Welcome to CommunitySuite! We are so glad you are here. This article will cover important resources to help prepare for your implementation and answer frequently asked questions.
Understanding Your Implementation
Together, we will use several tools and resources to manage your implementation. Some of the resources linked below provide general information you will need to review once, while other linked resources are tools you will use throughout your implementation. It is important to read, watch, and understand all the information contained in these resources at the outset of your implementation.
Overview of the CommunitySuite Learning Experience Video (7 minutes) - This video explains some of the in-system resources for learning about CommunitySuite including Foundant Courses and Foundant's Support Hub.
- Learning objective: Understand the different tools you will use to learn about CommunitySuite, and how to get support after you have completed your switch to CommunitySuite.
Implementation Coordinator Responsibilities Video (2 minutes)
- Learning objective: Understand what you, as the coordinator, are responsible for communicating between your internal team and the Foundant team.
Implementation Phases and Timelines
Your Project Manager will send you a detailed timeline at the beginning of your implementation. The week and time estimates will vary depending on the type of implementation, complexity of the organization, and data migration size.
Data Migration & Validation
An important piece of any implementation is data migration. Depending on your migration type, your data will be loaded into a Migration site for you to validate. It may take several hours as a team to validate the data completely. This estimate will fluctuate depending on the size and complexity of your data. Use the Migration Validation article linked in your CSuite Validation Checklist Smartsheet as a data validation guide.
Keys to Success
- Make sure you can extract data from your legacy systems before this phase starts.
- Work proactively to complete all validation tasks on time.
- Ask questions. It is better to uncover confusion and challenges now than at Go Live.
Training & Configuration
Through a series of resources and training calls, your team will onboard CommunitySuite. Training covers core fields and functions within CommunitySuite including accounts, funds, profiles, money in/out processes, end of period processes, and using CRM to bolster your engagement processes. It is important that all recommended attendees listed in your implementation plan complete all homework to prepare for calls and attend or review the recording of the live training. We will cancel training calls if team members have not completed the necessary homework to prepare for the call.
If you are pursuing a Custom Migration (CSdata) into CommunitySuite, there will be an interim validation where Foundant will refresh your data about mid-way through training. Once complete, you will be asked to validate the full site for a second time, recording any desired changes in the system ahead of the final data load at Go Live. Changes requested after this validation may be considered out of scope for the migration and will either be handled through front end imports/changes or billed hourly to include in the migration.
In addition to training, your team will work with Foundant to configure your CommunitySuite site. Foundant has created a checklist of tasks we recommend you complete prior to and after you go live. This will be added to your Smartsheet workspace (more info in tools).
Keys to Success
- Complete all relevant Foundant Coursework prior to calls with Foundant team members.
- Complete interim validation as instructed by the Foundant team (where applicable).
- Set aside time for internal decision making about configuration and workflow decisions.
- Document and practice workflows and internal processes as you go.
System Switch
At the conclusion of your training, your team will prepare to take CommunitySuite live. This process varies depending on your migration path, and details will be shared by your Project Manager. You will be required to have a “blackout” period where your legacy data is extracted for the last time, loaded to a migration site, and validated before migrating to the Live CommunitySuite site. It is important you slow your processes down as much as possible during this period to avoid back entry into your CommunitySuite site. Your Implementation team can offer suggestions on how to communicate to external stakeholders that processes will slow down during the final conversion.
Example of a CommunitySuite Go Live - exact timelines will be sent to clients by their Project Manager.
- Foundant loads final data extract into migration site.
- Client team validates the final data extracts in the migration site.
- Foundant performs iterative changes as needed
- Client approves final data extract load to Live.
- Foundant loads final data extract to Live. Client is now live in CommunitySuite. CommunitySuite is the client’s system of record.
Once CommunitySuite is live and operating as your system of record, if purchased, you can finalize configuration and launch of your external facing pages: Giving Hub, including online donations, and the Portal.
Keys to Success
- Provide your final data extracts to Foundant as instructed.
- Validate your final data in the migration site and work with the Foundant team to resolve any outstanding data issues.
- Begin using CommunitySuite as your system of record.
- Action on your external portal launch plans.
Conclusion of Implementation and Transition to Success
After your Live site is loaded, you will meet with the Foundant team in a series of check-in calls in the month following your Go Live. We will focus on your top priorities, ongoing questions, and solutioning immediate issues. After check-in calls have concluded, you will graduate to our Success team to focus on longer-term initiatives in the software. More about this team will be shared throughout your implementation.
