Fund statements can be created and distributed to your advisors in bulk. They can also be generated manually.
- The fund record has the Statements option checked.
- The fund has activity before or on the end date of the period.
- The fund is a master fund and has at least one sub-fund with activity before or on the end date of the period. The fund statement format on the master fund must have the Include Sub-Funds option checked.
- The fund is not closed.
Create Statements
- Navigate to the Fund Statements page.
- Any fund statement batches that have already been generated will be listed.
- Any fund statement batches that have already been generated will be listed.
- Click Create in the left-side menu.
- Complete the applicable Create Statements information, and then click Next.
- Statement Type
- If Custom Date Range was the selected Statement Type, another field for Custom End Date will appear. This needs to be filled in when selecting Custom Date Range.
- The statement end date, determined by the Start Date and Statement Type, cannot be before the Close Date.
- Manual Fund Statements provides additional information on how the Statement Interval on a fund works with the Statement Type of a fund statement.
- Start Date for the fund statement date range.
- The statement start date must be before or during the statement run date range.
- The statement start date must be before or during the statement run date range.
- Statement Type
- Choose which funds to include, and then click Submit.
- Click a radial button under Filter.
- Click one or more checkboxes in the Details section next to the selected filter.
- Enter Statement Group Description. This is the customized name assigned to this batch of fund statements; it will appear on the fund advisor portal.
- If emailing fund statements to fund advisor, enter in Email Subject. This will be the email subject line for fund advisors whose statement type is set to online or email.
Click [delete] to remove a statement from the run.
Generate Fund Statement Files
When a file is generated, the fund statement uses the fund statement format that was assigned at that time. If the fund statement has since been updated, the system will remember which was assigned and generate that template, as long as it has not been deleted from the system.
Generate Individual Fund Statement
- Navigate to the Fund Statements page.
- Click the fund statement group ID.
- Click [display] for a fund that does not have a File ID.
- Click Generate File in the left-side menu.
- Generate File only appears for funds that have not already had a file generated. There is a Regenerate File option for funds that have already had a file generated.
- Regenerating a file is only necessary when fund activity has been updated and needs to be reflected prior to publishing statements.
- Generate File only appears for funds that have not already had a file generated. There is a Regenerate File option for funds that have already had a file generated.
Generate Fund Statements in Bulk
- Navigate to a fund statement group.
- Click Generate Files in the left-side menu.
- This starts a background job that creates files based on fund and fund statement format settings. The background job status is visible at the top of the screen.
- Funds must have Statements enabled to generate a file.
- A file will generate for funds that have statements enabled but do not have a fund advisor.
- When a fund has more than one advisor and the fund statement format has Print One Copy Per Advisor enabled, a file will generate per advisor.
- A file will generate for all statement types: paper, email, online, and blank.
- Refresh browser to see current status. When Last Status is Done, each statement will have a File ID number.
- Once the background job is complete, the File column will have a number per fund statement in this batch of funds, and a new option called Generate All File will appear in the left-side menu.
- This starts a background job that creates files based on fund and fund statement format settings. The background job status is visible at the top of the screen.
- Click Generate All File in the left-side menu to generate a printable file that combines each file generated in step 1 into one file.
- Funds will be sorted by Fund Name. When Public Name is not blank, that will be used in the sort.
- This starts a background job. The background job status is visible at the top of the screen.
- Refresh browser to see the current status. When Last Status is Done, two new rows will appear in Fund Statement Group, allowing you to download a PDF or Word file.
- If multiple batch IDs are listed, then each batch contains up to 100 funds listed in the order they were processed.
- If multiple batch IDs are listed, then each batch contains up to 100 funds listed in the order they were processed.
Review Statements
Statements can be reviewed individually or in bulk. Once statements have been reviewed, they can be published to the fund advisor portal, printed, and emailed.
Review Statements Individually
- Navigate to the Fund Statements page.
- Click the fund statement ID.
- To review individually, click [display].
- Review the statement for accuracy, and then click Mark Reviewed in the left-side menu.
- This will advance the screen to the next statement.
- If statements need to be reviewed that another person has marked as reviewed, click Next Statement in the left-side menu. This advances to the next statement without marking the statement reviewed.
- If changes are made to a fund that need to be reflected in the fund statement, click Regenerate File. A file does not need to be regenerated unless a data change has been made prior to publishing.
Review Statements in Bulk
Once you have reviewed enough statements, either manually or by reviewing the all fund statements file, you can mark them all reviewed by clicking Review All in the left-side menu of the Fund Statement Group page.
