Notes can be added to records in many system locations to document additional information.
Add a Note
If a record is associated with a unique ID or number, the option to Add Note will appear in the left-side menu.
- Navigate to the record for which the note will be added.
- Click Add Note in the left-side menu.
- Enter the applicable Add Note information, and then click Add Note.
- The text box is a required field.
- Date
- Fund (Optional) - Fund to which this note will be linked.
- The note will then be visible when viewing the fund.
- Type - The Task/Note Type associated with the note.
- Task/Note Types can be added to categorize notes for reporting purposes.
- Sticky - If checked, this will order the note at the top of the Notes list for the associated record
- No Rollup - If checked, the note will not display within the native record of the profile that created the note.
- Share - If checked, the note is visible on the record on the Portal.
- If checked on a note from a grant, the note will be visible on the grant record to fund advisors on the Fund Advisor Portal and to grantees on the Portal.
- If checked on a note from a donation, the note will be visible on the donation record to donors on the Portal.
- Alert - If checked, the note will appear above the associated record with a red outline.
- The Alert Area field will appear when Alert is checked.
- Alert Area - If one or more Alert Areas are checked, the note will display as an alert when viewing, editing, or creating an item related to the record in the selected alert area.
- For example, if a note is entered for a profile and the Donation alert area is selected, the note will also display as an alert whenever a donation is created, edited, or viewed for that profile.
- If Alert is selected without an Alert Area, the note will display as an alert at the top of the page when viewing, editing, or creating an item related to the record for which you entered the note.
Manage Notes
Navigate to the Notes page to access notes in the system. There are several actions that may take place on this page.
- Click All Notes in the left-side menu to access all notes in the system.
- Click a note's ID to access the details.
- This can also be done when viewing a record with a note.
- The note can then be edited or deleted by clicking either option in the left-side menu.
- This can also be done when viewing a record with a note.
- Click the link in the Ref field to navigate directly to the record for which this note was entered.
Bulk Delete Notes
After using a filter report to narrow a range of notes, they can be deleted in bulk. This may be especially helpful when cleaning up data that was migrated into your system.
- Navigate to the Notes page and click Filter Reports in the left-side menu.
- Click Add Filter in the left-side menu.
- Click the Notes Filter name.
- Enter the applicable Add Filter information, and then click Apply Report Filter.
- The Add Filter section will differ depending on the selected filter.
- The Add Filter section will differ depending on the selected filter.
- Click Delete Notes in the left-side menu.
- Click [Yes] to confirm.
Bulk Delete Notes From Deleted Profiles
If profiles were deleted that had notes associated to them, the notes can still be bulk deleted. Create a custom note report. From the report, remove the filtered notes date, add the filter Ref is profile, and add the Ref Name filter is Null. This will display a list of notes that no longer have a Ref name field, which is what points back to the associated profile.
Next, filter to a date range. After the report is filtered to the needed list, click Bulk Actions in the left-side menu, and then Delete Notes.