If errors were made when a donation was initially entered into the system, the information on the donation record can be edited to ensure accuracy. If a donation was attributed to the wrong donor, the donor can be changed unless the donation is a profile payment.
- Navigate to the Donations page.
- The fields available for editing are dictated by the status of a donation (posted or unposted) and the payment method which is shown under the Type column on the Donations page.
- Unposted donations are found in the New bucket.
- Posted donations are available in the Posted bucket.
- Unposted donations are found in the New bucket.
- The fields available for editing are dictated by the status of a donation (posted or unposted) and the payment method which is shown under the Type column on the Donations page.
- From either bucket, click the ID of the donation to be edited.
- Click Edit in the left-side menu.
- Make the applicable edits, and then click Update.
Fields with Different Editing Functionality for Unposted / Posted Donations
Change Fund and Campaign fields have different editing functionality for unposted and posted donations.
Change Fund
Unposted Donations
The Change Fund option in the left-side menu will not display for unposted donations. Post the donation to complete the necessary edits.
Posted Donations
- Navigate to the Donations page.
- Click the Posted bucket.
- Click the ID of the posted donation to be edited.
- Click Change Fund in the left-side menu.
- Select the fund from the drop-down menu, and then click Update.
Apply the donation to an active campaign or event.
Unposted Donations
- Navigate to the Donations page.
- Click the ID of the unposted donation to be edited.
- Click Edit in the left-side menu.
- Select a campaign from the drop-down menu, and then click Update.
Posted Donations
- Navigate to the Donations page.
- Click the Posted bucket.
- Click the ID of the posted donation to be edited.
- Click [add] next to the Campaign field.
- Click a campaign name.
Change a Donor
The donor can be changed on the donation record unless the donation is a profile payment.
- Navigate to the Donations page.
- Click the donation ID.
- Click Change Donor in the left-side menu.
- Enter the new donor's name in the New Donor field and select the donor from the drop-down list.
The donation will now be attributed to the new donor profile. Click Log in the left-side menu of the donation record to view any changes to the record.
Change the Donation Destination Fund
If a donation was entered that was paid with a check, the destination fund can be changed.
- Navigate to the Donations page.
- Click the Posted bucket.
- Click the ID of the donation for which the destination fund will be changed.
- Click Change Fund in the left-side menu.
- Select the fund from the drop-down menu, and then click Update.
All changes will be recorded in the Log attributed with the employee who made the change, the date, time, and the type of change that was made.
The Change Fund option will not work for cash donations. To change the fund for a cash donation, users will need to record a negative cash donation to reverse the entry. Changing the fund for a cash donation will make the message below appear.