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Release Notes are accurate when published; however, the product evolves over time so what is noted here may not accurately reflect current functionality. Refer to the Support Hub for the latest information.
- Added the ability for a user to share a task with other users. This task will be visible to the users it is shared with, but those users will not be able to mark the task as complete. If a user wants another user to be able to mark a task as complete, then the assign to option should be used.
- Updated reports to show the following year if the site is on a fiscal year. For example, if a site had a fiscal year of July 2020 - June 2021, in the reports area, a user previously wouldn't have see an option to run fiscal year 2021 reports until calendar year 2021. This update will now show the year 2021, which allows the user to select fiscal year 2021. In this example, if the user selects calendar year 2021, or any of the corresponding quarters, the report will be blank until there is actually information in those time periods.
- Added a new Ticket Receipt link when viewing a donor's ticket purchase within a campaign. This link will give users the ability to print to PDF, download to Word, or email an event ticket receipt.
- Fix an issue where users were getting an error when exporting from the Grants by Fund report.
- Removed question mark next to a user's name. Users can access Basecamp via the menu icon in the upper right portion of the screen.
- Added back the review screen to journal entry imports. Also added a previous imports link to to the left menu of the journal entry import area that allows users to view prior imports. Selecting the ID of a prior import will allow the user to see the review screen and take the same batch actions that exist in each journal entry bucket.
- Fixed an issue where users were getting a message that the grant pay schedule wasn't adding up correctly when creating multi installment grants.
- Updated profiles so that a household will automatically receive the prospective donor designation if a member of the household has the donor designation. This will allow the user to see the household giving history on the household's donor profile without having to manually make the household a donor.
- Added the ability to assess a one time, manual admin fee on a fund. This can be found below the manual distribution option on the fund page and allows users to assess a one time admin fee for the entered amount.
- Added the link back to the vendor name in each voucher bucket. When a user clicks the vendor's name, it will now take them to the profile's vendor record.
- Fixed an issue where the import option in scholarships was missing.
- Made the following updates to the journal entry process. 1. Added a delete all option to the new bucket 2. Added an unpost all option to the posted bucket 3. Fixed an issue where users couldn't edit and add new lines existing entry
- Updated the date fields to allow for entry in the European style if the European date format is set in System Data.
- Added an option to download fund statements to Word. This option is available in batch and individually in the fund statements area. It is also an option when generating a manual fund statement.
- Distribution calculation base update. This feature will allow a user to calculate their spending policy using various fund balance amounts as the calculation base. When creating a new distribution type, the user will now have the ability to choose their calculation base. The available options are a fund’s Bank and Investment Account Balance, Principal Balance, Default Balance, and Total Fund Balance. The bank and investment account balance option is the calculation base that has been used in the past. If the calculation base is blank, it will default to using this option as well. Principal balance and default balance will only be an option if the user has defined their equity restrictions in the default accounts area.
- Resource:
- Journal entry workflow update. This feature will allow users to enable a formal journal entry approval process similar to the process that can be enabled for checks. A user can add approvers based on the journal entry amount, and require different percentages of approval based on the amount levels. This release also introduces the concept of buckets to the journal entry area and will allow a user to pull a journal entry report in the general ledger, regardless of whether or not approval is enabled by selecting the transaction reference of journal_entry in the show transactions table.
- Resource:
- Added a serial number merge field to the yearly tax receipt template. Also, added an option when generating yearly tax receipts to only include donations with serial numbers.
- Updated the review screen of the online donation page to move the cart summary section above the pay with credit card button.
- Added the void designation to the donation receipts report for sites using donation serial numbers. You will now see the word void next to the lowest serial numbers attached to donations with multiple serial numbers.
- Fixed an issue where old refund vouchers were showing in the voucher posted bucket.
- Fixed an issue where users were getting an error when trying to add tributes to donations and the notification method selected was email.
