Once the evaluation period is over, evaluations can be closed for each request. Doing so prevents evaluators from being able to edit their responses on the evaluation form. Evaluations can be closed individually or in a batch.
Close Evaluations Individually
- From the Dashboard, navigate to the Application Evaluation Assigned workload page.
- Click the score or response rate (e.g. 2/2) on the request for which evaluations will be closed.
- Click Close Evaluations.
If necessary, click Email Evaluators to notify evaluators that evaluations have been closed.
The request will move to the Application Evaluation Closed workload page.
Close Evaluations in a Batch
- From the Dashboard, navigate to the Application Evaluation Assigned workload page.
- Check the box on each request for which evaluations will be closed.
- Click Batch Actions, and then click Close Evaluations.
- Click OK.
- If necessary, click Send Email to email the evaluators of each request; otherwise click OK again to finish closing evaluations.
- If necessary, click Send Email to email the evaluators of each request; otherwise click OK again to finish closing evaluations.
The request will move to the Application Evaluation Closed workload page.
Open vs. Closed Evaluations
Evaluations can either be open or closed. Below are key differences between the two statuses.
Open Evaluations
Open evaluations are those that have been assigned and are in progress. All open evaluations are located in the Assigned workload pages.
- Evaluators can enter scores and comments when they complete the evaluation form.
- They may also update the form until the evaluation is closed.
- Board member evaluators cannot see each other’s scores and comments unless the administrator shared evaluations in the process.
- They can view evaluator scores and comments.
- Evaluators only see the requests assigned to them.
Closed Evaluations
Closed evaluations are those that have been marked as closed by the administrator. All closed evaluations are located in the Closed workload pages.
- Scores and comments cannot be edited.
- Board members can view all evaluation scores and comments in the Closed workload page.
- Evaluator dashboards display their completed evaluations that have now been closed.