Below are descriptions for the custom reports that are available in CommunitySuite, use case scenarios for each report, and the limitations of each report.
Description: Chart of accounts table.
Usage: Use to review chart of accounts and settings. Also includes access to account type fields.
Limitations: Does not include balances or entries, just the chart of accounts information. Use General Ledger to get transactions.
Account Transfers - Balance Swaps
Description: Displays information about To/From Account, To/From Funds, and many other fields associated with Balance Swaps.
Usage: Displays the same information as the account transfers screen of balance swap but allows the user to adjust the report using additional filters and fields for display. i.e. filters by date or fund, etc.
Limitations: Only displays posted balance swaps.
Account Transfers - Physical Transfers
Description: Displays information about To/From Account, To/From Funds, and many other fields associated with Physical Transfers recorded in CommunitySuite.
Usage: Displays the same information as the physical transfers screen of balance swap but allows the user to adjust the report using additional filters and fields for display. i.e. filters by date or fund, etc.
Limitations: Only displays posted physical transfers.
Account Type
Description: Lists the various general ledger account types in your general ledger.
Usage: Use to review the account types. There are no related fields.
Limitations: Only lists the account types. To get the chart of accounts for the types, use Account. To get the transactions within the types, use General Ledger.
Description: Lists the various actions and objects in the system.
Usage: Use to review the action codes. There are no related fields.
Limitations: Only lists the action codes. Generally only useful for an administrator.
Admin Fee
Description: Lists the calculated admin fees.
Usage: Use to report on particular admin fee batches or admin fees charged to a fund. Includes access to the fund fields and the codes under the fund (like group, subgroup).
Limitations: None.
Admin Fee Fund Group
Description: Lists the admin fee fund group names and s.
Usage: Use to report on funds within an admin fee group.
Limitations: Only includes two fields, Admin Fee Group Name and Group .
Description: Lists the fund budgets.
Usage: Use to report on budget information. Related to fund and general ledger account. Includes year. Use budget year to get the year for the budget (format is still date, will be 1/1/year) and budget date to get the month and year that the budget applies to.
Limitations: Does not include the actual expense so cannot be used for budget versus actual comparisons.
Description: Lists campaign information.
Usage: Use to review list of campaigns.
Limitations: Does not include transactional information like ticket sales or donations connected to a campaign.
Campaign Group
Description: Lists campaign group codes and descriptions.
Usage: Use to review list of campaign groups.
Limitations: Only lists the groups - no related information.
Campaign Profile
Description: Use to see the donor campaign listing - what campaigns was a donor invited to.
Usage: Review invites for a profile, attended for a campaign, or other overall stats.
Limitations: Does not include financial information like ticket sales, requests, or groups. It is just the profile and the top level campaign info.
Campaign Profile Donations
Description: When added to a Campaign Profile report, donation amounts for profiles associated to campaigns will display in a donation amount column.
Usage: See total amounts given for profiles associated to a campaign.
Limitations: Do not use as a standalone report. It is intended to add the ability to see donations by profile in a Campaign Profile report.
Campaign Profile Invoices
Description: When added to a Campaign Profile report, invoice amounts for profiles associated to campaigns will display in an invoice amount column.
Usage: See total invoice amounts for profiles associated to a campaign.
Limitations: Do not use as a standalone report. It is intended to add the ability to see invoices by profile in a Campaign Profile report.
Campaign Profile Ticket
Description: A ticket report showcasing the number of tickets purchased, their purchase times, and quantities per profile.
Usage: Compile a comprehensive list detailing ticket purchases along with associated profiles, funds, and accounts information.
Limitations: In case of multiple ticket purchases over time, each purchase is represented as a separate line for the profile.
Campaign Ticket
Description: A detailed ticket report highlighting campaign and ticket-specific fields such as start/end dates, available tickets, seats to assign, and ticket names, values, and prices.
Usage: Enables the viewing of available tickets for a campaign and indivual ticket types, alongse fund and accounting information linked to the tickets/campaign.
Limitations: Does not specify which profiles have purchased tickets.
Campaign Ticket Summary
Description: Displays a comprehensive overview of ticket sales within event campaigns.
Usage: entify ticket sale trends, successful campaigns, or combine with other campaign reports to view overall campaign data.
Limitations: Displays data that only relates to tickets. In order to gain a greater understanding of a campaign's performance, use other campaign custom reports to pull data and combine it with this report.
Description: Use to see the list of checks and electronic payments processed.
