- For Windows users, click Ctrl F on your keyboard to open a Find window. Type a search term in the Find window and click Enter. Click Enter to progress through the resulting list.
- For Mac users, click Command F on your keyboard to open a Find window. Type a search term in the Find window and click Return. Click Return to progress through the resulting list.
Release Notes
Monthly Release Features are listed in bold and have links to relevant resources. Other enhancements/fixes are listed in regular text.
- Vouchers: Resolved a red error when processing voucher bulk action on an empty list.
- Custom Reports: Resolved red errors from custom reporting searches/checkboxes with no name column defined (e.g. filter on deposit_id).
- Till: Resolved a red error when visiting till page with no default fund set.
- Grants: Resolved a red error deleting grants that contain vouchers.
- Accounts: Resolved an issue with Stripe Transfers processing to the rev share parent account instead of the checking account.
- Integrated Custom Fields: Retired the Nest Fields option for integrated custom fields. This functionality was retired based on limited user adoption.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with the Salutation Merge Field not being populated on Yearly Tax Receipt.
- Transfer Money: Added additional functionality to Transfer Money left-side menu. Once Transfer Money is selected, there are three Transfer Types: Cash Balance Fund, Other Fund, and Interfund Transfer.
-The Cash Balance Fund Transfer button will allow users to transfer cash balances between accounts that uses the Cash Balance Fund as a balance. Users will select the from account, complete the rest of the transfer fields, and then select transfer.
-Other Fund button will allow users to transfer a fund's assets between two bank/investment accounts. Users will select the from account, complete the rest of the transfer fields, and then select transfer.
-Interfund Transfer will be used for transferring bank/investment assets between two funds within a single account. User will select the from account and from fund, complete the rest of the transfer fields, and then select transfer. - Profiles: Resolved an issue when removing Deceased on a profile; it did not keep the profile as Inactive. When marking a Profile as Deceased or Inactive, it will mark Do Not Mail, Call, Email on the profile. When unchecking Deceased and Inactive, user will need to clear the Do Not Mail. Email, Call for the profile.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue when donors have a Fund's Grant Catalog link and it was closed, the donor could still donate. Donors will now see a message that the grant catalog is closed and a donation link to that fund.
- Tribute Notify: Resolved an issue using the Tribute Notify Custom Report and using the fields that are causing issues are Tribute Notify Name, Tribute Notify Primary Email, Tribute Notify Primary Address, Tribute Notify Primary Address2, Tribute Notify Primary Citystatezip would cause donations to not populate on the report.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with Scholarships listing by Scholarship Id instead of alphabetically. This has been reverted back to alphabetical.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue that allowed users to void and unpost the same scholarship check.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue with Search Existing Tributes displaying on a Grant Catalog with the Search Tributes being disabled.
- Checks: Resolved an issue Fund/Grant Advisor display on Check templates when Grant is marked anonymous.
- Donation Portal: Resolved issue with Request for Tickets no longer displaying.
- Custom Fields: Resolved an issue that when creating a Custom Field with a Dropdown type, it would not allow for answers with special characters.
- 990s: Resolved an issue with canceled grants showing on the 990 report. Report will show only expensed amounts.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue in Custom Reports, when using the Default Fund Closed Report, it would produce the Fund Summary Report. This report has been correct to pull Closed Funds.
- Profiles: Added the ability to import and update ACH information on Profiles. Using Bulk Update in Profiles, Users will have an ACH Settings option. Users will use the [Download ACH Settings] to export an excel document with Profile Ids, Profile Name, Account Type, Account Number, and Routing Number. The Account types codes are PC: Personal Checking, PS: Personal Savings, CC: Corporate Checking, CS: Corporate Savings.
This will allow users to import and update ACH information on Profiles in bulk.
Permissions: This will be behind the ACH Edit and Bulk Update permissions in Profiles. - Profiles: Resolved an issue when using special characters during bulk edit, it would cause the job to fail.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with grant reports not populating default payment types correctly for grantees. This field was pulling from the grant advisor profile. We have resolved this issue by adding additional search fields based on the grantee fields. If users had a custom report using one of the legacy filters, they will see the following yellow message: This report contains some invalid fields that have been ignored. This may be due to a field that needed to be renamed or removed. Please adjust the report for the following fields and re-save it.
def_payment_type: possible replacements: advisor_def_payment_type, alt_def_payment_type, contact_def_payment_type, grant_employee_def_payment_type, grant_request_advisor_def_payment_type, grant_request_primary_advisor_def_payment_type, grant_request_to_primary_advisor_def_payment_type, grantee_contact_def_payment_type, grantee_def_payment_type, sponsored_def_payment_type
This will alert users of the new fields available for their reports and filters. - Donations: Updated the Donation Import File Format Notes to reflect how profile duplicates are mapped when importing.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when using Fund Admin Fee Types Field for filtering reports, it would filter the report incorrectly.
- Site-System Funds: Cash Balancing, Revenue Share, and Agency Contra Funds are system funds that are required in Community Suite for different functionality. If a user has deleted system funds, there is now left-side menu options to recreate them.
-In Revenue share, if no fund is setup, it will take you to a screen where you create that system fund.
-For Cash Balancing, if no fund is setup, you will get left-side menu so that you can create it.
-If agency funds are defined but no contra fund is set, users will see the new left-side menu option in General Ledger<Close Books.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with Task Custom Report. When using profile name or id fields, the report would filter any task without a profile associated with it.
- Donations: Added the ability to mark a Donation Type Active. This new functionality is located in Donations, Donation Types, and Active column. Checking the Active next to the Donation Type will list the Donation Type on the Donation during creation or edit.
- Vouchers: Added the ability for bulk import of Historic AP vouchers. On the Voucher Import, there is a boolen column, Historical Y/N. This will allow user to import Historic Vouchers as a data point in their system. No general ledger transactions are created when using Historical.
- Accounts: Resolved an issue when enabling Addendum on an Account using a NACHA file, it would cause a red error.
- Accounts: Added a left hand menu for NACHA and ACH094 settings. This will allow users to edit all settings for the file once the credentials are configured. Removed the [clear] [set] options next to the settings: Org ID, Org Short Name, File Number, Processing Center, Addenda Record. These options will vary from NACHA and ACH094.
- Custom Fields: Resolved an issue with integrated custom fields not syncing from GLM.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue that when adding additional images, it was causing the fund to display twice on the online donation pages.
- Templates: Resolved an issue when updating template with non-docx file would cause a red error. Corrected with a yellow message "File name must end in .docx"
- Pledges: Resolved an issue when editing a pledge; the amount field would not accept commas.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an error when searching on voucher_account_id in custom reports filters.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue when creating a grant request as a fund advisor with no amount causing red error. This field will now have a validation that will require a grant amount or the fund advisor will see a yellow error message stating "Please enter a grant amount."
- Grant Catalog: Added two new tabs to the Grant Catalog called Grants and Request. This will allow a user to easily see the grants and request associated with a grant catalog.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with the Profile Import not allowing for Special Characters CSV encoded UTF-8 (Japanese Characters)
Funds: Added a new Fund Detail Summary field to a fund record. This field does not have a character limit and is intended for more detail information about a fund. The Fund Detail Summary is HTML compatible and will be used for updates to the fund donation portal page that is planned for release in Q1 2024. Enhanced Funds Bulk Edit to include Internal Description, Fund Summary, and Fund Detail Summary.
Relocated Fund Summary and Fund Detail Summary to Fund's Setting tab under Donation Portal Setting.- Resources:
Donation Portal: Added the ability for donors to opt into the foundation's newsletter during the donation checkout process. Three new fields have been added to Donation Settings to enable this new functionality: Enable News Letter, Newsletter Title, Newsletter Description.
-Enable Newsletter will enable functionality to add the Donors information to a designated Campaign.
-Newsletter Title is a customizable label for the Donation Portal.
-Newsletter Description is a customizable Description field next to the Donation Title on the Donation Portal.
In Campaigns, the option to Set Newsletter must be enabled on one campaign. This will be the Campaign that is updated as donors indicate they would like to receive the newsletter during the checkout process. The campaign log will show the Add of the profile by system. This will indicate the profile was added via the donation page.
Helpful hints: Users may want to create a profile type to help track profiles on the newsletter campaign. To add a profile type to profiles on the Newsletter Campaign, users can create a Campaign Profile report. In Reports, Create the report and select Campaign Profile. Users will need to add Profile Id and Name and save the report. Then add the filter of Newsletter. This will create a filtered list of profiles in the newsletter campaign. From the left-side menu, select Bulk Actions, add profile type.- Resources:
- Journal Entries: Added the ability to remove a line from a journal entry. There is a new (-) button next to credit column. This will allow users to delete a row. If the user deletes a row and needs to add a new row, they will need to tab from the line above to create the new line.
- Journal Entries: Enhanced the Description from the top header box to copy into the Fund Entry Descriptions on Save, if no description is entered. If a user edits the journal entry and needs changes the top description, the new description will not copy into Fund Entry Descriptions unless the Fund Description Field is blank upon Save. Added commas to the number entry for Debit and Credits.
- Global Search: Added the ability to search a Journal Entry Id in the Global Search Box.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that when creating a Profile, a red error would display.
- General Ledger: Add bulk delete JE from the approval queue. There is a new left-side menu in the Approval Bucket called Delete All. This will allow users to select individual or all journal entries in the bucket to delete.
No permissions changed.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with ACH094 files no longer downloading.
- Admin Fees: Resolved an issue with Admin Fees using a fee ladder, trailing quarters, and an Admin Fee Group. The calculation was not using the correct number of trailing quarters if the admin fee type had different trailing quarter settings. The trailing quarters would randomly switch to what the prior fund in the group had and then potentially back. Funds within a fund group admin fee will use the trailing quarters and if the fund was not created for all quarters 0 dollar quarters will be used. The description field has been updated to reflect the number of trailing quarters used in the calculation, if the fund was created within the time frame of the lookback period. The audit details were correct. When using Admin Fee Groups, it is recommended to assign the same Admin Fee Type to each fund in the group.
- Dashboards: Added drillable fields to the remaining dashboards: Opportunities, Campaigns, Grants, Grantees, Vendors, Vouchers, Scholarships, Students. Users will now be able to drill down from the charts, graphs, and number to see the custom reports from where the data is populated. Users will see that the mouse will turn into a pointer on the fields that are drillable.
- Funds: Resolved an issue that when linking a donor to a fund, the show list option was displaying code.
- Fund Advisors: Resolved an issue when using the Set Tab Permissions in bulk. The Remove From Everyone was displaying a red error.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when using Guidestar to Create a Profile. The Contact Title was no longer coming into the Contact Title field on Organization Profiles.
- Tributes: Resolved an issue with the pdf was not populating from the Tributes bucket when processing Tributes.
- Templates: Add ISO format yyyy-mm-dd for Check template. This will is found as the check_date_iso merge field.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with Bulk Edit Custom Fields from Custom Reports was no longer displaying in the left hand menu for Profiles, Grants, Funds when using ids.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when using Guidestar to create a profile. If the data from Guidestar had NULL names and bad phones numbers, the profile would not create. The system skipped over the bad data inputs and allowed for creation of the Profile.
- Donations: Resolved an issue when using a Donation import, if the import has a Profile ID and phone number the import would fail.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue that was not allowing scholarships in the SLM bucket to be set in bulk.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue that was returning a message that a Donor’s cookie’s were disabled even when they were not disabled.
- Grant Catalog: Updated the error message when deleting a grant catalog with associated grants.
- Grants: Updated the error message when selecting Send to Catalog for a Grant in the GLM Grant Request bucket when an open catalog does not exist.
- Reports: Updated the error message when saving a report that had been created by another user.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue with Fix AP clearing vouchers not working for vendors that have accounts assigned to them.
- Vouchers: Added a new left-side menu called "Fix Multifund Balance” for users that had multi-fund vouchers that are paid status, with an overall balance of zero, yet individual funds have a balance. This will resolve the voucher balances and fund balances to eliminate the unpaid balances.
- Accounts Payable: Resolved an issue historical AP displaying statement vouchers.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with the Relative Dates not working for Custom Reports.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with users being unable to post checks. A "number must be between 1 and 214..." error when adding a check number manually would appear.
- Distributions: Resolved an issue with the entering data into the trailing qtrs or years field. Users would receive an error must be a whole number between 1 and 10000000.
- Dashboards: Added drillable fields to the Donation and Donor Dashboards. Users will now be able to drill down from the charts, graphs, and number to see the custom reports from where the data is populated. Users will see that the mouse will turn into a pointer on the fields that are drillable.
Grants: Added the ability to Set the Grant Catalog from the GLM bucket within grants. Users will follow the same steps to map the Grantee and Fund for the grant request. Then, there will be a new left-side menu option to Send the Grant Request to Catalog. Users will then have the option to Create Grant in Fund and select the fund and add the Grant Category from the the Catalog.
