In order for fund advisors to log in to their Fund Management tab on the Portal or their (legacy) fund advisor portal, a login must be configured for them. The same is true for any profile designation that has been granted access to the Portal.
Create Login
- Navigate to the profile record for which the login will be configured.
- Click the Login Info tab.
- Click Edit Login in the left-side menu.
- Enter the Login (username), and then click Save.
- Click Set Password in the left-side menu.
- Enter a password in the New Password field, and then click Save.
- Check the box next to Temporary to prompt the user to create a new password during their next login attempt.
- Check the box next to Temporary to prompt the user to create a new password during their next login attempt.
An automatic email is sent to the fund advisor when save is selected on the Set Password page.
In the event a password needs to be reset, review the Admin Instructions section for options.