- Added the ability to filter, save filters, and load saved filters in each of the voucher buckets.
- Made the following updates to custom reporting:
- Added donation pledge fields to the donation custom report.
- Added donation account fields to the donation custom report.
- Updated the general ledger custom report so the account fields work as expected.
- Added fund beneficiary description to the fund beneficiary report.
- Added grant expense account fields to the grant report.
- Added scholarship expense account fields to the scholarship report.
- Fixed an issue where custom reports weren't working for users using Firefox.
- Updated the profile matching logic when linking international profiles from GLM to look for matching profiles based on name AND address if address information is included in GLM.
- Updated the voucher items table when viewing a voucher to show the expense account number in addition to the name. Also, added the ability to set a fund's checking account to an account that has a revenue share parent.
- Updated the address section on a donation record to display the donation address rather than the donor address. Also, updated the donation process to allow for the editing of the city field on the address.
- Resource:
- Added the ability to assign a template to funds based on group, subgroup, and division. When the Add Funds option is selected for a specific template, there are now options in the left menu for adding Fund Group, Fund Subgroup, and Fund Division. This will allow a user to assign a template to one or multiple groups at a time. This functionality is available for grant letters, scholarship letters, pledge letters, and tax receipts.
- Fixed an issue where users were getting an error when trying to map profiles from GLM.
- Made the following updates to custom reports. 1. Added Status to donation reports. 2. Added Grant ID to the check voucher report. 3. Added Investment Strategy Name and Investment Strategy Public Name to fund reports. 4. Added Check ID, Check Batch ID, and Check Date to the grant and scholarship payment reports.
- Added batch actions to the profile list and custom reporting to activate and deactivate the vendor record on a profile. To see the batch action option in custom reporting, the profile ID field must be included as a column in the report.
- Updated the donor portal to allow a fund advisor to print a fund statement if they only have access to an affiliate group. Previously, if a fund holder didn't also have access to the funds that were part of the affiliate group, the print option on the fund statements tab didn't work.
- Made the following permission updates. 1. Split out the approve all option in checks from the checkrun permission. If a user is a check approver, they now only need the the display and list permissions to approve checks and clear their approval. 2. Made the grant and voucher approver links from the funds list follow the new grant and voucher approver permissions. A user will now need access to these new permissions to add, delete, and edit grant and voucher approvers.
- Updated grant catalog requests to allow a user to clear the amount if the "No Request Amounts" option is enabled in the grant cycle.
- Updated the integration with GLM to allow for the creation of international addresses.
- Added the ability to change the location of the search box on the affiliate donation pages. This can be done by going to System Data, selecting Styles, choosing the Donation Portal Affiliate Style option, and selecting the gear icon.
- Made the following permission updates. 1. Made the view anonymous donor permission work. Users without this permission won't be able to view profiles designated as anonymous. 2. Separated the ability to approve and clear check approval from the checkrun permission. An approver will now just need the list and display permission. 3. Separated the create check permission from the AP list permission. Create checks is now it's own advanced permission in the accounts payable area. 4. Added new fund permissions for creating and editing grant and voucher approvers. This change also moved the option to edit these approvers from the fund edit page to their own left menu options when viewing a fund. 5. Updated adding a donation advisor to a donation to only require the edit permission. This process previously required both the edit and create donation permissions.
- Updated the integration with GLM to allow for the creation of international phone numbers.
- Added an option to hide the donate button from the grant catalog page so that donors and grantees can preview the catalog before making donations. Also added the ability to hide the search box on the grant catalog. Both of these options are set on the grant cycle.
- Added an option to grant cycles to move fully funded grant requests to the bottom of the grant catalog page online. This is a checkbox option on each grant cycle titled "Separate Fully Funded".
- Added the option for donors to add guests to their ticket purchases earlier in the online checkout process.
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- Added a new check void workflow option when voiding a scholarship check.
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- Added new icons to the home screen as well as a new in-system help menu to bottom right corner of all pages.
