The specifics around grants manager permissions are dependent upon license level.
Basic and Standard Licenses
With the Basic and Standard licenses, users with the grants manager role have a set of permissions that cannot be changed, other than two exceptions. This set of permissions is detailed in User Roles Defined.
The two permissions that can be changed are the ability for grants managers to edit responses on forms and the ability for grants managers to approve and deny requests. These abilities can either be turned on or off for all grants managers in your site; customization per user is not available with the Standard license.
Advanced License
The general set of permissions for users with the grants manager role is detailed in User Roles Defined. With the Advanced license, many of those default permissions can be customized for all grants managers in your site as well as for specific grants managers. Permissions that can be customized with the Advanced license are listed below.
The ability for grants managers to view all requests or only requests from processes to which they're assigned is another Advanced license feature, described in Grants Manager Process or Request Assignments. This is mentioned in relation to several permissions below where the overlap is especially important to consider.
- Manage Users - Ability to create, edit, and activate/deactivate users. Grant Manager's can pin and unpin comments with this permission.
- Manage Organizations - Ability to create, edit, and delete organizations. Grant Manager's can pin and unpin comments with this permission.
- Enter Manual Grants - Ability to manually enter a request within a process.
- Proxy - Ability to proxy in as another user.
- Revert Status - Ability to revert the status of requests.
- Manage Evaluator Assignments - Ability to assign evaluators to requests and edit existing evaluator assignments.
- Manage Requests - Ability to approve, deny, close, and abandon requests.
- Approve Stage - Ability to assign the next form to requests with a completed qualification or LOI form.
Manage Follow Up Assignments - Ability to assign follow ups, edit existing follow up assignments, and edit due dates for assigned follow ups.
Currently, this permission also gives the grants manager the ability to edit due dates for LOI and application forms.
- Manage Deadlines - Ability to update form deadlines.
Manage Installments -Ability to add and edit installments.
If you would like a grants manager to be able to approve requests and add installments, both the Manage Requests and Manage Installments permissions would need to be enabled. If Manage Installments is not enabled, a grants manager can't add installments, even when approving a request and even if the process has installments auto configured.
- Manage Payments - Ability to enter, edit, and delete payments.
Reporting - Ability to access the reporting tool. Within that tool, the grants manager can:
- Run saved reports and edit the description of those reports.
- Take actions (e.g. add filters and formulas) on a saved report.
- They can't save their changes.
- Run a new report from an existing data set.
- They can't save the report.
- Export data from any existing data sets.
Create Data Set - Ability to create new data sets. The Reporting permission must also be enabled in order for the grants manager to use this permission. The grants manager can:
- Copy and edit any existing data sets.
- Run and save a report using a data set they create.
- Save any changes they make to saved reports.
- Send Emails - Ability to send emails to users from the system, both in batch and individually. The grants manager can select to send an available template or send emails without a template.
Requests and Decisions - Ability to access the Requests & Decisions search page and search for any requests in the site.
If process or request assignment is used, the search results on this page will be limited by those assignments.
Request History - Ability to view the Request History tab for users and organizations.
If process or request assignment is used, the ability to access requests on this tab will be limited by those assignments.
- CommunitySuite Integration - Ability to sync requests to CommunitySuite, and the ability to approve and disapprove installments for synced requests.
- Mark Forms Complete - Ability to mark qualification, LOI, application, and follow up forms as complete.