Keys to Success
- Demonstrated understanding of core workflows in CommunitySuite.
- Completion of top priorities within 30 days of going live with CommunitySuite.
- Come to check-in calls prepared to ask targeted questions.
Your CommunitySuite Sites
Throughout your implementation, you will use three different sites.
- The Migration Site
- This site is for data migration only and will be deleted after you go live in CommunitySuite.
- NOTHING from the Migration site can be promoted to the Live site.
- The Sandbox Site
- This site is for testing and learning. You will be able to access this site for as long as you have a license with Foundant. After you go live with the software, you can regularly sync your Live site to the Sandbox so you can always test with fresh data.
- NOTHING from the Sandbox can be promoted to the Live site.
- The Live Site
- This is your system of record once you give us approval to load the site with data.
- This is the site you will complete configurations in as directed by Foundant provided resources.
- This site can be synced to the Sandbox site as needed following Go Live.
Smartsheet is our Project Management Tool. Your Project Manager will send you a link to your Learning Dashboard to get started. The first time you log in, you will be asked to create a password. Your username is your Foundation email. You may be asked to sign up for a free trial of Smartsheet Pro. You do not need to do this. Once the 30-day free trial expires, you do not need to upgrade to a paid license. You can access all Foundant materials without a paid license.
Throughout your implementation, you will use several important resources. Below is a list of the most common resources you will use.
- Learning Dashboard
- Implementation Plan
- Question and Issue Tracker
- Validation Checklist
- Questionnaire
Overview of the CommunitySuite Implementation Plan and Resources Video (8 minutes) - This video provides more information about how to use your Learning Plan and workspace for a successful implementation.
- Learning objective - Understand how the dashboard and Implementation Plans work, what information they contain, and how you will use them.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Does my whole staff need to be on every training call/complete every Foundant course?
- In your implementation plan, we have listed our recommended attendees for each call. It is up to you if you want to have your entire team or just those recommended attendees prioritize the calls with Foundant. Either way, we recommend everyone on your team reviews the resources in all of the Foundant courses. This will give them additional context in the site and enable them to build all of the necessary test data to complete the Foundant Courses.
- How will my data migrate to CommunitySuite?
- Data migrates into CommunitySuite a few ways: Beginning Balances, FIMS, or CSdata (custom). Your contract will determine which migration path your team will pursue. Your Project Manager will give more details on your migration path when you begin implementation.
- How do I reset my password?
- If your domain is set up properly in the Live site and Sandbox site, you can click “Forgot your password?" to reset your password.
- You can ask your internal team members with Admin level permissions to reset your password.
- You can email support@foundant.com. Please include which site you need your password reset.
- When will we learn about integration?
- You will complete the integration training closer to when you will pay grants or scholarships from GLM/SLM out of CommunitySuite.
- Can I launch my online pages on the same day I take CommunitySuite live?
- No. There are several site configurations for the external facing pages that cannot be completed until CommunitySuite is live. Many clients are able to launch the Giving Hub within 1-2 business days after CommunitySuite is live. The Portal will take 2-3 weeks to configure, test, and launch after CommunitySuite is live.
- Do I need to launch my online pages during my implementation?
- No. Launching your external facing pages, like your Giving Hub or Portal, takes time, effort, and planning. Often, clients choose to launch one or none of these items while in implementation. The Foundant team will work with you on your goals to ensure you understand support options in the future when you launch your public facing pages.
- Should I keep entering data into my legacy system while I am implementing CommunitySuite?
- Yes, until you begin your system switch. It should be business as usual with your day-to-day processes while you are implementing CommunitySuite. You may be advised by our team to adjust some data entry practices to help facilitate your migration, but in most cases, keep things the same.
- Should I dual process between CommunitySuite and my legacy system after I take CommunitySuite live?
- This is an internal decision. We never advise clients to dual process beyond 30 days, but there may be specific reasons like timing of cutover and/ or an upcoming audit that may influence your decision to dual process. Ask your Project Manager to review this more specifically with you as you plan your Go Live. Reminder, the longer you dual process between systems, the harder it will be to adopt CommunitySuite.
- How should I handle my audit after I transition to CommunitySuite.
- This is an internal decision. We can advise based on your implementation timeline and migration type. Reach out to your Project Manager for additional advice.