The budgeting tool allows you to view the amount budgeted for awards and the funds remaining either across all processes or for a specific process. This tool relies on several features within the system. In order to utilize this tool, note the following:
- Fill out the Budget field for relevant processes.
- This field is internal-facing and can be updated at any time in the Process Summary.
- Record installments and payments for approved requests.
- To access the budgeting tool, click Tools in the upper navigation bar, and then click Budgeting.
Overall Budget
- In the Due On or After and Due On or Before fields, enter the date range for installments to include.
- Check the box next to each applicable Request Status to refine the search.
- Click Process and select specific processes to further refine the data included.
- Check the box next to each applicable Request Status to refine the search.
- Click Search.
- Click the Overall Budget tab.
- Adjust the overall budget Amount if needed. By default it displays the overall total committed plus the overall total paid. Click Update Budget.
- Adjust the overall budget Amount if needed. By default it displays the overall total committed plus the overall total paid. Click Update Budget.
- The Paid, Committed (unpaid installments), and Available totals will update according to the updated adjustments.
Process Budgets
- In the Due On or After and Due On or Before fields, enter the date range for installments to include.
- Check the box next to each applicable Request Status to refine the search.
- Click Process and select specific processes to further refine the data included.
- Click Search.
- Click the Process Budgets tab.
- Click the pencil icon for a process to adjust its budget.
- Enter the updated Budget, and then click Update Process Budget.
- The Paid, Committed (unpaid installments), and Available totals for each process will update according to the adjustments that have been made. The graphs at the bottom of the page provide a visual comparison for the budget amounts and available amounts per process.