Release Notes are accurate when published; however, the product evolves over time so what is noted here may not accurately reflect current functionality. Refer to the Support Hub for the latest information.
- Fixed an issue causing an error when a one row per eligibility report was ran.
- Integrated Custom Field responses will now populate in print packets.
- Unused Universal Application can now be deleted by a site Administrator
- Fixed an issue that was preventing admins from clicking the "Copy From Organization" address button when editing applicants.
- Fixed an issue that was causing a guid to show on the eligibility test page for list type questions instead of the list's choice.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the eligibility rules to show if a user changed which question the rule was referencing.
- Added handling to prevent invalid dates from being saved in installment due date fields.
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error when batch approving LOIs when a "To Applicant when Assigned" notification was set on the Application Stage.
- Duplicate notification types can no longer be added to a UA stage.
- The auto due date for installment forms will no longer automatically set a due date that is in the past when using the sliding date feature. It will move the due date to next year if the date would be in the past.
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error if an admin tried to unassign an application from a user.
- Fixed an issue that was causing follow ups for scholarship collaborators to not show up.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the delete icon to show up on third party groups when only the third party email had been answered.
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error when trying to send emails to LOI evaluators from the LOI Evaluations workload pages.
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error for applicants in rare cases where they had two unfilled out applications for the same process.
- Fixed an issue that was causing changes to an Organization Custom Field that are sent in an email to list the Field Code instead of the question's label.
- Fixed an issue that was causing applicants to not be able to submit follow ups if an internal follow up was due before the follow up they needed to submit. Also, fixed an issue that was causing internal follow ups to not be able to be submitted until the previous applicants follow up had been submitted.
- Added some changes to only load the tabs a user views on the Organization Summary page. This should help with initial load performance.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the delete icon to show next to committees when all the processes the committee was used on had been archived.
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error when reviewers would click the button to return to their evaluation after saving if they hadn't answered all required questions for a Universal Application Evaluation.
- The error "List Option Not Found" will now show when configuring Eligibility Quiz rules if the list option has been removed.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Opportunities from being changed on an Installment for for a UA when the Auto Configure was set to Not Using
- Made some changes to improve the performance when viewing the application page.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the workload page counts to not be updated after performing batch actions.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing batch options from working properly when using the select all functionality.
- Reviewers using Side-by-Side evaluations can now switch which side their evaluation form is on.
- Registering a new user was failing if the organization or user forms had integrated custom fields
- Fixed an issue that was preventing applicants from accessing their application when it was reassigned and they were formerly a collaborator on the reassigned request.
- Fixed an issue causing the select all to not work across pages on the eligibility center.
- Fixed an issue that was causing common eligibility rule groups to not show common as selected when configuring eligibility rule groups if common was never selected when the rule was built.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the character counter box to show underneath rich text responses on side-by-side evaluations.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing batch options from working properly when using shift+select to select multiple options.
- Fixed an issue that was not filtering a reviewers dashboard by the status they click on.
- Fixed an issue that was causing print packets to not work in SLM sites.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the menu for attached images to not display inside rich text fields.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Applicants from submitting when required questions were hidden by group branching rules related to internal or admin only questions.
- If an applicant invites a collaborator before answering any questions, the collaborator will still be able to collaborate on the request.
- An Applicant following a Short Link to a Process behind an Eligibility Quiz will now be taken straight to the eligibility quiz they need to fill out or to the process if they have already submitted the eligibility quiz and passed.
- Fixed an issue that was causing certain merge fields for Rich Text type questions to not merge the Rich Text HTML properly.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing GuideStar 990s from showing in a GuideStar Profile.
- The email domains .africa, .llc, and .charity have been added to our allowed email addresses.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing emails on the Email History page from being deleted.
- Shared questions will now be added as Read Only by default.
- Fixed an issue on payment tracking for sites with Community Suite Integration.
- Added some handling to help prevent applicants from submitting their forms when a file upload failed.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Universe Requests that had been reverted to draft to show up in the Submitted Workload page.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Universal Application Follow ups to not display properly when filtering by an Opportunity Process on the Follow Ups Workload Grids.
- Removed a semicolon from the end of the process start and end dates that didn't need to be there.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the character counter to not count correctly for rich text areas where the answer used a bulleted or numbered list.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing filters to be replaced in the reporting tool.
- Fixed an issue where Rich Text in responses were impacting character counts when trying to submit.
- Added applicant and everyone question visibility to CommunitySuite Questions.
- User and Organization Custom fields are now available in Merge Documents
- Fixed an issue that allowed users to save a Process Universe with no name which caused an error on their Process List page.