Added the ability to send over installments for funded and partially funded Integrated Grants to a Grant Catalog.
Resolved an issue with Merging Grant Catalogs. Users will not be able to merge Grant Catalogs with the same funds. Users can remove the fund and then merge.- Resource:
Accounts: Enhanced Account Transfers to be able to print or email a template requesting an amount to be withdrawn from a bank or investment account. This functionality can be used to communicate to an account advisor when requesting a transfer to/from a bank or investment account. With this enhancement, an Investment Advisor (profile) will be added to the Account, similar to adding the vendor to an account. An Investment Advisor can also be added to a Profile from the Relationships Tab by selecting Edit Accounts Advised on the left-side menu.
Request Workflow: To use this functionality, create the Transfer from the Cash Management, Fund Asset area, or Transfer Money areas. If the account has an Investment Advisor linked, then a Create Transfer Request Menu will appear when selecting Transfer. This will allow a User to select the amount that is being requested from the Investment Advisor for the account they manage. Once the fields in the Request Transfer are complete (all fields are required), select the Create Transfer Request button. This will then bring up the Transfer Request. From here, there is an option to: Email Request, Print Request, Mark Request Sent and Complete Transfer. There is an option to email or print the request in bulk from the left side menu in Account Transfers once the transfers have been created.
-Email Request will send an email to the Investment Advisor to process the transfer from the fund’s account to the Community Foundation. Emails can be resent by selecting the Email Request left-side menu option from within the Transfer Request. A pdf file will be attached to the email with the request. This requires a transfer request template to be added.
-Print Request will create a pdf file that can be printed and mailed to the advisor requesting the transfer from the fund’s account to the Community Foundation. The letter can be resent by selecting Print Request from the Transfer Request transaction.
-Complete Transfer will allow users to post the transfer once the money has been received. There will be a Transfer Date field that will be the posting date for the transfer. This will be the date that will appear on the Bank Reconciliation and General Ledger transaction. The transfer date field can be edited. It defaults to the email request date. Once a transfer has been complete, it will populate in the Account Transfers-Physical Transfer table. Users will be able to unpost and/or delete the Account Transfer by going selecting the correct transaction id.
-Void Transfer will allow users to Void the Transfer completely.
Creating the Transfer Request does not impact the general ledger. Open (unposted) Transfers are now included as a column in the account transfer table, so that users can identify transfer requests that have been initiated but not yet received and marked complete in CommunitySuite.
All Open Transfers Request can be found in Accounts Transfers from the Cash Management area. A new column has been added to the Cash Balancing table for additional visibility into open account transfers. This new column will be labeled Open Transfers. The account receiving the transfer will have a positive balance and the account initiating the transfer will have a negative (0.00) number displaying. Open Transfers display on the transfer screen. This will be a quick visual to see any incoming or outgoing transfers that have not been completed.
A Log has been added to the left-side menu within the Transfer Request.
There is an new email content area in the Cash Management, and then Account Transfers menu. This content area will allow for HMTL language.
There is a new template to print the request titled transfer_request. The fields available for this template are available in Template Fields List in the Template menu. A template must be added to to view the fields.
Within Financials, we have added the ability to filter by Account Advisor for the Account Balance and Investment Report.
Permissions: To send the emails for Account Transfer Request, users will need the account_transfer display permission. A new Content permission was added in Account Transfers to allow a User to edit the content for an Account Transfer email. -
Campaigns: Added Ticket Receipt Email Subject and Ticket Receipt Email Body to the Details tab on Campaigns. This will allow users to add a customized email message and subject line for ticket purchases. The Ticket Receipt Email Body will be HTML compatible, but no merge fields for this content block.
- Resource:
Service Areas: Added the ability to archive Service Areas. Users will see a new left-side menu Archive within a Service Area. Users with the ability to edit Service Area will be able to archive Service Area. Once archived, there is a list of Archived Service Areas. From this list, users can select a Service Area and use the left-side menu option to Un-Archive.
Best Practice Note: For a the profile, the service area will remain assigned to the profile once archived. If you want the service area removed from profiles, use delete instead of archive as this has a re-assign option.
- Resource:
Site: The home menu page has been reorganized. Users will now see System Configuration, Profile Designations, Accounting, Money In, Money Out, Reporting, Communication, General menu groupings. Menu Options that Users do not have permission to display in grey. Journal Entry and Cash Management are new options within the accounting menu. Fund Statements have been added to Reporting. Styles and Templates have been added to Communication. The General group allows a user to quickly access Files, Logs and Notes that were previously only available in System Data.
In Grants, we removed the Grant’s Title Bucket. This will allow for a better alignment with the other buckets within CSuite.
- Donation Portal: Enhanced the ticket purchase workflow to take donors to the Online Thank You Page after purchasing tickets. This content can be modified in Donations<Content<Online_donation_thankyou.
- Grant Catalog: Resolved an issue when enabling the Allow Overfund Grants checkbox on a Grant Catalog, it was not removing the Donate button from the online donation pages. Now when enabling this checkbox and the Grant Catalog is fully funded, donors will still see a Donate button.
- Donations: Added some additional logic around the Recurring Donations Custom Report. Recurring Donations that are Due as of Current Date or Past Due will change the label to red and update the Past Due Column on the report to Yes.
- Donations: Enhanced the Hide Memorial Amounts functionality, enabled on a fund for the fund advisor portal, to also include the Non-Notify Tribute donations.
- Grants: With the new check workflow, the ability to include the grantee contact for a specific grant on the emails is no longer an option. Since a check can pay multiple grants (and each of these grants could have different grantee contacts but have the same grantee), we cannot pull forward the grant specific information.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with the Tribute Notify Donation Custom Report filtering and not displaying all the donations. The custom report was pre-filtered to not include tributes that didn't need notifications for the Tribute bucket in Donation. Updated this report to no longer have the filter and moved the filter to Custom Report as needs_notification.
- Fund Statements: Resolved an issue when using the Investment Table on a Fund Statement format, it would not populate for the sub-fund.
- Fund Advisor: Resolved an issue with the Fund Steward image no longer appearing on the Fund Advisor Portal.
- Profiles: Enhanced the Profile Bulk Delete with additional logic to help with performance issues causing 504 error for clients with large batches of profiles to delete.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when filtering on Engagement Strategy ID when trying to add profiles to Engagement Strategy.
- Grants: Resolved an issue when deleting a Fund Advisor, it would delete the grant request associated with that Fund Advisor. Clients can now delete the Fund Advisor without losing the grant request information.
- Financials: Updated Financials left hand when selecting Show Funds, updated the Show Subfund/Ex/Rollup Subfund to be consistent with other show/hide things like funds, subaccounts. The label will now reflect Show Subfund or Hide Subfund.
- Historic A/P: Resolved an issue that was displaying vendors/vouchers and a corresponding "unknown" from a journal entry that was not appropriately linked to the voucher. The system will now sum all of the journal_entries in AP and if they net to zero, they will not display.
- Profiles - Nonprofit Designation: Removed the email table. If an email was in the table, it was moved to the public email. Renamed the URL field "Website". If there is a primary email on the main profile, it will populate the Nonprofit Directory listing. If a Public Email is included on Nonprofit record, that will override the primary email on the Nonprofit Directory listing.
- Custom Reports: Nonprofits - Added Public Email and Public Phone as new fields. Enable Donate has also been added which will be a new field related to a future release.
- Donations: Added a new setting for Donations. This will allow clients to enable the Household giving option on the Donation Portal. This will be a new Setting labeled: Enable Household Giving. Clients will need to enable this option for the Household Radio button to appear on the Donation Portal.
- Donation Settings: Split the list of options into two sections. Donations settings are the options available for processing donations within CSuite, The second section is for settings available for the Donation Portal.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that was allowing a profile to be created without a phone or email even if it was required.
- Tax Receipt: Resolved an issue that was not including non-notify tribute information into a tax receipt template.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue when using customized style on a Campaign, the Ticket Checkout process was not displaying the correct style.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue with checkout page allows for special characters when entering a donation but was not saving the special character correctly in CommunitySuite.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with grantee's grant type not populating on scholarship installment once it becomes a grant.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue with the Search display overlaying on the page and displaying incorrectly.
- Images: Resolved an issue with Additional Images being upload with no way to calculate the height or width, so they populated as zero. Clients will now receive an error for any invalid images.
- Grants: Added the ability to add a Grant Advisor to Recurring Grants on creation or edit. This will allow foundations to create Recurring Grants with an Grant Advisor in the system, instead of having to login into the Fund Advisor Portal. Recurring Grants will now populate the Grant Type, Template, and Service Area once the grant has been created. Grant Type and Service Area will populate from the Grantee Record and if there aren't any from the Fund Record. Any Grant Custom Fields will still need to be completed on the created grants.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with GLM and CSuite unable to sync profiles.
- Dashboards: Resolved an issue with Dashboards not displaying the entire period, only 20 days for a quarter or month.
- Split Interest: Resolved an issue with Split Interest Payment Schedule Import Fails If Gross Amount ends in 84 cents.
- Grants: Resolved an issue when processing in bulk from GLM Grants clients would receive a critical error.
- Distributions: Resolved an issue with edits not capturing the calculated amounts if changed on the edit screen. Clients will not longer have the option to edit from the review screen, just post or delete. Once the distribution was at this stage, there was no way to update the description, reflecting the changes. This was causing an audit concern; therefore, we removed that option.
- Imports: Resolved an issue that was returning an error when importing a .csv file.
- Images: Added additional images to the following areas: Funds, Grant Catalog, Nonprofit, and Campaigns. On a Fund the Additional Image will be within the Settings tab called Additional Image. For a Nonprofit and Campaign, the Additional Image is located in the Details tab. On a Grant Catalog, the additional image will be located on the Grant Request under the Image. The label has been changed Catalog Image to Additional Image.
The second image will be used for the new look of the Donation page coming in 2024. This will accommodate the ability for users to have more that one image on the Donation Page for Funds, Grant Catalog, Nonprofit Directory and an Event for a Campaign. The second image will not currently display in any of the donation portal pages.
- Grant Catalog Integration: Resolved an issue that was returning an internal server error when sending a Grant from GLM to a CSuite Grant Catalog without an installment.
- Donation & Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue that was causing a server error for portals that had custom skins in System Data>Styles.
Dashboards: Dashboards will be available in the following areas: Vouchers, Vendors, Campaigns and Opportunities. These will be available from the left-side menu in the respective objects. This will allow quick information about these areas in the system. Each dashboard will have date filters across the top to easily select different time frames of data. The year filters will return data based on the fiscal year set in site data. The start and end date will also reflect the Date Style selected in System Data.
This is the third release of dashboards with plans to role out additional filters and drill down options to the default dashboards by the end of the year.
Permissions: There is a new permission for each dashboard. This has been enabled for anyone in the Admin Group. An Admin User for each site will need to set the permission for Dashboard access for their staff.
Profiles: Enhanced Profiles by adding a new Bulk Delete option under the Bulk Update menu. This new Bulk Delete will allow clients to select a date range of created profiles to delete. A Profile can only be bulk deleted if the profile is not linked to any other profiles, designations, or transactions. This new functionality will also have a new Bulk Delete permission.
Added the ability to merge profiles by Profile ids. This new option is located within the Duplicates menu in Profiles, called Merge IDs.
Added the ability to Copy household members addresses, emails, and phone number to the Household Profile. This will allow clients to easily copy information without having to edit the profile. From a Household Profile's Detail Tab in the left-side menu, there is now a new menu called "Copy HH Members Addr/Phone/Email.
Campaigns: Added the ability to import ticket sales. In Campaigns, in the left-side menu, users will now see Ticket Import. This new functionality will allow users to use a .csv file to record ticket purchases using check or other payment. This import will work similar to donations import. Users will receive a yellow error message if the ticket price and the total amount is less. If the total amount is more, the additional portion will be recorded as an additional donation. If there is a donation or ticket value, the imported tickets will land in the till for deposit processing. The first column of the import is Edt_id. This is the ticket id, not a campaign id. This will allow users to import tickets from different campaigns on one import.
- Resources:
Grants: Enhanced the look of the Grant Catalog by adding tabs: Details, Grantees, Content. This will allow for better organization of the fields within a grant Catalog. The header box will be a quick reference point for the Catalog ID, Request Dates, Catalog Dates, and the Funding Goal.
From the Details tab, users will find the detail options and settings, grant categories, and the reporting for the Grant Catalog. Added the functionality for Grant Catalogs to allow for a Nonprofit to receive a donation amount over the Requested amount. This new option is a checkbox on the Grant Catalog Details tab called Allow Overfund Grants. Once the grant has been fully funded, it will move from the Unfunded Bucket to the New Bucket.
