Archive a Universe
To archive a universe, the universe must be turned off. An archived universe can be restored, and applicants will still be able to access their opportunities. All data in an archived universe is still available through reporting, search requests, etc.
- Click Tools in the navigation bar, and then click Process Manager.
- Check the box next to the universe that should be archived.
- Click Batch Actions, and then click Archive Selected.
Restore a Universe
Restore a universe to the available section.
- Click Tools in the navigation bar, and then select Process Manager.
- Click the Archived drop-down to expand it.
- Check the box next to the universe, and then click Restore Selected to return it to the Available universes section.
Delete a Universe
To delete a universe, the universe must be turned off. Once a universe has been deleted, there is no option to restore the universe. Use caution when deleting a universe.
- Click Tools in the navigation bar, and then click Process Manager.
- Click the trash can icon next to the universe to delete it.