- Fixed and issue that allowed administrators configuring Follow Ups for their Universe Process to save a Follow Up Form with no name which caused the Process List to error.
- Fixed an issue that was allowing Read Only Rich Text questions to be editable by applicants.
- Added a new setting in the Foundation Settings that an administrator can turn on called "Show Follow Ups with Decision Status". When enabled it will hide follow ups assigned to an application until the applicant is able to see the decision status, which is based on the "Show Decision Status" Setting.
- Fixed an issue where applications were not being assigned a due date when the LOI was approved in batch from the LOI complete workload page.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing installments from being cancelled on grants that had been linked to a grant in Community Suite then later unlinked.
- Fixed an issue that was causing some reports to error.
- When configuring a Universe Process, you can now select "Beginning of" for a Follow Up Due Date.
- Follow Up Due Dates using Specific Dates in Universe Processes can now have the time selected as well.
- Opportunity Descriptions now show the user their limit of 100 characters if they try and add an Opportunity with a name longer than 100 characters when adding Universe Process Opportunities.
- Fixed an issue that was causing users to get an error in Community Suite Sandbox sites when trying to map profiles, set the GLM process, or navigate to GLM using the GLM icon on a synced profile.
- Fixed an issue that was causing several reporting fields to not come back with data.
- Improved the performance on the payment tracking page, specifically for sites with large numbers of installments.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing scholarship award amounts to be modified in Community Suite for synced Universal Application Opportunity Requests.
- Fixed an issue that was causing reports to not load if they used any Contact or Applicant data.
- Fixed a typo on the Universe Process Opportunities tab.
- Fixed an issue that was causing certain characters to cause errors in reporting CSV or Excel exports.
- Removed the word BETA from the Opportunities and Follow Up Tab in Universal Application
- Fixed an issue when changing a Universe Follow Up’s opportunity selection
- Fixed an issue where the opportunity list could not be scrolled through on the Universal Application Follow Up tab
- Fixed an issue where Select All was being Auto checked for Grants Managers on To Administrator notification in Universal Applications
- Fixed an issue where reports could not be exported to CSV
- Fixed an issue where text responses in reports containing < > would not allow the report to be exported to Excel or CSV.
- Fixed an issue where evaluation scores related to LOIs were not displaying on the evaluator dashboards.
- Fixed an issue that was causing users to be required to unselect and reselect the notification type when configuring a UA notification if all they wanted to do was change the selected notification.
- Fixed an issue that was causing date fields to not sort properly in sites using dd/MM/yyyy formatting.
- When configuring a Universe Process, users will now see an error message if they try to add opportunities with names longer than 100 characters.
- Fixed an issue that was causing special characters to display incorrectly when they are included in custom columns on workload grids.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the view details link for applicants to not work after the 12th of the month in sites using dd/MM/yyyy formatting.
- Fixed an issue that was causing custom date type organization and user form questions to not save properly when the site was using dd/MM/yyyy formatting.
- Fixed an issue that was causing " " to display in print packets instead of space
- Fixed an issue that was causing deactivated LOI stages on imported processes to show as red in SLM sites
- Rich text formatted instructions will now display correctly in print packets.
- Sites configured using dd/MM/yyyy formatting will now see their installment form date questions, including Installment Due Date, displayed in this format as well as if they export the report to excel.
- Recipient and Submission Due Date Email Merge fields will now merge correctly for UA Follow Up reminder emails.
- Fixed an issue that was causing some Universal Application follow ups to not show up on the follow up workload page if the student had Abandoned Opportunities that shared the same follow up form as the assigned Follow Up.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Follow Up Workload page dashboard counts to be off for Universal Application Follow Ups if some students had Abandoned Opportunities that shared follow ups with Opportunities that had Follow Ups assigned.
- Fixed an issue that was causing line returns to not print in text area type questions in print packets.
- Closed Universal Application Opportunities will now show as Closed to applicants instead of Application Submitted.
- Fixed an issue for Universal Application Due Dates that was causing evaluators to show up in the list when an Administrator was updating the Due Dates.
- Fixed an issue that was causing organization summary packets to throw an error if the organization name contained the pipe character. The fix was to replace the pipe character in the filename with an underscore.
- Fixed an issue that was causing certain accent characters to not print properly in print packets.
- Improved the performance on the Organization Summary page.
- Fixed an issue that was causing dd/MM/yyyy date format to cause an error on payment tracking.
- Installment Due Date and other installment form date questions will no longer cause an issue in reporting when the site is set to use dd/MM/yyyy date formatting.
- The "Hide Fully Paid" checkbox on payment tracking will now hide cancelled installments as well.