Usage: Review check runs, check batches, check the ACH status of payment items, get list of payments to a vendor, or other payment items.
Limitations: Does not include grant/scholarship info. Use check vouchers to see this information. Electronic is not available as a field. Check number will be blank for electronic payments. Does not include reconciled flag/date so cannot get reconciliation lists.
Check Voucher
Description: Use to see vouchers that were processed into checks. Note that there can be multiple vouchers on a single check, so it is possible to have the same check number in this list more than once.
Usage: Use to see checks related to grants or when needing other voucher related information along with the checks. Note that the total voucher pa amount for a check number will equal the amount on the check report.
Limitations: None.
Cov Codes
Description: Lists Cov codes, numbers, and names.
Usage: Use to see the list of available Cov codes.
Limitations: This list is not customizable. It used Cand’s Support Strategy taxonomy. For more information, see COV-19 Grant Field.
Description: Lists Stripe deposits net of fees.
Usage: Use to get listings of past deposits for audit or reconciliation purposes for Stripe payments with the fees removed so you can match actual deposits into your bank account.
Limitations: Stripe payments only. These are the auto-reconciled transactions. Use the Till Deposit report to get a list of bank deposits.
Distribution Type
Description: Use to list the distribution types that are used for calculations.
Usage: Use this to review your spending policy calculations or produce a list for your auditors.
Limitations: Only lists the type codes. Use distributions to get the amounts of the various distribution runs.
Description: Use to get results of distribution calculations runs. Includes links to fund fields.
Usage: Use to get listings of past distribution runs or how spendable balance was set for a particular fund or funds.
Limitations: The description gives you the calculation and amount gives you the calculation results. For instance, the description could be 3% of 500,000.00 so amount would be 15,000. There are not fields for the percentage or the balance, just the result.
Description: Lists the division code table.
Usage: Use to get a list of the fund divisions in your database.
Limitations: Only lists the divisions, does not allow you to see funds. Start your report from Fund to get the list of funds by division.
Description: Lists donation and related profile and fund information.
Usage: Use when you need to do donation analysis by donor (for example first, last, average, donor retention, giving patterns) or fund.
Limitations: Tax deductible portion only. To get all incoming monies from a donor, you would need to join this with an invoice (non-gift amounts) report. Profile reflects the donor. If an indivual who is under a household makes a donation, the indivual profile will be listed. The household profile and name are available in additional columns.
Donation Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on donations and the donation information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on donations.
Limitations: None.
Donation Rollup
Description: Same columns and functionality as the Donation report with one exception. Profile and donor information will reflect the highest level profile when donation has an advisor or donor is a household member. Example: When donation has an advisor, the advisor’s Profile and information will be reflected. When donor or donation advisor is a household member, the household Profile and information will be reflected.
Usage: Use to rollup donations from households, household members, including donations where household or member was an advisor.
Limitations: Does not reflect profile where donation was processed when donation is advised or when donor is household member.
Donation Soft Credit
Description: Lists soft credits associated to donations. If a donation has several soft credits associated to it, each one will be listed separately.
Usage: Use to list all soft credits associated to donations.
Limitations: None.
Donation Type
Description: Lists the donation type table.
Usage: Use to review your list of donation types and revenue accounts.
Limitations: Only the code table. To analyze donations by donation type, use the Donation report.
Engagement Strategies
Description: Lists the engagement strategies code table.
Usage: Use to review your list of engagement strategies.
Limitations: Only the code table. To analyze profiles by engagement strategy, use the Profile report.
Description: Displays information about attached files as well as employee information associated with the file.
Usage: Use to see what files are attached to what records.
Limitations: None.
File Category
Description: Lists the file category table.
Usage: Use to review your file categories.
Limitations: Does not list the files in each category. To see files by category, use the File report.
Financial Current Balance
Description: Displays fund field information including account type, amount, and type name. Also includes fund advisor information.
Usage: Use to review current balances.
Limitations: None.
Financial Current Income
Description: Displays fund field information, fund advisor information, and admin fee and distribution information. Also has additional grant, scholarship, voucher, donation, and invoice fields available.
Usage: Use to review current income.
Limitations: None.
Financial Trailing 12 Month Balance Trend
Description: Displays assets, balance date, and liabilities.
Usage: Use to see the 12 month trends for balance sheet accounts.
Limitations: Balances displayed will be for a single point in time.
Financial Trailing 12 Month Income Trend
Description: Displays balance date, expenses, and revenue.