Grantees Tab will be house all of the Grantees information. In the left-side menu, users will find a new options to Invite Grantees to the Grant Catalog. This will allow users to build a filtered list and then select Add to Grant Catalog or Remove from Grant Catalog. A second new left-side menu is the Send Invite Email. This will allow users to send all of the Grantees that are listed on the Grantee Tab, their own individual link to complete the Grant Request Form. This is a change to the current workflow which will remove the list of all Grantees invited to the Grant Catalog screen that Grantees would see. The Grantee table under the Grantee Tab will display information such as the Grantee, Email, their Individual Request URL, Invite sent information. The actions from this table will be the ability to delete a Grantee from the Grant Catalog or Resend the email to a Grantee. When Resending the email, users will be able to change or add email address in the Email or CC line and update the subject line. The email body will use the same content from the Grantee Invite Email Body (Html). This will not be editable from the resend email for security reason with the individual links.
From the Grantee Tab on a Grant Catalog, select Add/Remove Grantees. This will populate a profile report and users will need to select at least one filter. Once the filter is applied and the list is populated with the profiles, use the Add to Catalog option in the left-side menu. The next screen will populate with a table of profiles, use the check box option, all, or none to select the Profiles to be added. There is now an Add Public Grantees option in the left-side menu; using this option, the Grantee list will be populated from the archived Make Public checkbox. Users will no longer need to set the Make Public checkbox on profiles.
On the Content Tab, users will find the content areas that related to the Grant Catalog. There are two new content areas: Grantee Invite Subject and Grantee Invite Email Body (Html). These content areas will be used with the new functionality around sending the individual invites to the Grantees.
Enabled functionality to direct Nonprofits to the Current Grant Catalog URL once the new functionality is released. This will allow users to not have any gaps in functionality. Users will be able to see which Nonprofits are invited to the Grant Catalog by selecting Add Public Grantees. - Campaigns: Resolved an issue that was allowing the value of a ticket to be greater than price when creating a ticket, resulting in a negative donation when a ticket was purchased.
- Grant Catalog: Resolved an issue that was returning an error when accepting a submission of a grant catalog application.
- Pledges: Resolved an issue that was not allowing a Campaign to be unlinked from a Pledge.
- Internal Grant: Resolved an error that was not allowing the payment of an internal grant due to a failed document job.
- Pledges: Resolved an issue that was changing the status of a migrated pledge transaction from open to new when linking a donation. Updated the logic for migrated pledges to allow non-historical line items to be posted if needed. The transaction will be dated using the current date and will create a debit/credit entry against pledge receivable, with one side having no ref/ref_id. This will balance out against a balance that is already in pledge receivable without any ref/ref_id so that the remaining pledge receivable balance is accurate.
- Migrations: Pledges (CS Data) - CSdata pledges must have pledge_payment entries that total up to the pledge amount.
- Accounts Payable: Resolved an issue that was including all payables in the Historic AP report regardless of date selected.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with the Donation Destination not populating any longer when attached to a grant. Resolved this by adding the Tribute at the donation level and the For Each level on a tax receipt. Added the ability to have the Tribute Notify in a separate For Each table on a Tax Receipt.
- Profiles: Enhanced the profile merge selection to resemble the global search format. This will also eliminate the ability to select the same profile that is already selected for the merge.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with Grant Letter/Award Letter Template on the grant record displaying the default grant template instead of the template it is was actually using. This was resolved for internal grants as well.
- Accounts: Added an alert when trying to delete a financial view that is used on a fund statement format.
- Fund Advisor: Enhanced the Grant Summary with Internal Grants to use the Public Fund Name, if available, rather than the Fund name.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with formatting numbers in the grant cycle edit page.
- 990: Resolved an issue with invalid date ranges causing a red error.
- Opportunity: Resolved an issue with date validation when creating tasks on opportunities with invalid number of occurrences.
- Fund Advisors: Resolved an issue with Fund Advisors being locked out, but the forgot password will still require the foundation to unlock their account. Fund Advisors reset password email will now unlock the Fund Advisor once they select the reset password link and reset their password.
- Custom Reports: Added Request Confirm Email to the Fund Advisors report as a boolean field. Unable to add Scholarship Tab boolean field since it is tied to the scholarship not the advisor.
- Site: Corrected the following spelling errors: Service Areas: Delete from within an Service Area ID. Affiliate/Org from Home Page. Campaigns-Permissions, changed Create Group to Create Category and Edit Group to Edit Category. Grants changed Create Spendable to Create Spendable Grants.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with online donations not saving additional addresses to the profile.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with the Scholarship Filtered Report not exporting when all fields selected.
- Tasks: Resolved an issue with Alert task for multi fund vouchers. Currently the system would look for an alert on each line of the voucher separately. With this update, the voucher will look for an alert one time for all the funds, improving performance when loading this type of voucher.
- Loans: Added the ability to process 0% loans.
- Fund Advisor Portal: In the Grant Summary, added the Fund Name as the Grantee for internal Grants, instead of the Community Foundations Name. Added a column for the Advisor to the Grants table.
- Funds: Added the History back to the Details tab, no longer have to go to the Reports menu.
- Donations: Added the ability to process Tax Receipts from an individual Donation. There is a new Tax Receipt option on the left-side menu. Once a client selects this menu item, the options to Email to the email address on file, Email to a new address, Print Tax Receipt(pdf), or Download Tax Receipt (Microsoft Word) will appear. Selecting email will allow clients to enter the To, Subject, and Message. Clients can then mark that donation as sent from the Donation record.
- Donations: Enhanced Tax Receipt Bulk Actions to save the selected list of donations. This will allow clients to make a selection of the Tax Receipts and then process through Printing letters, Envelopes, Labels and Marking the donations sent. This update will also print the envelopes in the same order as the letters.
- Funds: Added with short name in the header box, and removed Public Name.
- Funds: Resolved the navigation issue when using bulk edit for funds. When complete, the update would land back in custom reporting instead of funds.
- Fund: Resolved an issue with the Log recording Show History on Portal changed from [0] to [] after ever save.
- Funds: Resolved an issue with Fund Statements Interval not displaying.
- System Data: Resolved an issue with Styles not being editable.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue with the Stripe Webhook errors for non-portal transactions -webhook is "waiting to respond".
- Site: Resolved an issue for Canadian sites that was returning a 401 error when running an Ajah Charity Check.
- Funds and Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue with the History Report no longer displaying graphs.
- Grants: Resolved an issue when importing Grants with Custom Fields. Users were receiving a validation-failed: validation failed for answer error.
- Custom Fields: Added the ability to Import Custom Field data using a legacy id. Imports to match on Legacy Code or CSuite ID for Profiles, Grants, Donations, Scholarships, and Vouchers. The objects legacy code can be used instead via {object}_tmp_ref replace the header with profile_tmp_ref. This will allow the custom field to be matched with the legacy ids.
- Donation Portal: Added a radio button for Households. This give donors the ability to record their donations to as a Household when donating.
- Tasks/Opportunity Tasks: Added the ability to edit completed tasks. Users will now see Edit as an option in the left-side menu on a Completed Task.
No Update to Permissions. - Grants: Resolved an issue with Grants that did not pass Charity Check. An Invalid Request Signature displayed; updated the error message to Charity Check did not pass.
- Yearly Tax Receipt: Resolved an issue that wouldn't allow users to print a Yearly Tax Receipt from the Donor designation. When selecting pdf or word document, nothing would happen. This has been resolved.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue clients were unable to link a campaign with no start or end dates to donation.
- Idea Lab Live:
- Accounts Payable: Added a Total to the amount column for check batches.
- Donations: Added a Total and Selected Total amounts to the Post all when processing donations.
- Grants: Added the Grant template that will be used on a grant to display, even if the template is not set. Added a filter for grants to filter by employees within the grant buckets/reporting.
- Donations and Grants: Added Totals and Selected Totals, when selecting the checkboxes for a bulk action.
- Templates: Added additional fields to the Event Ticket Receipt. Added the guest registration link. One thing to note is that if the link is close to expiring, it will create a new one invalidating the current one. Added additional fields: Address, CityStateZip, Address Name, Address State, Address City, Donor Salutation. Mailing Label will now work like the tax receipt Mailing Label field. If the mailing label is complete it will pull that information; if not, it will pull the name. In the ticket loop, campaign id, ticket_id, ticket price, ticket totals/sum for quantity of tickets, purchase amount, donation amount.
Charity Check: Updated the integration to the latest version of Guidestar powered by Candid. The charity check log will return all of the details found in the organization’s Guidestar profile. This can be found in the Grantee Details tab. You can process the Charity Check or review the Log.
Grants: Enhanced the grant charity check process. The charity check first checks a grantee’s IRS Pub78 status. It will deny grantees whose Pub78 check is false (i.e. 501(C)4 organizations). If they pass the Pub78 check but do not return 501(c)(3) Public Charity in their subsection description, they will also not pass charity check. This enhancement requires a manual override to identify grantees that possibly need further due diligence when not passing based on the subsection description.
This additional due diligence step was enabled in all sites. There is an option to disable this additional charity check within Grants<Settings-Disable Charity Check with Additional Due Diligence. If the additional charity check is disabled, the charity check will pass grantees based on their Pub78 status only.
Permissions: Added a new Grantee Permission; Manual Charity Review. This will give the user the permission to manually override the charity check during grants processing. This permission was enabled for Users in the Admin group. -
Grants: Enhanced Spendable Grants by adding the ability to define the date for the spendable balances. This will allow clients to post distributions and post their spendable grants on dates in the future. A new left-side menu item is available to Create Spendable Grants. The Spendable Balance Date will default to today's date with the option to Change Spendable Balance Date from the left-side menu and select a future date. This new functionality will allow clients post distributions as of future date, increasing spendable balances as of the future date, with the ability to create Spendable Grants for that same future day. This will allow more time for approval processes within a foundation.
- Resource:
Campaigns: Added the ability to add a Request Type to a campaign. This will allow clients to organize more that one request type on a campaign. Request Types can be multiselect or single select. The Request Type Name field can hold up to 255 characters. Current requests will appear in a n/a group until a request type is created and assigned to the request. Clients may take caution in changing since these have all been multiselect to make sure and note which item was selected for the ticket purchaser before modifying the request.
- Resource:
Custom Fields: Added the ability to have Integrated Custom Fields. This will apply to users if they have sites that are integrated with GLM and/or SLM. Integrate checkbox will be available on Profile, Grants, or Scholarships Custom Fields. On the Custom Field record, there will now be a checkbox Integrate. Checking this box will let the system know that this field needs to be integrated between the systems. This will allow users to decide which Custom Fields to integrate in GLM and/or SLM. Once a Custom Field is marked as Integrated, it cannot be reversed. All CommunitySuite sites that are currently linked with a GLM or SLM site will have Profile, Grants, and Scholarships Custom Fields marked as Integrated.
If an ICF is marked as inactive in CommunitySuite, best practice would be to create a new process in GLM and remove that Integrated Custom Field from that process. GLM does not have an inactive status.-
- Resource:
- Site: Resolved an error when syncing sandbox environments.
- Idea Lab Live Releases:
- Financials: Enhanced the Underwater Report to include a percentage column.
- Funds: Added the ability to Bulk Edit Minimum Fund Balance and Minimum Checking account Balances for Funds.
- Profiles: Added a Detail text box for additional information for email and phone fields. This will work the same as the current address detail text box. These fields will not be available for imports.
- Donations: Added Recurring Donations report to Custom Reports. This report will default to Recurring Donations that are not closed. Closed will be Recurring Donations that are past the end date or voided. Filters will be available for this report as well. Changed the left-side menu option to Post Past Due Donations.
- Custom Reports: Enhanced the Check Number Field in Custom Report to a text field.
- Scholarships: Added the ability for Post by Payments Scholarships to post when using the Post All bulk action.
- Site: Resolved an issue for Canadian sites that was returning a 401 error when running an Ajah Charity Check.
- Tributes: Added the ability to manual notify to a Tribute on the donation record. Next to the Tribute, clients will now see the [manual notify] option. This will allow the users to manually process a Tribute by print/email/envelope/sent. Added additional logging on the donation record.
- Tributes: Resolved an issue with the sent column on a tributes list not populating with more than one person to notify. The sent column will now reflect the most recent sent date.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue Scholarship Imports Link individuals as the school if the individual has school name in Work Organization.
- Funds: Resolved an issue with the Fund Statement Print/Email link would show file ids of another file but would send and email the correct file.
- Grants: Resolved an issue that when creating Grant Catalog clients would receive a red error; corrected the redirect.
- Grants: Enhanced Grant Catalog's Request Form to allow up to 255 characters on the Short Description field. Also, added the ability to share the pdf attachments from Grant Request on the grant to the grant catalog. The pdf attachment can be shared and unshared from the grant record.
- Donations: Resolved an issue when adding a Donation with an existing tribute, the donation would not appear in the Tribute Bucket.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with fields that had more than one response showing with array issue in emailed html reports.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue that when a grantee is created manually, the address would not display on the Review screen.
- Templates: Resolved an issue that when trying to Verify/Test the Tribute Memory Template, it would cause a red error.