- Merge templates that reference multiple follow ups can be used for individual UA Opportunity Requests. This does not work from search requests and decisions when selecting multiple opportunity requests.
- Added handling for the case where a user is logged into their SLM site and clicks a CSuite link to a GLM organization profile. The user will now see a message that says they can't view organizations in scholarship sites rather than throwing an error.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Decision Date in GLM to be updated when a synced Request was updated in Community Suite
- Fixed an issue that was causing [NO PROCESS NAME] to display under the process when viewing a form
- Fixed an issue that was causing a message to not display correctly when users were editing group branching rules.
- Unused Follow up stages in Universe Processes can now be deleted.
- Fixed an issue that would, in some cases, cause users to get an error when submitting a Universe Request if an opportunity had no rules associated with it.
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error when running an evaluations report on requests that were submitted through an Eligibility Quiz
- Fixed an issue where an evaluation stage was showing "N/A" when it should have been showing "Skipped"
- Fixed an issue that was causing evaluation 1 scores to show in the evaluation 2 column on the evaluations assigned/closed workload pages when there is no evaluation 2 assigned
- Improved the performance of the Evaluations Closed page for users with the Board Member role
Making the following changes to an evaluation form will now recalculate the score and finish status of evaluations:
- required status changes on an evaluation form question
- when a required question is added to an evaluation form
- when question visibility is changed
- when a required question is deleted
- Copying email templates that begin with a # will no longer result in the copy not having a name
- Copying email templates that contain an & will no longer result in the template name being cut off
- Clicking the Evaluation Summary PDF Print Pack on a skipped evaluation will now result in a message stating the request does not have an evaluation summary.
- Fixed an issue that was causing evaluation scores to report as the average score for all evaluators instead of the individual score for a particular evaluator in reporting for Universal Application Evaluations.
The following Email merge fields for Universal Application Opportunity Requests should now function as expected. Keep in mind that for these to work with follow ups, the follow up can only be associated with a single Opportunity.
- Initial Submit Date
- Amount Awarded
- Decision Comments
- Submission Due Date
- Fixed an issue that was causing the batch approve installment functionality relating to CSuite integration to not work properly.
- Evaluation scores on the reviewer dashboard will now only display once the reviewers evaluation is finished. This makes the score display to be consistent with when the score displays on the administrator pages.
- Fixed an issue that was causing evaluation scores to show NaN in some cases
- Sites that use dd/MM/yyyy date format can now properly use the “Specific Date” due date functionality when building a Process
- Empty rule groups tied to an Opportunity can now be deleted when updating Eligibility for a Universe
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Auto Due Date configuration for installment forms tied to an opportunity to not work properly
- Fixed an issue that was preventing organizations from being included in Quick Exports when the organization did not have any Requests
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error when Applicants tried to use the Document Viewer on their Universal Application
- Fixed an issue that in rare cases was causing applicants to get an error when trying to submit
- Fixed an issue that was allowing orphaned branched groups to be used when determining eligibility
- Fixed an issue that was preventing evaluations from being assigned if the site was using dd/MM/yyyy date formats
- Fixed an issue that was causing extra decimal places to display for evaluation scores in some cases
- Fixed an issue that was causing the conditional installments field to not save properly
- Improved the performance of the evaluation score recalculation when changing Universal Application evaluation form question Opportunities
- Improved the user experience when an administrator is approving requests with large approval forms
- Fixed an issue when unanswering multi-select type custom Organization form questions
- Improved the performance of the Universal Application Process Update page
- Fixed an issue that was causing the “Changed by” to show the incorrect user when an administrator used the revert follow up functionality.
- Fixed an issue that was causing application packets to exclude branched groups if one of the answers that caused the branched group to show up contained a comma
- When viewing GuideStar profiles, fiscal year start date and end date will now display as “Mar 20” or “Jun 10” instead of “03/20” and “06/10”
- When changing the opportunities an evaluation question relates to, if the evaluation form has assigned evaluations the scores will recalculate when the change to the evaluation form is saved.
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error when printing a packet for an eligibility submission in some cases for clients using Eligibility Quiz
- Fixed an issue that was causing printing the question list for an application to throw an error in some cases.
- Fixed how decision comments for Universal Application Opportunities work so they are saved and displayed as expected.
- Changed when follow ups show on the follow up workload pages for Universal Application Requests.
