- For Windows users, click Ctrl F on your keyboard to open a Find window. Type a search term in the Find window and click Enter. Click Enter to progress through the resulting list.
- For Mac users, click Command F on your keyboard to open a Find window. Type a search term in the Find window and click Return. Click Return to progress through the resulting list.
Release Notes
Monthly Release Features are listed in bold and have links to relevant resources. Other enhancements/fixes are listed in regular text.
- Custom Reports: Added the ability to report on a fund beneficiary that is another fund from the fund beneficiary report. Clients will now see a section called Bene Fund fields. This will allow clients to report on funds within their foundation that are also beneficiaries for other funds.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue where creating checks with a foreign currency would cause a red error.
- System Data: Enhanced system data to have a left-side menu option for foreign exchange rates. This will allow clients to see the exchange rates in a table and fetch them if needed by selecting update rates from the left-side menu.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue with sharing documents in the Fund Advisor portal for affiliate group, and the file displays once for each fund associated with the division. Fund Advisors will now just see one file attachment for the group of funds.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with duplication of donation payments, resulting in an orphaned payment.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with ACH payments not settling in CommunitySuite. Clients can now see the transactions in payment processor Stripe and manually rerun for payments that have completed processing with Stripe, but not posted a donation record in CommunitySuite.
- Tributes: Resolved an issue with tribute templates addr.address fields not populating.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when using a filter on a list that the show all option was no longer showing.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with the GLM defaults not saving because of invalid options being selected.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue with allocation table processing a NaN value.
- Grants: Enhanced the grant award letter to have a regenerate option. This will allow clients to change the template for the grant award letter, select regenerate, and then print or email the updated template for the grant.
- Fund Advisors: Resolved an issue when trying to add a fund with a special character in the name. It was unsearchable, and clients could not add the fund to a fund advisor.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with default school not setting on awards for synced requests from SLM.
- Financials: Resolved an issue with a single fund balance not being correct within our funit_account_balances table.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue with a profile marked as anonymous but donation was not marked anonymous; the donor's name would appear in the fund advisor portal. This has been resolved, and anonymous profiles will no longer appear on the fund advisor portal.
- Cash Management: Resolved an issue that when trying to select the balance swap menu, a red error would display.
- Grants: Resolved an issue grant catalogue request from the fund advisors portal. The grant advisor and donation advisor were not populating with the fund advisor's name.
- Funds: Resolved an issue with fund statements sorting incorrectly with the same start date on the fund advisor portal. Fund Statements will sort with newest on top.
- Funds: Added the ability to bulk edit admin fee groups on funds using the bulk edit.
- Checks: Enhanced the ABA file to include the memo line on the export. This will allow clients to use the memo line to bring in descriptions into the ABA file.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when exporting with special characters, it was not displaying correctly.
- Checks: Resolved an issue when voiding a check that was written from an account that was part of a pool. The transactions would appear on the pool account reconciliation instead of the account the check was processed.
- Site: Resolved an issue where the screen display was partially hiding elements.
- Distributions: Resolved an issue in distributions that delete was an option without unposting the transactions.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with direct debits (Australian clients) duplicating when clicking the submit button several times.
- Grants: Enhanced grants to now have the ability to create a grant award letter. This new template will allow foundations the ability to notify recipients of expected award amounts prior to the payment being issued. If the grant has the grant award letter enabled, the grant award letter will appear in the award letter bucket prior to grant being posted or approved. There will now be batch options in the left-side menu to email, print, or mark the letters as sent from the award letter bucket. The email notification will be sent to the primary email selected on the profile. The grant and scholarship award letters will now attach to the grant record once produced. The grant award letter template can be set by fund, fund group, subgroup, division, or segment. Send award letter is also behind it’s own permission within grants.
- Donation Portal: Added an option in the donation portal to receive ACH payments from Stripe for donations and recurring donations. Stripe payments that come into CommunitySuite without a fee will not automatically be posted. Instead they will land in the till. This will allow clients to add the ACH fee once it has been processed within Stripe. Once they have added the fee, they can then deposit into their Stripe clearing account. A hyperlink has been added to the profile payment so that clients can easily review the transaction within Stripe. Clients will need to enable the ACH bank account payment method within their Stripe Account. Revised the language in an action button on the donation portal from "Pay with Credit/Debit Card" to "Continue".
- 1099 Reports: Added a new 1099 Reports option in the accounting list on the home screen. These reports will allow a user to create a report that can be exported for 1099 Misc or 1099 NEC. Each report can be filtered by division, if needed. These reports will include all vendors marked as 1099 vendors and the amount will pull values from accounts when a value is selected in the IRS 1099 field. There is an export option for each report.
Funds: Added the ability to copy a fund. This will copy all fund fields except for name, short name, public name, and the fund summary. With this release, we have added the following fields to the fund create screen: fund steward, with donor restrictions, fund statement format, fund statement interval, allow additional advisor, and require primary advisor approval.
- Resource:
- Donations: Resolved an issue with the donation notify email not using the current email for users, when sending the donation notifications.
- Checks: Added the ability to create a test file for ACH094 files in live environments, There will be a checkbox to create a test file when selecting the date of the file.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with the grant approval process causing a red error.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue with statement vouchers presenting differently on the portal.
- Grant Cards: Resolved an issue with tax receipts receiving a red error when trying to print.
- Templates: Added the option to include or not include public securities into the yearly tax receipt total.
- Donations: Resolved an issue where processing bulk recurring donations could sometimes cause duplication.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when creating a report; clients could not remove current fields.
- Funds: Resolved an issue with the system using the funit_account_balances table which was causing fund balances to populate incorrectly.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Added scholarship total to the the history report. This will allow fund advisors to see their scholarship dollars separate from their grant dollars if the history report is displayed.
- Funds: Added Total Scholarships to the history report.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with funds that have special characters not being searchable within grants.
Donations: Resolved an issue with funds that have special characters not being searchable within donations. - Profiles: Resolved and issue with special characters not exporting correctly.
Funds: Resolved and issue with special characters not exporting correctly. - Custom Fields: Resolved an issue with special characters not displaying correctly.
- Custom Fields: Resolved an issue in with scholarship payment custom reports when using custom field filters. The filters were causing no results to populate.
- Custom Fields: Resolved issue with special characters not populating correctly.
- Funds: Added the ability to report on the admin fee groups within fund reports.
- Templates: Added the ability to use Seaford font within templates.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with imported scholarships not processing in batch.
- Donations: Resolved an issue causing a critical error when trying to process tax receipts in bulk.
- Donations: Enhanced the yearly tax receipts with an option to print by household or individual based on filtered list. Added total_amount to the yearly tax receipt template. Also, renamed the pdf attached that is emailed to read YearlyTaxReceipt, instead of the date range.
- Templates: Resolved an issue when trying to verify grant letter templates.
- AP: Resolved an issue with the accounts payable export ap, gp, sp report only exporting into a .csv format.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue with fund statements not sorting newest to oldest on the statements tab on the fund advisor portal.
- AP: Resolved an issue with AP clearing vouchers resulting in an unknown vendor in AP.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue not allowing tickets to process from the online portal.
- Financials: Resolved an issue when running income statement by month. It was showing total amounts in last month if date range ended on the first of the month.
- Bank Reconciliation: Resolved an issue where the beginning balance was pulling into the bank reconciliation as 0.00 instead of the prior month balance.
- 990 Report: Added the public security details to the 990 donor export of the details report . This will allow clients to report on security symbol, qty of shares and until cost.
- Bank Reconciliations: Resolved an issue when trying to unreconcile a bank foreign currency bank account. It would cause a red error.
- Site: Resolved an issue with the email from grant payment notification, donation receipts, and alerting check approval employees was using a users email instead of the no-reply@fcsuite.com.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with the scholarship's open bucket displaying the paid payment lines.
- Financials: Resolved an issue with Show/Ex Subfunds is acting opposite with rows and columns on financial reports.
- Funds: Enhanced the closing of a fund by automating the offsetting equity journal entry.
- Financial Statements: Resolved an issue when using generate all option to print fund statements, it would error out if the file was too large. Clients will now see batch ids created when using generate all. Each batch will contain up to 100 funds, and created in the same order.
- AP Table: Resolve an issue with canceled and voids showing in the table. The table will reflect any unposted or unlinked checks that need to be resolved.
- Profiles: Enhanced checks from the vendor profile to display balances and cleared status.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with transfers not allowing a physical check to print.
- Financials: Replaced a red error in financial reports with too many columns to a yellow warning.
Accounts: Added the ability for a Foundation to manage bank accounts in multiple currencies within CommunitySuite. Clients will now be able to activate different bank accounts with foreign currencies in CommunitySuite. The Multi Currency exchange will allow for receiving payments into the foundation and money out of the foundation. Currency exchange rates will be calculated on prior business day using avantage.com General ledger transactions will still be posted in the foundations home currency. Clients will only need to use this new functionality if they are processing money in or money out transactions from outside their home currency.
Clients will need to add a bank account for the foreign currency. Once the account is added they will need to edit the account and assign the foreign currency to the bank account. This will allow for the money in and money out transactions to be accepted in both currencies. To process money in, the transactions will need to be created from the payments module. Grants, Scholarships, and Vouchers can handle both types of currency for the money out transactions. At month-end, when processing the bank reconciliation, the system will automatically create any adjusting journal entries based on exchange rates for that day.
- Resources:
Profiles: Added the ability for foundation to require certain fields when creating a profile in CommunitySuite. These fields can be marked as required in profile settings. This new functionality is also behind its own permission-setting.
- Resources:
Distributions: Added a new distribution type base to calculate a foundations spending policy based on net earnings for a fiscal year. The calculation can use average per quarter or year and will be based on a percentage.
- Resource:
System Data: Added the ability to sync sandbox from the production site. This will still be located in the system data area.
- Resources:
Accounts Payable: Updated the Accounts Payable list to include an aging schedule for Accounts, Grants and Scholarships Payable based on the date of the Voucher, Grant, or Scholarship. Enhanced the Historical AP left-side menu option which populates a report that will “age” the payable by year based on the payment line detail for the grant or scholarship record. This report is commonly requested at year end as audit prep begins. The Grant or Scholarship ID has been added along with the award date. Columns have been added that reflect the payment line detail by year.