- Funds: Resolved an issue when closing a fund creates an entry that makes principal and spendable accounts negative, caused by an unposted entry. The reversing entry will now just look at posted transactions.
- Funds: Resolved an issue when viewing a fund summary report that Admin Fees based on a fiscal year were displaying with the calendar year.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with recurring grants being marked as anonymous after the grant was created. Added the ability to edit next the Anonymous field on the grant record.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with fields auto filtering donation reports. When adding Opportunity Type Active, Opportunity Type Name, Donation Pledge Opportunity Type, ActiveDonation Pledge Opportunity Type Name, Fromgrant Fund Group Name combining fields were causing unwanted filters.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue that a member of a household could not be added to a campaign from the Add Profiles. If you add a profile that is a guest of someone else, they will be removed as a guest and will be added as a normal profile.
- Donations: Enhanced the Donation Portal to easily link clients sites to Google Analytics using Measurement ID and Measurement Protocol API Secrets. In Donations Settings, there is now an option to add Google Measurement ID and Google Measurement Protocol API Secrets. Users do not have to use both fields but will need to use the Google Measurement Protocol API Secrets to populate the amounts fields for donation records on Google Analytics. Setting the Google Measurement Protocol API Secrets field will allow a site receive analytics through the Donation Settings area instead of embedding it in the HTML in Website Styles area of CommunitySuite. Clients should remove these from the HTML tags prior to configuring the new values. When syncing sites to the sandbox environments, values will be cleared in these two fields. Google Analytics can take up to 24 hours for reporting. Users will need to signup with Google Analytics to create Google Analytics using Measurement ID and Measurement Protocol API Secrets.
- Donations: Resolved an issue that when adding a Donation with a tribute, the donation would not appear in the Tribute Bucket.
- Campaigns: Resolved an error when deleting the Ticket Purchaser and then trying to add guest. Now when deleting a ticket, clients will have an option to Delete/Reverse Invoices and Donations. If they choose to delete the ticket, the system will prompt users to process the refund through payments.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with the Tribute Bucket Export would export with the New Bucket Data and resolved an issue with printing envelopes from Tributes bulk selection.
- Fund Advisor: Enhanced the Fund Advisor area to have a new left-side menu called List Carts. This new menu will display any fund advisor grant request that has been created but not yet submitted to the foundation. This table will display the created date, fund advisor, Fund/Org, Amount, Grantee, and the Description of the a grant request. On the Fund Advisor Portal, we have updated the menu above the unsubmitted grant request to Unsubmitted Grant Request. The button for the cart option has also been updated from Review to Review and Submit Grant Request, to help the Fund Advisor process the cart. On the Review screen, Fund Advisors will now see the grantee's primary address as a quick way for them to confirm that they have selected the correct Grantee. If the Grantee is creating from Guidestar from Fund Advisor, the address will not display in the review screen since the Grantee has not been created as a profile within CommunitySuite.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue when approving vouchers, the system was pulling in older till vouchers.
- Site: In order to align the terminology with the function, all references to Grant cycle have been changed to grant catalog.
- Campaigns: Added functionality to the guest list under the Profiles tab. Clients can select a guest and then use the Change Guest Of from the left hand menu. This will allow clients to reassign guest to other invitees. This will remove the guest ticket under the original profile and then clients can reassign the ticket number.
- Fund Advisor: Resolved an issue when a fund advisor is requesting a grant and selects a grantee from the previous list or the foundation funds, and then creates a grant using the Guidestar search. The grantee created from the Guidestar search would be replaced with the previously used grantee.
Funds UI: Updated UI to align with look and feel of profiles and campaigns. The fund record will have a header which contains the main fund information and is available on all tabs. In order to organize fund information and limit the left-side menu options, the following tabs are added: Details, Relationships, Settings, Fund Statements, Files & Notes. On the Details tab, clients will see the main details of the fund such as short name, creation date, fund groups, and the fund assets sections. We also moved budget and loans from the Options settings to Details card. Reports are still located on the Detail’s tab but have all been grouped under on left-side menu option of Reports. Once Reports is selected, a new page appears and all of the Reports will appear in the left-side menu. On the Relationships tab, clients will find Scholarships, Beneficiaries, Fund Advisors, Fund Profiles, Linked Donors, and the corresponding actions. On the Settings tab, clients will find the Fund Settings such as Admin Fees, Distributions, Restrictions, and Approvers. Users will also find that the Options card will be replaced with several different cards: Donation Portal, Fund Advisor Portal, Fund Statements. An additional card, Fund Template, will be added and will list all of the templates that are assigned to a fund. For promoted funds, an option to set the sort order is available in the left-side menu when List Promoted is selected. A new Promote Sort Order and Promote End Date is added in the options card in the Settings tab. Setting the sort order lists the funds in the assigned sort order by Fund Group. In the Fund Statements tab, the Fund Statements are listed from newest to oldest based on start date and grouped by year.
No permissions will be impacted with this release.
- Dashboards - Scholarships: A default dashboard has been added to the left-side menu option in Scholarships, Students, Grants and Grantees. All data in this dashboard populates based on the Scholarship Award Date and Grants will populate from Grant Date.
Copy Accounts: Enhanced accounts to now have the copy capabilities. When an account is selected, clients will see a new left-side menu call Copy. This will copy all attributes of an account. The name will default to the current number with -copy behind it. A User must have the permission to create an account to copy it.
- Resource:
- Voucher Approval: Enhanced the voucher approval process by allowing vouchers to cycle through the list of vouchers needing the approved. From the approval bucket, approvers will now select the first voucher and then any additional vouchers needing approval will continue to open for the approver. Once the last voucher has been approved, the approver will see a message "There are no more vouchers needing your approval."
Tributes: In order to manage tributes more efficiently, a new workflow has been designed for Tributes.
The Tribute list view is now a custom report with the ability to sort each column and have the ability to apply filters, save filtered lists, export, email and load for future use. On the left hand menu, there is also a new Delete Unused menu item. This will allow clients to delete any unused tributes that do not have donations attached to the tribute or if the tribute does not have associated notify information. If the notify address or email information is not completed, the tribute information will move to a non-notify tribute field. This will allow clients to retain the information about the tribute on the donation in a text field.
A status field has been added to tributes. By default, all tributes are now public. The public status will allow for the Tribute to be displayed on the Donation Page. The Private Status will not allow for that tribute to be displayed on the Donation page. To allow for the Public Tributes to be displayed on the the Donation Page, clients will need to enable the Search Public Tributes from the Tributes Settings menu. We have also added the ability to set tributes to public or private using a bulk action. From the Tributes list page, there are two new left hand menu items, Mark Tribute Public and Mark Tribute Private. Using one of those menu items will create a table to mark all or a selection of tributes to public or private.
Additional enhancements to Tributes is the ability to Add Notify. This will provide a quick way to add additional people to notify within the tribute record. From the tribute record in edit mode, there is now the ability to unlink the profiles and/or delete profiles.
Tributes workflow was enhanced similar to the tax receipt workflow. This new workflow can be accessed from the Donations Tribute bucket, and will now have a Tribute Notify left menu option. This will populate the list of tributes and the bulk actions available: print-word or pdf, email, create labels, or envelopes. and mark the tributes as sent from this list. Once the tributes have been marked sent, the information of the person notified and the date will appear in the tributes section of the corresponding donations. To resend a Tribute, clients can clear the tribute from the donation record, add the tribute, and it will then populate back on the List Notify . For performance reasons, we have decided not to populate the count at the top of this Tribute bucket.
To allow for a little more flexibility with tracking and managing tributes, we have added a non-notify tribute. This will allow for clients to track tributes that do not require any additional notifications, but they still want to be able note that the donation was in Honor or in Memory of a person. Clients can use the non-notify tribute section to populate tribute information without creating tribute. rom a donation record after the donation is posted, the tribute add option will display with the non-notify tribute or the tribute notify sections. We have also added the ability to report on the Non Notify Field from within Custom Reporting.
When using donation imports, added the ability to populate a non-notify tribute to a donation. When using the donation import template: ONLY populate the memorial_name field, leave all other memorial fields blank. Also, updated the memorial_notify_method options to (mail, email).
A new Tribute Permissions for Settings was added with this release. This permission is enabled for the Admin group. - Campaigns: Resolved an issue when adding profiles to a campaign through custom reports, the list count from the report and profile count in the campaign were different.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue for clients using post by payment with multifund scholarship. They would receive a red error when trying to pay the scholarship.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when trying to import a profile ID list and then add it to a campaign, users would receive a red error.
- Custom Reports: Added Campaign Ticket Summary Report. This report will allow clients to report on Ticket Id's, Total Amount, Total Donation, Total Invoice, and Total Quantity. This new report allows Clients to join the data from the Campaign Ticket Summary Report in Campaign Ticket Report for a more comprehensive view of ticket sales for a campaign.
- General Ledger: Added the ability to search closed funds through the General Ledger. There is now a new checkbox next to the Fund field Include Closed. This will allow clients the option to display closed funds in searches.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with Grant Documents getting stuck in the Documents bucket if the check was voided.
- Custom Reports: Added campaign profile donations and campaign profile invoices custom reports. This will allow us to connected to the campaign profiles report, so you can add donation amount and invoice amount columns. Clients can use campaign profiles report to see the total amounts for a given profile on a campaign.
- Split Interest: Resolved an issue with the Charitable Remainder Unitrust being unable to process for a fund that has received donations.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that when trying to clear ACH Credentials from a profile and then adding information, clients would receive an error message.
- Scholarship: Resolved an issue with scholarships not warning of over spending against the spendable balance. Scholarships will now verify spendable balance will happen when you click [pay] or when you batch pay if the fund is marked with track spendable.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with Stripe payments failing but still displaying in the Payment Processor for a manual rerun even if the event failed. Events will now only display in the manual rerun table if the event was processed as succeeded.
- Campaign: Added the Ticket IDs to the Profiles Tab next to the Guest Profile. There is also a + to easily add ticket to the Profile. Using the +, will take users to the Choose Ticket. Once the Ticket is select the number of tickets, and then add Guest.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue that clients can not delete empty Campaign Group. Groups can be deleted as long as there are no guest attached to the group.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with the Grant Award Letter not pulling in Total_grant_amount correctly.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with NACHA files exporting with voided checks listed within the file.
- Funds: Resolved an issue with the Fund Summary report not showing all of the fund group names, if they were too long. Have resolved this by changing the direction of the graph from horizontal to a vertical graph to allow for wrapping of the text.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with scholarships set as post by payment; the over spendable balance warning was not appearing. This was allowing funds to over spend their spendable balance. Scholarships set as post by payment will not be able to be auto-approved from scholarships to prevent this from happening.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with the First Donation Date and Last Donation Date fields returning blank in custom reports if a donor profile was merged into a non-donor profile.
- Loans: Resolved an issue that when creating a loan it pulling an illegal division code.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue when the fund advisor cart is enabled and the Fund Advisor grants a grant catalog, the grant would not appear in the grant request area.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue with accounts disappearing from the voucher table, if the required fields were not entered for the voucher.
- Custom Fields: Resolved an issue with client not being able to edit or view a custom field.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with Filtered Profile List freezing under the header and causing a timeout error.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with the Create Custom Report permission, not actually controlling the ability to Create a Custom Report removed this permission from the permissions table. The Permission is controlled by the Custom Reports permission.
- Fund Advisors: Resolved an issue with the Primary Advisors option to Approve requests were not displaying for the Fund Advisor on the portal with cart checkout enabled.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with the chart sizes not changing when selecting different height or width sizes.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue with the grant cart option enabled the Grant Requests no longer have Fund Choice dropdown for Affiliates when creating a grant request
- Accounts: In order to enhance performance in Journal Entries, Vouchers, and Grants, the account search now returns a filtered list instead of populating the entire chart of accounts.
- Templates: Enhanced template permission to also link to the corresponding object permission. Users will need the object display permission in order to access the template fields list. For example, to see a tax_receipt, users will now need the Donations > Display permission. Display permissions are needed for the templates fields list access noted below.
Permission | Corresponding Template Field List |
Check > Display | Check |
Donation > Display | Tax Receipt |
Donor > Display & Donation > Display | Yearly Tax Receipt |
Campaigns (Event) > Display | Event Ticket Receipt |
Grants > Display | Grant Award Letter, Grant Letter, Internal Grant, Grant Card |
Invoice > Display | Invoice |
Loans > Display | Loans |
Tribute (Memorial) > Display & Donation > Display | Memorial Honor, Memorial Memory |
Opportunity > Display | Opportunity Letter |
Pledges > Display | Pledge Payment, Promise Payment |
Scholarships > Display | Scholarship Award Letter, Scholarship Letter |
- Resource:
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with Custom Fields unable to save and find ids.
- Financials: Resolved an issue when selecting print page the second page was losing formatting.
- Custom Reports: Resolved a Time Out Server Error Removing Profiles From Campaign In Report.
- Files: Resolved an issue when trying to access files, clients were receiving a 504 timeout error. This was due to the Ref label trying to populate multiple fields. Modified this field to populate based on object and id, increasing performance time.