- This will cause follow ups to hide on UA follow up workload pages if there are no opportunity requests in an approved or follow up draft/submitted/complete statuses
- Fixed an issue that was causing reminder notifications to not send
- We resolved a system issue preventing the following email templates from being sent out between 2/19-3/9/21: Follow Up Reminder, Follow Up Past Due Reminder, and Third Party Reminder. Please check your Email History page during these dates to determine if your account was impacted by this issue. Please contact if you need help identifying and/or minimizing any impact on your organization.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing process name from pulling in print packets
- Fixed an issue with shared nested lists where parts of the nested list might not act shared
- Fixed an issue that, in some cases, was allowing required nested lists to be submitted without being completely filled out
- Fixed an issue that was causing batch create documents for Universal Request Opportunies to not include the opportunity name when merging
- Improved performance on the payment tracking page
- Fixed an issue that was marking evaluations for Universal Applications “finished” even though they may have missing required common questions.
- This does not fix any evaluations that were marked finished by this bug, but it will prevent additional evaluations from being incorrectly marked finished.
- Browser tabs on SLM sites will now show the SLM icon as well as say “Scholarship Lifecycle Manager”
- Users with the Grants Manager or Auditor roles will no longer show the link to Base Camp, this has been replaced by WalkMe and those links did not work anyway.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Universal Application Requests from having their status reverted if evaluations were skipped
- The print packet icon will now show for reviewers of Universal Application Requests on side-by-side Evaluations
- Fixed an issue that was causing Award Type to be set to blank for some requests synced to Community Suite.
- All affected requests have had their Award Type restored
- Fixed an issue that would cause an error on Universe Opportunity Requests when an administrator would edit a file upload question, then cancel the edit, then edit it again and upload a new file upload.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing some links from showing on the third party dashboard
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error when a Custom Column question was selected but had no label
- Universal Application: Fixed an issue that was causing Universe Requests from not being editable by an Applicant after the administrator reverted the universe request and then reverted an opportunity request
- Universal Application: Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the Universe request was showing up on the workload pages with all the opportunities listed in the “Process” column
- Fixed an issue with requests linked to Community Suite when unlinking fully paid requests where the request would still think it is linked in GLM after being unlinked in Community Suite.
- Selecting no rows when doing a batch retest will no longer result in a pardon our error.
- Quick searching any keyword on the Email History page will now show the correct results if that word is displayed in the grid.
- Universe Application: Fixed an issue that was causing blank rule groups combined with other rules using OR to be evaluated as true. This issue resulted in some applicants being included in eligible opportunities when they did not meet requirements.
- Universal Application: Fixed an issue that caused opportunities to be assigned as submitted without required questions answered. This issue occurred on the rare occasion when a group of applications was batch re-tested for eligibility and all required questions were answered collectively but not by each individual applicant in this group. If you identify submitted applications with unanswered required questions, please contact so we can determine if this issue impacted your site.
- Fixed an issue that caused applicants to receive an error when submitting their Eligibility Quiz if an administrator changed a rule while they were in the process of submitting. In this situation, the Eligibility Quiz was submitted but not evaluated against all processes. We have communicated with all clients impacted by this issue.
- Universal Application: submitting a common application that does have rules associated with it will no longer cause an error.
- Fixed an issue that was causing data set names to not display properly on the saved reports page.
- If you have a saved report with a missing data set name, if you save changes after running the report it will save the correct data set name.
- Third party reminder emails now display the correct email address (third parties instead of applicants emails). These emails were being sent to the correct address, but displaying an incorrect email in the history.
- The PDF export report format has been updated to include a footer at the bottom of the page. This should prevent information from being occasionally cut off. Please let support know if you continue to have this issue.
- Fixed an issue in Grants sites that prevented email templates from saving if an administrator selected the checkbox to copy the organization primary contact the last time they edited the email template.
- Universal Application Opportunity specific Third Party Assigned email notifications will now send using the template set up when configuring the universe. Before only the Common Third Party assigned emails were sending the custom template, Opportunity Specific emails were using the default template.
- Apostrophes in data set names will no longer cause no data to be returned in reporting
- The Process Update page now has improved performance
- Fixed an issue that was causing Universe Requests to not be included in reporting
- Fixed an issue that was not allowing Applicants to apply to a Universe Process if they had follow ups assigned to another request in that same Universe Process
- Documents in Document Viewer for UA opportunity requests will now only show documents that are common or relating to the current opportunity. Previously, it was showing all documents relating to the universe request.
- Fixed an issue that was causing email attachments to not load when resending emails
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Project Name field to appear to be duplicated when editing the label
- Fixed an issue when adding a new administrator notification in a Universe Process
- Fixed an issue that was causing a semicolon to show above the opportunities selection when configuring a Universe Process
- Fixed an issue that was causing errors during manual grant entry and when submitting a Universe Request