- Resource:
- Accounts Receivable: Enhanced the Historical AR left-side menu option which populates a report that will “age” a list of pledge receivables by year based on the dates in the payment detail for pledge record. This report is commonly requested at year end as audit prep begins. The Pledge ID has been added along with the pledge date. Columns have been added that reflect the payment line detail by year.
- Enhanced the funds and profiles left hand menu items by grouping items together under a dropdown option. This will help navigation of menu items within funds and profiles.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with tribute templates not populating the description field when printing the templates.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with tribute templates that were not populating with the memorial_type merge field when printing tributes.
- Templates: Tributes-Resolved an issue when producing an organization tribute template, the recognition name would be replaced with organization and organization contact. Clients can now use recognition name within the tribute template.
- Scholarships: Added the ability to import historical scholarships to the scholarships import template. Clients will now have the ability to import historical scholarships into CSuite. We have added the historical column and student_is_grantee column. This column will allow clients to pay the student as the grantee instead of a school. This will be a per payment line import, and will not report on the grants reporting. Clients will also now have the ability to delete historic scholarships, since there is no general ledger impact with historical scholarships.
- Templates: Resolved an issue that wouldn't allow a logo to populate on the system generated donation receipt if a site doesn't have a templated added.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue when deleting the school in CommunitySuite as it would still show in the drop down in SLM.
- Balance Swap: Renamed the menu to Cash Management in Accounts and Funds area.
- Grants: Added the red prompts back to set grantee and set fund when processing grants from GLM.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with integrated scholarships that was not allowing a canceled installment to reflect canceled in SLM.
- Release Notes: Release notes can now be accessed using the present icon in the top right corner. The link in the left nav menu has been removed.
- Donations: Resolved an issue causing an intermittent post permissions error when selecting Post All.
- Pledges: Resolved an issue that caused a fully paid pledge to have an open status. This was caused when a donation for the full amount was linked to the pledge before the pledge was posted. Now when the pledge is posted it will move to a paid status if the balance is zero. Enhanced pledges to not allow them to be unposted once the pledge has been fully paid and donation transactions are linked to the pledge.
- Financials: Resolved an issue that was causing an error when generating a financial report with a "not on" date filter.
- General Ledger: Resolved an issue when exporting deleted transactions, the report was not pulling deleted entries.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with grant catalogues when organizations are trying to load an image that is too small.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an error when using the generate all option within fund statements.
- Grants: Resolved an issue when selecting unpost on a grant voucher line, it would cause a red error. Clients can now unpost grant vouchers.
- Accounts: Added the ability to edit the account restrictions within defaults. Usually you only set restrictions during initial site setup and migration before you had any transactions. Before using this option, clients may want to reach out to support.
- Donations: Updated the donation receipt report to reflect changes to users names. This will allow the report to reflect any updates to a users name.
- Donations: Resolved an issue when printing a donation's envelope, it was not using the mailing label from the profile.
- Checks: Enhanced the ability to record failed/declined status from Bambora.
- Stripe: Enhanced the Stripe integration in which the payment guid was coming back differently. This will now allow us to match the information in the absence of some information.
- Donations: Resolved an issue on recurring donations where clients could not clearstripe_cus_id on the profile. Clients can now clear the stripe_cus_id on a profile if they have the edit permission. The stripe customer id will now be saved with the recurring donation specifically. Profile merges will not impact recurring donation anymore. There can be multiple recurring donations set up via the public portal for the same customer.
- Donations: Resolved issue when processing a recurring donation. The error message was unclear to know if the issue was on CommunitySuite or Stripe. Error message should now reflect the issue to resolve.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with a clients recurring donation being unable to process.
- Notes: Added the ability to bulk delete notes from a filtered list. From notes, select filter report. Filter the report down to the group of notes to be deleted, and then select delete notes from the left hand menu. A new permission to allow a User to Bulk Delete notes has been added.
Allocation Tables: The ability to allocate expenses based on a standard allocation table. This will allow clients to easily allocate expenses for a multi-line voucher and will help in the allocation of expense across functional categories. Allocation Table will be a new menu item within Accounting. On the left-side menu, select create. Name the new allocation table and complete the fields below for the revenue or expense accounts for the allocation using a decimal to represent the percentage. Once created, the allocation table can be assigned to a vendor record. When creating a account payable for the vendor, the accounts will auto-populate and in the voucher record you can add the allocation amount. This will then populate the amounts based on the allocation table. Amounts can be edited within the voucher. The following permissions were added to manage access to Allocation Tables: Add File, Create, Delete, Display, Edit, List & Log.
- Resources:
Profiles: Added the ability to include dates on profile links. This will allow better relationship tracking and data hygiene. Profile links and org roles will sort by active and alphabetically with this enhancement. From profile filter reports, clients can now filter by organization roles and profile links, and in custom reports, the profile links report has been added.
- Resources:
Checks: Add the ability to create a ACH094 file for Canadian clients to use nacha type functionality with CSuite. This will require the Nacha permission to be enabled in checks and the ACH Format to be set to ACH094 File in Site Data.
- Resource:
Checks: Added the ability for voided checks to display on the voucher record. This will allow clients to see the void on the voucher and help with transparency for year-end audits. Voided checks will now display in red on the bank reconciliation. Clients can now sort the bank reconciliation by check number to easily see the check and void.
- Resource:
Financials: Added an Audit Balance report to the left-side menu in financials. This report will allow clients to run quarter ending balances based on bank and investment accounts for a time period and by quarter or year. There are also options for fund balances based on total fund balances, principal, and spendable balances displayed by month, quarter, or year based on the date range selected. Fund filters can also be applied to this report. The default view is by quarter; selecting edit options will allow a User to change the time period. This report will only populate quarter ending values for time periods if the month/quarter/year end is closed.
- Resources:
Financials: Added an Account Activity report to the left hand menu in financials. This report will allow clients to report on the activity for a sub-set of income statement accounts by date range. This new report will allow Foundation’s to create reports for departmental budget to actual reporting.
- Resources:
Financials: Added an Account Balance report to the left hand menu in financials. This report will allow clients to report on a sub-set of balance sheet accounts as of a specific date. Clients can use this reports for creating reports with a select group of balance sheet accounts.
- Resources:
- Site: Resolved spelling errors found within the site. Also, changed fund manger to now reflect fund advisor within scholarships to be consistent within CommunitySuite.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with Fiscal Year on the profile summary was displaying the incorrect year.
- Checks: Enhanced the positive pay export to reflect canceled or voided checks. In check settings, there is now a positive pay void check code. Clients can enter a void code, such as: C or V, based on bank requirements to display on the positive pay export for bank.
- Financials: Added the column options to the financial report header, which allows clients to easily identify any column options that were added to the report.
- Opportunities: Resolved an issue that created a critical error when deleting an opportunity that was linked to a donation.
- Funds: Resolved an issue when creating a new fund the distribution interval would not save.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue on a ticket you could not uncheck it as private.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with invoice templates only pulling the default template and not pulling by fund.
- Grants: Resolved an issue on a grant with payment lines that were canceled you could still edit the pay schedule for the canceled amount. Clients can now uncancel the payment line and edit the pay schedule for future payments.
- Templates: Resolved an issue on tax receipts not pulling in the payment method field for other payment or stripe donations.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue not allowing a vendor profile to be marked inactive.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with having a scholarship award being open in two tabs, and clients were able able to cancel the scholarship in one tab and unposted in the other tab.
- Financials: Resolved an issue with the fund balance report filtered by created date was not pulling the accurate list of funds for the time period.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when setting the pay address on a profile it would cause a critical error.
- NACHA- Added the ability to use the addenda record (record 7) in a NACHA file or not. This option can be disabled at the account level by unchecking the line NACHA Addenda record. The addenda record pulls from the memo line when creating checks. Currently, all NACHA files are defaulted this field being checked and displaying this record.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with custom field filters not saving on custom reports.
- Online Donations: Resolved an issue with the way the webhooks were talking between CommunitySuite and Stripe with donation receipts.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with internal grants that had a tribute associated on the donation. It created a red error when clients tried un-post the grant.
- Users: Enhanced users by hiding the inactive users. Clients can use the list all left-side menu option to display all inactive and active users.
- Grants: Enhanced the grant import by adding a legacy code field.
- Grant Catalog: Resolved an issue causing a red error to appear if non-profits did not enter all required information on a grant catalog.
- Checks: Resolved an issue when deleting vouchers from a voided check; the system would display a red error. There is no longer an option to delete the voucher from the check.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue with fund statements with no activity; the financial area would not produce any information. The fund statements should now reflect n/a if there was no activity for that fund in the time period selected.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when creating a custom note report; the report was loading indefinitely and in a 504 error.
- Files: Resolved an issue that created an error when sharing an external file with a fund advisor.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with mailing labels not populating when creating a check batch.
Bulk Edit Accounts: Adding the ability to bulk edit the fields in an account will allow users to quickly update their chart of accounts. This will allow users to take advantage of the recent enhancements in CommunitySuite which require updates to the chart of accounts. Bulk edit options for account number, name, description, account type, statement account, functional expense, IRS 1099, available for cash, and restriction are all part of the bulk edit. Clients can also filter the accounts by account types and then bulk edit that group of accounts.
- Resources:
Grant Catalog Custom URL: Enhanced grant catalogs by adding a custom URL field. This will allow clients to direct their grant catalog to an outside web address. Clients can still direct their donate button to the CommunitySuite unique URL for in house processing.
- Resources:
Archive Profile Types: From an individual profile type, clients will now have the ability to archive or delete profile types. Archiving the profile type will allow clients to keep any historical profile types for reporting and filtering. There are now separate permissions for archiving and deleting profile types. Archive and delete profile type permissions have been enabled for users in the admin group.
- Resource:
- Distributions By Account Quarter/Year: Enhanced the distribution calculation base-by account option to include average per year or per quarter for asset, liability and equity accounts.