- Integration: Resolved an error message when linking CommunitySuite / SLM/GLM profiles that were created in both sites and then clients tried to link them together.
- Site: Resolved an issue with the fund short name not populating in the global search if the short name contain a number. This must be an exact match (this is the same as it is for a non-numeric short name).
- Profiles: Resolved migrated or guidestar created profiles Website field is missing http(s).
- Grants: Resolved an error that can occur when creating a grant from GLM due to a function that was removed.
- Donations: Resolved an issue that when searching for a donor when creating a donation and the input ends in \, no results will be returned.
- Tributes: Resolved an issue when deleting unused tributes and a tribute name is too long, it can be generated causing a red error.
- Donation Portal: Resolved an issue when checking out and deleting all items from your cart in a separate tab after reaching the pay/continue button, it will not continue or show any error when clicked.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue that when the Fund Advisor Cart option is enabled, there is no longer an option for Requested By with a dropdown List of Advisor on the portal.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with a tax receipt with multiple donations and multi tributes, the tributes were not displaying correctly on foreach item section of tax receipt.
- Campaigns: Added a number to indicate how many notes, files, profiles, tickets are in a tab.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with case sensitivity not applying with editing addresses on a profile. Added a number to indicate how many notes/files are in a tab. Added website to the profile merge.
- Custom Reports: Removed the options to add household not individual to a campaign from the profile list actions. Clients will need to select the options from within campaigns.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with the Vendor Summary displaying the incorrect Fiscal Year.
- Site: Resolved an issue when entering site data, a red error happens when state is entered with more than two letters.
- Funds: Resolved an issue when entering percentages on fund beneficiaries a red error happens when not a decimal (e.g. 99 vs .99).
- Fund Advisor: Added HTML formatting to advisor_request_confirm_email_body, check_(post|void|unpost)_email_body and advisor_approval_email_body content blocks to allow for special characters within the email templates.
- Accounts: Resolved an issue that statement vouchers could no longer be created with a 0.00 amount. This would help clients with tracking monthly revenue entries.
- Funds: Enhanced the Bulk Edit option to handle up to 1,000 funds.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with Email and Phone numbers that were not saving data if required fields are not populated from the edit screen.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with marking a donor inactive and then reactivating the donor. The left-side menu options were removed for Add Donation, Add Recurring Donation, Add Pledge/ Promise.
- Accounts: Resolved an issue where the Close & Transfer Account Balances option was removed when closing accounts with balances. This has been restored.
- Custom Reports: Removed the Fund Summary Report from the Create page, since this is a custom report and not a Default Report.
- Financials: Resolved an issue with financial view filter not working on Cash Balance Report.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that when merging profiles and then selecting Duplicates from the left-side menu a red error would appear.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue that when viewing a donations report for profiles that have been merged, the last and first donation dates were not populating.
- Accounts: Resolved an issue where clients could close an account that was part of an investment strategy. If clients try to close an account that is part of an investment strategy, they will now receive a yellow warning. This will help prevent balance swaps from failing.
- Integrations: Resolved an issue with the link to GLM from a profile taking clients to an error page. Clients will now go the login in page, if they are not logged into the site.
- Integration: Resolved an issue with the Default GLM settings clearing after making changes the Grant settings.
- Donations: Resolved an issue that when deleting a donation the system would take clients back to an invalid filter in the New Donation bucket.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with the decision date on a scholarship. Clients were unable to edit the decision date field once the scholarship was posted. This field will now be editable after the scholarship is posted.
- Permissions: Removed the Everyone option in permissions which removes all permissions. This will eliminate anyone accidentally removing everyone's permissions.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with Grantees with 'No' in "No Charity Status Check." They will be ignored in Charity Check All process.
- Deposits: Updated the deposit slip to reflect the date deposited instead of the date that the deposit slip was created. Added the check number to display next to the donor name on the deposit slip.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue that when voiding a scholarship check it would not allow the check to be refunded at the scholarship record.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when using the List by Date report and Created Ts filter. Profiles would not appear using a single date range.
- Profiles: Resolved some tab navigation issues, when editing and then saving, not landing back on the same page. Resolved an issue with address, email, and phone number information not displaying from the edit screen when using Do Not Mail, Email, or Call.
Added the Household members to the top of the relationships tab when viewing a household profile.
Added the Merge back to the left-side menu on Vendor designation.
Renamed memorial notifications to tribute notifications on the relationship tab. - Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when using the scheduled email frequency. The email was being sent the day before and the day of the scheduled event.
- Site: Added a red outline around the Foundant icon for Sandbox environments in the web tab. This will allow for easily identifying which tab are Live environments vs. Sandbox when using several tabs. This will not show on the donation or portal sandbox pages, just the in-system tabs.
- Files: Resolved an issue when trying to delete check files after Confirming Delete. "The list of file_ids to delete was empty" message would appear.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with Custom fields not retaining data on save when a required field is not entered. This update will allow clients to update the missed required fields without losing entered information. Also, fixed the error on the following pages: accounts, donations, funds, grants, invoice, opportunities, scholarships, and vouchers.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with Approve All does not work for approvers of child grants on multifund grants.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with custom field answers not saving on multifund and historic grants.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when using the email option with HTML the total column wasn't populating.
Admin Fee: The following enhancements are now available for Admin Fees: the ability to set funds in bulk to an admin fee type, an option to add a note to an admin fee and on manual admin fees, and the ability to select the receiving fund and accounts. The ability to create a manual admin fee is now an option in the left-side menu on the Admin Fee page.
Also enhanced the fund record’s Admin Fee section to have a start date field. This start date can be used to enter a starting date to begin processing admin fees on a fund. The start date will look at the admin fees posting date. For example, if the fund’s admin fee start date is set to 1/1 and admin fee posting date is 12/31, it will not charge that fund for that admin fee.
Enhanced the admin fee types to now have a maximum fee per year. Clients will now see a maximum fee field added to the admin fee types. This will allow the system to only charge a fund with that type a maximum per year.
Funds Bulk Edit was also enhanced by adding the Admin Fee Start Date.
Permissions: No permissions changed by this release.
Fund Advisor: This enhancement allows the foundation to enable the ability for their fund advisors to receive an email confirming that they have submitted a grant request online. There is a new check box at the fund advisor level called Request Confirmation Email. The foundation can chose to enable this for all fund advisors by selecting the check box Advisor Request Confirmation Email in Fund Advisors>Settings>Edit Settings. There is also a new content area for the Advisor_request_confirm_email_body.
Permissions: No permissions changed by this release.
Scholarships: Enhanced Scholarships to have a Scholarship Award Letter. This will be a new bucket within Scholarships. This will allow for bulk processes such as Email, Print, Mark the Award Letter Sent, Unset the Award Letter Sent, UnSet Award Letter Needed, and Set Award Letter template. In the Open bucket, there are two new left-side menu options for Set Award Letter Needed and Clear Award Letter Sent. On the award, there will now be two new fields: the Award Letter and the Award Letter Template. The Award letter field will be used to mark the award if the letter is needed, mark it as sent, pdf, word, or email option. There will also now be an Award Letter Template field. This will allow clients to select the correct template for the scholarship.
Templates: Enhanced Templates with a new Scholarship Award letter template. Clients can have awards letters based on funds, fund groups, subgroups, divisions, and segments.
Permissions: There is new permission called Scholarship Award letter. This will be enabled for Admin permissions at the time of release.
Fund Advisor: There is a new enhancement that will allow a foundation to enable a cart option for grant requests. If the Fund Advisor Cart functionality is enabled, the fund advisor will receive one email for the entire “cart” of requests. The can be enabled for all fund advisors by selecting the check box Fund Advisor Cart in Fund Advisors>Settings>Edit Settings.
Permissions: No permissions changed by this release.
Fund Advisor: In order to allow additional customization, new content blocks are available to create content headers for each of the tabs on the Fund Advisor Portal. The new content blocks can be found in the Fund Advisor Content menu. The new content blocks are HTML compatible.
Permissions: No permission updates with this release.
Nonprofit Directory: Enhanced the Nonprofit Directory to display images, share files, and display text in html. This will allow a more robust display of the Nonprofits once a donor has selected a nonprofit displayed in the directory list. On the Nonprofit Designation's Detail tab, there is now a Show Profile Image checkbox. Enabling this checkbox will allow the images on the main profile to display onto the Nonprofit Directory. There is another new checkbox option, HTML Statement, above the statement field. Enabling this option will allow clients to use HTML code in the Statement field with up to 2,000 characters. A new description field has been added to the nonprofits detail tab. This field will allow up to 30,000 characters and is html compatible. The description will show when a nonprofit is selected on the directory view from the donation portal. A new Files tab has been added to the Nonprofit Designation. From this tab, files can be added and shared to the Nonprofit directory. If a category is not added to the file, it will just display on the portal as a file.
- Resources:
- Fund Advisor Portal: Added verbiage to the fund advisor header box "Request Confirmation Email." If this setting is enabled from the fund advisor settings, this language will now appear: Enabled for all in Advisor Settings. This will allow clients to easily identify if that global setting is enabled.
- Reports: Resolved an issue when selecting the Is Not Filter, the report would filter to null.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when using the Do Not Mail on a profile, the mail type would not appear when editing the profile.
- Distribution: Resolved an issue when creating and distribution with trailing year calculation base of accounts, the distribution would fail.
- Checks: Resolved and issue with Anonymous Funds displaying the as fund name instead of Anonymous on Detail Attachment for Checks.
- Custom Reports: Added a Fund Prospect Report and SLM Installments report. Added addition fields to the following reports:
- Fund Advisor Report: Added the following fields: Pledges tab, Donate Tab, Receipts Tab, Voucher Tab, Invoice Tab, Investment Tab, Internal Loans Tab (if enabled), Split Interest Tab.
- Check Report: Added the fund steward, Pay Email, Pay Address fields, Added a Boolean field for electronic checks.
- Grant & Voucher Report: Added the Fund steward field(*From fund Fund Steward is the Fund Steward Name field), last financial date for grantee.
- Profile Report: Added the Pay Email and Pay Address, No charity status check, Last charity status check, Last financial date *inactive -pulls from the vendor profile designation.
- Profile Fund Report : Added Fund Steward.
- Campaigns: Added goal field.
- Fund Report: Added Admin Fee Reduces Spendable.
- Revenue Share Report: Added Exclude and Give to Fund- This changes the way this report works. Currently the fund is already the give to fund if that’s set. This will split those things out to fund and give_to_fund all previously under fund id will now broken out.
- Deposit Report: Added a hyperlink the to deposit id.
- Profile Payment Report: Added a hyperlink to Payment ID and Deposit ID.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue with Mailchimp jobs not completing the sync with large audiences. The manual sync will now run as a background job. If you do not sync a list that needs syncing, it will get synced at the top of the hour. Either way, the job that runs will give way more information as the job is running like the progress on getting the audience list from Mailchimp (in chunks of 500 email addresses). Then it will give you details about what is happening every minute as it loops through all those addresses and adds/removes tags as needed, etc. If you go to the Mailchimp page, where the “sync” is on the left with “Event Log”, this page will now show you recent Mailchimp background jobs. This page will also confirm that everything is setup in case you need to choose a new audience.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue when using the create receivable when purchasing a ticket, a red error would appear after selecting process.
- Grant Type: Added the ability to Set Grant Type in bulk from the left side menu in Grants and Grant Reports. In Grants, there is a new Set Grant Type options in Grant Actions. This is available in the New, Approval and Voucher Buckets. In Reports, this option is available for any Grant Report that includes a Grant ID. Selecting this option will open a list to select or update the grant type for each grant in the list.
- Funds: Resolved an issue that was not saving the Created Date, Distribution Type or Distribution Interval when editing a fund record.
- Grants: The Primary Fund Advisor for a Fund will now be added as the Grant Advisor when creating a spendable grant.
- Tributes: Donation Custom Fields are now available as merge fields in the In Honor and In Memory Templates. Two merge fields have been added to both templates: {{full_tribute_name}} returns "in honor(memory) of Tribute Name and {{us_full_tribute_name}} returns "In Honor(Memory) of Tribute Name.
- Reports: Scholarship Note Report - Resolved an issue that was not linking to the correct transaction when drilling into the Sship Item Id.
- Reports: Scholarship Note Report - Resolved an issue that was not linking to the correct transaction when drilling into the Sship Item Id.
- Reports: Default Reports - Grants: Added the Profile ID to the report.
- Funds: Resolved an issue that was not allowing text to be saved in the sort field or custom fields to be changed if the answer was longer than 255 characters.
- Grant & Grant Voucher: Resolved an issue that would not allow a grant to be deleted after an associated grant voucher had been cancelled.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue that was not syncing mailing list from a campaign to Mailchimp. If the list does not exist in Mailchimp, a new list will need to be selected prior to syncing.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Resolved an issue with the Fund History that was displaying scholarships as undefined if a lookback date was set.