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- Added the ability to filter in the grant and scholarship buckets. Also added the ability to filter vouchers to be paid prior to creating checks.
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- Updated the detailed trial balance to exclude the year end retained earnings transactions so revenue and expense totals will be included on the report. Therefore, the default fund balance account will be less than the amount noted for that account on the statement of financial position by the change in net assets for the year.
- Made the following updates to custom reporting: 1. Added admin fee account fields to the fund report (allows a user to include the asset account that pays a fund's admin fees) 2. Added fund admin fee types to fund reports (allows a user to include the fund fee types assigned to a fund) 3. Added the ability to filter the voucher report on the Cancelled and Approval status 4. Added voucher item account fields to the voucher item report to allow a user to include the general ledger account used on the voucher 5. Added invoice item account fields to the invoice item report to allow a user to include the general ledger account used on the invoice
- Added a search box to the grant catalog that will allow donors to search for a specific funding opportunity.
- Added the ability to sync campaign guests to MailChimp.
- Update the grants payable and scholarship payable tables on the accounts payable page to show grantees and students rather than grouping by fund.
- Added an anchor to the online donation process so when a donor makes a donation and chooses the option to continue giving, they will be returned to where they hit the donate button.
- Added the word "closed" behind the fund name when a closed fund is included in the global search results.
- Added a search box and show all funds list to the affiliate donation pages.
- Resource:
- Fixed an issue in custom reporting where users were getting an error when sorting by fund ID or selecting an aggregate function when fund name was included in a report.
- Fixed an issue where public security donations couldn't be deleted.
- Fixed an issue where users couldn't filter by profile types in custom reporting.
- Updated the system to send the donation notify email to fund advisors when a donation attached to the profile payment is posted rather than created.
- Fixed an issue where the auto approve option on grant cycles wasn't working. Also, fixed an issue where the grant cycle wasn't getting set on internal donations when a fund advisor gave to the grant catalog from the donor portal.
- Updated the system to auto log off at a later time. Users will now automatically be logged out at midnight each night based on the time zone set in System Data.
- Fixed an issue where international phone numbers weren't saving on the profile create page.
- Added the ability to add or remove grant notify and donation notify to fund advisors in batch.
- Updates to the balance swap screen. Increased the speed in which the page loads and reduced the amount of information displaying at once by splitting the screen into its two components. The asset transfer section that was at the top of the old page will remain on the landing page. The fund balance swap section that was at the bottom of the old page will now be on its own page and accessible by clicking the Balance Swaps link.
- Resource:
- Updated the trial balance and detailed trial balance to show the parent account by default. Also, added an option to show sub accounts on each of these reports.
- Added new advanced fund permissions for better controls around fund statements. The new permissions are Create Statements, Delete Statements, Display Statements, Email Statements, and Review Statements.
- Separated out the unpost and delete steps for donations attached to profile payments. A user can now unpost, edit, repost, or delete these donations. Also, donations added to profile payments will remain unposted rather than auto posting. This new process will allow for proper separation of duties around the create, post, unpost, and delete permissions on donations.
- Added an investment section to fund statements. This new section will show the beginning investment balance, consolidated activity, ins, outs, and ending balance. To use this new section, it must be added to the fund statement template and enabled on the fund statement format.
- Fixed an issue where student numbers couldn't be added or edited.
- Added the ability to set tab permissions for fund advisors based on fund group, fund subgroup, and fund division.
- Update to the newest version of the Stripe API.
- Resource:
- Updated revenue share to deal with statement vouchers that have pennies that need to be allocated across multiple funds. The rounding adjustments will go to the fund with the largest balance.
- Added check boxes to the campaign invitee list to allow users to select which profiles are synced to Mailchimp.
- Resource:
- Fixed an issue where the active org role filter wasn't working when adding profiles to campaigns.
