When building a text area or text box question on a form, you are required to set the character limit for responses.
The character limit includes spaces. It may be helpful to consider the character limit in relation to a word or page count.
The estimates below are based on a rough average of six characters per word.
- 10,000 characters = 1,600 words or 3.5 pages single-spaced
- 7,000 characters = 1,200 words or 2.5 pages single-spaced
- 5,000 characters = 800 words or 1.5 pages single-spaced
- 3,500 characters = 575 words or 1 page single-spaced
- 1,500 characters = 250 words or .5 page single-spaced
- 500 characters = 80 words
- 250 characters = 40 words