- Reports: Resolved an issue that was not displaying the left-side menu option to rollup house/advisor on the default donors report.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue that removed the option to merge vendor and donor profiles.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue that was not allowing a ticket to be deleted if it was connected to a pledge that had been adjusted.
- Reports: Resolved an issue with the canned donor report not having the option to save as.
- Financials: Resolved an issue when trying to delete a filter for financials a red error would appear.
- Templates: Updated the tax receipts email to show read as Donation Receipt and Donation Date. The Subject Line of the email will read the same Donation Receipt and Donation Date. For example, Donation Receipt 05/26/2023
Also, added the email for donors on the the tax receipt table when processing tax receipts. Updated the list fonts supported by Aspose for our templates.
- Templates: Added today_nice_date merge field to the following templates: invoice, checks, grant award letter, grant letter, internal grant letter, scholarship, yearly tax receipt. Added the grant award letter to have the advisor mailing label use the first last name, if there isn’t a mailing label filled out. Added advisor household label the grant letter template and the apply to spendable to tax receipt.
- Users: Created a forgot password link for users. The Forgot Password link will appear after one unsuccessful login attempt. This will send a reset password link to the users email on file.
- Integration: Resolved an issue with integrated profile's address information not updating in Grant Lifecycle Manager when updated in CommunitySuite.
- Integration: Resolved an issue with the SSN not being sent via fedid field when the profile/set_ssn permission is missing.
- Admin Fees: Added a log to Admin Fee types. This will allow foundations to see any changes made to their admin fee types.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue when canceling a scholarship from the left-side menu versus the cancel on the payment line, wasn't calculating into the total cancel balance. This was causing scholarships to look as if they still had an open balance.
- Files: Added the ability to delete files from a filtered list and Set Categories from Files. Clients will now see a new left-side menus of Update Category and Delete Files. This will allow clients to easily remove files from their site. This will help with data hygiene and file retention policies. There will be a 2000 file limit when deleting based on browser performance. The report should populate and you can select delete all and yellow warning will appear, but then take you back to the report to select the next 2000, if needed. Clients will also now be able to set File Categories in bulk using a Custom Report. This action will be found under the Files Actions in custom reporting.
- Custom Reports: Added the ability to delete files or set categories from a custom report. When clients use the a report with File Id's, clients will now see a new left-side menus of under File Actions: Update Category and Delete Files. This will allow clients to easily remove files from their site. This will help with data hygiene and file retention policies. Clients will also now be able to set File Categories in bulk using a Custom Report. This action will be found under the Files Actions in custom reporting.
- Permissions: There is now two new permissions for Files: Bulk Delete and Bulk Update Category. We also updated the File permission that pertains to Journal Entry attachments. Users will need Journal Entry permissions to now see attachments related to journal entries.
- Vouchers: Added commas to the input and display fields on vouchers/statement vouchers. This will help clients when inputting vouchers to verify data.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue when inputting a statement voucher or voucher. Zeros were duplicating and negatives were no longer working.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with new profiles not creating from the grant import.
Scholarships: Resolved an issue with addresses not populating or updating on existing/new profiles from the scholarship import. - Donations: Resolved an issue with addresses not populating or updating on existing/new profiles from the donation import.
- Funds: Added the ability to edit up to 1000 funds using the Bulk Edit option on funds.
- Grants: Resolved an issue where clients can no longer remove a description on grant when using the edit action next to description.
- Fund Statements: Updated the recurring grant section on a fund statement to populate using the start date of the statement and not the end date. This should allow for recurring grants to display more accurately.
- Profiles: Added the delete option to the donor designation. Resolved the GLM link no longer working for a profile. Added the ability to unlink the profile fund from the relationship tab. Resolved an issue with grantees address not populating into the profile record if the grantee was manually created from the fund advisor portal.
- Fund Advisor Portal: Added the Scholarship and Top 10 student graph as a separate graph on the fund advisor portal. If the Show Student Data is not enabled, the student name will display as anonymous on the chart displaying for the fund advisor.
Funds: Added the Scholarship graph as a separate graph on the History report on a fund.
- Profiles: Resolved errors on profiles when editing or creating a profile with suffix that is too long, and when creating a new address with a prim day.
- Profiles: Added the ability to complete custom fields on profile edit.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue with HTML for locations on a campaign was no longer displaying correctly.
- Dashboards: Resolved an issue with fund names being truncated on the fund dashboard with the beginning of the name being cut off. Corrected this so that the end of the fund name will be the truncated portion, if needed.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with the nacha file having a parsing error due to unexpected tab characters being in a CSV when communicating to the platform.
- Profiles: Corrected the spelling of affiliate on the Details tab. Updated the reference of Owner to Fund Advisor when deleting a Fund Advisor profile designation. Resolved the email type not saving after editing a profile. Resolved an issue with the payment type no longer displaying on the Details tab on a profile.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue on the donation default report so it will show advised yes. This will allow anonymous donations to also display if it is an advised donation or not.
- Custom Reports: Resolved the following boolean fields when filter on the following reports and fields: Check Report-Checks Cleared; Fund-Loans; Accounts-Has Checks, Manage Cash; Files-Sticky; General Ledger-Reconciled; Grant-Pay Sponsored Org, Public Visible, Exclude Adminfee; Grant Status-Past Due; Note-Note Alert; Opportunity-Success; Campaign Profile-Attended, RSVP; Invoice-Historical.
- Custom Reports: Resolved the profile filter for is household or org, it was incorrectly filtering the is or is not.
- Custom Report: Resolved an issue with the search bar on custom report no longer searching employee names. This functionality has been restored.
Profiles: Profiles have a new a look with this enhancement. Foundant is excited to take so many of the User submitted ideas from Idea Lab and make them happen in the software. Our highest voted Idea Lab submission was the ability to identify the main profile data regardless of the designation.
The profile summary includes the information needed when working with constituents. The primary profile data will now be static at the top of the page regardless of the designation page that is being viewed. This summary includes an image, primary contact information, last donation date, and pronouns. With this new layout there will be an icon next to the profiles name at the header. This will allow a User to easily identify an individual, household, or organization record. Images have also been added to the top header box for easy reference as well. For easier navigation, the profile name and designation will appear in the browser tab at the top of the page.
Below this header box, profile data has been organized in tabs: Details, Relationships, Engagements, Files, Notes. The left side menu will change depending on the tab a user has selected. The Details tab will house the rest of the profile information such as addresses, emails, birthday, salutations, tasks, and custom fields. The Relationships tab includes: Opportunities, Household Members, Profile Funds, Types, Profile Links, and Philanthropic Interest Area. Engagement tab includes: Active Campaigns and Similar Profiles. Just a quick call out, there is a new left-side menu to a new report called List All Campaigns which will return a report of active and inactive campaigns. Files and Notes tabs will be the last two tabs and will retain any files or notes for the profile.
For easy navigation, Designations have been moved to the top of the page as well. Clients can easily use the “make” action item to add a designation to a profile. Designations will become bold as you navigate to one. The Designation pages will also follow the new tab system to allow for the profile header to stay on each page. The option to Make Affiliate/Supporting Org remains in the left menu of the main profile page for organizations.
Enhancements have been made to the deceased and inactive checkboxes. The deceased and inactive checkboxes will now have functionality. When marking a profile deceased, it will also make the profile inactive, mark the address, emails, phone as inactive, and will mark the the designations of vendor, student, and grantee as inactive. This will also not allow the profile to be used when selling tickets, recording donations, or creating vouchers/grants. Print Envelope option from the profile will no longer be an option on the left-side menu once a profile is inactive. The deceased and inactive field is an option available to be set in names bulk update. The deceased and inactive checkbox will also add the inactive and/or deceased label in red at the top of the profile header box.
Best Practice for receiving donations for a deceased profile would be to create an estate profile to received the donations and then link the new estate profile to the deceased profile.
The ability to assign pronouns to a profile is now available. If populated, the pronouns will populate in the header, directly after the profile name at the top of the summary box. Up to three words can be included in the profile field. This will be a preset list of pronouns: e|ey|em|eir|eirs|eirself| he|him|his|himself| per|pers|perself| she|her|hers|herself| they|them|their|theirs|themself| ve|ver|vis|verself| xe|xem|xyr|xyrs|xemself| ze|zie|hir|hirs|hirself. A pronoun cannot contain a numeric or special characters, no spaces, and they will be displayed in ( ) separated by /. For example: (a/b/c). Updating pronouns will also be available from the Bulk Update and then using Names. You will be able to add the pronouns using a comma to separate more than one pronoun on the .csv. For example, you will enter she, her, hers for these three pronouns to display on a profile.
When creating a profile you will now select to create an individual, household, or organization. Then once you select the type of profile to create all fields will be available on the creation of a profile. Just a reminder, foundation workflows may need to be updated with new creation of profiles.
Permissions: No Permission updates with this release.
- Resources:
- Video
- Create and Edit a Profile
- Create and Edit Fund Advisor Profile
- Deceased and Divorced Profiles
- Delete a Profile or Profile Designation
- Engagement Strategies
- Grant Types / Philanthropic Interest Types
- Opt Out Profiles From Communications
- Parent/Child Org Relationships
- Profile Designations
- Profile Fund Categories, Link Profiles to Funds
- Profiles Overview
- Profile Relationships
- SSN Field
- Resources:
Grants: Added an new option to deny an unposted/unapproved grant in the New bucket. Once a grant is denied, it will automatically move to the Complete bucket and be included in the grant list in a grantee profile. Denied grants will also be included in the grant report for a fund. Denied grants will not be visible in the Fund Advisor Portal. Once a grant has been denied, there is a left-side menu option to remove the denial.
Enhanced the integration into GLM by allowing denied grants to be sync’d from/to CommunitySuite. The GLM Pre-approval workflow is required to integrate denied grants. Once the grants are denied in GLM, they can then be sent to CommunitySuite. These denied grants will land in the GLM grant bucket. Clients will still map the grantee and set funds from the GLM bucket. Once those have been set, the denied grants will then be available in Custom Reports. Create grant and then denying the grant will also allow you to send the grant to GLM by using the Send to GLM options on the individual grants. Currently, there is not a batch option for denied grants moving from CommunitySuite to GLM.
Denials is currently just for the integration between GLM and CommunitySuite; it is not currently available with SLM to CommunitySuite.
Permissions: There is a new permission Deny Grants. Upon release, this will be set for the Admin level permission.
Grants: A new Decision Date field is available on grants and integrated grants into GLM/SLM. This field will allow clients to capture and report on the date that the board has approved or decided on a grant. In CommunitySuite, grant date will still be the general ledger transaction or posting date. Decision date can be edited at any time on a grant. This field is available in Custom Reporting.
If clients use the GLM/SLM integration, they will now see a grant date in GLM/SLM. The decision date and grant date fields will integrate between CommunitySuite and GLM/SLM. When syncing from GLM to CommunitySuite, the decision date and/grant date can be edited in the New bucket in CommunitySuite. The dates will not reflect in GLM until the grant is posted and approved or a full resync has been done. When sending from CommunitySuite to GLM and the grant needs to be unposted and grant date edited, the grant date will update GLM once it is posted in CommunitySuite. Prior to this new date field, the decision date from GLM mapped to the grant date in CommunitySuite. From the GLM bucket in CommunitySuite, there will be a bulk grant date action on the left-side menu. Once the grant has been posted, the grant date can no longer be changed unless the grant is unposted in CommunitySuite.
Permissions: There are no permission updates with this release.
Dashboards: Dashboards will be available in the following areas: Funds, Profiles, Donations, and Donors. These will be available from the left-side menu in the respective objects. This will allow quick information about these areas in the system. Each dashboard will have date filters across the top to easily select different time frames of data. The year filters will return data based on the fiscal year set in site data. The start and end date will also reflect the Date Style selected in System Data.
This will be the first release of dashboards with plans to role out new dashboards in different objects over the next several months. We will also be adding additional filters to this default dashboards later in the year.
Permissions: There is a new permission for each dashboard. This has been enabled for anyone in the Admin Group. An Admin User for each site will need to set the permission for Dashboard access for their staff.
Custom Reports: Enhanced Custom Reports to have a Save As option. This will allow clients to start with a report and make changes without losing that report. When saving a report, clients will now see a description field. This field can use this to create a description of the report which will be visible in the Custom Report list. In addition, there is now a new column for the creation date of the report. This will allow a User to identify when the report was created. A relative week date filter has been added. Selecting this filter will return data based on a Monday-Sunday week.
Enhanced Custom Reports with categories. Creating categories will give a User the ability to create a new categorized list of the custom and default reports. Clients will now have the ability to create categories for the reports, which will allow reports to be grouped together. There is a new left-side menu called Categories, and from within this menu there is the create categories option. Once categories are created, the existing reports will default into the object categories and clients can use Bulk Update from the left-side menu to set existing reports with categories. When saving report, clients will now see a drop-down to assign reports to a category at that time.