- Updated the distribution calculation area to have a review screen with a post and unpost option if equity restrictions are enabled in the account default area. Also added an audit details report to distributions.
- Resource:
- Added ref column information to the detailed trial balance report when transaction detail is added.
- Made the following updates: 1. Added the ability to designate a recurring donation end date 2. Updated the detailed trial balance report 3. Added the ability to filter on internal grants and internal donations in grant filter reports and donation filter reports
- Resource:
- Add fund current fund balance, current spendable balance, and current principal balance to custom reporting. The fields show current balances only and are also available filters.
- Added default payment type to custom reporting and bulk profile update.
- Fixed an issue where the show fund option wasn't working on the investment report.
- Updated the online donation process to create a profile only upon the successful charge of a credit card.
- Fixed an issue where users were getting an error when trying to void a check on a grant linked to GLM.
- Updated Legacy Search to Legacy ID Search.
- Added the ability to designate a default payment type on a profile.
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- Added the ability to designate a primary fund advisor on a fund.
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- Added a new legacy ID search to the Home page. Also updated the global search to only search CSuite IDs and include profile payment IDs and check IDs in the search results.
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- Added a new admin fee option to allow users the ability to calculate the yearly minimum admin fee based on the admin fee post date rather than the calculate date. If the post date option is selected, to calculate the yearly minimum, the post date must be on the last day of the fiscal year.
- Resource:
- Added the ability to refund historic multi fund grants.
- Added the ability to print envelopes and labels to the check run screen.
- Updated the search results on the grant request tab of the donor portal to not include profiles designated as students.
- Fixed an issue where bulk actions weren't working from the donor report.
- Added the ability to filter by internal grants and donations in grant filter reports and donation filter reports.
- Updated check permissions so that the post and unpost permissions apply to both individual checks and the check run. Also, added a new permission for printing checks that applies to both individual checks and the check run.
- Added the ability to move scholarships from one scholarship to another within the same fund. This can be done by clicking "change" next to the scholarship name on the scholarship award.
- Updated admin fees so fees assessed on transactions can be laddered or tiered.
- Updated donation import to allow for international addresses.
- Updated the change fund option on a donation so that a fund can only be changed if the donation is un-deposited. This was done for internal control purposes and to ensure that underlying transactions are accurate.
- Updated global search to search for legacy IDs.
- Added a new merge section to fund statement templates for financial views.
- Resource:
- Added the ability to designate primary dates on profile addresses.
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- Updated the profile create page and profile import to allow a user to enter an international address and phone number.
- Made the following updates:
- Moved the edit grant date and edit donation date options to be part of the overall grant and donation edit pages so that these dates couldn't be changed after posting.
- Added a review screen to the approve all step in checks.
- Added a donate button to the online donation page rather than clicking the fund name.
- Added additional logging around grant approval and rejection.
- Removed the quick voucher and quick transfer options from the bank rec screen as these options bypassed voucher and transfer permissions.
- Resource:
- Added a Date Style option to System Data that will allow a user to set the display date on records to the European style (DD/MM/YY).
- Update fund bulk edit to limit the number of funds that can be edited at once to 500 to prevent browsers from timing out. Additionally, added the ability to bulk edit a list of funds from custom reporting.
- Resource:
- Fix an issue where multi fund grants weren't always showing the master grant ID in GLM.
- Fix an issue where multiple commas were being included in the spendable merge field of manual fund statements.
- Added a new Delete Uploaded option to the bank reconciliation area so users can delete uploaded csv transactions in batch without having to delete transactions individually.
- Fix an issue where the profile links export wasn't working.
- Fixed an issue where fund statements were printing duplicate copies for fund advisors in some instances.
- Fixed an issue where the Supporting Org link on the Home screen was missing the Affiliate wording.
- Added note alerts. Note alerts will appear at the top of the profile or fund page that they are added to as well as the alert area designated.