Fund Advisor Portal Steward Info: Users now have the ability to show fund stewards information on the fund advisor portal. This will allow foundations to add pictures and contact information for the fund stewards. Fund steward will populate from the fund record. The fund steward information and image will pull from the user’s profile record. To enable this enhancement, go to fund advisors, settings, and check the box next to Show Steward Info. Clients can also customize a label to display on the fund advisor portal by entering data into Steward Info Label.
- Resources:
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with the profile links not appearing in reports but displaying on the profile.
- Checks: Resolved an issue when voiding a scholarship check the voucher could be deleted from the check id causing accounts payable and scholarships payable to become unbalanced.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that was requiring dates when adding a org role to a profile.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with recurring donations and cover credit card fees enabled. These transactions were producing two separate tax receipt emails. Now when processing the recurring donation, one tax receipt is sent.
- Donations: Resolved an issue where the credit card fee on recurring donations was not showing in the list of donations. Also moving forward, the email sent log will only reflect the profile payment level showing one line. Before, it showed a sent for each part of the donation and credit card fee, making it look like it was duplicated.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue with events with private tickets causing a red error if clients have not visited the donation portal.
- Revenue Share: Resolved an issue with revenue share requiring clients to set share on every voucher.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue where post by payment scholarships were displaying as unposted but the status was displaying as paid. Post by payment scholarships will now show as unposted until at least the first payment line is completed and then it will display open or paid depending on where the scholarship is in the workflow.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with Bambora batch not completing in CommunitySuite.
- Invoice: Resolved an issue with invoicing when you unpost and edit an invoice the qty field now displays as required. Previously, if you forgot to put a number in the qty field, it looked like the invoice was saving, but it did not. Now, users will see a red required notification.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue when adding invitees it would also mark them as a donor in the export. This caused inaccurate donor reporting.
- Bambora: Enhanced custom check report to have a reportable ACH status field. Clients can now use this status to see if Bambora transactions have completed. This will only be available for clients with ACH enabled.
- Fund Statements: Enhanced fund statements to have the ability to print or email the fund statement after it has been generated. To email or print the fund statement again, go into the the fund statement batch and select email or print from the brackets next to the sent date.
- Resource:
- Grants: Resolved an issue when canceling a partial grant amount awarded, it would reduce the total amount awarded in GLM.
- Statement Vouchers: Added a yellow warning when trying to unpost a statement voucher that has been revenue shared previously.
- Donations: Resolved an issue when editing a check number on a posted donation, clients would receive a fields list on update.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue when creating a ticket and then editing the number of units would cause a red error.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with refunding stripe donations, not being able to link back the credit card information.
- Global Search: Enhanced global search with the ability to display the profile or fund id in parenthesis after the name and designation brackets. To enable this go to system data and check the box labeled Show Id On Search.
- Vouchers Permission: Added a new permission for Statement vouchers. There are now separate permissions to create, delete, display, edit, post, and unpost a statement voucher.
- Donations Permission: Added a separate permission to edit historic donations. Currently, if users have edit for donations, they will also have this new permission.
- Campaign Permission: Added a separate permission for creating a campaign group.
- Voucher Permissions: Resolved an issue when using custom reports to batch approve vouchers; it was not enforcing users permissions.
- Imports: Resolved an issue when importing scholarships or donations the system was creating new profiles. Users will now need the create permission in profiles permissions to import new profiles.
- Custom Fields: Resolved an issue in custom reporting allowing user to modify custom fields in bulk. Users will now have to have the grant edit, fund edit etc. permission to bulk update custom fields through custom reporting.
- Vouchers: Added a setting to disable voucher self approval. This option is found in voucher settings and is called disable voucher self approval. Enabling this setting prevents users from approving vouchers they created.
- Grants: Added a setting to disable grant self approval. This option is found in grant settings and is called disable grant self approval. Enabling this setting prevents users from approving grants they created.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue with Stripe Webhooks causing a red error when trying to import information from Stripe into CSuite.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue when running fund statements and the background job timing out.
- Invoices: Resolved an issue when posting and emailing an invoice would create a red error.
- Financials: Resolved an issue with the cash balance report switching asset numbers for FY2020 and FY2021.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with recurring donations and cover credit card fees enabled, these transactions were producing two separate tax receipt emails. Now when processing the recurring donation, one tax receipt letter is sent.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with the donation portal not no reflecting changes to donation notes label online, if it was changed in donation settings.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that was causing a red error when trying to map a profile from cGLM that was previously mapped into CSuite.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue with newly created funds not pulling into fund statement batches correctly.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue that was causing a error in the background job when generating all file.
- Donations: Resolved an issue when creating a donation the recognition name was not saving the name.
- Campaigns: Removed the option within a campaign setup to enable the guest registration prior to checkout on the portal. Donation Portal: Enhanced the ticket checkout to process, when purchasing a ticket the system will now take donors back to the ticket guest registration screen. Resolved an issue with affiliate donation portals, landing back into the foundations donation page rather than the affiliates.
- Journal Entry: Enhanced the approval functionality for journal entries. If the journal entry is rejected with the percentage of approvers being met, the journal entry will now go back to the new bucket for edits or deletion. If the percentage of approvers is not met, the journal entry will stay in the approval bucket. The log will now reflected a rejected status instead of approved.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue not allowing donors to add guest information when purchasing tickets from 2 different events.
- Templates: Added the ability to create an invoice template. In templates, clients will now see an option to select invoice template. Template fields list will provide clients with a list of available fields for their template. There is also examples within the examples list. The default template will continue to work but will no longer have a logo displayed due to some HMTL code change.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Added the ability to share grant files with the fund advisors. Once there is an attachment on a grant, the foundation can choose to share it with the fund advisors on the portal. On the fund advisor portal, grant attachments are located by selecting the grant id and a new page will open exposes all the grant detail including the attachment.
Profiles: When viewing a grantee, vendor, or donor profile, the summary table can be viewed by fiscal year or calendar year. This option can be enabled in grant, voucher or donation settings. This will allow clients that have a financial offset to view data on the donor, grantee, or vendor profile by their fiscal year, instead of calendar year. If they have enabled this feature, the summary grids will show with a FY20XX format. If it is not enabled, it will just show the year format.
- Resources:
Opportunities: Added the ability to add a profile to an opportunity record. This new Opportunity Beneficiary field is in addition to Fund associated with the record. The ability to assign an Opportunity Beneficiary can be found in the left hand menu. The Opportunity Beneficiary has also been added to custom reporting for opportunities. (An example would be an estate gift for a designated fund which will distribute spendable to a specific nonprofit.)
- An example would be an estate gift for a designated fund which will distribute spendable to a specific nonprofit. Also, tracking potential funding coming from a succession planned giving and putting the foundation’s profile as the beneficiary.
- Resources:
- Fund Advisor Portal: This enhancement will allow clients to enable the fund manager on a scholarship and activate the scholarship tab in the Fund Advisor Portal so that an Advisor has view only access to scholarship details. Prior to this enhancement, enabling Fund Manager on a scholarship record allowed a Fund Advisor to change the payment date, school and student for a scholarship award. This option is still available by enabling Fund Manager Full control in Scholarship Settings. This enhancement will allow more Foundations to enable the scholarship tab without giving their Advisors excess control over a scholarship award.
Custom Reports: Created new note custom report for the following objects: Donations, Payments, Grants, Scholarships, Vouchers, Invoices, Profiles, Funds, and Revenue Share. Also created an Object Profile Note option that will allow you pull in profile information related to an object that the note is associated with e.g. for a donation, show profile information related to the donor. This shows details for the profile, but not the object.
- Resource:
- Enhanced the ability to delete fund categories. Now when deleting the categories, you can reassign associated profiles or set them to no category. This will action will be recorded in logs.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with merging profiles that were beneficiaries on a fund.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue with print copy for each advisor checkbox on fund statements formats not providing functionality with the generate all file pdf or word document. Resolved an issue with open funds pulling into fund statement batches prior to the fund creation date.
- Task: Enhanced task by adding the ability to set a reminder email with intervals. This new functionality has reminder intervals for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, or 30 days prior to task due date. Reminder email will be sent to the person that the task is assigned. Task that are assigned to you can also be edited and reminder interval set.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with recurring donations unlinking the credit card information from Stripe. Action items for clients: if you go into a recurring donation and there are no saved cards for the profile, click the Add Credit Card in left hand menu. CSuite will communicate to Stripe to relink the profiles. You will receive a message that it was profile was linked. If you continue to experiencing issues please reach out to support@foundant.com.
- Distribution: Enhancement to distribution calculations to improve processing time by requiring books to be closed for the calculation date of the distribution.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue with the donation content payment footer not displaying.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue not allowing a profile payment to process from Stripe because of an address conflict, but donation payment appeared in the Stripe account. The profile payments can be manually rerun in the Stripe payment processor to create the missing profile payment.
- Scholarship: Resolved an issue when refunding a post by payment scholarship, the expense account was being credited the refund amount.
- Profiles: Enhanced the FEIN field. When creating individuals or households with numbers in the FEIN field, upon saving it will move it to the SSN field. For organizations, it will stay in the FEIN. There will also be a nightly process that will catch any individual or household profiles that have information in the FEIN field and move them to SSN field.
- Distributions: Resolved an issue that was pulling incorrect dates into average per year calculations based on net assets, principal balance, default balance, and total net assets. When using these calculations, the average per year calculation will use calendar year end, regardless of foundations fiscal year end
- Donations: Resolved an issue with recurring and internal donations not populating in the review bucket once they are processed.
- Profile: Created new warning when merging profiles with ACH credentials. The system will now warn you if you are trying to merge from a profile that has ACH credentials into one that does not.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue causing a red error to appear if you only selected one item in your custom report, and then used the group by functionality. Once you tried to export the report it caused a red error.
- Financials: Resolved an issue on the Investment report with totals not populating. This was also causing the totals not to populate on the fund advisor portal, if clients have that tab displaying.
- Profiles: Added a recognition field to profiles. If the recognition field is complete on a profile, it will auto-populate on a donation. This new field is also available through bulk update names.
- Donations: Corrected the spelling of review.
- Scholarships: Resolved a timing issue that was allowing a scholarship to be posted twice from double clicking the scholarship, creating a red error, and no ability to unpost.
