This feature is available with the Advanced license for Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) sites. It is available with the Basic license and above for Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) sites. Contact Support to enable this feature in your site. Contact the Client Success Team with any questions about your license.
After an applicant sends their email to a third party within a third party question group, the system automatically sends a second email to that individual. That email contains the link for the third party responder to log on to the site and complete the applicable questions. You have the option to build a customized email template for this automatic email.
In addition, you can build an email template for an automatic reminder email to be sent to third party responders seven days after the initial request was sent if they have not yet completed their questions. This is an optional automatic email.
Build the Initial Third Party Email Template
The default initial email without any customizations appears as below.
Follow the steps below to build a customized email template for the initial email sent automatically to a third party responder identified by an applicant.
- Click Communications in the upper navigation bar, and then click Email Templates.
- Click Add Email Template.
- In the body of the email, add instructions for the third party responders. The following information is automatically included at the bottom of the email body when the email is sent:
- A link to log on to the site which will bring the third party to their dashboard.
- An applicant information section that lists the applicant's name, email, organization (if applicable), and project name.
- Customize the rest of the email template as desired.
- Select the Third Party Assigned event type.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to the process stage for which the automatic email will be used.
- Click Add Automatic Email, and then click To Third Party (when Applicant clicks Send).
- Click the Choose Email Template drop-down menu, and then select the built template.
Build the Reminder Third Party Email Template
Follow the steps below to build an email template to be sent automatically to third party responders who have not yet completed their questions after seven days.
Third party reminder emails will automatically be sent for any request in which the application form has not been marked complete, or does not have a decision of denied or approved entered on it. The reminder emails will be sent regardless of when the Universal Application or process start and end dates are, or what the due date set on the application is. The only way to prevent this is to delete the third party reminder notification event at the Universal Application or process level.
- Click Communications in the upper navigation bar, and then click Email Templates.
- Click Add Email Template.
- In the body of the email, add the reminder message for the third party responders.
- The link to log on to the site is included at the bottom of the email body when the email is sent but not the applicant information.
- It is recommended to include email merge fields in this template to include the applicant's name for reference.
- Customize the rest of the email template as desired.
- Select the Third Party Reminder event type.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to the process stage for which the automatic email will be used.
- Click Add Automatic Email, and then click To Third Party (7 days after Email sent).
- Click the Choose Email Template drop-down menu, and then select the built template.
- If the automatic email is no longer necessary, click the trash can icon to delete it.