Tasks can be added from the main Tasks page or from any other page or record in the system to remind yourself and other staff members about upcoming projects, administrative tasks, and recurring events at your foundation.
Add a Task
- Navigate to the record or page where the task will be added.
- Tasks can also be added from the Task page.
- If adding a task to an Opportunity record, click Add Opp Task to make the task visible on the opportunity.
- Click Add Task in the left-side menu.
- Complete all applicable Create Task fields, and then click Create.
- Assign To, Description, and Due Date are required.
Assign To - Enter one or more users, or click [Checkboxes] and select one or more users.
- Assigning a user to a task indicates that they should complete the task. It will add the task to their appropriate bucket on the Tasks page.
- If multiple users are assigned the task, a separate copy of the task will be assigned to each.
Share With - Enter one or more users, or click [Checkboxes] and select one or more users.
- Sharing a task with a user provides more visibility for that user about the task and adds it to their Shared Tasks list on the Tasks page.
Send Calendar Invite - Check the box for Send Calendar Invite? to send .ics (iCalendar) invites to each user assigned to the task.
- .ics calendar files are compatible with most calendar programs, such as Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, and Apple Calendar.
- If the task Due Date is edited after the original calendar invite is sent, an email with an updated .ics invite will be sent to each assignee. The assignee can then accept or decline the proposed time change. The user who created the task receives an email notifying them if the assignee accepts or declines the proposed change.
- Task Type - Select a Task Type to associate with this task for reporting purposes.
- Description - Add information about the task.
Recurring - If this task should be recurring, select a Recurring Interval for this task.
- Once the current task is marked as done, the next copy of the task will automatically be created based on the recurring interval.
Interval - If the assigned user should receive email reminders before the task due date, set one or more Intervals.
Task Notifications
If Email On Task Create is enabled in System Data, then the user assigned to the task will receive an automated email.
- The subject line will contain "Assign Task: The Description entered by the user"
- The email body will contain a link to the task.
Attach a File to a Task
Once a task has been created, a file can be attached to it.
- Navigate to the task.
- Click Attach File in the left-side menu.
- Upload the file.
Manage Tasks
Once a task has been created, it will be visible in the Tasks page. If it was created on one of the record or object types listed below, it will also appear on that object.
- Objects: Fund, Profile, Donor, Grantee, Grant, Scholarship, Donation, Opportunity, Voucher, GL Entry, Journal Entry.
Task on a Record
Incomplete tasks assigned to users with a due date on or before today's date will appear in a red box at the top of the record page.
In some areas of CommunitySuite, such as profiles, incomplete tasks assigned to users with a due date in the future will appear in a Tasks section below the record.
Tasks Page
If incomplete tasks are assigned to users with a due date on or before today's date, the Tasks button in the upper navigation bar will be outlined in red. Navigate to the tasks page. All tasks will appear in the Tasks buckets. This includes task assigned to you as a specific user, all incomplete tasks created by you as a specific user, and tasks assigned to other users will appear in the buckets. A task may appear in more than one bucket based on status and whether it is shared. Task buckets are listed below.
- Current - Incomplete tasks assigned to you with a due date on or before today's date.
- All - Incomplete tasks assigned to you with a due date in the future.
- Assigned - Incomplete tasks that you have created and assigned to other users.
- Completed - All completed tasks assigned to you.
- Shared With Me - Incomplete tasks that other users have created and shared with you.
- Shared With Others - Incomplete tasks that you have created and shared with other users.
Click the [link]between the Description and Assigned To columns to navigate to the record or page where the task was created.
Complete, Edit, or Delete a Task
- Click a task ID.
- Click Complete, Edit, or Delete in the left-side menu.
- If completing a task, select a Complete Date and enter a note if desired.
- Complete Date - This auto-fills with today's date but can be edited.
Add Note (Optional) - If text is entered in this field, the note will appear with the task in the completed tasks list. If the task was on a record (profile, fund, donation, etc.), the note will be added to the Notes section on the record.
- Tasks completed from an opportunity record will appear on the opportunity and the profile.
- Tasks completed from an opportunity record will appear on the opportunity and the profile.