Build a report to view summarized installment form information for grants or scholarship awards.
Build a data set to pull in the appropriate processes, request statuses, and fields.
- In a Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) site, select the Approved and Follow Up(s) Assigned statuses.
- In a Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) site, select the Approved, Follow Up Draft, Follow Up Submitted, and Follow Up Complete statuses.
- Select One Row per Installment as the output.
- In addition to any other fields, include the following:
- Project Name (GLM sites)
- Organization Name (GLM sites)
- Contact First and Last Name (SLM sites)
- Fields related to the school payee (SLM sites)
- Grant Balance
- Installment Due Date
- Installment Balance
- In a Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) site, select the Approved and Follow Up(s) Assigned statuses.
- Click Run New Report.
- The report will display one row of data for each installment for each included request.
- The report will display one row of data for each installment for each included request.
- Common actions taken on installment reports include the following:
- Group the report by either the organization or the contact.
- Filter the report to only show installments with an installment balance greater than 0 and with a due date within a specific range.
- Click Save New Report.