- Resource:
- Fix an issue where the fund name was showing on scholarship checks when the fund was set to anonymous.
- Added a post all option to the new bucket of vouchers.
- Added the option to send scholarships to SLM individually and in batch.
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- Added increased functionality to affiliate funds and the donor portal.
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- Added investment levels to the chart of accounts. Also added a new investment report to the financials area.
- Resource:
- Fix an issue where manual fund statements weren't working.
- Fix an issue where fund statements couldn't be emailed.
- Fix an issue where checks were printing for electronic payments if check templates were enabled.
- Made the following custom reporting updates:
- Added recognition name to donation reports
- Added donation serial numbers to donation reports
- Added fund advisor as a filterable filed to campaign reporting
- Added a ref name column to note and task reports
- Fixed an issue with profile fields on the campaign profile report
- Make importing notes a background job so a larger number can be loaded at once.
- Added legacy profile ID to profile and donation imports.
- Added an option to choose if household members are added to campaigns when the household profile is added.
- Resource:
- Fixed an issue where foreign address weren't printing on checks. Also, added the name of the foreign country to mailing labels.
- Added merge fields for fund advisor mailing label, fund advisor salutation, and investment strategy to the fund statement template.
- Added checkboxes to the deposit screen for non check and cash deposits. The rows selected will be deposited, while the rows left unselected will remain in the till.
- Added the ability to link any donation, historic and internal included, to any opportunity. Users will now see a link opportunity link on the left menu of any donation. If selected, the page will display all open opportunities related to that donor. Additionally, there will be an opportunity ID search box. A user can manually enter any opportunity ID into this search box, including closed opportunities and opportunities related to other profiles, and the donation will be linked to the opportunity entered.
- Added closed date and success columns to the opportunities import to allow users to import closed opportunities.
- Updated the phrasing within donation types from "or post using categries" to "or post using donation types" so that wording is consistent. Also updated the wording when searching for a grantee on the grant request tab of the donor portal from "No results found" to "No results found, please check Guidestar Results button above." Lastly, updated the tab colors in the same search area so that it is more clear that there are two tabs.
- Update the system logic when closing a fund to ensure that all net asset accounts are zero so that closed funds don't continue to carry balances in principal and spendable. This also fixed an issue where the system was preventing a user from closing a fund if it had a change in net asset balance in the current year.
- Added a separate entity checkbox to supported orgs. If selected on the granting fund of an internal grant, the internal donation will show the supported org as the donor. If selected on the destination fund of an internal grant, the internal grant will show the supported org as the grantee. Additionally, these grants and donations will be included on 990 reporting. If the separate entity designation is set to no, the grantee and donor on internal grants and donations will show as the foundation, and they will not be included in 990 reporting.
- Added a check number box to the campaign sell ticket screen when recording a ticket purchase within CommunitySuite.
- Add a check all option to the review checks screen when determining if payments will be electronic or by check.
- Added the ability to select a payment address when creating and editing vouchers.
- Resource:
- Update batch send to GLM to initiate a background job so users can sync more grants at once. Additionally, if you select the job ID for the background job created, you can view any errors that were encountered in the other info table.
- Added the ability to save filters on the donor report.
- Resource:
- Fix an issue where multifund scholarship weren't working when created from an SLM request.
- Added linked profile fields to the Profile Links custom report.
- Added the ability to sort and filter columns on the donor portal.
- Resource:
- Enabled the ability to produce fund statements all at once, by fund group, by fund sub group, or by fund division.
- Resource:
- Fix an issue where reverse links were being required when linking profiles.
- Fix an issue where information was being indented on financials.
- Updated inactive grantee functionality so that inactive grantee profiles don't show in the profile search on the grant request tab of the donor portal.
- Enabled the ability for a user to edit the donation notify and grant notify emails that are sent to fund advisors.
- Resource:
- Added the ability to batch remove profiles from a campaign to custom reports and the profile filter list.
