Below are descriptions of the fields in Giving Hub Settings and Portal Settings found on the Portal Options page.
Depending on your system configuration, certain settings may not appear. If a setting is missing that you think you should have, contact Support.
Label fields are limited to 60 characters. Tabs are limited to 40 characters, and descriptions are limited to 255 characters.
Giving Hub Settings Fields
- Navigate to the Portal Options page and click Giving Hub Settings in the left-side menu to access settings for the Giving Hub.
- Enable Giving Hub Style - If checked, the card view will be enabled on the Giving Hub.
- Show Google Translate - Enables Google Translate on the Giving Hub.
Google Analytics Measurement ID - Enter the Measurement ID from Google Analytics to send data to a specific web data stream.
- This field is not required.
Google Analytics API Secret - Enter the Measurement Protocol API Secrets to populate the amounts fields for donation records in Google Analytics.
- This field is needed to populate the donation record's fields for the various amounts.
Show Fund Images - Allows a fund image to display next to a fund name in the Giving Hub and Funds Management tab of the Portal and (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- These images are only available on the promoted fund list. They will not appear on the list display but will appear when the fund is selected.
- An image can be added to the fund from the fund record.
Tab Names
- Donate To A Fund Tab Name - Change the name of the Donate to a Fund tab on the Giving Hub.
- Hide Public Grant Catalog Tab - Hides the Grant Catalog tab from the Giving Hub.
- Grant Catalog Tab Name - Change the name of the Grant Catalog tab on the Giving Hub.
- Hide Event Tickets Tab - Hides the event tickets tab from the Giving Hub.
- Event Tickets Tab Name - Change the name of the Event Tickets tab on the Giving Hub.
- Hide Nonprofit Directory Tab - Hides the nonprofit directory tab from the Giving Hub.
- Nonprofit Directory Tab Name - Change the name of the Nonprofit Directory tab on the Giving Hub.
- No Memorials - Turns off memorials for online donations. This means donors will not have the option to select a tribute when making online donations.
- Public Recurring Donations - Allows donors to set up recurring donations from the Giving Hub.
- Show Recurring Donation End Date - Allows donors to specify an end date when creating a recurring donation from the Giving Hub.
Min Online Donation - Allows a minimum dollar amount to be set for online donations.
- If left blank, the minimum donation amount defaults to $10.
Giving Levels - Adds the ability to designate giving (donation) levels on the Giving Hub.
- Giving levels will display on the Giving Hub Fund page under the One-time Donation Amount.
- Use a comma to separate the list of amounts.
- Example: 10,50,100 or $10,$50,$100
Allow Donation Notes - If checked, donors will be able to leave a note when making a donation from the Giving Hub.
- This may be helpful if a donor wants to communicate the intent of their gift.
- Donation Comment Label - Additional Notes is the default text that displays next to the comments box in the Giving Hub. If a value is provided for the Donation Comments Label, that value replaces the default text.
Recurring Donation Reminder Days - This allows users to select a number between 7 and 90 days for a recurring donation reminder email to be sent automatically. Recurring donation reminder content fields must be completed before the email is sent.
- Entering a 0 in this field will disable the emails.
- Enable Household Giving - If checked, the Household giving option will be available on the Giving Hub.
Cover CC Fee Percent - Allows the option to enter a percentage to suggest to donors to cover processing fees related to the donation. Donors will have the option to cover those fees in the check out process.
- The percentage set does not need to match the percentage charged.
- The donation will be under the typical profile payment split in two, with the additional donation existing to cover the fee.
CC Fee Fund - This is the fund that assesses the credit card fees from the transaction and the donation that results when a donor selects the option to cover the fees.
- When this is blank and a donor covers credit card fees, the fees will go to the fund that is receiving the donation.
- When this has a fund name entered, all credit card fees will go to that fund whether or not it is the donation recipient fund.
- If someone donates $100 and chooses to increase their donation to cover a 3% credit card fee, the additional $3.09 will go into the CC Fee Fund because that fee is also paying the fund associated with the donations. This will also display on the donor's tax receipt.
- Cover CC Fee Title - Customizable label for the credit card fees checkbox on the Giving Hub.
- Cover CC Fee Description - Customizable description field located next to the credit card fees checkbox on the Giving Hub.
Anonymous Title - Customizable label for the anonymous checkbox on the Giving Hub.
- When donors click the anonymous checkbox, their donations remain anonymous on the Giving Hub.
- Anonymous Description - Customizable description field located next to the anonymous checkbox on the Giving Hub.
- Enable Newsletter - If checked, donors can choose to add their information to a designated newsletter campaign.
- Newsletter Title - Customizable label for the newsletter checkbox on the Giving Hub.
- Newsletter Description - Customizable description field located next to the newsletter checkbox on the Giving Hub.
Portal Settings Fields
- Navigate to the Portal Options page and click Portal Settings in the left-side menu to access settings for the portal.