Usage: Use to see the 12 month trends for income statement accounts.
Limitations: Balances displayed will be for a single point in time.
Description: Lists fund information and related tables. Includes Current Fund Balance, Current Principal Balance, and Current Spendable Balance. Balance fields are updated at mnight. Also includes First and Last Dates for donations, grants, invoices, scholarships, and vouchers. Includes Primary Fund Advisor. Allows for reporting on more than one distribution type.
Usage: Use to review funds and fund settings.
Limitations: Does not include additional financial numbers. Does not include activity detail. Use Donation, Grant, Invoice, Scholarship, and Voucher reports for detail.
Fund Admin Fee Type
Description: Displays Admin Fee code attributes that are not included in Fund Fee Types table.
Usage: Use to see what fee codes exist in your site.
Limitations: Does not include the Fund count, the Receiving fund, or Revenue account.
Fund Advisor
Description: Lists all profiles that are fund advisors.
Usage: Use to review things like notify and statement settings for your fund advisors.
Limitations: Does not include fund information so each profile is only listed once regardless of the number of funds they are attached to. To see the relationship to all funds, use the Fund Advisor Fund report.
Fund Advisor Cart
Description: Contains fund advisor cart fields and a variety of profile fields.
Usage: Use to entify fund advisors who have abandoned, or not processed, their fund advisor carts.
Limitations: None.
Fund Advisor Fund
Description: Lists all profiles that are fund advisors with the funds they advise.
Usage: Use to review advisors for funds or to get profile information for things like fund anniversary dates.
Limitations: Financial information limited to what is included in the fund report.
Fund Beneficiary
Description: Lists the beneficiary, fund, and percentage information for fund beneficiaries.
Usage: Use to review your fund beneficiaries.
Limitations: None.
Fund Group
Description: Lists the fund group code table.
Usage: Use to review your fund groups.
Limitations: Does not list the funds in each group. To see funds by group, use the Fund report.
Fund Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on funds and the fund information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on funds.
Limitations: None.
Fund Profile Advisor
Description: Displays fund owners, profile fund category s, profile fund category names, and profiles fields.
Usage: Use to view fund owners and fund profile fields in the same report.
Limitations: None.
Fund Prospect
Description: Lists fund information, fund prospect information, and related tables. Includes fund balance, current principal balance, and current spendable balance. Balance fields are updated at mnight. Also includes first and last dates for donations, grants, invoices, scholarships, and vouchers. Includes fund advisor.
Usage: Use to view funds' prospects.
Limitations: Does not have any specific fund prospect fields associated to the report; however, profile fields are available. Does not include additional financial numbers or activity detail. Use Donation, Grant, Invoice, Scholarship, and Voucher reports for detail. To see all fund advisors per fund, use Fund Advisor Fund report.
Fund Restriction
Description: Displays fund restrictions and their associated 's.
Usage: View all fund restrictions in a single report.
Limitations: Only includes fund restriction fields and their corresponding 's; lacks additional information.
Fund Segments
Description: Lists the fund segment code table.
Usage: Use to review your fund segments.
Limitations: Does not list funds in each segments. To see funds by segment, use the Fund report.
Fund Subgroup
Description: Lists the fund subgroup table.
Usage: Use to review your fund subgroups.
Limitations: Does not list funds in each subgroup. To see funds assigned to subgroups, use Fund report.
GLM Request
Description: Grant information from GLM Request integration page on GLM Grants (can be accessed by clicking GLM [or similar field] on the grant).
Usage: Track grants originating in GLM.
Limitations: Can pull basic grant and grantee information, but not payment schedule or payment information such as payment account, check number, etc.
Description: Lists the gender table contents.
Usage: Use to review your genders in your site.
Limitations: Just a list of possible values. Use the Profile report to see the profiles they are assigned to.
General Ledger
Description: Lists general ledger transactions.
Usage: Use to get general ledger activity reports such as transactions by account or division or other fund codes.
Limitations: None.
Description: Lists grants and related information.
Usage: Use for things like grants by grant type or grants by fund.
Limitations: Does not include pa amount or payment schedule. Use Voucher or Check to get pa amount and grant payment to get payment schedule.
Grant and Scholarships
Description: A comprehensive master list detailing grants and scholarships, including amounts, dates, reference 's, and classification as a grant or scholarship.
Usage: Utilize to review grants/scholarships, sortable by date, fund, and/or account.
