Arrange funds and apply fees by putting funds in groups. Groups of funds can be created to process tiered or laddered administrative fees.
- Users can group related funds for the assessment of fees into Admin Fee Groups. The system will run the tiered ladder fees based on the group total. This allows the system to charge the fees based on the total of all the funds in the admin fee group.
- The yearly minimum fee will be assessed on the admin fee group as a whole and allocated based on the fund's proportion of the total groups assets.
Assign the same fund fee type to all funds that will be in the group prior to grouping them.
Assign Funds to a Admin Fee Group
- Navigate to the Admin Fee page and click Fee Fund Groups in the left-side menu.
- Alternatively, navigate to the Funds page and click Admin Fee Groups in the left-side menu.
- Click Create in the left-side menu.
- Enter a name, and then click Create.
- Click Edit in the left-side menu to add funds.
- Check the funds to be added to the group, and then click Update.
- Funds must have the same Admin Fee Type.