Enable Portal - If checked, the portal is available for use.
- This is the first step in enabling access to the portal.
- Redirect Legacy Fund Advisor Portal Login - If checked, the (legacy) fund advisor Login page will be redirected to the Portal Login page.
- Show Google Translate - Enables Google Translate on the portal.
- Allow Profile Edit - Enables fund advisors to edit their profile information directly on from the Portal.
- Email Notify On Profile Edit - Enables the ability to send an email notification to organization staff who have an email address when changes are made to profiles from the Portal.
- Show/Edit Contact Preferences - If checked, users can view and edit their contact preferences on the Portal.
- Show/Edit Interest Types - If checked, user can view and edit their interest types on the Portal.
- Enable Donor Portal - If checked, the Donations tab will display on the Portal.
Top Nav Name - Name given to the Donations tab in the top navigation of the Portal.
- Example: My Donations
- Hide Pledge Summary Tab - If checked, the Pledge Summary tab will not be displayed on the Portal.
- Hide Description - If checked, the donation description will not be displayed on the Portal in Donation History or Recurring Donations or in those exports.
- Hide Tax Receipt - If checked, the ability to print the tax receipt from the donation record will not be displayed on the Portal.
Left Nav
- Summary - Change the Summary name in the left navigation on the Donor page of the Portal.
- Donation - Change the Donation name in the left navigation on the Donor page of the Portal.
- Pledge - Change the Pledge name in the left navigation on the Donor page of the Portal.
- Recurring Donation - Change the Recurring Donation name in the left navigation on the Donor page of the Portal.
- Enable Grantee Portal - If checked, the Grantee tab will display on the Portal.
Top Nav Name - Name given to the Grantee tab in the top navigation of the Portal.
- Example: My Grants
- Show Award Letter - If checked, grant award letters will be available on the Portal.
- Show Grant Letter - If checked, grant letters will be available on the Portal.
- Hide Description - If checked, the grant description will not be displayed on the Portal in Grant History and Scholarships or in those exports.
Left Nav
- Summary - Change the Summary name in the left navigation on the Grantee page of the Portal.
- Grant - Change the Grant name in the left navigation on the Grantee page of the Portal.
- Scholarship - Change the Scholarship name in the left navigation on the Grantee page of the Portal.
- Enable Student Portal - If checked, the Student tab will display on the Portal.
Top Nav Name - Name given to the Student tab in the top navigation of the Portal.
- Example: My Scholarships
- Enable Vendor Portal - If checked, the Vendor tab will display on the Portal.
Top Nav Name - Name given to the Vendors tab in the top navigation of the Portal.
- Example: My Vouchers
- Enable Customer Portal - If checked, the Customer tab will display on the Portal.
Top Nav Name - Name given to the Customer tab in the top navigation of the Portal.
- Example: My Invoices
- Enable Nonprofit Portal - If checked, the Nonprofit tab will display on the Portal.
Tab Name - Name given to the Nonprofit tab in the top navigation of the Portal.
- Example: My Directory
Fund Advisor
- Enable Fund Advisor Portal - If checked, the Fund Advisor tab will display on the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
Top Nav Name - Name given to the Fund Advisor tab in the top navigation of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Example: Fund Management
- Show Google Translate - Enables Google Translate on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Hide Grant Catalog Tab - Hides the grant catalog tab on the Grant Catalog tab on the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Show Donor Portal Financials - Allows fund advisors to generate a Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities based on customized or system dates.
- Show Donor Portal Investments - If checked, then administrators will have the ability to display investment information on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Hide Anonymous Amounts - Hides anonymous donation amounts on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Hide Memorial Amounts - Hides the amounts of donations that were given in memory/honor of.
- Hide Donor Name - All donor names on the Fund Management Tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal display as Anonymous whether or not the donor profile or donation is anonymous.
- Hide Donor Phone - Hides donor phone numbers on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Hide Donor Email - Hides donor email addresses on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Hide Donor Address - Hides donor addresses on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Hide Description - If checked, the donation description will not be displayed on the Portal in Donations or in that export.
- Show Donation Comment - If checked, the donation comment will display for fund advisors on a donation record on the Portal.
Show Student Data - If not checked, student information will display as Anonymous.
- If the box is checked, then fund advisors will be able to see the following student information that is associated with scholarships on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Student Name
- Student Number
- Student Address
- Student Emails
- Schools
- If the box is checked, then fund advisors will be able to see the following student information that is associated with scholarships on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Manual Statements - If checked, fund advisors can create manual fund statements on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
Grant Request Confirmation Text - Customizable text field for the grant request confirmation checkbox in the fund advisor grant request workflow.
- This allows users to require confirmation before fund advisors submit grant requests.
- Text box is limited to 256 characters.
- This allows users to require confirmation before fund advisors submit grant requests.
