contact information of the applicants.
- The Request tab will include fields relevant to processes, requests, forms, installments, and payments.
- The Charity Check tab is exclusive to Grant Lifecycle Manger (GLM) sites. This tab contains charity check fields relevant to organizations.
- The LOI, Application, and Follow Up tabs include forms that the applicant filled out as well as the evaluations associated with the relevant stages. Within each tab, each process that includes the form will be in its own drop-down section. When each process's drop-down section is expanded, all of the form questions for that process are available.
- The Decisions tab is where the approval, denial, and installment form fields are located.
- When selecting a file upload question type or a text and file upload question type as a field in a data set, the file attachment does not pull into the report, only the name of the file will.
- Select the data output from the drop-down menu.
- For more information on data set outputs, refer to Data Set Output (One Row Per).
- For more information on data set outputs, refer to Data Set Output (One Row Per).
- Click Save.
The data set will now appear on the Reports & Data Sets page within the Reporting Data Sets tab.
Run a report, export, create a copy, edit, or delete the data set on this page.
The system will not allow any data sets used to build a saved report to be deleted. The reports that use the data set must be deleted first, and then the data set can be deleted.
If a data set is edited, any saved reports built off of that data set will be updated. A data set can be copied and modified, which will not affect any saved reports using the original data set.