Build a report to view evaluation data in your site.
Build a data set to pull in the appropriate processes, request statuses, and fields.
- If evaluations are still in progress, select the Evaluations Assigned status. If evaluations are closed, select the Evaluations Closed status and any other relevant statuses where requests could be located.
- Select One Row per Evaluation as the output.
- Fields commonly added to data sets for evaluation reports include the following:
- Submission Assignee First Name and Submission Assignee Last Name - These fields provide the name of the evaluator, and it is helpful to combine them into one field.
Score - If scoring questions are utilized on the evaluation form, this provides the overall score of the evaluation.
- If an evaluator has not yet completed their evaluation, the score for their evaluation will still populate. A filter can be applied to only display completed evaluations on the report.
- Evaluation Finished - This can help filter the report to only see completed or uncompleted evaluations.
- Form Name - If multiple evaluation stages are utilized and only one stage of evaluation data will be viewed on this report, include the Form Name field for filtering purposes.
- Click Run New Report.
- The report will display one row of data for each evaluation for each included request.
- Common actions taken on evaluation reports include the following:
- Group the report by request using a field such as Project Name or Contact Name, or group by evaluator using the Submission Assignee field.
- Apply an aggregate function to the Score field to see the average score for a request or an evaluator.
- Filter the report to only show a certain evaluation stage by filtering on the Form Name column or to only show completed evaluations by filtering on the Evaluation Finished column.
- Apply weights to scoring questions.
- Click Save New Report.