After selecting requests to assign additional evaluators or change the assigned evaluators, different symbols might be visible in the checkbox next to each evaluator's name. Each symbol is explained below.
It's recommended that you use a device other than an iPhone or iPad when batch updating/assigning evaluations, as the symbol functionalities described below are not compatible with iOS.
- Blank - The evaluator is not currently assigned to evaluate the selected requests. You can check the box to assign them to all selected requests.
- Inactive Check Mark (grey and white) - The evaluator is assigned to evaluate the selected requests and cannot be removed from these requests, meaning they've started evaluating at least one of the selected requests.
- Active Check Mark (blue and white) - The evaluator is assigned to evaluate the selected requests, but can still be removed from these requests as they haven't yet started evaluations.
- Dash - The evaluator is assigned to evaluate some of the selected requests. If you leave this checkbox as is and click Save, this evaluator's assignments will remain the same. In other words, they will not be assigned to any selected requests that they weren't already assigned to evaluate.
- If you do want to assign this evaluator to all the selected requests, click the checkbox. It will then change to an active check mark, indicating that they are now assigned to all selected requests.
The dash symbol may differ depending upon which browser you're using. Any symbol other than the inactive or active check mark denotes the "dash" functionality described above.