Left Nav
- Fund Summary - Change the Fund Summary name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Contributions - Change the Contributions name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Grants - Change the Grants name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Grants Request - Change the Grants Request name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Voucher Requests - Change the Voucher Requests name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Scholarship - Change the Scholarship name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Pledges - Change the Pledges name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Voucher - Change the Voucher name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Invoice - Change the Invoice name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Resources - Change the Resources name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Donate - Change the Donate name in the left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
Secondary Nav
- Grant Summary - Change the Grant Summary name in the secondary navigation of Grants' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Grant History - Change the Grant History name in the secondary navigation of the Grants' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Recurring Grant - Change the Recurring Grant name in the secondary navigation of the Grants' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Grant Catalog - Change the Grant Catalog name in the secondary navigation of the Grants' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Statements - Change the Statements name in the secondary navigation of the Resources & Documents' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Files - Change the Files name in the secondary navigation of the Resources & Documents' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Nonprofit - Change the Nonprofit Directory name in the secondary navigation of the Resources & Documents' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Financial - Change the Financials name in the secondary navigation of the Resources & Documents' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Investment - Change the Investment Report name in the secondary navigation of the Resources & Documents' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Term Investment - Change the Term Investment name in the secondary navigation of the Resources & Documents' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
- Split Interest - Change the Split Interest name in the secondary navigation of the Resources & Documents' left navigation on the fund advisor portal.
Summary Options
- Show Available Cash - Calculates the amount of cash in a fund that is available for spending. The calculation is based on the percentage defined in the Available For Cash field within the asset accounts.
- Available To Cash Wording - To display a term other than Available Cash on the on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal, populate the preferred name in the Available to Cash Wording field.
- Hide Spendable - If checked, no funds will display spendable balances on the Portal.
- Subtract Min Fund Balance From Available Cash - When Show Available Cash is turned on and this is checked, available cash will be reduced by the Minimum Fund Balance set on the fund.
- Show Steward Info - Allows the ability to add stewards' picture and contact information on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Steward Info Label - Steward Info Label displays above the steward image on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and on the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
Request Options
- Min Fund Advisor Grant - This sets a minimum amount for grant requests submitted through the Fund Management tab of the Portal and the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
Allow Grant Request Notes - If checked, fund advisors will be able to add notes to their grant request.
- Grant request notes will display below the grant request. This may be helpful if a fund advisor needs to leave notes about grant processing or intent.
- This note is not available as a merge field in grant letter templates.
- Grant Request Notes Label - Additional Notes is the default text that displays above the grant request notes box on the Fund Management tab of the Portal and the (legacy) fund advisor portal. If a value is provided for the Grant Request Notes Label, then that value replaces the default text.
Show Non-Promoted Funds - Displays non-promoted funds in the Other Funds drop-down on the grant request tab.
- A non-promoted fund is a fund that has a checking account defined and is not marked as Private or Promote in the fund's settings.
- Grantee Contact On Requests - Allows users to send a notification email to a contact at the organization that is different from the primary grantee email.
- Advisor Request Confirmation Email - Enables fund advisors to receive an email confirming they have submitted a grant request online.
Fund Advisor Cart - Enables fund advisors to populate requests, review, and submit grant requests in batch.
- If Advisor Request Confirmation Email is enabled, fund advisors will only receive one email for grant requests submitted in batch.
- Automated Cart Reminder Email - If checked, an automated email will be sent each night to fund advisors with abandoned carts.
- Require Grant Request Description - If checked, fund advisors will be required to enter a grant request description when creating a grant request in the Portal.
Lookback Dates
- Contributions Lookback Date - Limits contribution detail on the donor and fund tabs in the portal to contributions on and after the lookback date; provides the same functionality on the Contribution tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Pledges Lookback Date - Limits pledge detail on the donor and fund tabs in the portal to pledges on and after the lookback date; provides the same functionality on the Pledges tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Grants Lookback Date - Limits grant detail on the grantee and fund tabs in the portal to grants on and after the lookback date; provides the same functionality on the Grants tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Scholarships Lookback Date - Limits scholarship detail on the student and funds tab in the portal to scholarships on and after the lookback date; provides the same functionality on the Scholarships tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Receipts Lookback Date - Limits contribution tax receipts on the donor tab in the portal to contributions on and after the lookback date; provides the same functionality on the Receipts tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Voucher Lookback Date - Limits voucher detail on the vendor and fund tabs in the portal to vouchers on and after the lookback date; provides the same functionality on the Voucher tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Invoice Lookback Date - Limits invoice detail on the customer and fund tabs in the portal to invoices on and after the lookback date; provides the same functionality on the Invoice tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Financial Lookback Date - Limits financial report detail on the fund tab in the portal to reports on and after the lookback date; provides the same functionality on the Financial tab of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.
- Enforce Lookback Date On Portal History - Limits donation and grant history in graphs and charts on the fund summary in the fund tab in the portal to the dates set in the Contributions Lookback Date and Grants Lookback Date fields; provides the same functionality in the graphs and charts of the (legacy) fund advisor portal.