- Accounts: Removed the Exclude From Statements option from account setup.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue with updating fund advisor payment information when using an ABA file for Australian clients.
- Sandbox Sync-Resolved an issue not allowing sites to sync their sandbox.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Added the ability for the foundation to enable the 2 factor authentication for the fund advisor portal. Clients can now choose to enable the 2 factor authentication for fund advisors. This setting is now found in fund advisors settings Enable Two Factor Login.
- Scholarship: Resolved an issue with refunds communicating back to SLM with a resync
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue for fund advisor not allowing them to donate to their fund if it was marked private.
- Affiliate Portal: Resolved an issue with donations causing a red error from the affiliate portal.
- Events: Resolved an issue when purchasing tickets donation portal was not sending out an auto tax receipts
- Tasks: This enhancement moves Tasks to the bucket concept. There are now buckets related to My Open, All Open, My Closed and All Closed buckets. Each task has several new enhancements: the object associated with each task is clearly defined. A task will now show on the object regardless of the due date. A task can now have files attached, notes, a more detailed description, and an option to mark complete or delete. If enabled in Task>Settings, emails will be sent when a task has been assigned to a User or marked complete. Clients can now delete or complete tasks. They will also now be able to see share with me and shared with other task. When you complete a task it will now create a note for the object. We have also renamed Done to Complete.
- Donation Portal: This feature has enhanced our checkout logic for the online donation portal.
Donation Portal: This will allow clients to bring in their Stripe transactions that are not initiated through the donation portal. These transactions will be profile payments and can be found in the payment list for clients to apply them to invoices.
- Resources:
- Fund Advisors: This enhancement will allow a Fund Advisor to update their profile information. Two fields have been added to Fund Advisor Settings: Allow Profile Edit and Profile Tab Name. Enabling Allow Profile Edit will add an icon to the Fund Advisor Portal. Adding data to Profile Tab Name will populate a label under the icon. When a Fund Advisor selects the icon, a table will open that is populated with their primary profile data. The Fund Advisor will have the ability to select edit and update their primary profile data. There is an option for the Advisor to add a note indicating why the data changed. There is also a new content area for the fund advisors. This content area will appear at the top of the fund advisor profile information once the edit button has been selected. There is also now an email notification for foundation staff available when a fund advisor changes their profile information. This is activated in fund advisor settings Email Notify on Profile Edit. Once activated there will be a now a new left hand menu option Edit Profile Notify. This is where a list of foundation users that can be selected to receive email notifications when profiles are updated on the fund advisor portal. Users will only populate in this list if they have an email. Fund Advisors will now have the ability to update their password and enable 2 factor authentication, even if the foundation is not requiring it.
- Files: An option to add a URL instead of a file is now an option under file attachment. When adding a file, select External and the URL two new options will open. An field to enter a name for the URL (file name) and a field for the URL.
Accounts: An option add one or more net assets accounts with the ability to assign the revenue and/or expense accounts that will close into that account when a User closes a period.
- Resources:
Financial Reports: This is an update to the Functional Expense report's layout. The functional expenses will now be columns on the report and the accounts will be sorted by account type in rows. This report will also have a total column.
- Resource:
- Financials: Fixed how the sub-accounts alignment on filtered reports and viewing transactions.
- Financials: Resolved an issue with raw exports not displaying correctly.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when updating a profile name the other areas of the system were not updating the change. This affected: grant advisors, donation notify, advisor profile notification, and check payment approval.
- Templates: Added additional fields to the templates.
- Tax Receipts Into the loop: Custom Message, Donation ID, Tribute information, Notify profile and Related Address Fields, Anonymous (boolean for conditional merge language), Steward (profile record), Legal name.
- Yearly Tax Receipts: Today's Nice Date, Public Security Fields in loop: Symbol, Quantity, Description, Unit Cost, Initial Value.
- Scholarship Letter & Advanced Scholarship Letter: Scholarship Description.
- Check Template: Vendors-Salutation, Mailing Label, Contact Name, Contact Title. Tribute Memory - In For Each loop: Custom Message, Description, Tribute Honor - In For Each loop: Custom Message, Description.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that was causing profiles to load slow.
- Fund Advisor Portal: On the grants tab, added the ability to drill down into a grant as see the payment schedule information. Such as: payment lines, canceled payments, refunds, and paid lines.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with org roles appearing on reports but not displaying when editing the profile.
- Checks: Resolved an issue where the total line would print over the voucher information when 4 or more vouchers were being paid.
- General Ledger: Resolved an issue where transactions were not displaying in chronological posting date order.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with importing donations, and failed jobs not clearing so new jobs could process.
- Grants: Resolved an issue when importing grants, the grant type and service area were not populating based on the grantee record or the fund record.
- Donations: Resolved an issue that was not grouping tax receipts together on a multi-fund donation.
- Funds: Added the {salutation} to the content area in funds for funds statement emails.
- Task: Resolved an issue with task description not wrapping correctly.
- Fund Statements: Modified fund statements when awarding a post by payment scholarship. Payment lines will appear based on the payment dates for each payment line.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue when refunding or canceling a post by payment scholarship, new payment line could not be added if you select [recalculate] which closed the award. The scholarship award will now return to the open status after adding a new line item.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue when producing fund statements with the investment data section the statement was populating different than the investment report.
- Budgets: Enhanced the Budget report by adding the ability to filter this report. This will allow clients to filter to fund/s and print and/export that report. (Summit Request)
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue where statement vouchers were displaying in the voucher section of the fund statements. Statement vouchers will no longer display in the voucher area on fund statements.
- Budget: Enhanced entering a budget by month by adding a total that adjust when entering each monthly entry.
- Fund Advisor/User: Resolved a password issue when a user within CSuite is also a fund advisor. The CSuite user password will now override the fund advisor portal password. We recommend using your user login as your fund advisor login. This would only be for staff that are also fund advisors in your system.
- Funds: Resolved an issue when looking at the history on a fund the donations and grants history were causing a red error.
- Donations: Added a notification list of profiles that are missing or do not have primary emails marked when emailing tax receipts in bulk.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with the post by payment checkbox on a scholarship not able to uncheck the box.
- Donations: Donation Receipts bucket now has filter capabilities. We also moved the bulk action items into a dropdown selection such as: emailing and printing receipts.
- Financials: Resolved an issue that was causing a red error on the audit report.
- Tributes: Resolved an issue where the report printout was not pulling for individual tributes.
- Donations: Resolved an error when reviewing one donation at a time. Clients can now review donations in bulk or one at a time.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue with the activity detail section no longer pulling in statement_account_name field.
- Grants: Resolved an issue when editing an internal grant, default revenue account was not auto-populating correctly.
- Donations: Added functionality to the donation filters. This will allow users to apply filters for the new bucket for bulk posting donations and also in the review bucket for bulk reviewing donations.
- Vouchers: Resolved issue when filtering posted vouchers by default payment method, this would cause a red error.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that the system would not allow two profiles to merge, if one of the profiles had a tribute associated with it.
- Scholarship: Resolved a rounding issue when refunding part of a scholarship.
- Grant Type: Resolved an issue where an archived grant type would still appear in the Fund Bulk Edit. Archived grant types will no longer appear in bulk edit.
- Tributes: Enhanced the print all in tributes to include the ability to print to word or pdf options.
- Font: Changed the font to Ubuntu. Which is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I am because of who we all are'.
- Funds: Resolved an issue that would not allow you to bulk update Show History on Portal checkbox when using funds bulk edit.
- Admin Fees: Resolved an issue for monthly percent admin fees that was not allowing a change to the ABD checkbox.
- Distributions: Resolved a 504 error when processing large groups of distributions. Distributions will now process as a background job. Each job will need to complete before processing another distribution.
- Stripe: Resolved an issue causing a red error on the donation portal and not allowing donations to process. Donations are now processing.
- Till: Resolved issue for Australian clients where their ABA report would not download.
- Grants & Profiles: Grant awards are the main product of a Foundation. A Grant record has many data points that could be auto populated to save time during grant creation and ensure data integrity. This enhancement renames the Grant Type list to Philanthropic interest area without any change to the current functionality. A new grant type field has been added to the profile. The Grant Type and Service Area fields will now populate a grant record with the ability to edit. If the Grant Type or Service Area is blank on the profile, but completed on the Fund, the Fund data will populate the grant record with the ability to edit. This enhancement will allow a Grant Type to be archived.
- Donations: This enhancement moves Donations to the bucket concept with filters. There are now buckets for New, Posted, Receipt and Tribute. A donation could be list in multiple buckets depending on the posted status and whether or not a tax receipt or tribute letter is needed. In order to help identify profile duplicates and staff review, there is a new bucket option available in Donations>Setting to create a Review bucket.
- Grants & Fund Advisors: Grant awards are the main product of a Foundation. A Grant record has many data points that could be auto populated to save time during grant creation and ensure data integrity This enhancement populates the Grant Advisor field with an alphabetical drop down list of the Fund Advisors assigned to the Fund. The Primary Advisor will be listed first and Primary will be indicated after their name. There will be an option at the bottom of the list to search from all profiles. Deceased Fund Advisors will not populate this list.
Grants/Scholarships: A multi-payment Grant award can be very time consuming to create. This enhancement will allow a User to quickly create a payment schedule. To create the table, there is a new Quick Add Option in the left side menu of grants. A User will enter the first payment date, interval and number of payments. The same Quick Add flow will be available when creating a scholarship record as well.
- Resources
- Funds: This enhancement allows a User to bulk edit funds by common settings within a Fund record. The process to bulk edit Funds is easier to manage with smaller subsets of a fund record. This enhancement also removes the 500 fund limit. Bulk Edit is still available by Fund Group, Sub Group, Division or Segment.
- Grants: Grants submitted through the Fund Advisor portal create Grant Requests in CommunitySuite. This enhancement will allow a User to create requests in batch as long as the Grantee is a current profile in the system. The recurring grant record will include the grant type and service area from the grantee profile (if populated). A grant letter template can also be added to eliminate the need to add it to each recurrence.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue not allowing the scholarship buckets to be filtered by a scholarship custom field. Clients can now filter in scholarship buckets and scholarship custom reports by scholarship custom fields.