Permissions: There is a new category permission for creating categories. Anyone with the general custom report permission is able to bulk edit their own report categories.
- Resources:
- Video: Custom Reports - Save As, Relative Week Filter, and Description
- Video: Custom Reports Categories
- Detailed Permissions
- Run Custom Reports
- Resources:
Accounts: Added a left-side menu option in Accounts called Close Sub-Accounts. This will allow clients to efficiently close any sub-accounts in bulk that have not had transactions or balances in the current year. This will be a great tool for clients to add to their year-end process or after a migration into CommunitySuite. Accounts & Sub-Accounts can be opened and closed by selecting open or close account in the left-side menu of an account page.
Permission: There are no updates to permissions with this release.
- Resource:
- Accounts: Resolved an issue when adding filters and removing them to financials. It was causing a red error. Also, modified the yellow warning message to identify the number of columns being limited to 1587 based on the database limitations.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with scheduled emails sending to inactive users.
- Campaigns: Enhanced the campaign area by moving the files and notes tab to the end to align with the profile release with tabs.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with Yearly Tax Receipts that only a comma was populating in the donor address field.
- Custom Reports: Resolved a red error after uploading IDs and then trying to update information from the report.
- Till: Resolved an issue requiring -0 on refunds [reconcile] in Non-Till.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue in Profiles and then Browse from the left-side menu. When selecting a name, it would cause a red error.
- Admin Fees: Resolved an issue with admin fee groups using all quarters even on funds with less history.
- Campaigns: Enhanced the tab appearance in campaigns.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue with using more than one audience with MailChimp. Clients should now be prompted to select an audience.
- Campaigns: Removed the Members list from the left side menu. This was causing performance issues between CSuite and Mailchimp. CSuite will still continue to sync with Mailchimp and record information in the Event Log.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with removing profiles from campaigns within custom reports it caused a red error.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with Bulk Update Email causing a red error if the Pay column is included in the update.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when using Profile Bulk Update the pay address field would not update.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue with a ticket purchased with the IOU option throwing red errors if you try to delete the ticket sale. When deleting a ticket with a receivable, it will now unpost and delete the invoice and pledge.
- Donations: Renamed the Tax Receipt unchecked to read Not Needed. This will help clarify if the tax receipt is needed for a donation or if it has been sent.
- Opportunities: Resolved an issue with opportunity letters pulling the pay address. It will now pull the profile's primary address.
- Site: Resolved global search pulling prefixes when searching for a profile.
- Site: Added tab titles to the webpages for donations, grants, scholarships, vouchers, pledges, promises, funds, and accounts.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue when scheduling HTML reports. The reports would send the same report.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with duplicate grants can be sent to GLM, if more that one tab was open.
- Custom Reports: Added a report log on scheduled reports. Also, added the email history from within the custom report log. This will allow clients to see the email history, especially if it has been sent to more than one recipient.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with scheduled reports not sending.
- Funds: Resolved an issue with bulk editing over 500 funds would create a red error. Now there will be a yellow warning message. Bulk edit on funds will be limited to 500 funds at a time to prevent browser issues.
- Users: Resolved an issue with the 2 Factor Authentication checkbox. This box could be checked even if the foundation did not have the Password Policy Enabled. To use 2 factor authentication clients will now have to have the Password Policy Enabled.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with the NACHA files including internal grant transfers if the the grantee is a supported org/affiliate fund.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue with Mailchimp link and unlink not working for marketing campaigns. Resolved red errors when purchasing a ticket or deleting a profile.
- Custom Reporting: Added a permission for sending external emails from custom reporting. This has been enabled for admin permissions.
- Campaigns: Enhanced the Ticket Receipt option from the left-side menu to have pdf, word, email primary, email other options.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue with Mailchimp list, notes, and files not displaying for marketing type campaigns. Resolved and issue when deleting a profile from a campaign it was throwing a red error.
Campaigns: Enhanced the campaign workflow to help with the tracking of events and mailings. Each campaign will now be associated by type. Campaign types are event, marketing or historical. The assigned type will drive different campaign functionality. A campaign categorized as events will allow a user to create tickets, groups, and requests for the campaign. Marketing will be used if the campaign is intended to create a mailing list to communicate with donors and other constituents. Historical will be a way to move completed campaigns into a separate list for campaigns that are no longer being used by the foundation. Campaigns will still be managed by user defined categories and can be archived within the category list. The campaign page has been redesigned to have a bucket system just below the event information and image at the top of the page. Each bucket will then trigger different left-side menu action items. The campaign name, logo, description, and dates will remain static at the top of bucket as a User navigates from bucket to bucket.
From the details bucket, users can see the start and end date of a campaign, goals, total rsvp’s, total seats available, and create financial reports for the campaign in the left-side menu. The notes bucket will be a place to easily find notes associated with the campaign. The files bucket will allow users to manage any files attached to the campaign. The profiles bucket will hold the list of invitees, rsvp's, and attendance for the campaign. If the campaign is an event, three additional buckets will appear: tickets, groups and requests. The ticket bucket will allow users to set up individual tickets, pricing, and track ticket sales. The groups bucket will allow users to group guests together. The request bucket will have the same functionality to allow clients to track different requests for the campaign.
Tickets have additional enhancements. Tickets can now have a non-donation revenue and donation revenue account and a unique start and end date. A ticket receipt template can be set for each ticket type and be assigned to a different fund from the main campaign. Each ticket can have its own number of seats available, and clients can now track number of seats available from the individual tickets. Free tickets will also no longer appear on the donation portal as $0.00 tickets. When selling a ticket from the ticket bucket, you can now chose to create a receivable for a guest. This will allow the foundation to send an invoice. Foundations will also be able to select a ticket notify person from the foundations user list. With this enabled, the user will receive an email with the name of the guest and number of tickets purchased for the event.
When using the update profiles within the profile bucket, there are additional filters available for adding profiles to a campaign. For example, when selecting a donation filtered list the new options will be as follow: add the profile list unmodified, choose household members as guest, add all non-household profiles, or cancel. The add the profile list unmodified will add the household profile and individual/org profiles. Choosing household members as guest will add the household profile to the list allowing the user to choose which household members will be added as guests. Add all non-household profiles add profiles to the list as follows: If a profile is a household, add just the members of the household. If a profile is a member of a household, add all other members of that household. If a profile is not part of a household or is an org, it is added. No profiles are added as guests. No household profiles are added. Cancel will allow the client just to start over.
To the details bucket, we have added a goal for the campaign, total donations, total pledges, and total invoices. From the details bucket, clients can all see the number of seats available, sold for the event, and total ticket sales; along with RSVP and attendance information. In addition, there is an option for an internal description on the details bucket. From the details bucket left-side menu, a user can now copy a campaign. This will allow foundations to easily set up a new campaign with the same criteria as the copied campaign and then add profiles. There is also a delete option from the details bucket that will allow clients to delete a campaign, as long as there are not any profiles attached.
Mailchimp can be linked or unlinked from the left-side menu on the details bucket. Once linked, the Mailchimp Tag will appear on the details information. You can select the Tag to see the emails and the subscribe or unsubscribe from Mailchimp. You will also sync to Mailchimp using to the Tag link. There will also be an event log on the left-side menu from within the Tag information.
Profiles: Enhanced the logic behind the profile merge, similar profiles, and duplicates. Any profiles that are in the merge queue are not displayed. Next, if for a given group of duplicates (name, email, phone), if all the entries have unique addresses, we do not mark them as duplicates (i.e. If there are 3 John Does, and all have different addresses, we do not show them). Same thing with phone and email. If each phone number has a unique email, then we exclude them from duplicates. In addition for phone numbers, if a phone number has unique last_names, we assume that different people are sharing the same phone number for whatever reason, so do not assume they are duplicates.
Clients will also have the ability to mark the duplicates that are ignored as reviewed by selecting the Mark Ignore As Reviewed in the left-side menu within duplicates. This will remove the ignored duplicates from the list. Under the List Reviewed there is an option to unreview the items and they will populate back on the duplicates list. If something is ignored (greyed out) and another duplicate comes in, it will re-enter the queue. Also, once marked as reviewed, there is an option to un-review it. Duplicates will also now appear as one line item under the three separate columns with the of duplicate profiles in parenthesis.
- Resource:
- Custom Reports: Added the ability to email and schedule emails from custom reporting in a .csv file or html format. The on-demand email will be located within the report with the other actions such as save and load. Selecting email will allow for the selection of format, to field, and subject. The schedule email will be from the main report page in between enable and delete options. When scheduling a report, select the format, frequency, and send date.
Reports: Enhanced reporting to have the ability to create the columns first by using the edit option next current fields. When selecting creating the columns for your report, clients can select the all or none option at the top of section or multi-select columns to display. Columns selected will populate in the right hand column, and they can be sorted and have their order set from this view. Once all the columns have been select, use the save button just below the search bar.
- Resources:
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with custom reports not pulling in new check info on grant payment reports.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with Need Tax Receipt, No Donation Serial Number, Anonymous, Apply to Spendable checkboxes would not uncheck after saving a donation.
- Allocation Tables: Resolved an issue with rounding on the allocation tables not then appearing correctly on the vouchers.
- Grants: Resolved an issue when loading a saved filter does not load.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue that when trying to edit a voucher, a red error would appear.
- General Ledger: Resolved an issue with opening and closing books could happen at the same time.
- Profiles: Added the anniversary column to the profile names bulk edit template.
- Financials: Resolved an issue with year income statement pulling the calendar year and not fiscal year.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with the custom report links from the ME page no longer populating.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with multifund grant unable to be edited to anonymous.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with custom report filters not being able to be removed from saved reports.
- Donations: Resolved an issue that when creating a multi-fund donation a screen of code appeared.
- Funds: Resolved an issue for paper fund statements not showing some rows as sent.
- Custom Reports: Resolved an issue with the report unexpectedly missing input values displaying when trying to save a custom report.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with multi-fund donation when using the same fund and causing a red error.
- Site: Resolved spelling errors for inactive label on vendor profile, unlink on the profile record, and added periods to the import sentences.
- Site: Resolved an issue when trying to look at a job that does not exist from your "me" page. Now it will show a message of not found rather than a red error.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue in AP workflow where numbers like 10,000 were causing issues when checking for overpaying a voucher.
- Fund Advisors: Resolved an issue when a fund advisors login name is removed, make sure cookies are invalidated and do not throw a red error due to the login being blank (when trying to validate the auth cookie).
- Multifund donation entry: Resolved an issue when multiple funds donations using all the same fund. Also, if a line has a blank amount it will now ignore it. This also resolves the 1,000,000,000,000 numeric overflow issue.
- Custom Reports: Added the ability to filter on birthday or anniversaries.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with the profile searches no longer displaying profile ids. Added profile ids, inactive, and deceased into the profile search results.
- Distributions: Resolved an issue when posting a distribution containing a closed fund. Clients will no longer be able to process distributions for closed funds.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with the dashes on a phone number not reading after entering the second dash.
- Site: Resolved an issue when using the tab key creating a donation, grant, etc. The tab would stop on the SmartTip (question mark icon). This has been resolved, and tab will no longer land on the SmartTips.
- Custom Reports: Enhanced the profile report to have the ability to add the last donation date and first donation date to a profile custom report and added them as filters as well.
- Profiles: Added the anniversary field to household profiles and into custom reports.
- Reports: Resolved an issue with load filters not applying the filters in create checks voucher screen, voucher buckets, and donations buckets
- Profiles: Enhanced the profiles search option to include address, phone numbers, and EIN. Email and phone search has been moved to the main page, instead of left-side menu options. Inactive profiles will now have a red inactive at the end of their profile in the search areas. This will help easily identify if the profile is inactive before selecting the profile.
- Funds: Enhanced the funds list page to have fund pagination. This will allow clients to page through their list of funds rather than a long list on the page and will improve performance time for clients. With this release, there will be a new column closed on the List All Report. There is also a new report for just open funds, which will allow clients to easily see the filter list of open funds.
Funds: Added an internal description field to a fund record. This will allow clients to capture an internal description about the fund. This field not be a public-facing description and will be reportable from custom reports. This field has also been added to the grant and scholarship templates.
- Resources:
- Checks: Resolved an issue with positive pay exporting with quotations if the vendor's name had an apostrophe.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with historical scholarships moving to complete instead of closed.
- Reports: Resolved an issue with custom reports being unable to be edited.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with Payee Field in SLM displaying the original grantee name, not the updated profile information, if it was converted from individual to organization.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with recurring donations displaying twice in CommunitySuite but only charging once in Stripe. Clients can delete the duplicate record.
- Pledges/Promises: Resolved an issue with add Payment option on a pledge creates a donation unlinks from the pledge.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue with GLM search being required on every profile creation.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue with voucher being unable to be unposted.
- Profiles: Resolved the issue that was displaying the city/state/zip box for international addresses when editing a profile.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue with cancel date being ignored and was prior to the voucher date when canceling a voucher.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue with approval emails still sending with voucher approvals disabled.