Limitations: Does not contain grantee information unless the primary advisor is the grantee.
Grant Card
Description: Displays grant card fields such as balance, cancel amount, cancel date, created timestamps, grant card amount, expiration date, card , card code, require pin, and if the card is open or expired. Also contains grant card group fields, grant card group account and fund fields, grant card group profile fields, grant card group primary advisor fields, and profile fields.
Usage: Comprehensive list of grant cards and their status.
Limitations: None.
Grant Card Grant
Description: Displays grant card fields such as balance, cancel amount, cancel date, created timestamps, grant card amount, expiration date, card , card code, require pin, and if the card is open or expired. Also contains grant card group fields, grant card group account and fund fields, grant card group profile fields, grant card group primary advisor fields, and grant fields.
Usage: Use to view grant fields associated to grant cards.
Limitations: None.
Grant Card Group
Description: Displays grant card fields such as balance, cancel amount, cancel date, created timestamps, grant card amount, expiration date, card , card code, require pin, and if the card is open or expired. Also contains grant card group fields, grant card group account and fund fields, grant card group profile fields, grant card group primary advisor fields, and fund fields.
Usage: Use to view fund fields associated to grant cards.
Limitations: None.
Grant Catalog
Description: Lists grant catalog codes and values.
Usage: Use to review the grant catalogs.
Limitations: Only header/descriptive data - no dollars except funding goal.
Grant Catalog Request
Description: Grant information from the Grant Catalog Request page as well as any open and closed grant requests. (Grant Catalog requests are created also by Fund Advisors, but only when the foundation has an active grant catalog with active options.)
Usage: Use to run a report on the grantee requests submitted for a grant catalog.
Limitations: Does not include the information on the fund, funding, or donations that support the grant catalog.
Grant Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on grants and the grant information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on grants.
Limitations: None.
Grant Payment
Description: Lists payment schedule items.
Usage: Use to get future planned payments to review all payments scheduled for grants. Note that amount is the full grant amount.
Limitations: Does not include status on whether line is pa or not. Would need to be joined with voucher data in a separate tool to see if a voucher exists and payment status.
Grant Request
Description: Grant information from the Grant Request page as well as any open and closed grant requests. (Grant requests are created by Fund Advisors when they want to create a grant in their fund.)
Usage: Use to run a report to see what grant requests came through the fund advisor portal.
Limitations: Pulls basic CommunitySuite grant information from grants submitted through the online portal, but not payment installment or check information.
Grant Status
Description: Proves information about the status of a grant.
Usage: Use this report to see the status and approval information of a grant. This includes if it is pa, complete, in voucher status, past due, on hold, or denied. You can also use this report for the last grant date.
Limitations: None.
Grant Type
Description: Lists grant types in your system.
Usage: Use to review your grant type codes.
Limitations: Only the code table. To get lists of grants by grant type, use the Grant report.
Description: Lists user groups in your system.
Usage: Use to review your list of user groups, including if it is an admin group.
Limitations: Only the list of user groups. Does not list permissions or users assigned to group. Use User Group to get users assigned to group. Use Group Action to see list of permissions for a group.
Group Action
Description: Lists permissions for a user group. Includes user group fields to get the user group name.
Usage: Use to review your permissions by user group.
Limitations: Does not list users. Use User Action to get list by users with permissions.
Household Profile
Description: Lists household profiles in the system.
Usage: Use to review or list your household profiles. Essentially the same as the profile listing, but just limited to household profiles.
Limitations: Note that a profile can appear multiple times in this list because of the relationships to emails, phone numbers, and addresses. If using any of those relationships, it is best to try and limit to a single one by using address, email, or phone that contains Primary in the field name.
Description: Lists invoices and related information.
Usage: Use to get listings of non-gift payments due and/or pa with fund and profile information.
Limitations: Does not have accounting information. Use Invoice Item report if you need General Ledger information.
Invoice Item
Description: Lists invoice detail and related items.
Usage: Use to get detail of non-gift payments due and/or pa along with General Ledger account information.
Limitations: Does not have pa amount. Use invoice report to get pa value of invoice.
Invoice Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on invoices and the invoice information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on invoices.
Limitations: None.
Journal Entry
Description: Pulls information from your journal entry records.
Usage: Use to pull information from your journal entry records such as the employee that created the entry, fund, fund , description, whether the journal entry was imported, and the import .
Limitations: Includes information from journal entry transactions processed through the Journal Entry area, as well as Funds Transfer transactions.
