Fund advisor settings that can be bulk edited include Set Statement Types, Set Email As Login, Set Notify, Send Login Emails, Set Tab Permissions, and Edit Profile Notify. Profiles must already have the fund advisor designation for bulk edit functionality to apply.
- Navigate to the Fund Advisors page.
- Click the appropriate bulk edit option in the left-side menu.
Set Statement Type
There are two options for Set Statement Type.
- Set Statement Type for ALL Fund Advisors
- Clicking any of the selections in this option will change/update all fund advisor records.
- Set Statement Type for Fund Advisors with No Statement Type Defined
- Clicking any of the selections in this option will change/update only the fund advisors records whose statement type is currently blank.
Three types of statement delivery are available for fund advisors.
- Online - Advisors with Statement Type Online will receive statements through the fund advisor portal.
- Statements will not be emailed or printed at the Foundation.
- Paper - Advisors with Statement Type Paper will receive a printed copy through a delivery method determined by the Foundation.
- Statements can also be accessed on the fund advisor portal.
- Email - Advisors with Statement Type Email will receive statements in their email inbox.
- Fund advisors must have a valid email address recorded in their profile.
- Statements can also be accessed on the fund advisor portal.
Set Email As Login
Set Email As Login will make fund advisors that currently have no established login use their email address as their login (username). This will not override existing login (usernames) for fund advisors who already have that setup.
Set Notify
In the Bulk Set Notify Settings, Donation Notify and Grant Notify can be set.
- Donation Notify will automatically email the fund advisor when donations are posted to the funds they advise.
- Grant Notify will automatically email the fund advisor when grant checks are posted from the funds they advise.
These options can be added to everyone or removed from everyone.
Send Login Emails
To send multiple login emails to fund advisors, use Send Login Emails. This will show a preview of the email that will be sent to the fund advisors that have not yet logged in to their fund advisor portal. The Send Email button lists the number of emails that will be sent, and this button must be clicked to send the emails.
The login link that is contained in the email will expire after 30 days if it is not used, and this link will supersede any login links fund advisors have previously received. The link also expires when fund advisors log in and create a password.
Set Tab Permissions
The system allows administrators to designate what tabs fund advisors see in their fund advisor portals. Tabs can be assigned on an individual basis by editing a fund advisor record, or in bulk at the Fund, Fund Advisor, and Tab levels.
Fund advisors who are designated as the primary (advisor) on funds that have enabled the Require Primary Advisor Approval checkbox on the fund level must approve all grant requests made by other advisors. Grants resulting from the request cannot be created until the primary advisor's approval is received. If the fund advisor has an email on record, a system-generated message will be sent alerting the fund advisor of grants to be approved.
- Navigate to the Fund Advisors page and click Set Tab Permissions in the left-side menu.
- Click [Assign by Fund], [Assign by Advisor], or [Assign by Tab] to bulk assign tab permissions.
Assign by Fund
- Click a Fund.
- Check the boxes to enable tabs for each fund advisor of the selected fund, and then click Update.
Assign by Advisor
- Click an advisor.
- Check the boxes to designate which tabs the fund advisor will see from each fund in their fund advisor portal, and then click Update.
- Click an advisor.
Assign by Tab
- Click [Add to Everyone] next to the desired tab to add the tab to all funds in all fund advisor portals.
- A green banner will display, indicating how many entries (fund advisor + fund) were affected.
- A green banner will display, indicating how many entries (fund advisor + fund) were affected.
- Click [Remove From Everyone] next to the desired tab to remove the tab to all funds in all fund advisor portals.
- A green banner will display, indicating how many entries (fund advisor + fund) were affected.
- A green banner will display, indicating how many entries (fund advisor + fund) were affected.
Edit Profile Notify
Email notifications can be sent to staff when fund advisor profile information is changed on the fund advisor portal.
- Navigate to the Fund Advisors page and click Edit Profile Notify in the left-side menu.
- Check the box for users that want to receive email notifications when profiles are updated on the fund advisor portal, and then click Update.
- Users must have an email address on record in order to appear in the list.
- Users must have an email address on record in order to appear in the list.
Set Scholarship Tab Permissions
Fund advisors can have view only access or edit access to scholarship information on the Scholarship tab. The process for setting access to this tab varies from the process used to set up other tabs. When scholarship tab access is enabled, all advisors to funds that have awarded scholarships will see this tab. It cannot be turned off for individual advisors.
Enable Scholarship Tab
- Navigate to the Scholarships page and click Scholarships in the left-side menu.
- Click Set All Fund Advisor in the left-side menu to allow the tab to be viewed.
- Fund advisors now have view only access to the scholarships tab.
Full Control Access
- Navigate to the Scholarships page and click Settings in the left-side menu.
- Click Edit Settings in the left-side menu.
- Check the Fund Advisor Full Control box, and then click Update.