- Scholarship/Grant Buckets: Resolved Client receiving a red error after Post All, Approve All in Scholarship/Grant Bucket due to next bucket not having Sort column. After posting, the system will now take you back to the new bucket.
- GLM Integration: Resolved an issue where the special characters in a project name were not importing into CSuite correctly. This also resolved the special characters for process coming over from GLM/SLM.
- Grants: Updated and created a new grant permissions. There are now two separate permissions for unpost & unapprove (the grant) and unpost voucher(the AP voucher).
- Custom Reports: You can now set the Supporting Org/Affiliate designation to Organizational Profiles in bulk. From custom reports, profile report and filter to the organizational profiles that you want to designate as a supporting org/affiliate and then, select supporting org/affiliate designation on the left hand menu option.
- Tax Receipts: Resolved an issue with the merge field, total amount, displaying incorrectly on tax receipts.
- Grant Letters: Resolved an issue with grant letters duplicating when printing.
- Distributions: Resolved an issue when creating a distribution using a calculation basis of default balance and average per quarter, the quarter balances were pulling incorrect balances.
- Distributions: Resolved and issue when calculating distributions based on principal balance, the principal balance was populating as negative balance. This was not allowing distribution amounts to be calculated.
- Templates: Added Fund Division Name as a merge field to grant, scholarship, and tax receipt templates.
- NACHA: Enhanced the NACHA format by adding an option to generate an unbalanced file for banks that do not require a debit record. This balanced or unbalanced NACHA file can be set at the account level.
- Fund Statement: Added salutations fields to the fund statement email content areas.
- Payment Processors: Resolved an issue not allowing accounts to be set up on the Stripe payment processor.
- Grants: Resolved an issue where the system was not allowing updates to email to within the grant notify.
- Opportunity: Resolved an issue, when completing a task on an opportunity, the note was no longer displaying the opportunity number.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Enhanced the forgot password email to the same case sensitivity that is used for the logins.
- Funds: Resolved an issue that was causing clear spendable to post incorrectly.
- Integration: Resolved an issue where the SLM or GLM process were not appearing in the process drop down in settings, if GLM/SLM process were enabled.
- Fund Statements: Resolved the issue that was removing HTML content on the fund_statement_email_body.
- UI: Resolved a wrapping text issue with grantee names. Alerts: Added the red box around alerts. Hyperlinks: Added the contrast when a link had been selected.
- Donations: Resolved an issue when processing recurring donation and anonymous donors were covering the credit card fees, the fees were not also marked as anonymous.
- Summit Feedback II: 1. Financials: Income Statement added Year over year, qtr over qtr, and month over month back into the options. 2. General Ledger: Added raw export with more columns in the export with fund attributes. 3. Financials: Investment report add a percentage column to see percent of change. 4. Fund Statements: Clients will now have the ability to print envelopes and labels for paper statements when processing fund statements. This is now on the left hand menu. 5. Campaigns: When printing envelopes and labels from a campaign, they will follow the same logic as profiles. 6.Tribute: When setting up a notify for a profile, clients will have the ability to lock the notify, so that donors or other staff can't change the notify contact information. 7. Financials: Now in the audit report when you select show account detail from the left hand menu, account numbers will display in the column headers.8. Funds: Moved Balance Swap to the top of the fund left hand menu within a fund.
- Resource:
- Grant and Voucher Approval: Resolved an issue with grant and voucher approval percentages not displaying in settings. This was causing all approvers to have to approve grants and/or vouchers, instead of using the approval percentage for grants/vouchers created during this time.
- Summit Feedback Releases: 1.System Data: In the sandbox environment<system data, client will now be able to see the last time the sandbox was synced. 2. Logs: Logs will now display date and time stamp. 3. Fund Statements: There will now be a log for fund statements with date and time and employee. 4. Public Security: From public securities table now sorts chronologically by date newest to oldest. 5. Task: Task is now found in the Core column as well the quick menu across the top.6. Funds: Opportunities will now display on the left hand menu of a fund.
- Checks: Resolved an issue when voiding a check, using the back arrow allowed you to void the check again and impacting the bank reconciliation. Clients will now see a yellow warning, alerting them that the check has already been voided.
- Donations: Resolved an issue causing tax receipts not to be emailed out.
Journal Entries: Adjusted the location of the +Fund button when creating a journal entry. Journal Entries can now be posted with a balanced entry with at least one fund, regardless of the number of empty fund lines. Deleting empty fund lines is no longer necessary.
- Resources:
- Resources:
- Fund Advisor Portal: An option will be available in Fund Advisor Settings. Fund Advisor Portal Options to enable two factor authentication for Fund Advisors. As well, a User will be able to enforce the internal password policy set for Fund Advisors.
User Interface: Updated colors, fonts, and overall page look and feel to improve readability. Workflows and functionality remain the same.
- Resources:
- Resources:
- Fund Advisor Portal: This Feature will require the Primary Fund Advisor for a fund to approve a grant request submitted by another Fund Advisor for the Fund. The Grant will not be created until the Primary Fund Advisor approves the request. It will remain in the Grant Request bucket until approved by the advisor. There is a new setting in the Fund record that will enable this functionality: Require Primary Advisor Approval. This is also available in bulk edit. A new content block in Fund advisor content: advisor_approval_email_body that will send an email to primary advisor when a grant has been requested.
System Data: Streamlined the Default Email Reply To functionality in System Data. There is a new setting, Use Default Email Reply To For All. This setting can only be enabled when an email is listed in the Default Email Reply To email. The application of these two settings impact the from/reply email for system generated emails (emails the system automatically sends based on settings) and non-system generated emails (emails a user initiates). When an email is entered in Default Email Reply To and the Use Default Email Reply To For All setting IS NOT checked: The email entered in the Default Email Reply To field will be the from/reply email used for system generated emails; Non-system generated emails will use the email for the User who initiated the email for the from/reply email. When an email is entered in Default Email Reply To and the Use Default Email Reply To For All setting IS checked: All from/reply emails use the Default Email Reply To email. If the Default Email Reply To is blank, system generated from/reply emails will be from FCSuite.com and non-system generated emails will use the from/reply email associated with the User who initiated the email. The Tax Receipt Reply to and Grant Notification email also follow this logic. The Auto Tax Email field has been removed from System Data. This enhancement also resolved the issue that was not updating the User generated emails if updated in their profile.
- Resources:
System Data - Settings & Content: This feature streamlines the System Data & Content areas in CSuite. A Foundation's main Site Data will remain in the System Data. Settings and content related to all other pages have been moved to the main menu of each object. There are separate permissions for both settings and content within the advanced permission of each object. Permission for this is currently in group 1000.
- Resources
- Video
- Campaigns: Site Custom Content
- Donations: Site Custom Content
- Fund Advisors: Site Custom Content
- Funds: Site Custom Content
- Grants; Site Custom Content
- Nonprofit: Site Custom Content
- Scholarships: Site Custom Content
- Tributes: Site Custom Content
- Vouchers: Site Custom Content
- Site Custom Content Overview
- Resources
Donations Settings: Added Auto Event Receipt option to Donation Settings. This will separate the ability to automatically send an event ticket receipt versus a donation receipt.
- Resource:
- Funds: Resolved an issue when pulling a balance sheet or income statement at the fund level, if the fund was a parent fund it included sub-funds. Clients will now have the option to include or not include sub-funds prior to populating the report.
- Financials: Resolved an issue causing ref filters to be removed, when searching transactions and editing a date range.
- Financials: Resolved an issue when searching a description from the general ledger, it was only pulling exact matches. It will now search on words or phrases contained in the description.
- Grants: Corrected conditional payment adjustments from processing if the grant/scholarship is cancelled with unpaid installments
- Financials: Resolved an issue on the Fund Balance Report that did not reflect the default restriction designation in the PR, TR, U column. Default restrictions will now be included in the correct column on the Fund Balance Report, if set on the fund.
- General Ledger: Reordered columns when displaying transactions. Debit/credit will appear back on the right.
- UI: Updated pages that were not where text was not wrapping and causing people to scroll right/left.
- Files: Added the ability to share the files without clicking edit Files: Added employee information back to the files list.
- Balance Swap: Resolved an issue with the total balance not populating general ledger transactions. It will now populate the last 30 days when you select an amount in the total balance column.
- Loans: Added the ability to invoice the principal portion on the loans. Prior to this release you could only invoice for the interest on a loan. This is for line of credit loans.
- Campaign Ticket: If a ticket includes both deductible and non-deductible values, the donation portion of the ticket will be automatically posted when the ticket is sold.
- Donations: Resolved an issue causing a foreign key constraint error when deleting a donation that has a sent tribute notification. The donation can now be deleted without error.
- Financials: Balance Sheet- When selecting MoM or QoQ, if the date you select is the end of the month/quarter, it will now use the end of the previous month/quarter instead of going back literally a month or quarter from the date entered. Previously if 4/30 was entered it would use 3/30 instead of 3/31 for the previous month/quarter comparison date.
- Donations: Revenue Share fund is no longer an option to select on donations.
- Grantee: Set School Flag- resolved an issue that prevented the school flag from being set in the bulk Set School Flag option. The issue was only happening if there was a school on the list that was not set as a grantee. Updated to show a warning at the top of the list, indicate which ones where not set as a grantee, and the process will also skip any that are not marked as a grantee when setting the school flag.
- Notes: Resolved an issue where adding a note to revenue share would not allow users to create a custom note report.
- Admin Fees: Added the ability to select expense account for admin fee types.
- Events: Resolved an issue where an error could appear selling tickets via stripe on the backend.
- Grants: Enabled the ability to edit historical grants. When editing historical grants, the historical grant will need to be reversed. First, go in and delete the check that paid the grant. This will remove the historical voucher as well. Then you edit the grant, change the amount to negative. Then you need to edit the payment schedule and make it negative. Then you recreate the voucher, and choose the Already Paid option, which will create the historical voucher and check.
- Templates: Resolved an issue that caused the Yearly Tax Receipt template field list to give an error about missing date. The field list can now be viewed without error for the yearly Tax receipt template.