Description: Displays information on any loans setup in CommunitySuite.
Usage: Use to get loan information such as interest rate, loan date, loan , loan status, fund, fund , and profile.
Limitations: None.
Description: Lists audit log and employee information.
Usage: Use for reviewing/auditing data changes.
Limitations: None.
Description: Gets nonprofit and profile information for profiles that have a “Profile Is” of “Nonprofit.”
Usage: Use for reviewing/listing nonprofits such as when reviewing who you want published in the nonprofit directory.
Limitations: See limitations in profiles for notes about how using address/email/phone can affect your results.
Nonprofit Category
Description: Proves a list of nonprofit categories you have defined in your system.
Usage: Use for reviewing/auditing list of categories.
Limitations: Does not include nonprofits assigned to categories or other usage information. Use Nonprofit to list the organizations attached to the category.
Description: Lists notes and related information.
Usage: Use to get listings of notes and their relationships.
Limitations: Only information in the report is what's related to what is hard coded on the note. For instance, if the note is on a profile, you cannot pull information about that profile.
Object Profile Note
Description: Lists information for the profile and object a note is associated with. For example, if a note is on a donation, this report contains columns for the note and profile that made the donation.
Usage: Use to report on notes on objects such as donations or grants, with profile information.
Limitations: Does not show info for the object the note is on. For example, if a note is on a donation, it will show profile and note information, but not donation information.
Open Voucher
Description: Displays posted vouchers that are not pa in the system.
Usage: Use to create a report that displays fields for accounting staff to pay from instead of the voucher or accounts payable screens.
Limitations: Includes data for currently open vouchers (unpa and partially pa vouchers) only. Fully pa and unposted vouchers will not appear on this report.
Description: Lists opportunities and related fields.
Usage: Use to build listings of open opportunities by type or stage, pipeline dashboards, or other views.
Limitations: Does not contain link to donation if opportunity resulted in a donation.
Opportunity Note
Description: Includes one row per note assigned to an opportunity. Also includes information about the profile the opportunity is assigned to.
Usage: Use to report on notes that are attached to an opportunity.
Limitations: Does not include notes not created on an opportunity.
Opportunity Type
Description: Lists opportunity type codes.
Usage: Use to review your list of opportunity types.
Limitations: Code table only which does not include the opportunity type stages.
Org Role
Description: Lists org role codes and values.
Usage: Use to review your list of org codes.
Limitations: Code table only. To list profile with org code and connected profile, use Profile Org Role report.
Parent Org Profile
Description: Lists organization profiles that have children organizations and shows the Profile and email/address data.
Usage: Use to prove a list of organizations that have children.
Limitations: Does not prove a list of the children under the organization or all profile fields proved by the custom profile report.
Payment Method
Description: Lists payment method codes and values.
Usage: Use to review your payment method options.
Limitations: Code tables only. To get donations by payment methods, use the Donation report.
Permission Auditlog
Description: Lists log of changes to permissions.
Usage: Use to review changes to group permission settings.
Limitations: None.
Description: Lists pledges and related information from fund and profile.
Usage: Use to see pledge reports such as pledge amount versus open amount, pledges by profile or fund, or other listings.
Limitations: Only contains summary information for amount and pa. To see the payment due dates, use the Pledge Payment report.
Pledge Payment
Description: Lists payment lines for pa and unpa pledges and related information.
Usage: List payments made or open payments with profile and/or fund information. Export for mail merge of pledge payment letters.
Limitations: Does not contain fund information. To look at fund information, use Pledges and merge with pledge payment data to see open pledge amounts by fund.
Description: Lists profile information.
Usage: List profile information for review and other uses. This report includes Login to allow users to see the profiles that have login information.
Limitations: No financial numbers (like donation amounts or grant amounts), just the base profile information. First and last donation dates are available fields, which can assist with LYBNT and SYBNT reporting. Note that a profile can appear multiple times in this list because of the relationships to emails, phone numbers, and addresses. If using any of those relationships, it is best to try and limit to a single one by using address, email, or phone that contains Primary in the field name.
Profile Address
Description: Lists profiles and the address(es) related to them.
Usage: Use to build profile lists for address verification or mail merge usages.
Limitations: Profiles can appear multiple times in the result set. This can list email, phone number, and street address. If they have multiple values and the fields are included on the report, then every possible combination will appear. For instance, if a profile has two email addresses, three phone numbers, and two street addresses and you were including all of these fields in the results, it would appear in the list 12 times (2 times 3 times 2). You can avo this by using filters to remove multiples or by deduping in another tool (like Excel) after exporting.