- Convert profile links to a drop down list and add reporting functionality to custom reporting and filter reporting.
- Resource:
- Updated the Mailchimp warning message when sending a campaign list to Mailchimp to read, "Warning!!! You have selected a Mailchimp list to synchronize to. If you do this, any contacts on the Mailchimp list without an existing Tag will be deleted. Please ensure you understand this feature before using it and all contacts on the Mailchimp list have at least one Tag already selected in Mailchimp. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
- Added an increase spendable option to the cancel screen when cancelling grants and scholarships. If the awarding fund has track spendable enabled, the increase spendable checkbox will be selected by default and can be unselected by the user. If the awarding fund does not have track spendable enabled, the increase spendable checkbox will be unselected by default and will not do anything if selected.
- Fixed an issue where grant letters weren't generating in the checkrun batch if the payment was designated as electronic.
- Added an export option to the invoice and voucher tabs on the donor portal
- Fix an issue where fund advisors couldn't print fund statements from the donor portal.
- Fix an issue where reverse filters weren't working correctly in the profile filter report.
- Made the following updates to the donor portal: 1. Broke the "Other" tab into its two components of Invoices and Vouchers 2. Added separate look back dates and renaming options to the new Invoice and Voucher tabs 3. Added donor/grantee address, phone number, email, salutation, and mailing label to the contribution and grant exports 4. Added campaign name and if a donation is recurring to the contribution export 5. Added the ability to share a file that is specific to the fund advisor, not just the fund
- Resource:
- Fix an issue where the batch add steward functionality wasn't working from the donor report.
- Fix an issue where users couldn't view certain grantee profiles.
- When viewing a grantee profile record, grants and scholarships will now be split into their own tables. Also added a student table to the grantee record to show any linked students.
- Fix an issue where a fund couldn't be edited.
- Fix an issue where the grantee column was blank on the recurring grants screen.
- Fix an issue where transfer checks weren't printing when using check templates.
- Updated grants so that a grant can be uncancelled if it is fully cancelled by cancelling each installment.
- Added the ability to set a check template for a batch if check templates are enabled in System Data. Also added voucher ID as an available merge field on check templates.
- Updated the GLM/SLM icon on linked profiles to display the name of the GLM/SLM site that the profile is linked to. Also added this icon to grant and scholarship records. The icon on the grant and scholarship records replaced the jump to GLM/SLM wording. Clicking the icon will take you to GLM/SLM.
- Replaced the amount field on checks printed from sandbox sites with ***Do Not Cash, so checks printed from sandbox sites can't be cashed.
- Added Add Steward and Remove Steward to the batch options in custom reporting, profile filter reporting, and the donor report.
- Allow a user to enter a new login for fund advisors that don't have a unique email address when setting the email as the login in batch.
- Convert the donation import to a background job.
- Add the ability to set a grant expense account on grants and recurring grants. The system will continue to use the default grant expense account if none is selected.
- Add an option in System Data grant's table that allows a user to set the frequency for the conditional grant closing entry.
- Updates to CommunitySuite to make tax receipt terminology consistent. Updated the wording anywhere the system referenced thank yous, donation receipts, or donation letters, to say tax receipts.
- Fix an issue where the fund summary report was timing out for certain clients.
- Added options to the scholarships area that allows a user to set and unset the the fund manager and auto approve options for all scholarships at once.
- Updated the donor report so the year columns are based on the financial offset in System Data.
- Updated the CommunitySuite integration with SLM to allow for the syncing of the conditional checkbox on scholarships.
- Updated the CommunitySuite integration with GLM to allow for the syncing of the conditional checkbox on grants. The conditional box syncing on scholarships will be coming in a future release.
- Added the ability to set a lookback date on the donor portal tabs.
- Resource:
- Update time zone in system data to be a drop down listing of the available time zones rather than an hour offset. The time zone was selected automatically based on the previous offset selected, but please ensure that your time zone was set correctly. If it wasn't, please hit edit and select the correct time zone.
