Content for the Portal allows you to add custom text and messages to specific fields in this area. This article lists the available content fields, where they display within the system, and how to edit the information associated with each field.
Default content is the last bullet point on the relevant content names that have default content. The merge fields are within the curly { } brackets. Text within the square [ ] brackets is plain text, not merge fields.
Giving Hub Content
- Navigate to the Portal Options page and click Giving Hub Content in the left-side menu.
Online Donation Header
- Content that displays within Donate to a Fund tab in the Giving Hub.
- Default content: Donate to any of these funds online. If you have any questions contact us at [xxx-xxx-xxxx] or by email [].
Online Donation Payment Footer
- Content that displays in the checkout stage when a donation is made from the Giving Hub.
- Default content: None
Online Donation Thankyou
- Content that displays online after any donation or paid ticket purchase is completed.
- Default content: Thank you for your donation! Together we can make a difference. Return to the grant catalog or to make another donation.
Online Donation Thankyou Head Code
- Content that allows users to redirect from the default Thank You page after an online donation to a different landing page using HTML.
- Sample Code: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; URL=" />
- http-equiv=“refresh” tells the browser to redirect the page.
- content=“3; tells the browser how many seconds to wait before refreshing the page. In this example, it is three seconds. To make it an instant redirect, set it to 0.
- URL=" tells the browser which URL to redirect users to.
- Sample Code: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; URL=" />
- Default Content: None
Grant Card Purchase Header
- Content that displays on the Giving Cards tab of the Giving Hub.
- Default content: None.
Grant Catalog
Grant Catalog Closed
- Content that displays when the grant catalog is not open yet or is over.
- Content will display within the Fund Management tab of the Portal, the (legacy) fund advisor portal, and the Giving Hub if a grant catalog is closed.
- Default content: Sorry, the grant catalog is currently closed. Come back next year.
Grant Catalog Header
- Header text in the grant catalog of the Giving Hub.
- Default content: The following organizations have submitted proposals for the annual Community Grants process. The [foundationname] receives more requests than we can fund on our own. We welcome donations of any size to help fulfill these requests and sustain the great programs that serve our community. For more information, either click through to the organizations website or contact [foundationname].
Grant Catalog Request Create Header
- Header text that appears on the top of the request page once the grantee has selected their name.
- Default content: Welcome to [foundationname] 2014 Grant Application. Complete and submit the following information by December 25, 2014. All fields are required (except the video link) and will be displayed in our online catalog for donors to help fund. The short description must be 65 characters or less. Photos must be .jpg or .png format and a min of 300 pixels; it will be cropped square when you submit, or rejected if not .jpg or .png or too small. Review your online application fields carefully and make a copy before your final submit. Contact us if you need to make changes after your final submission. Additional PDF Documents need to be uploaded and should include (as a PDF): -2014 Grant Application Form (for all requests) -Organization's mission statement (for requests over $2,500) -List of organization's current board members (for requests over $2,500) -Organization's annual budget and current financial statement including balance sheet and profit & loss statement (for requests over $2,500) -If this project is a collaborative effort, the application must include supporting letters from all participating nonprofits and agencies (for requests over $2,500)
Grant Catalog Request Header
- Header text that goes on the top of an online grant request list of grantees.
- Default content: Welcome to our online grant application! To begin, click on your organization's name in the list below. If your organization is not listed, call or email and we will help get your organization added to the list.
Grant Catalog Request Submitted
- Text that appears after a grantee has submitted their grant request.
- Default content: Thank you for your submission to the [founationname] online grant application.
Online Ticket Add Guest
- Content that displays at the top of the Your Tickets page of the Giving Hub.
- Default content: None
Online Ticket Header
- Text that displays at the top of the Event Tickets page within the Giving Hub.
- Default content: Welcome to our online ticket sales page! Check back for our next planned event!
Online Ticket Thankyou
- Content that displays in the Your Tickets tab after a free ticket has been purchased.
- If a paid ticket or a free ticket with additional donation is purchased, the online_donation_thankyou content displays instead.
- Default content: Thank you for your gift!