Profile Address Type
Description: Lists profile address types.
Usage: Use to review the types you have created in your system.
Limitations: Does not access profiles. Use the Profile or Profile Address report to get the profiles assigned to a profile address type.
Profile Charity Check
Description: Lists profile charity check fields and profile fields that include contact information, profile types, and various other fields associated to profiles
Usage: Use to review the charity check status of profiles
Limitations: None.
Profile Email
Description: Lists email addresses that are assigned to profiles.
Usage: Use to get a list of email addresses.
Limitations: Does not include access to profile information (like names). It is just the information related to emails. To get a list that includes the profile information, use Profile or Profile Address. Also does not include the link to the profile when including the profile .
Profile Email History
Description: Shows a history of emails sent to all profiles.
Usage: See history of emails sent to profiles.
Limitations: Only includes emails sent after this feature was released. Does not include grant and scholarship letter emails.
Profile Email Type
Description: A report displaying the various email types in use, such as work, personal, secondary, etc.
Usage: Review available profile email type along with their associated profile email type 's.
Limitations: Only displays name and of the profile email type; does not show which profiles have specific emails assigned to each profile email type.
Profile Fund
Description: Lists profiles and the funds they are related to.
Usage: Use to review profile fund relationships, look for funds without a particular relationship, or other listings.
Limitations: Cannot be used to list funds that don’t have a relationship. For example, you can’t say show me DAF funds that do not have a successor advisor. You would need to join the results from this report and a fund listing to see that list.
Profile Fund Category
Description: Lists the profile fund category codes and values.
Usage: Use to review your list of profile to fund relationships.
Limitations: Code table only. No related data like fund or profile. Use the Profile Fund report to see the relationships.
Profile GLM
Description: Includes profile integration fields from GLM/SLM.
Usage: Reports on Profile data from GLM/SLM Profile integration.
Limitations: Does not include grant or scholarship data.
Profile Link Types
Description: Includes options that are established in your profile links relationship menu.
Usage: View defined profile links.
Limitations: No other information is included. It is just a listing of link options.
Profile Links
Description: Includes relationship and reverse relationship formed between profiles that are connected by Profile Links and Org Roles.
Usage: Use to report on relationships and reverse relationships between profiles.
Limitations: Each relationship will have two lines. One for the relationship and one to show the reverse relationship. Each line can show both parts of the relationship, but the Profile and and Name will reflect each connected profile.
Profile Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on profiles and the profile information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on profiles.
Limitations: None.
Profile Org Role
Description: Lists profile org roles and related information (profile, organization profile and org role).
Usage: Use to review lists of profiles with particular roles and who they are related to; get all relationships for a particular organization or organizations or other listings.
Limitations: No way to see organizations without a particular role assigned.
Profile Pay Address Email
Description: Showcases profile address information for profiles with designated address payment reception set on their profile addresses (in the "Pay" column of the profile record).
Usage: Includes the physical addresses where checks can be sent for profile 's with designated address payment reception.
Limitations: Does not include profile names.
Profile Payment
Description: Use to get profile payment summary information.
Usage: Use to see payments entered through profile payments which includes Stripe transactions and manually entered split gifts including those with invoice (non gift) items.
Limitations: Only has access to the payment total information. Use Profile Payment Item to see the indivual donations/vouchers that are created.
Profile Payment Item
Description: Use to get profile payment detail information.
Usage: Use to see donations, vouchers, and/or tickets that are associated with a particular profile payment.
Limitations: Only has access to the items that are in the profile payment screen – no links to the voucher, or ticket purchased.
Profile Payment Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on payments and the payment information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on payments.
Limitations: None.
Profile Phone
Description: Lists phone numbers that are assigned to profiles.
Usage: Use to get a list of phone numbers in use by a profile.
Limitations: Profile information is included, so you can create multiple values of the same profile. Note that one of the relationships in the profile is the “Profile Profile Phone ” group which utilizes the same table. Do not include fields from that area when running this report as it would be a duplicate occurrence of the same profile to get that information.
Profile Primary Address Email Phone
Description: Lists primary address/phone/email that are assigned to profiles.
Usage: Use to get a list of profiles and address, email, or phone information that only utilizes the primary of each of these. This avos the possibility of multiples as you can only have one primary assigned to each type.
Limitations: Profile cannot be listed from here; only the profile is available.