- Fund Statement: Resolved an error when printing fund statements. If there was one specific fund's format causing an issue, file would not completely generate. Added a section so that once you start creating files, it will show you a list of funds that still need files created. You can narrow this down and click in to [display] that specific fund, it should show any errors, or you can generate this single file to try and debug any issues.
- Fund Statements: Enhanced new fund statements by combining emailed fund statements per fund advisor. Fund Advisors will now see one email with each fund's statement attached as a pdf. Also, when printing paper statements, sort order will now be by fund advisor and then fund name to make mailing paper statements easier.
- Bank Reconcile: The Orphan Files list now has an option to reattach the file. Click Find Home and select the reconciliation to attach the file to.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with an aspose error when verify/test for advanced scholarship letters.
- Templates: Resolved an issue in System Data- Templates where the system was incorrectly pulling advanced grant letter merge fields into the Template Field List when regular grant letter was selected.
- Financial Statements: Enhanced the date presentation in the email to fund advisors when sending fund statements. The date will now populate in a MM/DD/YYYY-MM/DD/YYYY format based on the start and end date of the fund statement.
- Financials: Resolved an issue when reclassing transactions. Filters applied to the list of transactions were removed allowing transactions that did not meet criteria to be reclassed. Filters will now stay when reclassing transactions.
- Funds: Adding a check box to the optional section of a fund, so that during fund creation, loan may also be selected. Previously, this was a post fund creation step.
- Pledges: Resolved an issue with the pledge document not being able to be printed from pledges and templates.
- Balance Swap: Enhanced functionality with balance swap by adding a bulk un-post and delete by day and timestamp option. Within balance swap, clients will see the account transfers within this menu user will find the bulk un-post option.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Anonymous fund advisors will no longer display on the portal.
- Grant Catalog Requests: Resolved an issue that prevented files attach to a grant catalog request from displaying on the requests. All files should show in the attached files section now.
- Financials: Corrected income statement report for clients with fiscal year different than calendar year. Dates were pulling the incorrect date range for current year and prior year.
- Tribute: Resolved an issue that allowed tribute notifications to be emailed out more than once when using the email all option in tributes.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with denied credit card through the donation portal, donors would still receive an email notification for the credit card charge portion and the card had not been charged. Email will not go out until credit card processed.
- Financials: Resolved an issue financials that when you drill down into transactions detail it was pulling based on a 31 day period versus actual number of days in the month.
- Sandbox Sites: Resolved an issue effecting performance on Sandbox sites only. Sites were experiencing slowness and 504 timeout errors at times. Sandbox performance should be back to normal now.
- General Ledger: Clearing the debit or credit field instead of entering 0.00 will give no longer give a red error. Financials: Entering a start date that is before the end date will now give a start date cannot be after end date message instead of a red error.
- Financials: Statement of Activities-Resolved issue when drilling into a balance on an Income Statement, an incorrect date range was pulling for transactions. The balance on the report was correct, but the transaction list that pulled were incorrect. The previous balance on the GL transaction list was starting at the 30th of the previous month and showing the 31st as the first entries for the month being viewed. Now, when drilling into the balance, the correct transactions will correspond with the date range of the report.
- General Ledger: Resolved an issue preventing deleted transactions from showing in the results when a GL search included a date range and search deleted.
Loans: This feature will allow a Foundation to manage a loan portfolio within CSuite. Loans will be calculated using a simple interest calculation. If an amortization schedule is needed, it can be imported from a spreadsheet directly into the payment schedule. A new loan will create a voucher. Invoices for loans will be created based on the interval set during the creation of the loan record.
- Resources:
System Data: This feature will allow a Foundation to send test emails to a User defined domain from their Sandbox site. If your organization does not have a unique domain, use caution. For instance, if your email domain is gmail.com rather than your organization name, entering gmail.com in the Test Email Domain would enable the system to send to all gmail.com emails. The Test Email Domain can be entered in the Site Data block in System Data.
- Resources:
Files: This feature will allow Users to create categories for file organization. Files are sorted alphabetically within a category and can be labeled sticky to remain at the top of the list. In addition, the date added will be included in the File list and new edit functionality will allow a user to edit the file name without removing the file and reattaching. The categories will be collapsed by default.
- Resource:
Profiles - Email Type: User defined Email Types can now be created in Profile Types. Once created, the email type can be selected for an email address on a profile. Email type is available on the Profile Email custom report.
- Resources:
Integrated Scholarships: For clients that integrate with Foundants SLM product and use Stand Alone Processes, added the ability to create a School in CSuite. The new Profile Type can be set in bulk in the Grantee menu. When a profile has a School designation, it will be included in a list of available schools for a student to select in a Follow Up form. The School (Payee in SLM) and Student ID will sync between the two systems. This integration is not available for UA Scholarships. This functionality will be enabled for all clients in CommunitySuite. Please contact your SLM Client Success Manager to enable this functionality in SLM.
- Resources:
- Tributes: This feature will allow Tribute Templates to be emailed from CSuite. A list of tributes needing email notification is displayed. The list is populated based on the frequency interval set and the last time a notification was sent. In System Data, Tribute_Email_Body was added to content to be used for the email notification. If a profile is assigned to the tribute notification, email history can be viewed from that profile. A link to email or print a tribute letter has also been added to the Donation.
Fund Advisor Portal: This feature will allow a Foundation to enable a tab in the Fund Advisor portal that will include Investment Account information. To enable this functionality, select edit from the Fund Advisor/Donor Portal section in System Data and select the flag to Show Donor Portal Investments. The Investment Tab can then be set in individually or in bulk for all Fund Advisors.
- Resources:
- Fund Advisor Portal: This feature will allow a Foundation to enable a tab in the Fund Advisor portal that will include two standard non-profit financial reports: Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities. To enable this functionality, select edit from the Fund Advisor/Donor Portal section in System Data and select the flag to Show Donor Portal Financials. The Financial Tab can then be set in individually or in bulk for all Fund Advisors. This tab should only be enabled if you have Account>Default>Restrictions set in your site.
- Financials: Updates to Financial Reports which require Restrictions to be set in a Foundations Account Default settings. These updates will result in more robust drill down options. Column and Financial View options are now available by selecting Edit Options in the left side menu. Updated the date tables for all reports. If a User selects a relative date option (such as Month to Date, Year to Date, etc. and saves the report, the dynamic calendar interval will be selected when the financial is loaded in a future period. If a User enters a Static start and end date, the saved report will return a result for that period. Fund Short Name, funit_id, endowed, track_spendable & with_dr was added to all raw exports (Show Fund must be selected prior to selecting raw export to expose these fields). Audit and Fund Balance reports return an alphabetic list of funds based on the date selected. An option to Group Funds by Group, Subgroup, Division or Segment is now available by selecting edit after the date selection. Updated the presentation for the Statement of Financial Position. The final line will now be Total Liabilities + Total Net Assets. The change in net assets will not be a line in this report but will be reflected in the appropriate Net Asset account. A User must navigate to an Income Statement to display the change in net assets. A General Ledger search will return a list of transactions descending by date. Selecting the Detail Trial option in the left side menu will return detail view by account, then fund based on the parameters set in the search. Due to browser limitations, this report is limited to 1000 lines. Selecting export from the left side menu will export the entire search results to a csv. The ability to Copy Financial Views has been added. Once copied, edits to the new view can be made without affecting the view it was copied from.
- Loans: The rate on a variable rate loan can now be adjusted using Edit Rate. A Line of Credit loan can be written off as long as there is not an unpaid, vouchered balance associated with it.
- Email Yearly Tax Receipt: Resolved an error which prevented the ability to Email Yearly Tax Receipts from within a filtered custom report. The error invalid input syntax for double precision was being received after entering a date range.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue causing a Sorry you cannot statement_publish a funit error when publishing fund statements.
- Donation Import: Resolved an issue causing a tribute on a donation to not display when included in the donation import file. Tributes should display on imported donations now.
- Internal Loans: Resolved an issue causing an internal_loan_interest_ items not set error when deleting an interest calculation or loan repayment with an interest calculation.
- Fund Statements: Voucher, invoice, and grant/scholarship custom fields are now available in fund statements.
- Fund Statements: Added additional student specific merge fields In the grants area to protect student information. When a grant is a scholarship award, student information will only appear in the student specific merge fields that begin with {{student_. Student name will show in {{student_name}} instead of {{vendor_name}}. Label will show in {{student_label}} instead of {{label}}. Salutation will show in {{student_salutation}} instead of {{salutation}}. City, state, and zipcode will show in {{student_city}}, {{student_state}} and {{student_zipcode}} instead of {{city}}, {{state}} and {{zipcode}}. Inter_csv will show in {{student_inter_csz}} instead of {{inter_csz}}. Phone and email will show in {{student_phone_number}} and {{student_email}} instead of {{phone_number}} and {{email}}.
- Revenue Share: A revenue share entry can now be deleted it if was created with +Set Share Details from a regular voucher that has since been deleted.
- Fund Statements: Added internal loans and split interest sections back to the available areas for Fund Statements. If selected, the section will be included on the Fund Statement.
- Historical AP Vouchers: Added the ability to edit historical AP vouchers since they have no GL impact.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue not allowing you to edit the private and online ticket selection when creating a campaign.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue that was causing spendable balance to show incorrectly on fund statements with spendable balance included in the format.
- Fund Statements: Viewing a Fund Statement in the Fund Advisor portal will now show the fund advisor name correctly. Previously if there were multiple fund advisors, the statement in the portal was not always showing the fund advisor that was viewing it.
- Tributes: Resolved an issue that caused an online donation to not show tribute information that was included on the online donation.
- Revenue Share: Resolved an issue causing an error message when deleting a revenue share record. The error message being received was We did not find the other voucher or we found more than one. Oh noes!
- Fund Statements: Added an option to generate a word document for manual fund statements. Updated the date logic when creating Fund Statements. A Custom End Date will only show if a User selects the Custom Date radio button. A column was added in the Fund Statement table for Custom Date Range for easier identification. Updated the logic for Users that have templates formatted to use investment accounts, financial views and equity account balances in their Fund Statements. Statements that use the following fields should now generate correctly: beg_bal_col_hdr, beg_bal_col_hdr_ytd, site_data.name, site_data.address, spendable_balance.
