This feature is available with the Advanced license for Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) sites. It is available with the Standard license and above for Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) sites. Contact Support to enable this feature in your site. Contact the Client Success Team with any questions about your license.
After configuring your eligibility rules, it is recommended that you test the rules to ensure that they work as intended for each process. Eligibility rules can fail for multiple unintended reasons including typos, issues with a question on the eligibility quiz form, incorrect rule grouping, or using an incorrect operator (AND vs. OR). Testing the rules helps you catch any of these mistakes so you can edit the eligibility rules accordingly.
- Click Tools on the upper navigation bar, and then click Process Manager.
- Click the process name.
- Click the Eligibility stage.
- Fill in the Eligibility Form, and then click Test Answers.
- For example, the form can be filled out with answers that would lead to an eligible result for this process.
- If found eligible based on the responses and the rules, the page will say Eligible.
- If found not eligible, the page will display details on which rule groups failed based on the responses.
If necessary, change the responses in the Eligibility Form and click Test Answers to run more tests.