Profile Type
Description: Lists profile type codes and values.
Usage: Use to review the list of profile types in your system.
Limitations: No related information. Use the Profile report to see assigned profiles for profile types.
Public Security
Description: Lists public security donations. Report contains Ticker Symbol, Quantity, Description, High, Low, Average, Unit Cost, and all fields from the Donation custom report.
Usage: Use to review public security donations.
Limitations: None.
Public Security Sales
Description: Lists public security sales information. Report contains profile, account, admin fee, distribution, fund fields, cost basis, gain loss, net deposit amount, post date pssh , pub sec , ref, ref , sale amount, sale date, sale days, sale fees, sale qty, sale unit price, ticker symbol, trans , and unit cost.
Usage: Use to review public security donations.
Limitations: None.
Recurring Donation
Description: Displays information about recurring donations and the donor profiles attached to them.
Usage: Use to see a listing of recurring donations, including next donation date.
Limitations: Will only show the recurring donation records, not the actual donations generated from them. Also will not show any credit card information.
Recurring Donation Fund
Description: Displays information about recurring donations and the funds associated to the recurring donations. Various fields for the donor profiles on the recurring donations are also available.
Usage: Use to see fund information for recurring donations.
Limitations: None
Recurring Grant
Description: Includes any recurring grants.
Usage: Track your list of recurring grants with the added capability of custom reports.
Limitations: Only includes data on the recurring grant record but not the data for the indivual grants that are created from the recurring grant record.
Recurring Journal Entry
Description: Displays a list of recurring journal entries.
Usage: Use to see a list of all recurring journal entries, including start, ending, and next date. Also includes fields related to the funds attached to the recurring journal entries.
Limitations: Will only show the recurring records and not the indivual journal entries that are produced from them.
Recurring Voucher
Description: Includes data on any recurring vouchers.
Usage: Track your list of recurring vouchers with the added capability of custom reports.
Limitations: Only includes data on the recurring voucher record but not the data for the indivual vouchers that are created from the recurring voucher record.
Revenue Share
Description: List revenue share processing results and related information.
Usage: Use for listings of revenue share to see total activity by fund or review particular batches.
Limitations: None.
Revenue Share Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on revenue share and the revenue share information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on revenue share.
Limitations: None.
SLM Installment
Description: Scholarship installment information from SLM Request integration page and SLM installment approval information. (Similar situation to SLM Request report.)
Usage: Use to track scholarship installments originating in SLM.
Limitations: Can pull basic scholarship, scholarship recipient, and scholarship installment information but not payment information such as payment account, check number, etc.
SLM Request
Description: Scholarship information from SLM Request integration page. (Similar situation to Grant Request.)
Usage: Use to track scholarships originating in SLM
Limitations: Can pull basic scholarship and scholarship recipient information but not the payment schedule or payment information such as payment account, check number, etc.
Description: Lists scholarships and related information like student profile and fund.
Usage: Use to get listings of open/pa scholarships, scholarships by student, or other listings.
Limitations: No school info. Use the scholarship payment report to see that information.
Scholarship Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on scholarships and the scholarship information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on scholarships.
Limitations: None.
Scholarship Payment
Description: Proves scholarship payment detail and related information (scholarship item, school profile, and grant).
Usage: Use to see payments to schools or open scholarship payment details.
Limitations: Only has access to student profile and name, not full student profile. No fund information available. To get either of these, use the Scholarship report.
Scholarship Program
Description: Proves scholarship program and related information (scholarship , scholarship program name, scholarship program description, auto approve scholarship, fund advisor visible, pay student, and post by payment).
Usage: Use to see administrative program settings.
Limitations: None.
Service Area
Description: Lists service area codes and values.
Usage: Use to review your listing of service areas.
Limitations: No zip code assignment information, just the service area and name.
Split Interest
Description: Lists fund, payment, and account information for split interests.
Usage: Use to review all split interests in your database.
Limitations: Does not list specific payment information.
Split Interest Payments
Description: Lists the payments on split interests.
Usage: Use to review previous and upcoming payments for all split interests.
Limitations: None.
Split Interest Profiles
Description: Lists split interest profiles and beneficiaries.
Usage: Use to review the profiles and beneficiaries associated with split interests.
Limitations: Does not list payment information.
Split Interest Schedule
Description: Lists general split interest information, as well as capital gains and tax information.
Usage: Use to review split interest schedule information and additional fields.
Limitations: Does not list payment information.
