Custom reporting allows users to build reports from scratch. A user defines what columns should be included, column order, sort order, filters, and various grouping and aggregate options. Custom reports can be saved and exported.
Financial reports such as balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, etc., are not available in custom reports and can be found on the Financials page.
Custom Reports Video
The video below provides detailed information about the custom reports functionality in CommunitySuite. The information in the video includes report types and fields, viewing report data, and applying aggregates, filters, and groupings.
Run a Custom Report
- Navigate to the Reports page and click Create Report in the left-side menu.
- Click the custom report Object for which you want to create a report.
- Click [edit] next to Current Fields to begin adding fields to the report.
- Click the box next to the field's name to add fields to the report, and then click Save.
- Using the search function is recommended to efficiently locate fields.
- Click [All] to select all fields within the corresponding section. Click [None] to deselect any selected fields within the section.
- The field type is listed in [brackets].
- Array - A collection of variables.
- Boolean - A field that can be one of two values, yes/no, or 1/0.
- Date - The date associated with a piece of data, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
- Integer - A whole number.
- Numeric - A field with numbers. This can include IDs and amounts.
Varchar - A variable character field with an indeterminate length. These are fields that contain non-standardized text.
Selected fields appear in the Current Fields section.
- Add the Profile Id field to any report that contains this field to enable left-side menu bulk actions such as Add to Campaign.
- Add the Funit Id field to any report that contains this field to enable left-side menu 990 options.
Order Columns
By default, columns display in the order they were added to the report.
- Click a field name and drag it up or down in the list to change the column order.
Sort Columns
Sort the report according to the data in one or more columns.
- Click a field name.
- Click Ascending or Descending next to Sort.
- The selected option is indicated in green.
- Click the selected option to remove the sort criteria.
- Add additional sort criteria as desired.
- Additional criteria applies within the existing sort criteria.
- Click and drag criteria under Column Sort Priority to reorder.
Results Per Page
Custom reports default to 20 results per page.
- Enter the desired number in Results Per Page.
- Alternatively, check the box for Show All to display all results.
- Alternatively, check the box for Show All to display all results.
Filter Columns
A report can be filtered by any field included in the report. The field does not have to be a visible column in the report. A report can have filters applied to multiple fields, but no more than one filter can be applied per field.
- Click Filter.
- Click a field name.
- Use the search bar to easily locate fields.
- Use the search bar to easily locate fields.
- Set the filter options, and then click Apply Report Filter.
- Filter options vary by the type of field selected.
- For example, numeric fields include minimum, maximum, and range options.
- Modifier - Select IS to only include results that match the filter options. Select IS NOT to only include results that do not match the filter options.
NULL - Indicates a blank value in the field for which the filter is being added.
- For example, the filter below could be built with IS NOT and NULL selected to filter out any results without a grantee.
Match Type - This corresponds with text entered in the Character Value field. Filter for the exact match, results containing the text, or results that begin with the text.
- Filter options vary by the type of field selected.
Modify Filter Columns
Once added, filters can be removed or modified.
- Click the X icon to remove a filter.
- Click the linked text to modify a filter.
Total Column
A total can be added to any column with numeric data. The total displays at the bottom of the column.
- Click a field name.
- Check the box for Total Column.
Group By
Add grouping to a column to organize the report by the data in that column. Column values become section headers. A report can only be grouped by one column.
- Click a field name.
- Check the box for Group By.
Click the X icon to remove the grouping.
Aggregate Options
Several aggregate options are available to convert data formats and consolidate report data. Not all aggregate options are available for each field type.
- Count - The number of rows.
- Dcount - The distinct number of instances of data.
- Sum - The total of the numeric data.
- Avg - The average of the numeric data.
- Min - The minimum amount.
- Max - The maximum amount.
Apply aggregate options to a report to summarize the data.
- Click a field name.
- Click an aggregate option.
- Repeat steps 1-2 to add aggregate options to other fields as desired.
- In the example below with aggregate options added to three fields, the report now displays one row per grantee with the sum and count of grants and earliest grant date for each.
- In the example below with aggregate options added to three fields, the report now displays one row per grantee with the sum and count of grants and earliest grant date for each.
After adding an aggregate option to a field, the original field can be added again to the report.
- A different aggregate option could then be applied to the original field.
- For example, the Grant Amount field could be added again to the report shown above. The Avg aggregate option could then be applied to the field to also display the average grant amount per grantee.