- Update the bulk thank you area to mark all donations attached to a profile payment as sent when the mark as sent option is selected.
- Fix an issue where users couldn't access the donor report.
- Fix an issue in custom reporting where adding filters in certain situations caused the report to go blank.
- Added the ability to report on all service area fields as well as grant types on both profiles and grants in custom reports.
- Fix an issue where the system was requiring that the COVID-19 field be populated for recurring grants.
- Added a complete all option to the paid bucket of grants.
- Add the ability to upload a list of profiles IDs and Fund IDs to custom reporting.
- Resource:
- Fix an issue where notes couldn't be added to the system.
- Add an enable COVID-19 field option to System Data. Enabling this field will add a new COVID-19 field option when creating grants. This field will sync between CommunitySuite and GLM.
- Resource:
- Added household group name to custom reporting.
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- Added the ability to edit the tab names on the online donation page.
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- Updates to the ticket refund process.
- Resource:
- Add attach file, add note, and a log to the check approval and individual check batch ID screens.
- Add batches and check approval to the check run process.
- Resource:
- Added donation notes and grant notes fields to custom reporting.
- Fixed an issue where profiles couldn't be merged if both profiles had a yearly tax receipt produced.
- Add an option to System Data to set the YTD offset for fund statements for all funds.
- Resource:
- Added the ability to edit a tax receipt from the donation page without un-posting and editing the gift.
- Added the ability to import notes.
- Resource:
- Added a listing of a user's saved reports to their name screen so a user can see and generate all saved reports from one location.
- Resource:
- Add the ability to edit an opportunity type.
- Update the fund balance report so closed funds do not show on the report. If the closed fund had a balance in a prior period, it will still display on the historic report.
- Add an option to System Data to show images uploaded to funds on the online donation page.
- Resource:
- Add a cancelled column and cancelled date to the paid voucher bucket now that vouchers can be cancelled.
- Added check_num as a merge field on the check template.
- Added the ability for a user to select the tax receipt template when entering a donation.
- Resource:
- Add a System Data option to send fund holders an email that their statements are ready for their review online. This will be for fund advisors that have a statement type set to online.
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- Added the ability to cancel a voucher and a grant with a voided check.
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- Added an opportunities import.
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- Limit the grant requests on the fund advisor portal to the amount of the fund's spendable balance or total fund balance.
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- Add an option in System Data to send voucher approvers an email when vouchers reach the approval status.
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- Added tribute name and recognition name to the contribution export file on the donor portal.
- Added an option to email tax receipts in batch from the thank yous screen.
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- Added a recurring interval drop down to tasks.
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- Updated donation entry so that the "need thank you" option is selected by default. If a donation does not need a tax receipt, you will simply un-check this box.
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- Add a grant type column to the new, approval, and voucher grant buckets.
- Add NEC to the IRS 1099 Field drop down for the new 1099 NEC form.
- Added the ability to post distributions on the last day of a month, quarter, or year.
- Resource:
- Add the ability to select if a note rolls-up to the native profile when entered on the donor record, grantee record, etc.
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- Added a warning message to the email all option in fund statements. This message will let the user know if any fund advisors are missing an email address or they do not have one designated as the primary before sending the email.
- Added a warning message to the email yearly tax receipt option. This message will let the user know if any donors are missing an email address or they do not have one designated as the primary before sending the email.
- Update CommunitySuite/GLM integration so that the GLM decision date will set the CommunitySuite grant date. If the CommunitySuite grant date is edited, the decision date in GLM will remain the original date.
- Added the ability to charge admin fees on a per internal grant and internal donation basis. These were previously included in the for each grant and each donation fee types, so this will allow users to determine if internal transactions are assessed fees.
- Resource:
- Update campaigns so that the admin fees associated with a ticket sale are attached to the campaign if there is a per invoice fee.
