Once evaluators have started to complete evaluations, you can view their evaluations for a specific request.
- From the Dashboard, click the Application Evaluation Assigned workload page.
- Click the score or response rate on the request for which evaluations will be viewed.
- The numbers (e.g. 1/2) show how many evaluations are completed for that request out of how many were assigned.
- Percentage scores will be displayed if scoring questions were added to the evaluation form.
This opens the Evaluation Summary page where each assigned evaluator's responses to each question on the evaluation form can be viewed. Multiple other actions can also be taken on this page.
- Click the check mark icon to view responses to non-scoring questions.
- Click the paper icon next to the evaluator's name to view their full evaluation form in another tab.
- There are options to email all evaluators or only those with incomplete evaluations.