When Voucher Approvers are added to funds, they must approve vouchers before posting occurs. If multiple voucher approvers are designated on the same fund, then navigate to Voucher Settings where you can set the voucher approval percent that is required before posting. Voucher approval is specifically used for non-scholarship and non-grant vouchers.
For example, if there are three voucher approvers but only one of them is required to approve the voucher for processing, then set the voucher approval percent at 33 (0.33) or less. If all voucher approvers must approve a voucher before it is processed, then set the voucher approval percent at 100 (1.0).
Add Voucher Approvers
- Navigate to the Funds page.
- Enter the fund name in the Search Fund field and select the fund from the drop-down list.
- Alternatively, click List All in the left-side menu to view a list of all funds. Click the ID of the fund to which the voucher approver will be added.
- Alternatively, click List All in the left-side menu to view a list of all funds. Click the ID of the fund to which the voucher approver will be added.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Click Edit Voucher Approvers in the left-side menu.
- Check the box next to the voucher approver's name, and then click Save.
The voucher approver is listed on the fund record in the Settings tab.
Add Voucher Approver to Multiple Funds
- Navigate to the Funds page and click List All in the left-side menu.
- Click Voucher Approvers in the left-side menu.
- Click Add Approver in the left-side menu.
- Click the name of the voucher approver that will be added to the funds.
- Check the box next to the funds to which the approver will be added, and then click Save.
The voucher approver is listed in the Voucher Approver section.