- Add the ability to send lists from custom reporting to 990 reporting.
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- Update exports from custom reporting to maintain formatting (groupings, totals, sorting, etc.).
- Add an option to System Data to expose legacy IDs from prior systems. These legacy ID fields will be available in reporting regardless of whether the System Data flag is enabled. The System Data flag controls whether the ID is visible on the individual records.
- Resource:
- Fix issue where users were receiving an error when syncing grants from GLM to CommunitySuite
- Fixed an issue where grants couldn't be synced from CommunitySuite to GLM.
- Added the same batch options from custom reporting and profile filter reporting to the donor report.
- Fixed an issue where the audit details weren't displaying for sub accounts. This will only show details for new revenue share jobs created.
- Add an option to system data that allows a user to select the fund that covers credit card fees. Also added a new merge field to tax receipt templates, {{donation_description}}, that will pull the description of each donation on gifts split between multiple funds that are included on the same tax receipt.
- Resource:
- Added an inactive column to the bulk profile update tool so users can mass edit profiles to mark them inactive.
- Updated fund beneficiaries by adding a description field and GL account that will be used when beneficiary grants are created.
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- Updated the grant filter report permission to be controlled by the View All Types permission rather than the List permission so that not all users could access grant reports.
- Updated the statement of functional expenses so that sub accounts can be in their own functional group.
- Updated serial number error wording for any serial numbers that previously said server error. Message will now read "No Tax Receipt Generated", and if you hover over that wording, you will see a message that says the following, "This tax receipt was not generated correctly due to a connection issue. Because the system tried to generate a tax receipt, there was a serial number generated, however no tax receipt was created."
- Add gender field to profiles. Male and Female will automatically be added to the gender list, and for any profiles that had the old Male and Female "Sex" fields defined, these designations will now be reflected in the gender field.
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- Update custom reporting so the print page option works.
- Update Mailchimp integration so multiple campaigns can be sent to a single audience.
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- Add a statement of functional expenses to financials.
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- Add bulk unpost to the journal entry import.
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- Update bulk tax receipt printing so that split gifts only produce one tax receipt per profile payment rather than one tax receipt per donation ID.
- Give the user the option to perform agency entries monthly. Please contact your CSM if you would like to change this from your fiscal year to monthly as it will require the opening and reclosing of months in order for the general ledger to update correctly.
- Added an unpost permission to the advanced donations permissions.
- Log users posting donations, grants, invoices, vouchers, statement vouchers, and pledges.
- Update profile search so that the prefix is not included. This will not remove the prefix from the search results, rather, it eliminates the need to type the prefix in. For example, you will now search for Doe, John rather than Doe, Mr. John.
- Include profile work title on mailing label if the address type is a work address.
- Added the ability to input a void reason on a voided check. The reason can be added after the check is voided.
- Add fund groupings to bulk edit screen
- Added the following fields to custom reporting: 1. Profile is (donor, grantee, etc.) to profile reports 2. Add 1099 fields to profile and voucher reports 3. Add Profile Address Type to profile reports
- For clients using donation serial numbers that had gaps in their numbers, updated the receipt report with the missing numbers and a "server error" message so that there are no unexplained gaps.
- Add the ability for a user to create a custom check template. The option to enable the check templates in System Data is currently behind a checkrun enhancement. If you would like this turned on for your site, please contact your CSM.
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- Update the donor portal and grant report to show partial grant cancellations.
- Add post all to the donation screen and add the option to import donations as posted or un-posted.
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- Enable bulk profile update. This is a permission setting that can be turned on based on permission groups. Please reach out to your CSM with any questions.
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- Fix an issue where online donations were creating duplicate profiles if Do Not Call or Do Not Email were selected.
- Add a conditional option on grants and scholarships.
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- Update recurring grants so that the next payment date can be edited.
- Fix an issue where organizational mailing labels weren't pulling onto envelopes.