- Tax Receipts: Resolved an issue that was preventing the serial number from populating on tax receipts.
- Two Factor Login- If Two Factor Login is enabled, new users will be able to set their two factor login now and continue logging in. Previously the setting was not saving for new users and continuing to ask them to set their two factor again.
- Scholarship sync: When a post by payment scholarship is synced with SLM, CSuite will return the previously received project name instead of adding fund name in the project name field.
- Campaign Tickets- For sites using Square as the payment processer, resolved an error loading platform_js that prevented purchasing a ticket after adding a guest.
- Custom Reports: To prevent an error on load, if a field is used in sorting but not included in the fields of the report, the sorting will be ignored and allow the report to load.
- Bank Reconciliation: Resolved an issue that caused files from prior account reconciliations to become unlinked if any account was Unreconciled. This caused the files to become orphaned. Orphaned files can be viewed with the Orphan Files link in Bank Reconcile so they can be reattached.
- Fund Statements: Fund Statement formats that include YTD columns and a section for Receipts and Distributions will no longer return an error if there are not any receipt or distribution transactions in the Fund Statement period.
- Manual Fund Statements: Added an checkbox option to "Save Statement" when creating a Manual Fund Statement. If selected, the Fund Statement will follow the batch fund statement workflow and can be posted to the portal. If left unchecked, a pdf version will generate which will allow a User to print or download.
- Accounts Payable: Create Check- Clarified when filtering by payment type in Create Check from within Accounts Payable, vendor_def_payment_type should be used to get a list of AP checks and grantee_contact_def_payment_type should be used to get a list of grants.
- Fund Statements: The Email Delivery table will now show the status of emails sent. Generate All will now include fund statements even if the fund advisor does not have a file. Previously it was not including the first statement if that fund had a statement generated but the fund advisor on the fund did not. Print Paper statements will no longer give a yellow warning saying there are no paper statements to print when there are paper statements available.
- Scholarship sync to SLM: For multi-payment scholarships, student id will now update correctly in CSuite when set in SLM on scholarships that originated in CSuite.
- Scholarship sync with SLM: Payee and student ID fields will no longer clear in SLM when the award is created in CSuite on a synced scholarship.
- Fund Statements: Fund Statements that include a section for Activity Detail which is sorted by account number will now generate a file without error.
- Fund Statements: When include Sub Funds is enabled in a Fund Statement format. A User will be able to create a Fund Statement for a Master Fund (which will include all activity for the master & sub funds) and Fund Statements for each Sub Fund.
- Promises: A donation can now be unlinked from a promise even if the donation was in a closed period. Promises have no GL impact so unlinking will not effect the closed period.
- Fund Statements: Added an ID column to the Fund Statements list. This will allow a user to be able to select fund statements that do not have a description.
- Tribute Notify: The Report Printout created for tributes will include the notify address if notification method is mail. Previously the address was not printing for recent tributes.
- Charitable Gift Annuities & Trusts: Added the ability to manage Charitable Gift Annuities & Trusts in CSuite through a new menu option, Split Interest. A default Split-interest Payable account must be set. A new annuity gift can be created and payments made to the beneficiary based on the parameters chosen. A User can import or export a payment schedule by selecting edit schedule.
Charitable Gift Annuities & Trusts Tab in Fund Advisor Portal: Added the ability for a Foundation to enable a new tab on the Fund Advisor Portal, Split Interest. This tab is turned off by default and can be renamed in System Data.
- Recource:
New Calculation Base for Distribution Types: This new Calculation Base will allow the Foundation to calculate a Distribution based on the percent of one or more accounts.
- Resource:
- User-defined date range for Yearly Tax Receipt: Added the ability to define the date range when processing Yearly Tax Receipts. This will allow Foundations to produce a tax receipt summary for periods less than a year or for a fiscal year when needed.
- New Fund Statement Process: Simplified the Fund Statement process by changing the production workflow. A unique Fund Statement is now created for each fund/fund advisor. Once the Fund Statements have been reviewed, there is an option to Publish the statements. This action will post the Fund Statement to the Fund Advisor Portal. There are separate actions to print and email Fund Statements after they have been published. In addition, several data points were added to the Fund Statement table. A User is now able to see the template by fund advisor, date the statement was printed/sent and posted to the portal. If Fund Statements are emailed to Advisors and an email is missing or invalid, the process will continue.
- Fund Statements: Fund Statement templates that use the Balance template field options will now return a correctly formatted value of 0.00 instead of null. Fund Statement templates that include conditional merge fields will now return the conditional result rather than n/a.
- Balance Swap: Balance Swap for scholarship awards will no longer double the SP balance if restrictions were enabled after awards posted.
- Grant Letter Template: Resolved an Aspose json parse error that was being received if the Grant Letter Template Test/Verify process used a scholarship payment to test instead of a grant payment.
- Profile: Profile names with accented letters will now show correctly in search results and in charts on the fund advisor portal. Previously some accent characters were making the name display different in the search results and on charts.
- Donor Report: Filters saved for the rolled up donor report will now show in List Filter. Previously filters were being saved but they were not showing on the list to recall later.
- Profiles: An email address containing an apostrophe can now be saved. Previously the system was not recognizing an apostrophe in the email address as a valid character and preventing the email from being saved.
- in Funds and Profiles, Notes have been moved to the bottom section of the screen. On Funds, the Grant Approval and Fund Advisors sections will now be after the Cash Management section instead of moving to the bottom when the screen size is reduced to only allow for 1 column of sections to display. Revenue Share and Admin Fees will no longer show Group Name joined after Fund Name in the display grid.
- Opportunity Reports: Employee_id field was renamed to assigned employee id. This was causing errors if a saved Opportunity report contained employee_id. Now, if a saved report contains a field that is no longer available the report will still load and show a message letting you know a previously saved field cannot be displayed. This will prevent the error and allow you to edit the saved report to use the new field.
- Profile and Fund record screens were updated to align with System Data. This will enable a User to collapse/expand sections for easier access.
- Admin Fees: When on the Fund Fee Types screen you can now select to return to Admin Fee List or Fund List. When creating an Admin Fee there is an option to return to the Admin Fee List.
- Profile Import: Imports with service area included on the profile will no longer give a can't locate object method new via package error message.
- Donations- Extended the lock out time for the Post All link in Donations to prevent donations from double posting if the Post All link was clicked multiple times very quickly. The system will recognize the first click and ignore any additional clicks within the following few seconds.
- Accounts Payable: Create Checks from within Accounts Payable will display all available vouchers and not just grant vouchers. There was an issue that limited this screen to displaying just grant vouchers.
- Fund Advisor Portal: A setting to Show Google Translate on the Fund Advisor Portal has been added to the Fund Advisor Portal section of System Data. If checked, Google Translate will be available in the upper left corner of the Fund Advisor Portal.
- Custom Reports: A created_ts field is available for the Donations and Grant custom reports. This field will include the date and time a donation or grant was created.
- System Data: Added a search at the top of System Data to help find settings easier.
- Custom Reports: Added a new Public Security Donation Custom Report with the following fields: Ticker Symbol, Quantity, Description, High, Low, Average, Unit Cost, and all fields from the Donation Custom Report. Added the following fields to these custom reports: Grant Payment Custom Report: Check #. Grants Custom Report: original grant id, refund yes/no with a filter, Grant Created Date. Donation Custom Report: Donation Created Date. Opportunity Note Custom Report: The employee fields on opportunities will now be called assigned employee to clarify the fields.
- Opportunities: Resolved an issue that caused an employee_id is not valid input field error when trying to access Opportunities from the menu.
- Donor Report: Resolved an issue that caused a undef error - Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY when clicking on Donor- Report. The Donor report should run without error now.
- Canadian Terminology: For clients using Canadian terminology, State has been updated to say Province in the Donation and Fund Advisor Portals, including the tribute notification section of the donation portal. Tributes in the donation portal will also read In Honour of instead of In Honor of
- Profile Import: Added the following optional fields to the Profile Import: Gender, Birthday, Service Area, Default Payment Type, and Tax Class. Updated the instructions to explain the acceptable values for Boolean fields. In a Boolean field, 1/T/True will all be accepted as True and 0/F/False will all be accepted as False.
- Fund Advisor: The notify email section of Fund Advisor will now indicate which email address are set up to receive notifications for donations and grants. If Notify is enabled, but an email is not selected, the primary email defaults to Yes. If multiple email addresses exist, it will properly indicate which emails are set to notify.
- Accounts Payable: Create Checks- Added Anonymous Grants back as a filter option. The anonymous filter was inadvertently picking up anonymous profiles instead of anonymous grants. It should properly filter on anonymous grants now when selected.
- Grant Filter Report: A saved grant filter report can be deleted by going to Custom Reports. The saved filter report should be listed in the Grant section with an option to delete.
- Donation Import: When importing a donation with a memorial, the state field will now be included with the zipcode to validate correctly instead of giving a validation error, missing state.
- Scholarship Import- Updated the Scholarship Import so the school will be made a grantee if it is not already. Previously if a school's profile id was not coded as a grantee it would cause the import to give an error that it could not find the profile id.
- Promises: Linking a donation to a promise will no longer update the revenue account to the pledge receivable account. Since a promise has no GL impact, a donation linked to a promise should go to the revenue account and not the pledge receivable account.
- Custom Reports: Adding the Fund Advisor field to a Fund Custom Report will no longer remove all funds without a fund advisor from the report. Previously adding Fund Advisor to a fund custom report was acting a like a filter and only displaying the funds that have an advisor.
- Budget Import: Importing a budget for multiple funds will now ignore any blank amount in the import instead of importing it as a 0.00.
- Send Fund Advisor Login Email: Updated the process that sends the email to change a fund advisors password so it will use the current user name in the employee_name field when the user's name has changed. Previously if the user's name had changed, the email was still using the previous name for employee_name instead of the new name.
- Scholarships: For a scholarship that is set to post by payment, and synced with SLM, approval will now be required in SLM when an installment is added.
- Financials: Selecting the preset date options in the Trial Balance will now return the correct date range on the report. There was an issue causing the incorrect date range to be used on the trial balance when Last year was selected from the preset date options.
