The auctions functionality in campaigns offers a streamlined way to generate bid sheets and process auction items. You can generate bid sheets for silent auctions and specify the starting bid and bid increments. Sheets to record live auction items can also be generated.
Auctions can be added to any campaign. If you would like to generate an income statement that is limited to the auction items, create a new campaign that is used solely for the auction.
The auction functionality does not have an online component. It is purely to support bid sheet generation for silent and live auctions and to record auction transactions.
Build the Auction
Create a campaign that has a fund.
- The fund should be the fund that will receive auction item proceeds.
- Click Add Auction in the left-side menu.
- Click Edit in the left-side menu.
- Add the Revenue Account that will recognize the donation, and then click Save.
- Click Add Item in the left-side menu.
- Enter the applicable Add Item information, and then click Create.
- Item Name and Item Description are required.
- Item Name - Name of auction item.
Silent Item - If this is a silent auction item, check this box.
- If checked, this will generate a bid sheet when you create them. Otherwise, it will generate a sheet to record a live auction item.
Item Value - The item's value.
- This is used to determine the donation amount.
- When the purchase is recorded, the donation amount will be the purchase price minus the item value.
- This is used to determine the donation amount.
- Start Bid - The minimum bid.
- Bid Increment - Enter the increment bidders should increase their bid by.
Item Description - Description of auction item.
- Item Name and Item Description are required.
- Repeat step 6 until all items are added to the auction.
Generate Bid Sheets
After you have added all auction items, bid sheets can be generated for them.
- Click Print Items in the left-side menu.
- This opens a new tab and generates a file with a page per item.
Silent Item
Live Item
Record Income
Once item winners are determined and payments are ready to be recorded, return to the auction to add winners and process payments..
- Navigate to the Campaign.
- Click the auction ID.
Add Winners
- Click [add winner].
- Enter the profile name of the winner in the Profile field and select the profile from the drop-down list.
- If the winner is not in the system, click Add Profile in the left-side menu to add the profile first.
- If the winner is not in the system, click Add Profile in the left-side menu to add the profile first.
- Enter the Winning Bid Amount, and then click Save.
- Repeat as needed for additional winners.
Process Payments
After winners are entered, payments can be processed.
- Click Checkout in the left-side menu.
- Click [pay] for the profile for which the payment will be processed.
- Enter the applicable Create Payment information, and then click Create.
- Payment Method - Select the payment method.
- Amount - This defaults to the full purchase price. If a portion of the income is being recorded, this amount can be overridden.
- Check Number - If payment method is Check, enter a check number.
Note - Add additional information if needed.
- Click [create donation/invoice].
- This generates a profile payment. The value of the item will be processed and posted as an invoice. Any amount over the item value will be processed and posted as a donation.
- This generates a profile payment. The value of the item will be processed and posted as an invoice. Any amount over the item value will be processed and posted as a donation.
- Click [tax receipt] to generate a tax receipt for that item.
- The tax receipt will also be available in Unsent Tax Receipts for bulk processing.
- The tax receipt will also be available in Unsent Tax Receipts for bulk processing.
- Repeat as needed for additional payments.