Once statements have been reviewed, the Fund Statement Group section will update with the total number of Reviewed statements in the batch.
Publish Fund Statements
Publishing statements is the next step. Publishing has two purposes.
- Enables statements to be distributed to fund advisors. Once publishing is complete you can print and email fund statements and send a notification email to advisors that have statement type set to online.
- Publishes reviewed statements to the fund advisor portal. If the fund advisor portal is not being used, complete this step to enable printing and emailing statements.
Click Publish in the left-side menu of the fund statement to publish statements after they have been reviewed.
Remove Statements From Fund Advisor Portal
If statements need to be removed from the fund advisor portal or the entire batch needs to be regenerated, click Unpublish in the left-side menu of the fund statement.
Delete Fund Statement
If one fund statement needs to be removed from the fund advisor portal, click [display] next to that statement and then click Delete in the left-side menu. If an updated version of that fund statement should be available on the portal, a manual fund statement can be published.
Distribute Fund Statements
Once fund statements have been published, the options Print Paper Statements, Send Email Statements, and Send Online Email appear in the left-side menu. These options correspond to the Statement Type set on the fund advisor record.
Print Paper Statements
- Navigate to the Fund Statements page.
- Click the fund statement ID.
- Click Print Paper Statements in the left-side menu.
- The screen displays each fund/fund advisor combination for fund advisors with paper or blank statement type.
- Click Create Print File and Mark Sent in the left-side menu.
- This starts a background job that creates the print file. The background job status is visible at the top of the screen. Refresh to see current status. When complete, a new row called Print File appears in the Fund Statement Group section.
- Click the Print File ID to download the file.
- Print file sort order varies based on the Print Copy For Each Advisor setting in the Fund Statement Format.
- Labels and envelopes can be printed by using the Print Labels and Print Envelopes options in the left-side menu of the fund statement.
Print Order With Print Copy For Each Advisor Off
- Statements generate by Advisor Name.
- If Mailing Label is not blank, Mailing Label is the sort criteria.
- If Mailing Label is blank, Profile Name field is the sort criteria. Household and Organization profile names are one field and sort alphabetically. Individual profiles sort by last name, then first name.
Print Order With Print Copy For Each Advisor On
Statements generate by Fund Advisor Name, then Fund Name.
- Advisor Name
- If Mailing Label is not blank, Mailing Label is the sort criteria.
- If Mailing Label is blank, Profile Name field is the sort criteria. Household and Organization profile names are one field and sort alphabetically. Individual profiles sort by last name, then first name.
- Examples:
- If Dr. Kathy Smith's Mailing Label is blank her statements will be in the S's.
- If Dr. Kathy Smith's Mailing Label is Kathy Smith her statements will be in the K's.
- If Dr. Sally Smith's Mailing Label is Dr. Kathy Smith her statements will be in the D's.
- Fund
- If a fund advisor is connected to more than one fund, it will sort the statements by alphabetical order. When Public Name is not blank, Public Name is the sort criteria. When Public Name is blank, Fund Name is the sort criteria.
You can also print an individual statement by downloading or printing after clicking [display].
Send Email Statements
- Navigate to the fund statement group.
- Click Send Email Statements in the left-side menu.
- The screen displays each fund/fund advisor combination for fund advisors with Email Statement Type.
- Body is the text from the fund_statement_email_body content block.
- Click Email Statements and Mark Sent.
- This starts a background job that emails the statements. The background job status is visible at the top of the screen. Refresh to see current status.
- If an advisor receives statements for more than one fund, they will receive one email with an attached PDF for each fund statement.
Click [send] to print an individual statement.
Send Online Email
- Navigate to the fund statement group.
- Click Send Online Email in the left-side menu.
- The screen displays each fund/fund advisor combination for fund advisors with online statement type.
- Body is the text from the fund_statement_review_email_body content block.
- Click Email Online Notification and Mark Sent.
- This starts a background job that emails a notification that statements are available in the fund advisor portal. The background job status is visible at the top of the screen. Refresh to see current status. When complete, a new row called Print File appears in the Fund Statement Group section.
Click Email Delivery in the left-side menu of the fund statement to see the email status for advisors with online and email statement types. This status will also show in the Email History on the fund advisor's profile.
Navigate to a fund and click the Fund Statements tab to see all fund statements that were generated for that fund and not deleted.
Sector Education Resources
The following resource relates to this topic more broadly, beyond your CommunitySuite site.