Set Up an Auditor as a User
To provide auditors with information, it is recommended that they be set up in CommunitySuite as Users, allowing them to access links that are sent to them which potentially reduces the amount of time spent pulling together items. Users and User Groups Overview contains additional information about setting up a new user group, creating a new user, and assigning them to that group. Each auditor should be created as a new user with their own login information.
As new users to the system, the auditors may need additional assistance navigating it if they are not provided direct urls to the items for which they are looking. Navigate CommunitySuite contains additional information on how to navigate throughout the system and access various pages.
The Audit User Group automatically has read-only access to everything within the system. This does allow auditors to access any page within the system and potentially ask additional questions about those pages as they perform their audit.
Send Information to Auditors
Once the auditor has a user profile associated with them, then they can be sent a list of urls to specific data entries, filtered financial reports, and custom report categories made for them.
Create Reports to Export or Send to Auditors
Financial Reports
Financial reports can be modified by adding filters to the report to narrow down the data. Once the filters have been added, the report can be saved and reloaded at some point in the future with the same filters. This tool is also beneficial for creating filters for the auditors and demonstrating how to load the saved filters to view the financial reporting data they need. Financial Reports Overview contains additional information about each financial report and how to create saved filters to share with other users.
Once a filter has been created and shared, applying the filter to a financial report and then copying the url to send to the auditor will directly link them to the filtered financial report.
Custom Reports
Custom reports are completely custom to whatever type is selected and the subsequent fields added to it, allowing them to be customized to match the auditor's needs. Custom Reports contains additional information on creating and managing a custom report to add all of the necessary fields, filters, and other modifiers to answer any questions. Once a custom report is created, it must be saved and shared to be accessed by other users within the system.
After a custom report is created for an auditor, it should be added to a custom report category that can be linked to the auditor.
- Navigate to the Reports page and click Categories in the left-side menu.
- Click Create in the left-side menu.
- Enter a Name for the category, and then click Create.
After the category has been created, custom reports can be saved to the category from the custom report.
Sharing the url to the category page will display all of the custom reports that have been categorized for the auditors.
Use Global Search
Finally, to locate specific items, if web urls cannot be shared, the IDs of items can be shared instead to be searched through the global search function. Auditors may use the global search feature in the top left of the site to search for the ID of any item to access it. This applies to all items within the system that have an ID number associated with it.
It is recommended that urls are copied and shared through secure formats whenever possible to allow for ease of navigation and access of system data.
Export Data for Auditors
If auditors are unable to access the urls sent to them, exporting data can be an alternative option to send the data. Reporting Overview contains multiple resources on Default Reports, Custom Reports, and Financial Reports that detail the exporting procedures and formats for each of those reports in greater detail.