Nonprofit Directory
Nonprofit Directory Header
- Content that displays in the Giving Hub at the top of the Nonprofit Directory page.
- Default content: Default text for nonprofit directory.
Portal Content
- Navigate to the Portal Options page and click Portal Content in the left-side menu.
Portal Login Content
- Content that displays when initially logging in to the Portal.
- Default content: None
Portal No Profile
- Content that displays when someone logs in to the Portal with an email that is not recorded in the system.
- Default content: Sorry, no profile found.
Portal Profile Header
- Content that displays in the header of the Profile page on the Portal.
- Default content: None
Advisor Profile Edit Header
- Content that displays on the fund advisor portal in the fund advisor profile.
- Default content: None
Portal Donor Header
- Content that displays in the header of the Donor page on the Portal.
- Default content: None
Portal Grantee Header
- Content that displays in the header of the Grantee page on the Portal.
- Default content: None
Portal Student Header
- Content that displays in the header of the Student page on the Portal.
- Default content: None
Portal Vendor Header
- Content that displays in the header of the Vendor page on the Portal.
- Default content: None
Portal Customer Header
- Content that displays in the header of the Customer page on the Portal.
- Default content: None
Portal Nonprofit Header
- Content that displays in the header of the Nonprofit page on the Portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor
Portal Fundadvisor Header
- Content that displays in the header of the Fund Management tab on the Portal and the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Contribution Tab Header
- If Contribution is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Donations left navigation; it also displays on the Contributions tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Files Tab Header
- If Files is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Resources & Documents left navigation > Files secondary navigation; it also displays on the Files tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Financial Tab Header
- If Financial is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Resources & Documents left navigation > Financials secondary navigation; it also displays on the Financials tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Grantcatalog Tab Header
- If Grant Catalog is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Grants left navigation > Grant Catalog secondary navigation; it also displays on the Grant Catalog tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Grantrequest Tab Header
- If Grant Request is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header when creating a new grant request; it also displays on the Grant Request tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Voucherrequest Tab Header
- If Voucher Request is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header when creating a new voucher request; it also displays on the Vouchers tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Grant Tab Header
- If Grants is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Grants left navigation > Grant Summary secondary navigation; it also displays on the Grants tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Internal Loan Tab Header
- If Term Investment is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Resources & Documents left navigation > Term Investment secondary navigation; it also displays on the Term Investment tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Investment Tab Header
- If Investment is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Resources & Documents left navigation > Investment Report secondary navigation; it also displays on the Investments tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Invoice Tab Header
- If Invoice is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Invoices left navigation; it also displays on the Invoices tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Pledge Tab Header
- If Pledge is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Pledges left navigation; it also displays on the Pledges tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Split Interest Tab Header
- If Split Interest is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of Resources & Documents left navigation > Split Interest secondary navigation; it also displays on the Split Interest tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Statement Tab Header
- If Statements is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of Resources & Documents left navigation > Statements secondary navigation; it also displays on the Statements tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fund Advisor Voucher Tab Header
- If Voucher is enabled for a fund advisor, then this content displays on the Portal in the header of the Vouchers left navigation; it also displays on the Vouchers tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Fundmanager Header
- Content that displays on each page of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: none
Fundmanager Login Footer
- Content that displays below the login button on the (legacy) fund advisor portal login page.
- Default content: If you need to reset your password please contact us.
Grant Request Header
- Content that displays on the Portal in the header when creating a new grant request; it also displays on the Grant Request tab on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Grant Request Submit Footer
- Content that displays on the Portal in the footer during the review stage when submitting a grant request; it also displays in the footer during the review stage when submitting a grant request on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Default content: None
Voucher Request Header
- Content that displays on the Portal in the header when creating a new voucher request.
- Default content: None
Voucher Request Submit Footer
- Content that displays on the Portal in the footer during the review stage when submitting a voucher request.
- Default content: None
Advisor Request Confirm Email Body
- Content used in the email body sent when fund advisors submit a grant request.
- Default content: None
Advisor Abandoned Cart Email Body
- Content used in the email body sent to fund advisors who have abandoned their carts.
- Default content: None
Merge Fields
{{#foreach requests}}
{{/foreach requests}}