Prior to enabling the integrated school and student ID fields, it is recommended that you reach out to the Client Success Team to discuss this option. If you are in the implementation stage, reach out to your Foundant team member.
Integrated School and Student ID Fields provides an overview on the integrated school and student ID feature.
In order to utilize the integrated school and student ID feature between CommunitySuite and Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM), the payee (school) and student ID fields need to be added to at least one follow up form in SLM. If you plan to collect this information using more than one follow up form, you can add the fields to as many forms as needed. For example, with a renewable scholarship you might assign a new follow up form each year to scholarship recipients, checking for any changes to the school they are attending.
Before adding payee fields in SLM, at least one grantee profile must be set as a school in CommunitySuite. Set Grantees as Schools provides information on how to set a grantee profile as a school in CommunitySuite.
At this time, adding the payee fields adds all of the fields listed below to the form. Payee fields can only be added to a form that has not yet been used.
- Payee - This is the drop-down list question containing all profiles set as schools in CommunitySuite.
- This field integrates with CommunitySuite.
- If a scholarship recipient selects the "Other" option, the appropriate school profile in CommunitySuite will need to be manually created. Consider using question branching to have the additional payee fields listed below appear if Other is selected to collect the school's information.
- Student ID
- This field integrates with CommunitySuite.
The following fields do not integrate with CommunitySuite:
- Payee Name
- Payee Address 1
- Payee Address 2
- Payee City
- Payee State
- Payee Postal Code
- Payee Country
- Payee EIN / Tax ID
- Payee Web Site
- Payee Email
- Payee Telephone Number
- Payee Fax Number
It is not possible to delete individual payee fields. It is recommended that two groups are used to sort the fields for visibility.
- Drag and drop the non-integrated fields to a separate group on the form with administrator visibility only set to hide the fields from applicants.
- If those are the only fields in that question group, the entire group will be hidden from applicants and the form can be organized.
- Drag and drop the specific fields for applicants into the desired place on the form and change the visibility and required type for those fields.
- Branching logic can be configured for applicants to fill out these fields if they cannot find their school in the drop-down integrated payee list.
- Question labels can be changed, and instructions can be added.
Only the Payee and Student ID fields integrate with CommunitySuite. Schools must be configured in CommunitySuite in order to be available as list options in the Payee field.
Add Payee Fields
- Click Tools on the upper navigation bar, and then click Process Manager.
- Click the process name.
- Click the Follow Ups stage.
- Click the pencil icon next to the follow up form.
- Click Add Group.
- Enter a name, and then click Save Group.
- Example: Admin Only Payee Fields
- Example: Admin Only Payee Fields
- Within the new question group, click Standard.
- Click Payee Fields.
- Select Administrators in the Visibility drop-down menu, keep Optional selected in the Required Type drop-down menu, and then click Save Question.
- The payee fields will be added to the new question group, visible only to administrators.
- Drag and drop the applicant fields to be used into the correct place in the form and, if applicable, edit those questions by clicking the pencil icon to change the visibility and required type.
- Question labels can be changed, and instructions can be added.
- Question labels can be changed, and instructions can be added.