- Pledge: Frequency is no longer required when creating a pledge or promise if number of payments is 1. Previously if number of payments was 1 and a frequency was not entered a missing frequency error was received. Frequency is still required for more than 1 payment.
- Admin Fee: If a fund has multiple per transaction fees assigned, and the fees have different receiving funds set up in fee types, the correct receiving fund will be used when the admin fee is posted. Previously in this situation the admin fee was only going to one of the receiving funds.
- Profile: Updated the Profile Website field to accept upper and lower case. CSuite was automatically setting everything entered into the website field of the profile into lowercase. For a regular URL, that was OK but for a URL that has items after the . portion of the address, case can matter.
- Tribute Template: Corrected the donor_name field so it will display as First name Last name now when used in a tribute template.
- Yearly Tax Receipt Template: Address 2 will now display after Address 1 on the Yearly Tax Receipt Template.
- Budget: A new Budget Report has been added under the left nav menu within Budget. This report includes Budget only amounts by account. Monthly amount columns or Fund columns can be added. The report can be exported.
- Resource:
- Financial Reporting: Updated the date table in the Trail Balance, Detail Trial Balance and Investment reports. If a User selects a relative date option such as Month To Date, Year To Date, etc and saves the report, the dynamic calendar interval will be selected when the financial is loaded in a future period. If a User enters a Static start and end date, the saved report will return a result for that period.
- Revenue Share: Resolved an issue in Revenue Share that prevented statement vouchers with a net total of $0 from showing.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue that prevented the Profile name from showing on the list of Sold Tickets in a Campaign.
- Resolved an issue related to statement vouchers that were posted to an accrued account rather than the investment. The statement voucher will no longer populate subsequent month's revenue share table when a User selects create.
- Resolved an issue that caused an error registering for a ticket.
- Promise management: Added the ability to manage a Promise to give. This new Promise option has been added to the Pledge menu. It is now Pledges/Promises. A promise will have all the functionality of a pledge, without GL impact. Promises can be created/managed by selecting List Promises from the main Pledges/Promises menu. Once created, Cash Flows projections can be created with Promises and/or Pledges. A new Promise template has been added to System. Permission has been split into Manage Pledges and Manage Promises. You will need to go in and assign the appropriate permission to your groups.
Renewable scholarships management: Added the ability to manage renewable scholarship in CSuite. There is a new Post by Payment option that can be set by default on a Scholarship or set on an individual award. If enabled, the scholarship award will be posted when the grant voucher has been created by payment line. This option allows a scholarship award to be increased as well by adding an additional payment line. If the scholarship award is synced to SLM, unposted payment lines can be adjusted in either CSuite or SLM until posted. Once all payment lines have been posted, then the entire award will be locked in SLM and can only be adjusted in CSuite by unposting the grant voucher.
- Resource:
Duplicate Profile Enhancements: Added a new table in System Data, Profile Options. This table will allow a User to set the variables on matching profiles when an online donation is created. The options are Match Name, Match Email and Match Phone. If none of the options are selected, all three will be used. If one or two options are selected and more than one profile matches, the donation will be associated to the profile with the highest ID #. For more effective management of profiles, a User will now have the ability to select which fields they would like to keep in the primary table of a profile. Exact duplicates for address, phone number and email will no longer be duplicated.
- Resource:
Combined Donor Report: A new Combined Donor option has been added to the Donor Report (+Rollup Household/Advisor). The Combined version rolls up total giving to the household (If a household has an individual associated with it), including advised gifts. Organizations and Individuals without an associated Household will be listed individually. Filters must be selected from the top menu, not the left. Profile filters only work for an Unrolled Donor Report. Selecting filter from the left menu will unroll the report.
- Resource:
- Resolved an issue causing the Opportunity Letter to process a PDF even if Word was selected. It will now process Word when Word is selected and PDF when PDF is selected.
- Resolved an issue in Opportunity that prevented you from adding a different letter template to an individual opportunity. Also resolved an issue that prevented the ability to print an individual letter to Word.
- Resolved an issue causing an Invalid or missing event_profile_id error when adding guests to a selected ticket in campaigns.
- Calculating a yearly minimum on per donation admin fees is not possible, so the yearly minimum option was removed for for Admin Fee Types that applied the fee on Each Donation.
- Resolved an issue that caused inactive emails to sync to MailChimp when the profile was attached to a campaign.
- Resolved an issue in the Report Filter Selection that caused the current year to show in the list twice when adding a date filter. The filter was working correctly.
- Resolved an issue in Profiles that, in a certain situation, prevented the option to change an Org profile into an Individual or Household profile even though there were no roles attached to the Org. It was happening if at some point the Org profile had relationships setup with specific roles, then the relationship was removed, but the roles were still in the system. It will now correctly ignore the roles if there are no relationships on the profile.
- Added additional instructions to the message received when trying to reset the password of a Fund Advisor that is also a User. For security reasons, you cannot reset the password of a Fund Advisor who is a user. In this case the Forgot Password link in the Fund Advisor Portal should be used.
- Resolved an issue in Invoices that caused an error when a decimal was entered for quantity. Quantity must be a whole number. If a decimal is entered, the decimal will be dropped on save.
- Resolved an issue that was not filtering the default payment type correctly when creating checks from the Accounts Payable menu. The def payment type will now correctly filter on Electronic, Check, or ACH to filter a list for check creation.
- Removed the fund count from the Fund Summary report. A Fund Opened and Fund Closed report is available in the canned report list. A custom report can quickly be created to accurately report a fund count when needed.
- Resource:
- Resolved an issued that was not calculating Admin Fees correctly when the Fund was part of an Admin Fee Group. For Funds that are part of Admin Fee Group, fees will use the combined quarterly/yearly ending value for all funds in the group to determine the average value.
- Resolved an issue when an online donation was made, with an associated tribute and the donor agreed to cover the credit card/processing fees. The fund associated with the donation was not correctly populating the Tribute table for donations needing tribute notifications set.
- Resolved an issue in the Donation Portal causing an error when special characters like Å , Å„, or apostrophe were used in a name field. These special characters are now accepted without error.
- Resolved an issue for Internal Grants to a fund that is classified as a Supporting Organization. The grantee will now be the Supporting Org instead of the Foundation.
- Resolved an issue in Recurring Vouchers that was preventing the use of decimals in quantity. Quantity is no longer required to be a whole number.
- Resolved an issue in the Split Interest Payment Report that caused an error if you clicked on the Split Interest Payment ID link in the report.
- Vendors Paid report has been modified to include Individual's that receive grants. This report will include the individual grantee's SSN if it's been set on their profile so it can be used for 1099s.
- Resolved an issue where in a certain situation part of a Multifund Voucher was not showing in Accounts Payable. If the multifund voucher was originally created with a zero line for one of the funds and that line was later edited to have an amount, that part of the voucher was not showing in accounts payable.
- Resolved an issue preventing the ability for a Household Fund Advisor to view a member donation receipt by clicking on the donation id. Also resolved an issue causing member donations to still show in receipts past the lookback date set in system data.
- In Vendors, the +Historical Voucher has been renamed to +AP Clearing Voucher. AP Clearing Vouchers will create both the credit and debit to the Accounts Payable account. You cannot copy/duplicate AP Clearing Vouchers or historical vouchers. This type of voucher is used generally used during migration. AP Clearing Voucher has been added to voucher reports and custom reports.
- Resolved an issue in Donation- Public Securities where a user with display only permission in Donation Public Securities was able to Undo Sale. The ability to Undo Sale from within Donation- Public Securities is now under the Donation Edit permission.
- Resolved an issue that was not removing the conditional GL entry when a Grant or Scholarship payment was cancelled and the conditional flag was set. This was causing future impact in the Fund that was set as the Conditional Grant Fund in System Data. From this point forward, if a Grant or Scholarship is cancelled, the conditional GL entry will be removed.
- Resolved an issue that was only posting an Admin Fee Type Per Each Donation to the default Admin Fee Revenue account. If an Admin Fee Type has a specific revenue account assigned, this account will now be used instead of the default account.
- Resolved an issue that prevented a 0% or $0 Admin Fee Type from being created. This will allow a User to create an Admin Fee Type to group Funds that are not subject to Admin Fees.
- Resolved an issue preventing a negative check from being approved. If you click into a negative check, users will see an Approve red link that will allow approval of the negative check and it will move forward to be able to post.
- Resolved an issue causing Custom Fields to not populate in a Fund Statement.
- Added the following columns to the Donor Report: Inactive, Salutation and Label.
- If the option to cover credit card fees is enabled in System Data, when a donor chooses to increase their donation while processing an online gift, the language in the payment screen has been changed to Processing Fees from credit card fees.
- Resolved an issue on the Event Ticket Report causing the Profile Name to be blank.
- Resolved an issue preventing you from removing the posting reference on a transaction.
- Resolved an issue causing an error deleting a Fund Advisor after Fund Statements were created.
- Resolved an issue that was calculating the Vendor Paid report inaccurately. This report should be rerun if a voucher was paid during the year with multiple checks and IRS 1099 Field was set at the account level. In the rare case that a Vendor is partially paid and the expense accounts were split amount two accounts with different IRS 1099 Field codes, the report will return blank in the 1099 field columns. Those columns will need to populate manually.
- Resolved an issue causing an invalid donation ID message when printing tax receipts for auction donations.
- Resolved an issue causing an overflow error when processing a payment larger than $99 million.
- Resolved an issue causing voided Grants to appear with a Pending status on the Fund Advisor portal. Voided unfunded grants will no longer show on the portal.
Option to customize “Available Cash” in the Fund Advisor Portal: Added the ability for a User to define "Available Cash" in the Fund Advisor Portal. This is a new option in System Data>Fund Advisor Portal Options. This feature is available for funds that do not have the track spendable flag enabled and the show available cash flag is enabled in System Data.
- Resources:
Option to edit Student Profile associated to a Scholarship: Added the ability to edit the student on a scholarship record (unless the scholarship has been synced to SLM). This option will help clean up historical records, including issues related to merging scholarship profiles.
- Resource:
- Resolved an issue preventing distributions from being created with a 1/1/2022 calculation date even though the books were closed for 12/31/2021.