Description: Lists steward values.
Usage: Use to review your possible stewards in your database.
Limitations: No profile assignment information. Use the Profile report to see profiles assigned to the stewards.
Supporting Org
Description: Lists the supporting org profiles in your database.
Usage: Use to review your supporting org list.
Limitations: Does not list the funds assigned to the supporting org. Use the Fund report to list the funds assigned to supporting orgs.
Description: Lists tasks and related information.
Usage: Use to review all open tasks, tasks by employee, see completed tasks by employee or groups of employees.
Limitations: None.
Task Type
Description: Lists task type codes and values.
Usage: Use to review your listing of task type codes.
Limitations: No task information, just the codes. Use the Task report to see tasks by task type.
Tax Classes
Description: Includes options that are established in your tax classes menu.
Usage: View defined tax classes.
Limitations: No other information is included.
Term Investment
Description: Displays a list of term investments, new, open, and pa.
Usage: Use to see information on investments, along with the funds involved and the asset accounts used.
Limitations: Only includes original term investments; does not include any additions.
Term Investment Addition
Description: Displays a list of additions to term investments.
Usage: Use to see a list of additions to term investments, along with the original investment information.
Limitations: Only includes addition and original investment information; does not include investment account or fund information.
Term Investment Interest Item
Description: Displays a list of interest items charged on term investments.
Usage: Use to see a listing of indivual interest item transactions that took place on term investments.
Limitations: Lists interest items indivually. Will show multiple lines for each term investment, and therefore, should only be used for interest item reporting.
Term Investment Repayment
Description: Displays a list of all payments made to term investments.
Usage: Use to see a list of all payments made to term investments. Includes account and fund fields.
Limitations: Does not include a breakdown of principal and interest as it only reports the total amount pa.
Till Deposit
Description: Lists bank deposits performed through the till.
Usage: Use to build reconciliation or audit reports for manual bank deposits.
Limitations: Does not include Stripe deposits. Use Deposits for the auto-reconciled Stripe transactions. Also does not include amount of total deposit – Cash Amount is just the amount of cash that was part of the transaction – or detail lines/checks that were in the deposit. This is just a list of deposits.
Description: Lists tribute values.
Usage: Use to see the list of tribute campaigns.
Limitations: No donation information, just the campaign name and honor/memory. Use Donation report to see donations for a tribute campaign.
Tribute Notify
Description: Lists donation fields and all tribute notify fields.
Usage: Use to see the list of tribute notifications. This will allow you to create a report including the notify name, notify type, email address, and address for tributes.
Limitations: None.
Tribute Notify Donations
Description: Displays donations that have tribute notify set.
Usage: Use to see a list of donations and their associated tribute notifications. There is an ability to pull in some profile information in addition to some fund, donation, and tribute fields.
Limitations: Donation is not clickable, and this list does not include non-notify tributes.
Undelivered Emails
Description: Displays all bounced or dropped emails in the system.
Usage: Use to see a list of all emails that were bounced or dropped. This will allow users to entify the email's status and response.
Limitations: None
Description: Lists user values.
Usage: Review your list of users for your system.
Limitations: No group information or permission information available.
User Action
Description: Lists users and the actions they are able to perform in CommunitySuite.
Usage: Use to get the permissions audit list for all users in the system.
Limitations: Does not list the group a user is assigned to that gets the permission.
User Group
Description: Lists user and group assignment.
Usage: Review your list of users and group assignments for your system.
Limitations: Does not show permissions. Join with results from User Action to show permissions.
User Loginlog
Description: Data from the User LoginLog page, detailing information on who and when users logged in.
Usage: Use to see user login history.
Limitations: None.
Description: Lists vouchers and related information.
Usage: Use to list vouchers and payment information and get a list of pending payments (filter on voucher status) including fund and profile (payee) info.
Limitations: Accounting information is limited to the asset account for statement vouchers. Check information is not linked here. Use Check report to get check information.
Voucher Item
Description: Lists voucher detail and related information.
Usage: Use to get voucher information for campaigns.
Limitations: Does not contain accounting information except asset account for statement vouchers.
Voucher Note
Description: Lists information for notes that are on vouchers and the voucher information.
Usage: Use to report on and filter notes on vouchers.
Limitations: None.
Voucher Request
Description: Lists information for vouchers requests that includes voucher detail, fund information, and the fund's primary advisor information. Vendor fields are also available.
Usage: Use to report on and filter voucher requests.
Limitations: None.