- Template: Enhanced the grant award letter to have the ability to merge grantee legal name and multifund grants by adding the fund table.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with batch voucher not vouchering all grants in batch.
- Permissions: Resolved an issue with copying a profile permission. Users will now need the create permission to be able to copy a profile.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with ACH094 file not able to handle special characters download in notepad causing bank error.
- Added the voucher report to the left-side menu for the revenue share fund.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with recurring ach donations not reflecting the Stripe link.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with check not printing alphabetically. Checks will now print alpha by vendor, vendor voucher date, voucher id. Added the ability to disable grant letters per check batch, using the checkbox Do Not Attach Documents. This will not attach grant/scholarship letters, but will still allow clients to print, email, download letters in bulk from the grant document bucket .
Vouchers: Added the create checks option back to the left-side menu.- Resource:
- Grants/Scholarships: Enhanced the document bucket to also have the option to delete grant/scholarship letters. Enhanced the grant/scholarship letters to print in alphabetical order. Renamed the left-side menu item within document bucket from Send Documents to Process Documents.
Templates: Added the ability to disable grant letters when using a check template that has the grant letter on it. This is a new checkbox on the check template No Grant/SShip Letters.
- Resource:
Checks: Added the ability to export the NACHA file into a .csv file. This option will display in the download NACHA menu item from the checks left-side menu. This will still be behind the NACHA permission.
- Resources:
- Budgets: Added the ability to adjust a budget amount. There will now be a new adjusted column when creating a budget. This can been used for any adjustments made to the budget. We have also added a YTD Projected Budget and YTD Projected Budget by Fund as a column option on the income statement in financials. This new YTD Projected Budget will combine the budget and adjusted amounts in projected column on this report.
- Templates: Enhanced the yearly tax receipt date field to default to the last calendar year.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with combine households not functioning when generating yearly tax receipt for a particular donor household.
- Donations: Resolved an issue when creating other address from the donation input screen The address information would not save.
- Grants: Removed the grant contact email from the grants content area. The payment information can be sent out through the new check workflow.
- Site: Removed mobile login availability until future mobile enhancements are completed.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with internal grants not following the check approval process.
- Distributions: Resolved an issue with net income distributions not populating from the correct year-end date. Net Income will only process with percentage and will pull the net income for the prior year's net income.
- Distribution: Resolved an issue that when using the net asset calculation base with aver per year it was pulling prior year's balance. It will now pull current years balance.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue where vouchers were unable to post if books have never been closed.
- GL: Resolved an issue when trying to close books. There was a yellow warning.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with multi-fund grant letters emailing a copy of the grant letter per fund on the grant. Clients can use the advanced grant letter to send one email to the grantee.
- Revenue Share: Resolved an issue with revenue share not calculating revenue share correctly with negative funds.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with canceling a grant payment line. It was not remove from the grants payable table within accounts payable.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with an ACH status stuck in the processing stage.
- Revenue Share: Resolved an issue with revenue share not calculating revenue share correctly with negative funds.
- Yearly Tax Receipts: Resolved an issue on yearly tax receipts when using the combine household option. It was only emailing the household totals.
- Admin Fees: Resolved issue around date calculation for admin fees. It was not pulling in activity for the entire first month on the last day of the first month.
- Grants: Added the ability to change the grant date in bulk from the New bucket. On the left hand menu you will now see a Edit Grant Date option. Select the date and check off the grants that you would like to apply the new grant date.
- Grants: Enhanced the grant vouchers to have the ability bulk set a voucher date. This will allow clients to set the voucher date in bulk for a one or many grants. Voucher dates can be different than the payment date but not a date prior to the grant date. If the voucher date is prior to the grant date, the grant will not process on to the next step. It will stay in the voucher bucket until a correct date is chosen. When a single voucher is created, the date will default to the payment date on the grant.
- Templates: Enhanced the year end tax receipt template to now include donation custom fields tags.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with batch email gives 414 Request URI Too Large error.
- Templates: Resolved an Aspose startup error, not allowing templates to process.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with duplicate check number warning was no longer displaying.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with internal grant check duplicating entry within a batch.
- Funds: Updated the funds site list removing the admin fee type and distribution type. These fields will still be available in the export.
- Bank Reconciliation: Resolved an issue with multicurrency statement voucher transactions not displaying in the bank reconciliation.
- Profiles: Enhanced profiles to display the GLM/SLM icon next to the address on the main profile record if that profile is integrated. This will allow clients a way to easily identify which address is linked to their GLM/SLM site.
- Custom Reports: Added the ability to report on a parent and child relationship with organization profiles. There is now a new Parent Org Profile report and available field sections for parent org profile fields.
- Scholarships: Enhanced the scholarships settings to now have the ability to disable grant check documents from populating and remove the document bucket. This can be found in Scholarships, Settings, Disable Scholarship Check Documents.
- Grants: Enhanced the grants settings to now have the ability to disable grant check documents from populating and remove the document bucket. This can be found in Grants, Settings, Disable Grant Check Documents.
- Grants: Resolved an issue with multifund grants duplicating grant letter lines.
- Checks: Added the ability to delete or email the grant or scholarship letters from the check id. This will allow clients to remove the grant or scholarship letters if needed.
- Grants: Added the ability to send emails from the document bucket within grants with the subject, content area, email, and cc option.
- Scholarships: Added the ability to send emails from the document bucket within scholarship with the subject, content area, email, and cc option.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with scholarships documents not populating in word and pdf options.
- Custom Reports: Enhanced custom reporting when using a profile id: relabeled the Add/Remove to Grant Type to reflect Add/Remove to Philanthropic Interest Type.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with voucher address not being applied to the check address.
- Vouchers: Resolved an issue when editing a voucher address and selecting other. The country field was missing causing a country code warning.
- Checks: Resolved an issue that if checks have numbers but are unposted, then they cannot be posted.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with ACH email confirmations not sending once transaction in complete.
- Grant and Scholarships: Resolved an issue when trying to mark grant or scholarships as sent in the documents bucket. It was causing a red error.
- Checks: Resolved an issue when regenerating grant letters. It was not using the updated Grant Letter Template.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with internal grants not creating an internal grant transfer, causing the receivable to not be alleviated.
- Scholarships: Resolved an issue with scholarship letters not saving in the .docx version as well as the pdf.
- Scholarships: Enhanced the scholarship document bucket to have the download documents option, when processing letters in batch.
- Scholarships: Removed the generate documents menu option within scholarships. The batch process will now work like the grants batch processing for documents.
- Financials: Resolved an issue when running an income statement and then using the close fund filter. It would result in a red error.
- Reports: Resolved an issue with saved custom reports not updating an employee's name once it was changed on the profile.
- Checks: Resolved an issue when regenerating grant letters. It was not using the updated Grant Letter Template.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with the approval emails not sending.
- Donations: Resolved an issue with recurring ACH donations displaying a missing credit card message.
- Campaigns: Resolved an issue when purchasing a ticket online and removing a guest online would result in a red error.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with nacha file clients would receive a critical error, when vendors contained special characters.
- Donations: Removed the ability to copy internal donations. They will no longer have the copy option in the left hand menu, since these donations are created from an internal grant.
- Reports: Added the ability to report users, user groups with permissions in custom reporting. These reports can be found under user, user action, and user group.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with documents not being generated with the new check workflow being enabled. Clients can now use the regenerate documents from the check id.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with documents not being generated with the new check workflow being enabled. Clients can now use the regenerate documents from the check batch id.
- Stripe: Resolved an issue with the manual rerun causing a red error based on the clients version of Stripe. Updated Stripe APIs to call all versions.
- Site: Resolved a permission issue with clients not being able to use the manual rerun from their Stripe payment process.
- Templates: Resolved an issue with yearly tax receipts having a time out error.
- Checks: Resolved an issue with the checks not printing and assigning checks in the same order as the check ids.
- Donations: Resolved an issue when editing an address on a posted public security donations in a closed period, the amount would zero out.
- Yearly Tax Receipts: Resolved an issue with more than the selected donors would populate in the the batch of receipts.
Checks: Updated and streamlined the check processing workflow.
- There is now a single check work flow, reducing clicks for clients. With this workflow the checking account, check type, date, and memo line are all one page.
- This enhancement has reduced the number of steps needed process checks in batch. From accounts payable, select create checks from the left side menu. That will open a table for a User to select the bank account and payment type before filtering the check batch. This will filter the list to just that payment type set on the profile. If there isn’t a payment type on the profile, that vendor will process the payment as a check. From this screen, clients now have the ability to name their batches for easy reference. Memo lines have moved into the voucher, grant, scholarship workflow. We have also added grant and scholarship voucher filters to the accounts payable filters. This will still allow clients the ability to filter their check list by the type of voucher they are wanting to pay. In addition we added the ability to filter by the funds checking account by using the Account_id filter.
- The checks buckets have now been reduced to three buckets only: voided/unused, new, posted. Viewing batches can still be done by selecting list batches from the left hand menu. Check Approval has been updated with a multi-select for approvers.
- Grant and scholarship letters will no longer be in the check batch area but rather in the grants and scholarships area within the documents bucket. These letters will appear automatically once the checks have been posted. ACH email notifications will also be sent when checks are posted.
- ACH content areas have been added for electronic payments that have been posted, unposted, or voided. The email will send automatically when one of these actions occur. There is a new radio button for emails called pay. The email with this checked will receive the ACH payment notification with the check detail attached. If there is not a pay email checked, the email will send to the primary email.
- Resources:
- Video: Check Overview
- Video: Single Check Workflow
- Video: Batch Check Workflow
- Checks Overview
- Checks Site Custom Content
- Configure Check Payment Approval
- Copy, Edit, or Delete a Voucher
- Create and Process an External Grant
- Create and Process an Internal Grant
- Create, Post, and Pay a Voucher
- Edit Check Number
- Pay Open Vouchers from Accounts Payable
- Process Checks
- Void a Check
- Resources:
- Templates for Grant and Scholarship Letters: Moved the processing of Grant and Scholarship letters from the check area. This will allow program staff the ability to create grant and scholarship letters separate from the creation of checks. There is now a documents bucket in grants and scholarships. Letters will still be grouped by check batch so that clients can easily print or email letters in bulk. If the check batch is unposted, it will remove the batch from the documents bucket. If clients recreate a check, both letters will attach to the grant/scholarship. When emailing grant/scholarship letters, the email address will pull from the primary email on the profile. The grant and scholarship letters will now attach to the grant or scholarship record once produced.
Donations: Enhanced donations by adding a soft credit field. Soft credits can have more that one profile added to a donation. Soft credits will not be reflected on the donor profile. There is now a donation soft credit report in custom reporting. There is also a new table for csdata migrations to import soft credits on donations during migrations.
- Good Case Use: Employer sends in a check, for a donation, but foundations want to track the employees that contributed to the donation.
Donations: Enhanced donations with the ability to copy a donation once you select process. All fields are copied except for payment method, check number, and donation date, which will default to today as normal donation form functionality. Donation Advisor is not copied because advisor is not set on a donation during initial entry. If it is an internal donation, the internal donation status will not be copied; instead it will just be a normal donation. Historical is not copied, so historical donations will get copied in as real donations that impact the general ledger.
- Resources:
Donations: Added the ability to create a multifund donation when creating a donation from the donations menu. Clients can create a donation and select “make multifund” from the left-side menu. This will allow clients to enter more that one fund receiving a portion of this donation. Multifund donations can only be processed for checks, other payment, or stock payment types. Once the process button is selected, clients will see the profile payment had been created for them. They can then post the donation from payments or use the bulk posting process within donations. Also added a quick post option next to the individual donations within payments. With this enhancement, the fund has moved up in the donation creating screen just below amount.
- Resources:
Grants: Added the ability to deny grants from the New bucket. This will allow clients to track denied grants within CommunitySuite. Once you have created a grant from the left-side menu, clients will now see a deny grant option. This will move it to a denied status, and this will allow clients to report on denied grants from custom reports. There will also be a remove denial option in the left-side menu of a denied grant. This will allow clients to undo the denied grant status, if needed.
- Resources:
- Templates: Enhanced templates by adding a envelope template. Clients will also be able to assign envelope templates to funds, fund groups, subgroups, divisions, and segments.
- Checks: resolved an issue with checks overdrawn balance not populating correctly.
- Grants: Resolved an is where clients were unable to Complete Send Grants to GLM from one client Sandbox or Production CommunitySuite sites.
- 1099: Resolved an issue where if the profile was an organization the export would drop the FEIN.
- Grant: Resolved an issue with anonymous internal grants not also marking the internal donation as anonymous.
- Profiles: Resolved an issue when merging two organization profiles causing a red error.
- Financials: Resolved an issue with saved filters producing an "start date cannot be after end date" error. Clients will now have the ability to edit the dates.
- Checks: Enhanced the ABA file to send financial institution abbreviation for ABA, if set.